OS X :: Invalid Record Count - Won't Get Back The Blue Screen On Startup?

Apr 28, 2009

I had a presentation today, and plugged my MacBook Pro ('06 version, and 10.4.10) laptop into a projector. Right as I did that, things went a little crazy, the audio was coming out with hissing, it was running very slow, and overall just went from running great to disfunctional. It finally froze, and I shut it off. A couple of hours later, I'm failing to get past the blue screen during the start-up. When i run in safe mode, its just shuts off while i'm holding the shift key

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OS X :: Disk Utility Error / Invalid Leaf Record Count

Jul 30, 2008

what utilitiy fixes this?

full error:
Verifying volume �Macintosh HD�

Performing live verification.
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking Extents Overflow file.
Checking Catalog file.
Invalid leaf record count
(It should be 623360 instead of 623358)
Checking volume information.
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.

Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed.

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MacBook Pro :: Invalid Volume File Count And Directory Count?

May 1, 2012

My wife's macbook pro started shutting down by itself randomly, so i performed Disk Utility Verify Disk and found these errors: Invalid volume file count(It should be 800651 instead of 800653)Invalid volume directory count(It should be 191005 instead of 191003)The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired. Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed. As i do not have the Mac OS Leopard disks physically with me, I target-disk started her mac on my mac, and use my mac to run Disk Utility on her hard-disk, and repaired the disk without problems. 

However, this is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. After the 1st time, i figured something is causing it, so i checked this forum, and found that for some, the Blackberry Messenger app causes programs, so i promptly uninstalled it fully (including associated system files) and this problem didnt come back for a while. Or could this be a sign the hard disk is physically failing soon? It is out of warranty now. We have regular Time-machine backups. We are actually kinda waiting out until the new line of macbook pro's come out..

Laptop stats: MacBook Pro 15"
2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
HDD: 250GB
Graphics: NVDIA GeForce 9400M VRAM 256MB 
OS: Mac OS Leopard

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Intel Mac :: Have Invalid Directory Count, 38 Instead Of 39 And 47 Instead Of 45?

May 27, 2012

Any ideas on this...my Imac (2.16 Ghz. running system 10.6.8) has bee having difficulty in starting up (lost of hard drive noise and crawling to start up) lately and I have Drive Genius 3 as a diagnostic tool, so I ran "Repair" and "Verify Permissions" and came up with the message" Permissions Error : ARDAgent. app....I gathered some info on these boards to use the app Pacifist (V 3.0.2), to re-install the ARDAgent and it should clear up the problem...followed the plan, ran Verify Permissions in Drive Genius 3, which said it was repaired...I then ran Verify to confirm and came back with Verify Failed, Invalid Directory Count, should be 38 instead of 39, and should be 47 instead of 45...But am getting the same results when I run Drive Genius 3 which is the Volume is repaired, but the Verify has failed.... A real stumper...any ideas? Also just up graded to Firefox 12.0 which is when the slowdown started to appear

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Invalid Volume File Count - No Optical Drive?

Dec 30, 2010

I am new to Mac OS X and I haven't made an Boot disk yet nor anything. I just wanted to check my disk for the first time and this came up. I've a Macbook air without an optical drive just the USB stick with mac OS X which was delivered with it. Can I repair it or do I need to do a reinstall of all the OS X?

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OS X Yosemite :: Disk Utility - Invalid Volume Free Block Count

Dec 3, 2014

I've run the disk utility verify disk several times and come up with an error (post title) indicating I have a corrupt HD and need to repair. I've rebooted with command R and run disk utility to repair the disk and it says everything is fine. Reboot to normal mode and verify continues to show the error. 

Other info says the file system exit code is 8. 

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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Intel Mac :: Getting The Blue Screen On Startup?

Mar 24, 2012

My Imac has the dreaded blue screen on start up. To avoid this, I unplug the machine each night which solves the problem. I have contacted an Apple service rep who says I need to replace the hard drive. Nothing I have read indicates this.  I have not added new hardware, not changed anything. Could it be my hard drive is bad? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen On Startup

Apr 3, 2012

After updating the mac os and other applications that displayed in the update software notification, some of my apps wouldn’t open or start up. The icon would bounce in the sidebar like it was trying to open but then a crash report would display. Then last night, I started up the computer to find that it loaded the blue screen of death. I tried to load in safe user mode, but it only loads the different background, but no apps or finder displays. I also tried to load the OS disk that was provided at the time of purchase, but am not sure if i am doing that correctly. I can't seem to get past the blue screen.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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EMac :: Can't Get Rid Of Blue Screen At Startup

Apr 14, 2012

Can't get rid of blue screen at startup

eMac (2005), Mac OS X (10.4.11), Not sure if 2004 or 2005?

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen On Startup?

Apr 18, 2012

I have MacBook Pro Late 2011.

I don't know if it's a problem or it's a normal. But i've noticed that when I boot up the macbook, just before the login screen appears, i can see the blue screen for few seconds. Must there be a blue screen? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15-inch: 2.2 GHz

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MacBook Pro :: Startup With Blue Screen?

May 20, 2012

I have been having issues with my two year old MacBook Pro for a while. I have replaced two hard drives and I am now having time out problems. I have just started the computer and all I get is a blue screen.

Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X :: Shows Blue Screen And Static On Startup?

Sep 21, 2010

When starting up my MacBook Pro normally, I get a flashing blue screen followd by static. I can hear the volume clicking as I change it and change the brightness of the keyboard, but nothing else responds. I have tried:resetting PRAM booting from Snow Leopard disc (didn't work)booting into safe mode and repairing permissions, disksending computer into Apple (hard drive was replaced)reinstalling Snow Leopard from safe mode (bricked computer; had to send to Apple)

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OS X :: Spinning Wheel And Blue Screen After Startup

Dec 12, 2009

When I turn my MacBook on it does the white screen with the spinning wheel and then goes to the blue screen but it gets stuck on that screen for about a minute or two and goes to my login in screen any idea whats going on with it i have not changed anything but the other day I was turning it on and there was a bug on the keyboard and I went to kill it causing my to press some random buttons during the start up and its been doing this ever since.

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Windows On Mac :: Getting Blue Screen Of Death On Startup?

Dec 31, 2009

I just picked up a Mini display port to DVI adapter for my Macbook Pro so that I could hook it up to my 32 inch 1080p tv that I use as my main desktop monitor. It works just great in OSX (though for some odd reason I have to put the laptop to sleep then plug it in for it to work correctly. Can't be on or off otherwise I don't get the full picture not sure why) but in bootcamp it instantly causes a blue screen. If I plug it in then reboot to windows I get a blue screen even before its loaded windows all the way. I assume this is a driver issue but I'm using the latest boot camp drivers.

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Software :: Blue Screen Repeats During Startup

Sep 1, 2009

I have an iMac Intel Dual Core 2GHz/20"/667MHz, and it will not properly startup. Blue screen problems.It looks normal at first (gray splash screen, then blue, then Apple info/nameplate box with progress bar), but when the desktop is about to finally appear, it blanks back to a blue screen for a few seconds, then back to the desktop trying to mount-- repeats over and over.It appears to make some progress each time (top menu bar items start to show up after the first few blue blank-outs, font management app is launched, etc.) but it repeatedly goes back to the blue screen and never finishes.

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Software :: IMac Blue Screen At Startup

Jan 20, 2010

At start-up I see a blue screen for some 4-6 minutes delaying the start-up of my new (Nov-2009) iMac; I have installed the latest OS version.

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MacBook :: On Startup It Is Giving A Blue Screen?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a macbook: model - A1342 its a 2009 machine.  On start up it is giving a blue screen and I am unable to do anything on the machine. I know my hard drive is pretty full and I'm trying to use an external to pull stuff off to clear up some space. Its been blue screen on me for at least fifteen minutes. I don't know the OS I'm using since I can't boot up the machine to find out.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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Intel Mac :: Blue Maintenance Screen On Startup?

Jun 4, 2012

Any one seen this before? When booting, the iMac goes to a blue screen that simply says "maintenance".

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MacBook :: Slow Startup At Blue Screen

Jul 5, 2012

macbook recently took a trip to the dashbord of the car while getting re-ended in the passenger seat.

It still runs!! But sometimes boots slowly at the blue screen where the progress bar is displayed. Never freezes up but very slow.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB Ram

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OS X Mavericks :: (10.10.1) MacBook Pro Gives Blue Screen On Startup

Sep 6, 2014

Starting my MacBook Pro running Mavericks gives me a 'Blue Screen'.  

Starting using Cmd-R does not give me the option to use Internet Recovery and eventually gives a 'blue screen' (sometimes grey)

Starting using Opt gives me the choice of  'Macintosh HD' and 'Recovery-10.9.3' - both choices give me a blue (or grey) screen

Starting using 'Shift' displays a progress bar, which completes, and then gives a 'blue screen' (sometimes grey)

Starting using Cmd-S gives me a :/ root# prompt

After running fsck -fy twice I get the message:  '** The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.'

typing 'exit' to attempt a re-boot gives a 'blue screen' (sometimes grey) 

I have tried resetting NVRAM and PRAM

I have tried resetting SMC   

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen At Startup After Changing Permissions?

Oct 10, 2010

I have an '07 MacBook Pro running 10.5 I was on the desktop and I did a 'Command I' click on the MacHD icon to see what memory was being used and how much was available. While the window was open which displayed the memory, I scrolled to the bottom to the sharing and permissions portion and where it had the everyone box - changed the permissions to 'no access'I then logged out and shut the machine down. Now I try to start up and all i get is the blue screen with the spinning gear. I have tried to start with the shift key down, no luck. I tried with the startup disk and holding the c key then went to disk utility and did the disk repair which came back OK but the disk permission keep failing due to error of underlying task.

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OS X :: Macbook Blue Startup Screen - Battery Cannot Charged?

Jul 6, 2009

I just want to say thanks apple for being a piece of **** machine. I have the first macbook 1.83 ghZ 2gb (that I bought from crucial) intel core duo. The problems I have had:-Battery not charging (70? replacement because I had no more warranty)-Burnt and melted charger (also expensive)-And now the problem is unknown all I know it will not start.-Faulty Macbook Air -After the second Macbook Air the charger would not work.I mean you would think that so much money for slow computers would get you reliabilit

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen On Startup - Wireless Network

Nov 28, 2009

I am trying to fix my cousin's macbook pro that she got for free. She only has the laptop and nothing else for it and it's about two years old. Wen I try to start it up I either choose the wireless network or login. After both of those things I get to the blue screen and that's it, or I get to the background with nothing else on the screen. I've tried doing safe boot and it still does nothing.

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Software :: Ibook G4 Shows Blue Screen At Startup?

Jun 28, 2008

My g4 ibook gets stuck on the grey start-up screen, with the spinning wheel, and then goes to a blank blue screen.When I try to perform a disk repair in safety mode, it gives me the following feedback

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen Appears On Startup And At Shutdown

Feb 19, 2012

A few months ago, I bought a macbook pro and it was doing fine. But recently, every time it starts, a blue screen appears for a split second then it goes to log- in. Then, every time I shutdown, it will also show up for a split second then shutdown. It doesn't affect the computer but I'm just wondering how to stop it.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), blue screen

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MacBook Pro :: "Invalid Block Count, Your Disk Is Corrupt And Needs To Be Repaired"

Mar 26, 2012

I seem to be getting an error message when i run Disk Utility, it says "Invalid Block Count, your disk is corrupt and needs to be repaired".  I then repair it using the Lion recovery disk and it repairs it. Maybe a month or so down the line it appears again I then do the same and the end result is the same, can anyone help with this as it is worrying me. Also is there any way you can get rid of the bad sectors in the HDD when problems appear? 

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MacBook Pro :: In Mbp When Boot Up The System It Shows Blue Screen On Startup?

Nov 9, 2010

just using my new MBP today and twice when turning it on it started to boot up and got as far as the blue screen (just before the desktop pic and stayed there.Is this normal sometimes?

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OS X :: Stuck On Blue Screen During Startup? - Snow Leopard Bootcamp Win 7

Nov 9, 2009

OS: Snow Leopard Bootcamp Win 7, Ubuntu 9.10.Problem: I felt I would be nice to the iMac and shut it down after a hard days work. I woke up the next morning, turned it on, and it loads up past the gray screen, then goes to the dark blue snow leopard screen. From there I DO NOT get a mouse pointer. I get zip, zilch, nothing.I have let it sit over night just to make sure it wouldn't surprise me. Remedies tried:Booting to safe mode. Boots fine but when it gets to the blue screen it doesn't do anything else.Booting to single user mode. From there I renamed the com.apple.loginwindow and the com.apple.startup file. Didn't do anything.Resetting PRAM, VRAM, ram, jingle bell, any key, * key, I've tried resetting everything possible and not possible. WHY computer gods? WHY?

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OS X :: Blue Screen With Swirling Thing On Startup / After Installing Update

Aug 18, 2010

I just installed an update on my macbook, but once it completed, it got stuck at the blue loading screen with the swirling thing for more than 10 minutes (I started to pay attention when I noticed it hadn't booted up faster, so I'm not exactly sure how long it took). It eventually restarted itself though. It's happened once before, but I did what I use to do on my old windows laptop and just held down the power button until it powered off, let it sit for a little bit, and then booted it back up. It worked just fine.

My question is, is anyone else having this problem and is there a fix? Is this something I need to be worried about? Did I somehow mess something up by powering it down and back up before? Forgot to mention what macbook pro it is (if it matters). 15in MBP, OS X 10.6.4, 2.4GHz Intel core i5, 4G RAM...

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Blue Screen And Spinning Wheel At Startup

Apr 1, 2012

I had permission problems (locked time machine drive) so I did a full time machine restore.

Did the restart after the restore. Machine won't reboot. I get 'bong', apple logo on grey screen as per normal.

Then blue screen and spinning wheel for approx 7 seconds Then blue screen and black pointer for approx 2 seconds The blue screen spinning wheel / black pointer repeats. Also can't start up from Snow Leopard DVD.

I get exactly the same scenario. I have held down the power key at got the tone. Still won't start. It's an Imac (white one) 1.8Gig Dual with 1.5 gig of ram.

Running Snow leopard. I can see my disc over the ethernet; it is still there as it was sharing with my other machine.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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