is there a way to check a part by number? from apple. I got my repaired laptop back and the 3rd thing they replaced was a "cover" - "mechanical / cosmetic damage" cover of what? i have the part number, is there a way to see what this is exactly?
I am needing to replace the bottom case of my late 2006 MBP. It has a large dent in it that is causing some problems. My question is, do I need to get the exact part number listed on the bottom of my laptop (A1211) or can I get a bottom from any pre-unibody MBP i.e. A1260? Also, has anyone ever replaced this part? How difficult is it? I have experience working on laptops, I've just never taken a mac this much apart.
I have had this quad g5 (dualcore 2.5ghz X 2) laying around for about a year that I purchased for $100 without a hard drive, super drive or a power cord. I was told that it was non working in the manner that ONE of the dual core cpu's had gone bad. I will be receiving my power cord this week to make sure that it still powers on but what the problem is.
My question is: If only one of the cpu's are bad, what is the part number I will be looking at? I am not wanting to spend a fortune on this to fix it, but If I do get it working I would like to drop 8-16gb ram in it, and setup a raid with 2 raptors.
Is it possible to find out the RAM manufacturer on a Macbook (it's a 3rd party module) by the part number? I've been searching for the past half hour, didn't found anything relevant Here are the full RAM specs:
Could someone please tell me the part number for the 24" iMac 2.66GHz model, as I'm looking at purchasing one through work therefor I need the part number. And hints and tips for a first-timer?
I was wondering if anyone has the part numbers for the new Time Capsule releases (500gig/1 tb). I want to know if the ones at my local stores are old or not.
As the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?
I am thinking about getting a brand new sealed Unibody Macbook (2.0GHz, 2GB, 160GB) from craigslist. Decent deal, 1050$. I checked the serial number on the box of the macbook on apple website. It couldn't give me any information, instead it is showing "We're sorry, the number you have provided cannot be found in our records. Please verify the number and try again,"
Anyone know if this elusive accessory can be bought from Apple?
It's the same AC power cable you plug into the MacBook PSU if you don't want to use the plug adapter. I find the Airport sticks out too much with the plug adapter, plus it wobbles too much for my liking. I've tried a search for obvious things (power cord, AC cable) and cannot find anything.
I did find a UK company that sells the cable from recycled Macs. However it would be nice if I could find it on Apples site It's the UK cable I need!
Looking to buy another Air since my first transaction may have fallen through. I got a serial number. I went to the Apple site but I really did not find anything out. I just want to know if it is a Rev A or Rev B. Serial is W88024PQY51 if anybody can answer.
I just tried to download Adobe Digital Editions as an advice from a friend of mine, saying it was a nice way do read ebooks. So I decided to give it a try. Besides not being able to download it I was delighted with the grammatical mistakes in the pop-up window that was downloading the application.It is refreshing to see a company that does not even care to proofread what they publish.
After many hours of head-banging, I now realize that Lion cannot be installed on a boot drive that is part of an Apple software mirrored RAID (early Mac Pro hardware, Snow Leopard.)Something about a limitation that a RAID drive cannot be repartitioned to allow for the creation of the Recovery partition.Sad, but so be it.So, I plan to use SuperDouper! to copy my boot drive to a fresh, non-RAID drive, boot from that drive, and then and install Lion there.Once I have done that, will I be able to add the new Lion boot drive to a new Apple Software RAID mirror set? Or is Lion simply not capable of being booted from a software RAID device?
My Macbook Pro got stolen today, I was wondering if there is a way to find the serial number with my Apple ID which I used to register my MBP.I need the serial number for the police report.
I am currently using Apple Mail on Lion with IMAP enabled for emails. A couple of times I have had only part of an email downloaded. The full email is viewable on the iPhone and through a web browser. Is there anyway to resync an email to have it finish loading the message and attachments? I have tried to Sync the full Apple Mail program but the email did not change. I am assuming this problem is occurring when the internet loses the connection.
I want to get the apple wired keyboard (not the wireless), but I'm undecided on which version. Is the shorter wired version a lot more cramped than the longer one, in respect to the majorily used keys, or is the spacing the same between the characters for both keyboards. I never use a num pad normally and would like to free up a little space on my desk, but I'm worried that the rest of the keys will be more cramped and uncomfortable to type on.
Are there any processes, such as updates or App store downloads, that would cause the serial number to be automatically collected? Does the serial number ever get sent to Apple without explicitly entering it? I ask because I am interested in privacy.
difference between model #s MA519LL/A and MD014LL/A. Both would seem to be usable for a MBA 13. I'm guessing the MA519LL/A is an older model; but wonder if it is still valid.
i am due to send my macbook pro to apple retail tomorrow to check my battery. anyone know how long does it take? i can't leave my laptop there because i need it over the weekend.
i've been getting this service battery icon on my battery bar for a week.
I was having difficulty with a piece of software and instead of force quitting and rebooting I just powered down. When I powered up all I get is a blank white screen with the Apple in the middle and the continuous circle. Computer is very warm as well.
I purchased a MBP early 2011 which I needed to return for replacement 3 days later. This was done on the spot and a replacement invoice was to be emailed to me. I purchased AppleCare with my original MBP and I was told that this would automatically transfer and be registered with my replacement model. I must say I was pretty impressed with the speed and hassle-free nature of the service (for my first ever Mac as well). Unfortunately, I have just checked the status of my Apple Care and noted that it was listed as expired !!!Â
Doing my research, it appears that on the invoice for the 'replacement' unit they sent me, they listed the original (faulty unit) serial number for both the unit that was returned, and the replacement unit. This was obviously an error because they gave me a brand new unit in a new box and I am typing on it right now. I also noted that they 'returned' my old AppleCare Agreement and applied a 'new' AppleCare Agreement (with new agreement number) but it has the returned MBP serial number listed (not the new one)!Â
I am looking for suggestions on how to get this rectified for the following reasons:Â
- I need my Apple Care that I paid for to be applied to the correct unit
- I need my current Apple MBP to be registered to me as the owner (I have no idea who they would have it registered to at the moment given the invoice is incorrect .........)Â
I think that someone else can read my emails from my mac computer.There are some informations outside which can only come from my emails. Is there a apple tool to check for trojan, virus or other software. I think someone installed the eblaster software on my mac as i was away.
Info: MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Will the ability to unify an Apple ID and a phone number be released with Mountain Lion or iOS6? I am wondering when I can take advantage of this feature.
I just installed last night the 1TB WD Scorpio Blue without a problem in a 2010 MBP 13", but seem to be having some issues now. Im showing the drive is shown w/red text and failing the SMART status in the disk utility. It showed verified when I installed it last night and reinstalled OS X, but now this. I have also been getting some beachballs, but does seem to be running fine now. Is this a sign of just a bad drive, or is it normal for a non-apple drive to fail the smart status check?
I seem to have the same problem that a lot of MacBook users have had with their chargers, but I have an added glitch- I'm in a foreign country and they said I need to get a case number from Apple before they can order one with the same style plug as mine (UK- I'm in Copenhagen right now). Trouble is I seem to be a bit retarded, I can't find a nice "email us to report a problem" button on their web page so if anyone can tell me their customer support email address that would be great. Although I'm not sure if I need the Danish or UK branch.
Right now I am working at a desk, with a USB number pad. It is a different height than my MBP and has different sized keys. It ends up being difficult to use quickly. I think that Apple should make a number pad that is pushed up to the same height as the MBP because it packs a battery inside. With their wireless obsession, I am sure Apple would want to make a bluetooth device, but it would make so much more sense to me if the pad could add a couple extra hours of battery life. It would come with a MagSafe dongle (power discharge) and a USB dongle (input and power charge) in a single cable like the displays. The device would charge when the computer was connected to A/C power, and only discharge when both the MagSafe cable and USB cable were connected to a computer, to make sure that it would not accidentally discharge in a customer's laptop bag. It is unfortunate that the MagSafe and USB ports are on the opposite side of where a number pad should be, but an extra 18� of cable would be a small price to pay for faster inputting and longer battery life.
I use MacBook 13" Intel Core 2 Duo , OS 10.4.11, Safari 4.03 . I used to be able to check my e.mail for spellings in the past, but for some time now I have lost this facility. Every time I click on the spellings check it gives a message more,it seems, related to a desk top computer.