IMac :: Hard Drive Error - Invalid Sibling Link

Jul 2, 2009

It won't start at all or it starts and works really slowly at first. Like the processor would work million times slower, almost like just hangs jammed. Sometimes after hours of trying to get it started, it will start and work normally again for a long time. But when I shut it off or put it to sleep, again it's nearly impossible to get it started again.

The Disk Utility said, that there's an hard drive error "invalid sibling link". I booted from the OS X installation CD and did the repair, but it said it couldn't repair it. Then I did this fix: [URL]. But again it said the same error. Then I booted normally and checked the Verify Disk again and to my suprise it is now saying the hard drive is OK. But it still has the same problem! It just is having really difficult time waking up.

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MacBook :: Invalid Node Structure And Invalid Sibling Links On Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2012

I'm having some trouble with my Macbook. It's running on Leopard 10.5.8. I recently tried to partition my hard drive and while doing so it prompted me informing me that there was an 'invalid node structure'. I could then no longer proceed with the partition. I had planned on updating my OS to Snow Leopard. I wanted to partition my internal HD, so I backed up some files on my external HD. I basically wanted my interal HD to run smoothly with a new OS while minimizing the space used. Now I've come across this issue where there is another message being prompted that says, 'invalid sibling links on hard drive'. I found THESE steps on another forum that informed me that this might restore the hard drive back to a readable/functional state but that didn't work either:     

(These were the steps I took and nothing happened except another prompt informing me of an 'invalid node structure')

Boot off the OS X CD (reboot, hold C while booting).The installer will load up, go to Utilities in the menu and run Terminal.Type df and look for the drive that has your Mac system mounted---you'll have to unmount this. On my MacBook Pro, it was /dev/disk0s2.Type umount /dev/disk0s2, replacing disk0s2 with whatever disk your OS lives on.Type fsck_hfs -r /dev/disk0s2. If you umounted the wrong thing, it will complain that you can't repair a mounted drive. Go back and umount the right thing and repeat this step. 

I then stumbled upon a few different forums mentioning something about Disk Warrior. I was wondering if THAT would resolved this issue. Honestly, I don't really want to spend much money on buying this but I WILL buy a new hard drive if I ABSOLUTELY need to. I was just trying to see if I can troubleshoot this before I decide to throw in the towel and buy a new hard drive or attempt to try out this Disk Warrior thing.  

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: HD Malfunction: Invalid Node Structure / 'Sibling Error'?

Mar 12, 2009

Two days ago my MacBook (OSX10.4) crashed; VLC player froze when I was watching a tv show. I though 'no biggie, happens now and then' and hard-resetted my 'book. Tried opening the file again with Quicktime, again, computer froze up. Waited a couple of minutes, hard-resetted my laptop again. Only this time, the screen got stuck on grey/lightblue-ish screen during boot-up.

Tried a lot but couldn't get my MacBook up and running again. Started up with the OSX cd popped in and went to Disc Utility. Mac then told me there was a 'Invalid Node Structure' and that 'The volume could not be repaired'. During a third or fourth start-up this changed to Mac saying there was a'sibling error'.

I checked some sources online, figured out this should be something fixable. One possible option was Disk Warrior. Supposed to be *the* tool with problems like these. I replaced my malfunctioning HD, put an old HD in my MacBook, reinstalled OSX and put the malfunctioning HD in a stand-alone case and connected it too my MacBook. As we speak DW is busy rebuilding the directory but it has been doing so for over a day now. I've read online that it can take a couple of days though. My HD is 250Gb with 30Gb empty space when it went kaput.

Now, there seem to be a couple of other alternative options. These lads talk about Tech Tool Pro - apparantly some other program that could help: [URL]

Then there's a couple suggestions/methods mentioned online that either involve booting up in single-user mode and type some code [URL]

Has anyone ever had their HD act up like this? Any experience/recommendations regarding the programs/methods mentioned above? I'm pretty new with Mac (used PCs for ages, switched to Mac quite recently) and I'm kinda at wit's end here :/. I was in the process of backing up my stuff, but there's a boatload of data on that HD that I hadn't archive yet.

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IMac (Intel) :: Hard Drive And Time Machine Invalid Node Error?

Sep 3, 2014

I have a late 2006 iMac, which I know must be at the end of its life now, but at the weekend my main internal HD developed an error, and it wouldn't boot, even from the recovery partition. 

I managed to find my old Snow Leapard disks and ran Disk Utility on my HD (when it actually saw it) and the error it came back with was "Invalid Node". After trying many things, I had to reformat and reinstall from my Time Machine back up, which went really well. 

However, once all restored it tried to do a backup and it failed. I then went into Disk Utility again and it found the same error on the Time Machine drive. 

Therefore, my question is, could the back up process have copied an 'error' to my back up? Or is this a fault somewhere else (Disk Management etc) that I need to watch in case it cases errors with my other drives that have important information on? 

Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X V10.4 :: Invald Sibling Link Message When Running First Aid Disk

Mar 5, 2012

I tryed to verify disk under the first aid disk and I get this error message. It stops after it checks the catalog file.

Invald sibling link.

Volume drive needs to be repaied.

Error: The underlying task needs to be repaired.

One HSF volume checked.Volume needs to be repaired.The button to repair the disk isnt highlighted so I cand click on it. Not sure what to do about this.

Info:Power Mac G4 OS X 10.4.3, Mac OS X (10.4.3)

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ITunes :: It Gives Error Of Link To Old Drive

Mar 17, 2012

I used to have iTunes and my external music library on a PC. When I got my Mac Mini, I moved the iTunes app to it and pointed to the library on the PC. After I got a back up drive for the Mac Mini, I ran the Consolidate files option. The files were consolidated into the iTunes directory on the Mac Mini. My usage of the PC became so infrequent that I finally turned it off. Now when I got to play a tune, I get the error: There was a problem connecting to the server "ukasare" (ukasare was the network name of my PC). I click OK and the tune plays. If I then stop playing the tune and double click on it again, it starts playing without giving an error message. The same is true if I do Get Info first. Short of playing every one of the 7200 tunes in my libary

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: When Copy Files To Hard Drive Get Error -36

Sep 6, 2014

I have all of a sudden started getting an error code -36 from an CF card copying to my mac?


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OS X :: IMac Won't Start Up - Error Message Saying External Hard Drive Could Not Read

Feb 7, 2010

Ok so I have an 8800 GS imac, 3.06 intel core 2, 4 gigs ram. Running snow lepord. I need to resolve an issue where I can not get into OSX. At first I got error messeges saying my external HDD could not read, now it looks like its my primary drive because when I restarted I got the progress bar under the apple logo, indicating that something is wrong with the OS. The bar when to full 100% but then I got stuck at never ending spinning wheel. I restarted and no more progress bar but still the spining wheel of death. I really dont mind refomrating its just that I had some important text documents and other files that I cant get back without recoving them some how. How to proceed? I held down cmd v or s (i forgot) on startup and got a black screen with several problem statements. One reads the system boot strapper has crashed trace BPT trap.

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Intel Mac :: Receiving Error 5.5.4 - Invalid Email Address Error Code 17099

Jun 19, 2012

I am receiving an error 5.5.4 "Invalid Email address error code 17099 indicating that mail could not be sent for Account name: "Msn". I have recently moved from a PC laptop and have been sent email messages to this account on my iMac successfully for several weeks. The email address in question is actively sending and receiving messages. I can receive email from that account.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Listed In The Link Below Work

Sep 6, 2010

I'm very shortly going to purchase a 13" MacBook pro.I was just wondering, will the hard drive listed in the link below work with my new MacBook pro 13"au/ws/eBayISAPI....:X:AAQ:AU:1123Naturally, I would be installing it myself, and since I'd be doing it straight away, I don't think I have to worry about backing up and etc.Now, if it does work, what is this particular hard drive like in terms of performance in comparison to the default hard drive that would be coming with the MacBook pro?

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ITunes :: Link Between It And Library Lost, Hard Drive Failure

Feb 19, 2012

(i7 27" iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB of internal disk hard drive. (SATA/7200rpm/3.5"))The 1TB internal hard drive on my iMac failed the S.M.A.R.T. Utilities test so Apple called in the computer and I had to have the hard drive replaced. The technicians reloaded the system from a 1TB external Western Digital hard drive; I had backed up the everything on it using Time Machine.

Unfortunately, the iTunes application cannot now locate my iTunes library. I create a lot of slideshows on Aperture and use music from iTunes on the audio tracks. The titles on the audio tracks are now inaudible and are preceded by a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside.

how I should re-establish the original link between iTunes and its library. The music files are located in folders (name of artists), within a folder (iTunes Music), within a folder (iTunes), within a folder (Music), within a folder (declangreaney) on the 1TB of internal disk drive.In trying to solve the problem, I went through the folders and double clicked on one song. This opened iTunes so I highlighted and dragged all the other 'artist-named' folders on the iTunes interface and in doing so, I succeeded in accessing all the files.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), (i7 iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB Int. HD

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OS X :: BitTorrent - Error Invalid Download State

Dec 10, 2010

Whenever I use Utorrent or Bittorrent it downloads fine for about a minute then comes up with either "error invalid download state, try resuming" or "Error Permission denied" I have obviously tried resuming the torrents but the same happens in another minute or so.

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OS X :: Error - Mount _ Cd9660 - Invalid Argument

Dec 11, 2009

I get this error: mount_cd9660: Invalid argument When trying to mount a hybrid Mac/Windows CD. Tried using sudo, can't figure out what to do.

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MacBook Pro :: Error Of Invalid Node Structure

Mar 16, 2012

I have an error of invalid node structure. Can I save my data from my hard drive? Is it even fixable?

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MacBook Pro :: Keep Getting An Invalid Mailbox Name Error Every 5 Minutes?

May 26, 2012

I keep getting an invalid mailbox name error every five minutes. I am able to send and receive mail, this is just very annoying.  Can anyone help?  Seem like it must be an easy fix. I was on the phone with Apple Care for over an hour and they could not figure it out.

MacBook Pro

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PowerPC :: IBook G4: Invalid Memory Access Error

Nov 9, 2008

I have an iBook G4 1.33 14". The computer all the sudden wont boot anymore and the file/smiley blinks. I tried the Apple Hardware Test CD and got the Invalid Memory Access Error:%SRRO: 00032ed8 %SRR1: 0003030

I tried to boot from the startup CD and once the CD kicked in the screen froze, and other times it says the computer needs to be restated.I removed the ram under the keyboard and still got the same error. I also Zapped the PRAM, Reset the PMU and still no luck.Any suggestions? I love this Mac and currently can't go out and buy a new one.

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MobileMe :: Error Message Invalid Its Member Name Or Password

Jul 1, 2012

I'm getting this message over and over. My MobileMe was dropped today (yesterday?).I saw another thread that suggested removing a plist. I did. So now the icon doesn't show up on my finder (also had to change sidebar preferences).

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Disk Utility Error / Invalid Leaf Record Count

Jul 30, 2008

what utilitiy fixes this?

full error:
Verifying volume �Macintosh HD�

Performing live verification.
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking Extents Overflow file.
Checking Catalog file.
Invalid leaf record count
(It should be 623360 instead of 623358)
Checking volume information.
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.

Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed.

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MacBook :: Outlook Keeps Giving Error Message Saying Invalid Credentials?

Aug 26, 2014

I keep getting a pop up when using OUTLOOK on my macbook pro, that tells me I am entering invalid credentials....over and over again.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook :: Doesn't Boot, Disk0s2 - I/O Error, Invalid Node Structure

May 10, 2010

I'm having big problem with my notebook.

It goes down after the gray start video.

Doing the fsck this is what comes out...

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Deleting RAID Set Failed With The Error: Invalid Request"

Feb 7, 2012

I have 4 Discs.Mirrored raid sets One Raid Slice is 'System Mirror'One Raid Slice is 'Data Mirror' There is a lock symbol on all 4 discs.  Status is online. I can't delete the raid sets.  I can't unmount them.  I am the admin but the Disk Utility says  "Deleting RAID set failed.  Deleting RAID set failed with the error:  Invalid Request"

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Bootcamp Error - Segmented Hard Drive

Dec 19, 2009

I have a problem with creating disk partition via Bootcamp Assistant. when i try to run it i get an error message saying "some files could not be moved" and the process of creation is aborted. I have sufficient free space of 50GB, trying to create 32GB win XP partition. Some freeware utils confirmed that my th data writtne on my HDD are very fragemented (and so is the freespace). I'd like to create a compact data area (wich would result in creatin a compact free space area).

so far i've found 2 ways:

1) Backup my HDD, reinstal OS , crate a fresh partition and than copy the backuped fiels back - unfortunalty i don't have a backup drive

2) use iDefrag (a payed 3rd party utility) - unfortunalty this one has very limited usage on mounted disk, and so it has a little/no efect on my hard drive fom which i boot the system, and i don't have a second drive to boot from

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MacBook :: Getting Hard Drive Partition Error

Feb 23, 2012

So my mac's hard drive went out. So I bought a new one that is 160GB. I'm trying to partition it in Disk Utility, but there are a couple of problems I've run into. First, It's saying there is 1.2TB of space. I guess it's possible Western Digital put a wrong label on their drive, but that seems a bit unlikely, doesn't it? The second issue is that when I go to actually partition it, I get an error that says, "Partition failed with the error: input/output error". I have no idea what's going on, or what I should do 

I'm using a Macbook w/ 10.4.11 (although strangely, that disk that came with my computer says 10.4.9, not sure how much of a difference that will make...). It is a 2.16GHz, Intel Core 2 Duo, w/ 1GB of ram, if it helps. 

Also, when I'm trying to partition, the settings I'm using are:

1 Partition, Formatted w/ Mac OS Extended (Journaled), & GUID Partition Table


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IMac PPC :: Make Hard Drive Into An External Hard Drive

Mar 1, 2012

I've had a lot of problems with my iMac G5 power supply and since I have newer computers I've decided to get rid of this computer. 

I want to save the hard drive and put it in a case, then use it as an external drive on my other Macs. 

What sort of case do I need to shop for? Should I look for SATA or what exactly is the proper nomenclature. 

Is USB 2 the preferred choice, or Firewire, or what? Is there a USB 3? I use a mid-2010 27 inch iMac with the intel processor, and I needed to buy an adapter to use my older Firewire external drive. Is Firewire a dodo? 

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OS X :: External Hard Drive Error After Wake From Sleep

Sep 18, 2007

The last couple of times I have woken my MBP up a box has popped up with a big red sign in the middle saying my external hard drive was removed unexpectedly and could have caused loss of data. I know this is not healthy and I would like to stop it doing this as soon as possible. It is connected via firewire 800 and is a western digital 250 gig my book pro if that makes any difference. I close the lid of my laptop with it still on and connected and everything is supposed to sleep. It used to work fine, I would open the lid and everything would wake up and I could do what I was doing before with no error messages and the hard drive would still be mounted on the desktop.

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OS X :: Error When Transferring File To External Hard Drive?

Apr 26, 2008

I have a USB 2.0 hard drive that I have been using to back up movie files. It has let me transfer files from my Macbook Pro HD to it hundreds of times without any problems.

I have this .mkv file that keeps giving me an error when I try to transfer it to my external. I get "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred. (Error code 0)".

I have transferred plenty of .mkv files to my external with no problems. All other files work fine when I transfer them. It will let me move my .mkv file around my Macbook Pro's internal hard drive but it won't let me transfer it to the external.

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OS X :: Unable To Archive & Install - Hard Drive Error?

Nov 28, 2009

I am trying to do an archive and Install of OS X Leopard on a MBP but the installer won't allow me to do this.

I have tried the install by holding down the Option Key at bootup with the Leopard DVD in the drive. I follow all the options and then try to do an Archive and Install but when it gets to the screen with the Hard Drive icon it shows the Hard Drive icon with the Exclamation point in the yellow color. If I select options it tells me I have to erase the hard drive and do a fresh install of OS X.

I have also tried the install by booting into OS X and then selecting the OS X DVD icon and going through the same steps.

I have used Disk Utility and done both a verify and verify permissions but no errors at all are found. One odd issue is when I hold down the Option key at bootup it actually lists my internal hard drive twice. It appears everything is fine. Disk Utility finds now errors, shows it has the GUID partition table, and is formatted with OS X Journaled.

What started all of this is a couple weeks ago I started having Wi-Fi issues. Anywhere I connect to Wi-Fi it connects with the signal but I don't have internet. I'm not able to use Firefox, Safari, or Apple Mail. I posted earlier about this but was unable to fix this problem so eventually went to the Apple Genius Bar. They thought it was a simple issue and tried a couple procedures to renew IP or something like that and restoring some files. After none of that worked the guy then said it's something deeper in the OS and a Archive & Install is the best way to solve it.

When he tried this though it didn't work. He did a Verify in Disk Utility and found some hard drive errors so corrected them. Once this was done he did another Archive & Install and ran into the same problems I encountered.

Of course I'm still having this issue. His suggestion was to do the erase and said to first plug in my Time Machine Hard Drive, Do a Backup now, do the erase on the Hard Drive and reinstall Leopard, then he said Time Machine should prompt me to restore or something like that and will copy over all my stuff, documents, itunes music, dock settings, desktop, etc. Basically everything to put my computer back to where it was before. Now I do have a SuperDuper backup but since this is a mirror of the internal hard drive he said it would likely copy the problem back to my internal hard drive.

Is there a way to possibly do an archive & install? I prefer to go this route but don't know why it won't let me do it. If not, would the above suggested option with Time Machine solve this problem and would I lose any settings or data?

Another option I may try is I have Leopard on the Machine but have bought Snow Leopard. I haven't done the upgrade because one program I have, PGP, is not Snow Loepard compatible until the next version comes out. Since I haven't used PGP yet if necessary I am willing to uninstall it and install Snow Leopard but i'm not sure if the Snow Leopard upgrade will work and solve the Wi-Fi issue.

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Hardware :: Hard Drive Error - Missing Volume

Oct 2, 2009

I have a 150gb Raptor running Windows XP on my MacPro and unfortunately it'll no longer mount on the desktop. When tested with TechTool Pro and Drive Genius, the drive is recognised but in both instances the volume didn't show. Exactly the same happened with Disk Utility and the System Profiler. I've spoken with Apple and their recomendation is to re-initialise the drive which I really don't want to do as stupidly I dont have a back-up

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Software :: Error 36 Can't Copy Or Write To Hard Drive

May 5, 2008

The one response I had was: 'alex try putting your mac os cd in and restart the system holding down the letter d key and let me know what happens.' unfortunately I can't find my system disc... will I need to buy a new one? here's a the problem: I have a PPC G5 iMac 2.1GHz, 1.5GB. The Internal Hard drive is 250GB in total and partitioned into 4 sections. After working fine for ages I suddenly found I can't copy files into one of the partitions. Initially I got an error message saying: "DS_store could not be tead or written. (Error code 36)" I used Disk Utility to clean up the hard drive. Which didn't help. Got a copy of Disk Warrior(4.1) to try a more effective clean up. There were a few errors that found and fixed, but i still got the same error message. Then found a utility called DS_Store Cleaner to try and force it to remake the DS_Store files. This got rd of the DS_Store message but I'm still left with another error 36 message and still unable to properly copy. The message then said: "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "example file.doc" could not be read or written. (Error code -36).

I have also got hold of a copy of techtool pro (4.6.1) and run everything - basic, intermediate and advance scans. Everything (aside from a few minor errors on other partitions - which it cleared up easily) was fine, that partition showed no errors at all. I didn't do the full tests on the system partition though as I haven't used the e-drive function yet. The problem has been ongoing since late March.Just today I found the same problem in another of my partitions: "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "example file.doc" could not be read or written. (Error code -36).This happens when trying to copy to either of those partitions or trying to save anything to either of them.What might be causing this and what should I do next? with the first partition to have problems I am unable to copy/write any file size (eg KB size files) with the most recent partition I found I could copy a 2.3MB Jpeg. The problem occured when I tried to copy a 680MB .mov file (there was enough space - about 1.8GB)

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Disabled Due To (Using Too Much Power) Error

May 30, 2012

Just recently, my mac gave me an error message that my 500GB hard drive was using too much power and that it was disabled. How can i re-enable it???

Porsche Design Mobile Drive P'9221, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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