OS X :: Get Case Number From Apple - Do It Online?
May 21, 2009
I seem to have the same problem that a lot of MacBook users have had with their chargers, but I have an added glitch- I'm in a foreign country and they said I need to get a case number from Apple before they can order one with the same style plug as mine (UK- I'm in Copenhagen right now). Trouble is I seem to be a bit retarded, I can't find a nice "email us to report a problem" button on their web page so if anyone can tell me their customer support email address that would be great. Although I'm not sure if I need the Danish or UK branch.
I am thinking about getting a brand new sealed Unibody Macbook (2.0GHz, 2GB, 160GB) from craigslist. Decent deal, 1050$. I checked the serial number on the box of the macbook on apple website. It couldn't give me any information, instead it is showing "We're sorry, the number you have provided cannot be found in our records. Please verify the number and try again,"
my iBook (along with just about everything else of value that I own) was stolen off a bench in a hallway on Wednesday when I went into the next room for five minutes to help a friend with something. I am close to panicking. The police told me to call them with the computer's serial number if I can figure it out. I know I had to type it in when I registered the computer - is there any way to retrieve it? It was a 14" iBook G4. I am at a complete loss for what to do.
I am needing to replace the bottom case of my late 2006 MBP. It has a large dent in it that is causing some problems. My question is, do I need to get the exact part number listed on the bottom of my laptop (A1211) or can I get a bottom from any pre-unibody MBP i.e. A1260? Also, has anyone ever replaced this part? How difficult is it? I have experience working on laptops, I've just never taken a mac this much apart.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16) I went to go online tonight on my 3 week old mac mini and It wouldn't go online so I reboot now it's stuck at the apple screen and has been loading for 10 minutes with a progress bar any idea why ?
Not sure where to post this as it really applies to the Apple Online Store itself. On my iMac running 10.6.3 I can't check out on the Apple online store. I can add items to my cart (doesn't matter what it is: i've tried various items). But once I go to check out it asks me to login and when I do I get taken to a page that says "An error has occurred during your session. Please return to the Store Menu to continue shopping." No matter how many times I try to checkout, I'll get the same error.However, if I login to the Apple store from my Macbook Air running 10.5.8 (which recognizes me as the same account as the same items will show up in the cart) I can checkout fine with no problems.
I want to buy a Macbook Pro from the online store, but this message keeps appearing when I try to checkout. "A request to your bank for the funds necessary to ship this order was declined." I tried 2 different debit cards, both have sufficient funds.
I recently lost one of my Gmail accounts to a hacker and it was an enlightening experience. I like to keep all of my gmail messages because it's a useful history to search if I ever need to look up an old thread. However, the obvious problem is a hacker who gets in also has all that knowledge. What I'd like to be able to do is store my full Gmail account with all messages locally in Apple mail where I can backup as often as I want, then I'd like to purge my online Gmail messages. The idea is if someone hacked my Gmail account, they'd see very little messages but I would still have all e-mail copies saved on my machine.
I use apple mail to connect to multiple accounts. One of them went offline on Friday and refuses to come back on. The account is fully functional, because it's still working fine on iPhone, iPad and through Outlook 2011. It's like once apple mail decides an account is offline, that's it.Â
what is the best apple program for online banking + downloading to computer.I am currently using quicken but when I purchase a macbook air I am considering upgrading to something better if there is such a program.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Right now I am working at a desk, with a USB number pad. It is a different height than my MBP and has different sized keys. It ends up being difficult to use quickly. I think that Apple should make a number pad that is pushed up to the same height as the MBP because it packs a battery inside. With their wireless obsession, I am sure Apple would want to make a bluetooth device, but it would make so much more sense to me if the pad could add a couple extra hours of battery life. It would come with a MagSafe dongle (power discharge) and a USB dongle (input and power charge) in a single cable like the displays. The device would charge when the computer was connected to A/C power, and only discharge when both the MagSafe cable and USB cable were connected to a computer, to make sure that it would not accidentally discharge in a customer's laptop bag. It is unfortunate that the MagSafe and USB ports are on the opposite side of where a number pad should be, but an extra 18� of cable would be a small price to pay for faster inputting and longer battery life.
I would like to replace my 1st generation unibody MacBook Pro's bottom case and I am interested in knowing the price. Can I purchase and replace the bottom case at the local Apple Store (I'm in Sydney)? I'm in warranty, if that's a factor.
My apple keyboard number pad doesnt work on windows via bootcamp (works fine on osx 10.5.3), I have the latest firmware for the keyboard on macos and have checked the software update on windows but nothing fixes it, what can I do?
I've never seen or used an Apple keyboard with the numpad and I am unsure as to what some keys are. See the image below, I have highlighted the keys in the image.
is there a way to check a part by number? from apple. I got my repaired laptop back and the 3rd thing they replaced was a "cover" - "mechanical / cosmetic damage" cover of what? i have the part number, is there a way to see what this is exactly?
Still working on late brother in law's computer. Was able to reset password but now can't access any data based protected by apple id number, e.g. itunes, and other rhings.
My Macbook Pro got stolen today, I was wondering if there is a way to find the serial number with my Apple ID which I used to register my MBP.I need the serial number for the police report.
Apple on Monday announced to users of its iWork.com public beta that new features have been added to the Web-based service, including the ability to play Keynote presentations online, as well as new options for public sharing and private online storage.The details came in an "important service message" sent to users by Apple on Monday. The changes require users run the latest version of iWork, 9.0.5, released last week.
If I buy a MBP online (say Macmall) and it shows up with a problem (dead pixel, etc.) can I take it to an Apple store for repair/replacement? Or do I have to return it to where I bought it?
I want to get the apple wired keyboard (not the wireless), but I'm undecided on which version. Is the shorter wired version a lot more cramped than the longer one, in respect to the majorily used keys, or is the spacing the same between the characters for both keyboards. I never use a num pad normally and would like to free up a little space on my desk, but I'm worried that the rest of the keys will be more cramped and uncomfortable to type on.
Are there any processes, such as updates or App store downloads, that would cause the serial number to be automatically collected? Does the serial number ever get sent to Apple without explicitly entering it? I ask because I am interested in privacy.
difference between model #s MA519LL/A and MD014LL/A. Both would seem to be usable for a MBA 13. I'm guessing the MA519LL/A is an older model; but wonder if it is still valid.
I have created a number of Apple i/d's that now seem make my records confused. I'm often forced to reset passwords; like today: I tried to log in to use my icloud email address and had to reset the password - again even though I had used for my apple ID minutes before!!. This repeating problem has become a real headache and I want to kill off the old unused apple i/ds and start afresh so i can link my information etc over all my hardware. can this be achieved if I present all my prior information for deletion?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), new IPhone 5S
I cant seem to let another user access to safari on the same macbook pro. It uses OS 10.4, its an older mac that I haven't upgraded. is there a solution? all I see in the toolbar on the bottom is a question mark where safari should be...
I was having difficulty with a piece of software and instead of force quitting and rebooting I just powered down. When I powered up all I get is a blank white screen with the Apple in the middle and the continuous circle. Computer is very warm as well.