I'm not sure if I'm phrasing this right. I work on an external monitor connected to my macbook, set to 1920 resolution. I was using Itunes stretched out to fill the whole monitor at that resolution. Upon switching to the macbook, the itunes window is now too large when I switch to the macbook display. I can't even see the bottom right handle that you normally drag to resize the window. Clicking on the + button doesn't help, as it only shrinks Itunes to the mini player. How can I get itunes back to a smaller window size?
I use the F9 key to show all my open apps and one of the apps I have open is off the screen! and I can't find a way to drag it back. I used to have the laptop connected to second monitor creating duals which might explain it but once you take off the second monitor shouldn't all the apps show on the main screen??
If this has happened to anyone let me know!! I'm trying to find a way to fix it.
I plugged a projector into my macbook air and after unplugging, the entire desktop will not fit on the screen of the MBA no matter what resolution. I have to drag the cursor to top, bottom or side to see what is not shown. The resolution is set at 1440x990 in display preferences.
For example, (when Safari or Terminal application is already launched) pressing the dock icon or launching from quicksilver brings the window to the front (or moves to a specific space where the window is in).
Is it possible to modify this behavior to opening a new window? By clicking the dock icon (or some sequence of keyboard shortcuts) I want to open a new window of safari or terminal. Furthermore, it would be great if this can be done to the current 'space'.
For some reason when I click on application, my applications are now in a folder. Before they where lined up for me to see. Now I must open up the folder before I can choose my app.
The application I am in, whether it Mail, Safari, anything really, even as I type this question will suddenly and very often go grey, like you have clicked on the desktop, you then click back to what you are working on and its fine, but this can happen several times in a minute, or then waits a few minutes, but when the window goes the light grey the menu still tells you at the top of the screen you are open in that particular application. its like the window is going to sleep until you click on it again and resume..Â
I am currently using osx lion, I have a behaviour to shut down my computer and let the application that currently running closed by itself during shut down (including massive finder windows). But when I turn on my computer again, those windows reappears. While it might be a nice feature, its really bothering for me. Is it possible to tell osx lion NOT to open the last windows opened during shut down? I am also curious if its possible to do this on safari. I have limited bandwidth, and opening the last windows is annoying.
Using a mac book pro 13" and loved the paint program on my windows Vista laptop. Have Sketch and cannot get to next of pages in file. Tried Iphoto, not what looking for. I want to copy and paste part of a photo/pdf and paste it somewhere else.
Ok, so there was this application I've never used but it keeps saying "You do not have permission to use the application "uHD-uninstall-Agent".....and so forth. I click Ok but the pop up keeps popping up and interrupting everything I do. I went to login items to remove it from startup but it still won't stop. This is a school laptop so I cannot control admin.
I have a black macbook with 120GB HD and 2GB of RAM running 10.5. My problem is that a little while ago my blackbook dropped about half a foot and I immediately opened it to check if it was okay, as I was scared to death. Until recently everything was working fine...until I decided to put in a DVD. I tried putting it in and it only goes in about 1/3 of the way. Something in the front of the drive is blocking it, which is a problem because I can't push it in all the way. I have applecare until January, but I'm currently residing in Germany for a year, so shipping it to Apple might be a little bit of a problem. I'm including a pic so you can see how far it goes in before it stops.
So, I've created a slideshow, and want to fit music to it. However, whenever I try to do so, the program insists on lingering on the first slide for a full thirty seconds before going on to the next slide. This shouldn't be necessary to make the music fit - all subsequent slides are at just over 5 seconds, and if all slides were just slightly longer than that, it would easily fit. Even if I delete the last slide, it simply makes the subsequent slide lasts 30 seconds.
My work and Home MAC PRO are both doing the same stuff. The screen goes black and when I have an opened window it repeates itself when I drag it throughout the screen?
My Kids are using an old iMac G3. When I open the iMac, I recognized, that one of the two pins (?), which holds the cpu-cooler is missed. I don't know the exact name of that, and wonder, where I can buy one to fit the cooler again into the right position. I don't wont to buy another logicboard to exchange the parts.
I've ever tried to upgrade a hard drive on a 13", 2007, white Intel MacBook.I was following the directions I had found on the internet.I've taken the old drive out, swapped the hard drive plate from the original drive to the new hard drive and tried to push it back into the same slot, but for some reason I can't get it to go all the way back into that slot the drive fits in.Strange enough, it also feels like it's pushing against something rubbery on the inside.It's less than a 1/4 inch from going all the way back in.I've made certain that all the screws are tightened all the way on the drive, but can't figure out why I'm getting resistence when I try to push it in that weeee little bit.I am certain that I have the drive flipped the proper way too, because I took note of how the original drive was oriented and made sure I duplicated that on this new drive.Like I had said before, it feels like there is something rubbery that's in the way, I just can't get to it.So I'm also curious if anyone knows if I were to take off the top cover on the laptop whether that would expose the hard drive so that I could see why it's not fitting into the connector properly.
I just purchased a mac mini and I hooked up the vga cord, however there are two black bars on the left and right sides of the output (everything else is scaled fine but it looks like it is showing on a tube screen). What resolution/tweaks do i have to make in order to get this to fit my entire screen? I am using the typical VGA adaptor for output from the mac mini to the tv.
I have a macbook pro and there is a slot on the left side, I think it's for cards? But no regular cards would fit, what does fit? What kind of things do you plug in there? I have no idea.
My neighbor has an IMac with OS 10.4.11 installed. When I open System Preferences and select the Network icon, the Network window comes up but it is overlayed with a message that states: "Your network settings have been changed by another application." When I click OK, this same overlaid window comes back.
The only way I can get out of System Preferences at this point is to do a Force Quit. In other words, because this overlaid window appears, I am unable to access the Network window to look at TCP/IP settings, make changes, etc.
Next I went into System/Library/Preference Panes/Network.prefPane(more info) to look at the application that appeared in the "Open with" field. It stated "System Preference." I replaced this with a new "System Preferences from the Applications Folder, but the same thing happened - even after I rebooted the computer.
Please let me know how to solve this problem so I can access the Network System Preferences properly.
well i use a second monitor at work. I drag zbrush over the second monitor. yesterday i left in a hurry and just unplugged the second monitor. when i got home and wanted to work some more, but my Zbrush app window is caught between spaces. it's virtually off-screen.
I can see it come by when i switch from space 1 to space 2.
My old work PC had an application running which added a small < button to the menu bar next to the restore, min and max buttons which, when clicked would move that window to the adjacent screen.
Is there an app like this for OS X? I'm really looking for something I can evoke with a keyboard shortcut like spaces that simply moves the selected window to the same position on the adjacent screen so i don't have to constantly leave the keyboard to move windows around.
Have an irritating program that have a portion disappear at the bottom of my screen. I can't resize it and applescript is reporting a problem when I use this sort of code:
set bounds of first window to {0, 0, 200, 200}
What to do? Already tried scrapping the plist and it doesn't work.
i had firefox open and i was typing on another site. i opened the special characters window because i needed a unique symbol. when i tried closing that window, it froze. i proceeded to quit firefox so it would go away. it stayed on my screen though, even with firefox closed. next i thought my computer was just being buggy. so, i completely shut it down for a while and logged back on. the window is still there and won't go away.
here's a screenshot i took so you can visually see what's going on here: [URL}
after the previous attempts didn't work i've tried completely removing firefox from my computer and redownloading it, which didn't work, and restoring my system, which also didn't work.