MacBook Air :: Difference In Apple-care Model Number?
Jun 14, 2012
difference between model #s MA519LL/A and MD014LL/A. Both would seem to be usable for a MBA 13. I'm guessing the MA519LL/A is an older model; but wonder if it is still valid.
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May 10, 2012
I have a 15" Mac Book Pro (the one with the keyboard that matches the outer uni-body and track-pad). I am having difficulty in finding the actual model number that is associated with this machine ( as it is second hand). I found the serial number and all the other essential specifications to wit I would have interest for scheduled up-keep. The model number, however, escapes me?
MacBook ro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 22, 2012
Can I find out the model of my Macbook Pro by the serial number?
MacBook Pro
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Jul 1, 2009
I just purchased the 2.53 Ghz 13" MBP four days ago from the apple store. Well my Gf just ordered hers about 5 days ago and it arrived today. She has the 2.23 Ghz MBP, 2 gb, 160 gb hdd and she also bought hers new.
I opened up and checked what screen model i have and it is different then hers. Mine is 9C9E. Which i thought was the updated screen.
Well hers is 9CBD. Im very confused.
Does anyone know the difference in screens? Should she have got the updated screen like I did?
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Jun 16, 2012
The LCD for my macbook air model number MC965LL/A (purchased 2011) is broken , where can I get new one and what is the part number for it ?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jan 2, 2011
Got 4 days before my time is up with Best Buy (geek squad is beat, but that accident coverage looks good). I was leaning towards apple.
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May 18, 2010
I got Apple Care at the same time as I bought my 2010 Macbook Pro (at an Apple Store). First of all, I did not get an Apple Care box - just a receipt with the agreement number and other Apple Care particulars. Is this normal?
Second, I read somewhere that you need to register Apple Care?? The Apple Store sales rep did not say anything about registration. So do I still need to register - or is it only for people who buy Apple Care separately from the hardware? And if I do have to register, how do I go about it?
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Mar 24, 2012
How do i get my apple care set up on my macbook pro when i cant scan or fax my proof of purchase away to apple??
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Sep 11, 2010
I just got the 2.13ghz 128gbSSD off of ebay (fnjjor a great deal!). Just arrived today and everything looks great - works great etc. I wanted to see the age of my mba and when I entered the SN into the apple support site - it says that apple needs proof of purchase that whole deal. Well I don't have a legitimate proof of purchase from an authorized site (need to ask the seller), but the MBA is 11 months old according to coconut battery.
1. Should I even get applecare? Hinges can be replaced out of warranty, and I have an SSD that is failsafe. Any other issue would probably be my own fault.
2. I should be ok purchasing apple care through the customer support number yes? I think I did that for a powerbook and was able to buy apple care for it (a 12" G4 no less!)
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Jan 9, 2011
First I would like to say hello to everyone and soon I will (finally) enter the Mac world. I've been a 50-50 type of guy (Apple/Microsoft) and I had the majority of the multimedia Apple products without actual Macs though. I was tempted to buy a MacBook before but I always wanted something sleek, sexy yet with a good sauce of performance since I am not a heavy usage type of guy and for gaming I will be getting a 360 Slim later on. Finally that day has come and I will be buying the ultimate 11". Question is, is it worth the extended Apple Care plan? I searched for answers on the official Apple site, googled up for a couple of days but I didn't find exactly what I wanted. Does it cover (for example) accidental damage? Or what are the real advantages of having an extended Apple Care plan? Since it will be my first Mac I will want to take extra care with it.
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Jan 9, 2010
My apple care ran out over a month ago and they still covered a video card problem in my Mbp. Anyone else get repairs done after coverage expired? I was having an aweful time trying to figure out why I couldn't get a good calibration when running external monitors. The card seemed to be working, but I guess whenbutvwas put under stress it failed. My mbp is at apple getting a new logic board, can't imagine what that costs. Plus my 30" cinema is getting a new hinge that would not tighten properly. Apple care is definitely worth it.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have purchased a Macbook Pro back in August of 09. I didn't intend to move back to Europe, but it happened. I have been sorta reluctant to buy Apple Care back. However in the lights of what recently happened in my daily life, I may use Apple Care for my uMBP. I would like to know if this is possible to buy Apple Care Protection plan for a machine purchased in the States. I know the terms applied are global, but I have my reserves as to buying AC outside of the country/region where the purchase as occured.
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Jun 30, 2010
I have the last Aluminum 15" MBP model to come out right before the unibodies. I bought it the day the uni's came out to save some dough. Got the Applecare and all has been good until recently.Recently I have noticed some "stage lights" showing on my screen. It looks like a string of lights coming from the bottom of my screen and fading away the further up the screen they progress.
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Apr 10, 2012
I would like to know if I can upgrade the the memory on my Macbook Pro, will it void the warranty (Apple Care)?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 23, 2012
My service battery warning has come on, and that obviously means a new batter, but i don't want/can't pay for a new battery. Would that be covered under my apple care?
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Jun 4, 2012
I live in a rural area and Apple Care will not allow mail in service. They suggested I drive 1500 kms to the Apple Store. Is there any way to actually use Apple Care in rural Canada? Or did I just waste $275.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 26, 2009
A friend of mine has a black MacBook and it stopped working. When I switch it on there is just a grey screen with the Apple "doing" but then nothing happens. I tried some key combination to reset the NVRAM but it didn't help. The MB was purchased around 2 years ago with the Apple Care extension of + 2 years so it still should be covered by Apple Care. My questions concerns the Apple Care since I don't know how it works: - my friend says that he just bought the Apple Care extension when he ordered the MB and that"s all. Does it need to be somehow "activated" so that the MB is covered ? He has the Apple Care box but he never opened it. - Does he need the MB order bill to make Apple Care work ? - The MB was purchased in France but he's now in Germany. Can we just bring it to a Apple store here?
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Apr 3, 2009
Like they do with the Apple iPhone when the battery goes down to a certain charge? If not, what are the advantages of getting Apple Care then?
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Jun 10, 2009
I was just looking at the apple care prices for my macbook (2.0ghz aluminum) and it is $183. I am looking in the educational store, not sure if that has a discount or not. The macbook pro apple care is $239. So all the people that get the 13" mbp that came out this week now have to shell out an additional $56 just because it says "pro" on the label?
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Oct 18, 2009
Out of curiosity, any reason not to purchase the Apple Care? I know that many people purchase this as an add-on because they want security with their device. I have always been a PC person and have built my super computer and of course, know enough to correct, repair my computer. I'm not saying that I won't know how to repair my MacBook but it seems like Apple Care does a lot more which justifies the cost and purchase. The question is, what is that "extra" benefit or is the hype still just from people who don't know anything about computing and or other reasons. Help me if I'm missing anything here.
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Mar 29, 2010
I am going to buy my first mac when they release the arrandale MBPs. I will get the 13", I was wondering about applecare, lets say I cracked my screen on the corner and I can see everything else fine, but not the corner, how would they fix it? Send me a new one, or change the screen? I guess, what I am trying to ask is, if I break it, but it is still usable; will they replace it or fix the broken part?
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Apr 28, 2012
im going to sell my mac, so i need to reset it. I am only a few months into my 3 year apple care protection plan and i want to know if my mac will still be protected if i reset it?
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Jun 3, 2012
I have a 15" quad i7 Macbook Pro purchased in November of 2011 with Apple Care. One thing I noticed about my MBP was that it had a noticably brighter display and backlight than my roommates older Core 2 Duo 15" MBP. In March of 2012, I had the displayed replaced by Apple Care because of a blotch that appeared on the screen over time.
Since then, I noticed that certain YouTube videos I used to enjoy seemed dimmer, darker, and a bit more contrasted than they used to, and the display doesn't seem as bright as it used. Before the replacement, I could only tolerate a brightness setting of 70%, now I use 100% in the dark with no problem. Also earlier today, my friend brought over his polycarbonate unibody Macbook; when he turned it on, with a room lamp on, it was noticably brighter than mine, his 80% was my 100%.
I also read that a Macbook isn't supposed to have a brighter display than the MBP. I've read unofficial reports that the older Core 2 Duo's had slightly less powerful displays, and that Apple uses many different brands that are compatible with the MPB. Is it possible the Apple Store replaced my display with a more inferior but compatible type? Or could I just have another defective display? I'm planning on returning to the Apple Store to have this work done, it's just that I want a stronger case than "it seems a little darker than before".
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 15, 2012
i have a macbook pro 15" 2011, i would like to change the internal drive with an SSD (OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G), but i have the Apple Care plan active. Does the drive replacement void the Apple Care? or the Apple Warranty in general ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 13, 2009
finding the model number for the 3.2 GHz 2008 Mac Pro, could someone please let me know what it is?
I've managed to find the model number for the 2.8 GHz but no luck for the 3.2.
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Jan 19, 2010
So, I screwed up a couple months ago and stuck my MBP in my backpack's padded laptop compartment within a SECOND case, only to pull it out at my destination and immediately notice this:
The way out of line upper case was like that before, but the bent optical slot was new. I guess I had too much in my bag, even though it was all clothing and, again, the laptop was inside TWO cases. Anyways, for about a month I got by getting discs in and out only when I really needed to, with various techniques to get the gap open just enough to let it slip out. More recently I opened the computer up to see what I could do. I removed the optical drive, but absolutely could not find a way to bend the aluminum back into shape. I thought it would be easy enough with some care, but there's a piece of steel, probably to support that very part of the case, glued to the case there - and it won't budge.
The situation right now is that I have a disc in the drive that I can't get out (it's gone past the point of tricking it into just barely making it), which would be okay except for a few points: (1) I can't use optical media any more, and while I don't usually do a lot of that, I do need to once or twice a month minimum. (2) The computer has to spin up the optical drive every few minutes while moving around the operating system, which takes a few annoying and unnecessary seconds. (3) I'll never be able to sell this machine in a year or so for what it's worth without this damage.
I've done about all the communication I can with Apple, including trying the sjobs@apple(..) route, which has worked in the past for other issues. I am covered by Apple Care, I'm about 6 months into the two years, the laptop is about 18 months old. I was told at the Genius Bar twice that it would not be covered, but I forgot both times to get an approximate cost, but I'm thinking expensive.
So I'm looking for a few tips...How much is the repair cost typically for a bottom case?
Where is the best place to find either a new bottom case (i.e. not used), or a used one that is in good cosmetic condition (i.e. not scratched and dented)?
If I do choose to do the repair myself (likely the plan if Apple is going to charge over $400), it seems like a very extensive and somewhat risky job. I know there are iFixIt guides to get me through it, but I have had big problems in the past with messing up screws (guess I just need a better set of small screwdrivers). I also can't seem to get a decent Torx T6/4 that can handle some of the more serious case screws - I've twisted the head right off one and malformed another pretty badly. Is doing the repair myself realistic? How would you rate the risk, and any suggestions for a kit that will let me do the job as best as possible?
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Sep 15, 2007
I just wanted to know where to find my powerbooks model number? The bottom of it says Model Number:A... But everyone always uses a number that starts with M. I am selling my powerbook and people want to know what the model number is so I need to find it.
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May 14, 2008
I have just purchased a Power Mac Model # M8570. I have tried to do the research but I can't find that model number???? It has the mirrored doors and 1 Fire Wire 800 with the 2 Fire Wire 400's. 1 GhZ processor and 80 Gig Seagate HD.
As I check into it, I can't find anything with this model number.
Can anyone help me?
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Oct 25, 2009
I think I've searched just about every thing I can think of at Apple's site....Mac, Store, and Support sections but I just can't seem to find the model # for the current TC. Where does one find this??
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Dec 5, 2009
I am trying to get G5 (10.4) to use a network printer MP160 connected to a windows XP machine.
This is what I have done so far: Downloaded and installed the latest MP160 printer package for the Mac. Plugged the MP160 directly into the Mac USB port, the printer is instantly recognised and is installed as the default printer. It prints just fine. This leads me to believe the MP160 driver exists in the Mac. Now I transfer the printer to the XP. Using another (wireless) networked windows laptop I have no problem printing to the XP printer so that shows the sharing is working correctly. At the Mac I open printer setup. I then add the printer, selecting it, where I see it listed on the XP machine in (mac) Windows Printing/Network Neighbourhood. The printer name is seen just as it is on the XP.
Now the point it all goes wrong. During the setup, the utility ask me to select the printer model I want to add from a list it displays under the canon group of drivers. No matter what I do the list cannot be updated or amended to include the MP160 model. The BJ gimp drivers don't appear to support the MP160. I get the print job message "Gimp printing.....20%" and various values depending on the model selected and eventually, "NT status network bad name error". The generic printer driver returns the same error. I have tried just about every type of connection using the setup utility and localhost 631 but I always end up at the same point, not being able to select the model. There are no networking issues as far as I can see. The Mac can see and use shared files on the windows machines.
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