MacBook Pro :: Any Application Closest To Window Paint Program?
May 12, 2012
Using a mac book pro 13" and loved the paint program on my windows Vista laptop. Have Sketch and cannot get to next of pages in file. Tried Iphoto, not what looking for. I want to copy and paste part of a photo/pdf and paste it somewhere else.
I love my new mac mini but I miss paint. I used it alot for simple editing, such as resizing an image, cutting in it and maybe add some text.. stuff like that. I cant really find another program that does the same things in a quick and simple way.
also, how the hell do I take a snapshot of the screen when there's no print screen button?
Ok, so there was this application I've never used but it keeps saying "You do not have permission to use the application "uHD-uninstall-Agent".....and so forth. I click Ok but the pop up keeps popping up and interrupting everything I do. I went to login items to remove it from startup but it still won't stop. This is a school laptop so I cannot control admin.
My MacBook Pro will not open any app or program that requires Internet, even though I am connected to the web. I recently installed Norton AntiVirus and think it may have changed a setting that I couldn't find. I uninstalled Norton and it didn't help. Every time I open Safari, iTunes or any other program that tries to connect to the Internet, it crashes. Strangely enough, Skype still works, but nothing else. I have OSx 10.6.8.  I have tried erasing plists, and all the standard troubleshooting, ie resetting modem, restarting computer, reloading Safari from disk.Â
For music I've been primarily listening to pandora for quite a while now, and am finally wanting to convert my CD collection to something I can put in my iPhone. I'm going to upgrade my car stereo soon w/USB hookup. I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to sound quality, and I used to burn CD mixes so I have CDs in AIFF format on my hard drive( -I know). I know this is pretty basic, but maybe someone can link me to the right's my question: What is the best audio format to convert my AIFF music files to that will have the highest quality, and I'll be able to put in iPhone and play with a new Car Stereo I'm about to purchase?
Is there a program where you can connect two apple computers over lan and share windows. like toss them back and forth from screen to screen or something like that. (not file sharing but window sharing.) I've heard of something like it but cant recall the name.
I was wondering if there was a way to close windows while in expose mode. For example, I hate it when I go to a site and a few pop ups come up and i turn on expose mode and i have to click on each one and make it come up and then press exit and then reopen expose and then click on another pop up and then exit and reopen expose and etc etc... To be more specific its kind of like the new windows 7 feature where you hover your mouse over the icon at the bottom and those little windows come up (kinda like expose) but those little windows have little x's where you can just exit the window without having to click on it and then exit and then go back down to the little icon and etc etc.
I use the F9 key to show all my open apps and one of the apps I have open is off the screen! and I can't find a way to drag it back. I used to have the laptop connected to second monitor creating duals which might explain it but once you take off the second monitor shouldn't all the apps show on the main screen??
If this has happened to anyone let me know!! I'm trying to find a way to fix it.
For example, (when Safari or Terminal application is already launched) pressing the dock icon or launching from quicksilver brings the window to the front (or moves to a specific space where the window is in).
Is it possible to modify this behavior to opening a new window? By clicking the dock icon (or some sequence of keyboard shortcuts) I want to open a new window of safari or terminal. Furthermore, it would be great if this can be done to the current 'space'.
I'm not sure if I'm phrasing this right. I work on an external monitor connected to my macbook, set to 1920 resolution. I was using Itunes stretched out to fill the whole monitor at that resolution. Upon switching to the macbook, the itunes window is now too large when I switch to the macbook display. I can't even see the bottom right handle that you normally drag to resize the window. Clicking on the + button doesn't help, as it only shrinks Itunes to the mini player. How can I get itunes back to a smaller window size?
For some reason when I click on application, my applications are now in a folder. Before they where lined up for me to see. Now I must open up the folder before I can choose my app.
Example: when I type 'wireless info' into Spotlight on my computer the document 'wireless info' is the 29th search result listed. The top hit is a mail message named 'Re: Re: Reset the device, and new wireless info'. The other 27 items in the list above the document I was looking for are things like 'Introducing Portland.doc' and 'Les Amis B&B'.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
Mac seems to run very slowly. Mail takes for ever to show my mail and to make changes some time it quits automatically. And send a report to mac. But nothing has change so far. How can I delete a program/application for example TV, want it out of my hard drive. or any other download. How can I see Power Point on my mac...
The application I am in, whether it Mail, Safari, anything really, even as I type this question will suddenly and very often go grey, like you have clicked on the desktop, you then click back to what you are working on and its fine, but this can happen several times in a minute, or then waits a few minutes, but when the window goes the light grey the menu still tells you at the top of the screen you are open in that particular application. its like the window is going to sleep until you click on it again and resume..Â
I am currently using osx lion, I have a behaviour to shut down my computer and let the application that currently running closed by itself during shut down (including massive finder windows). But when I turn on my computer again, those windows reappears. While it might be a nice feature, its really bothering for me. Is it possible to tell osx lion NOT to open the last windows opened during shut down? I am also curious if its possible to do this on safari. I have limited bandwidth, and opening the last windows is annoying.
I am just trying to cover a few scratches that bother me a lot. And before you all play the moral card on me I do not intend to commit fraud or anything just something to make me feel better about scratches I didn't cause. So what type of paint should i use?
iPhoto is great, but I need something like windows Paint, that can edit photos, i.e. color in/out a license plate on a car pic and what not. I'm looking for a simple and hopefully free equivalent, not a professional program at this time. I'm new to mac, so I don't know what's out there and didn't see anything listed in the help menu for mac apps here.