So basically I live in a college dorm and have been using ethernet the whole time I've been here then out of no where my computer will not take my ethernet cord anymore. In fact it will not take any ethernet cord. I've tried my friends and no luck, they try mine and it works. So it is obviously my computer. I plug it in, and it doesn't detect it, it just says ethernet not connected. What do I do? I got the latest Macbook pro with snow leapord. I take care of it, I didn't drop or anything it just stopped working.
Hope I can get this clear before buying a new MBair 1.86 SSD. Can I connect to the MB air the ethernet / USB adapter via a USB hub? Via the USB hub of the extrenal keyboard? Via the USB hub of the new 24" led display?
After setting my Built-in Ethernet card to DHCP today, for some reason it all of a sudden got an ip adress and became green and stated that it was connected.
But i couldn't open any websites on either of my browsers (mozilla, safari) and when i used the diagnostic it said that the internet, isp and network were working but that the Internet and Server have failed.
Can anyone help me with nthis new perdicament? I read somewhere that maybe i should swap the eth0 and eth1? Make one internal while the other external? I'm not sure if this applies
I'm using a macbook and am connecting to a dormitory internet. I had to give them my Ethernet ID and they gave me a password and a login which i still am not too sure what to do with. When i use the PPPoE version my network settings/internet/server fail.
I have a G5 DP 2.0 and have been using it's built in ethernet port connected straight to my BT home hub (adsl/router) for years. Any way I add into the mix a netgear 1000Base layer 2 switch and the G5's ethernet doesn't work, reconnect straight to the router and all is fine. Now tested with new cables and tested on every port on the switch. By the way the port light on the switch don't light up when G5 attached. Now have tried the switch with a g4 and all is fine on every port and supprisingly I've stuck a PCI card in the G5 and that works as well. Just can't work out why the built in won't work through the switch but will direct.
What might be the reason for this? I had to look up my IP address and configure it manually, so I got it to display as "connected," but there is still no internet when I turn off airport.
The subject title says it really. I've connected a Harddrive via an ethernet cable to an iMac. Under Preferences, Network, it says 'connected' and provides an IP address.Â
When I open Finder, select Go and input the IP address, the response is 'This file server is available on your computer. Access the volumes and files locally', however I cant see the drive in Finder and don't know how to get it to appear.Â
I am having the darndest problems with routing on my internal network, specifically with my Mac Mini Server which originally came Snow Leopard Server and was upgraded over the top (no clean metal) wtih Lion and Lion Server (10.7.4) Router is a Cisco/Linksys E4200 with firmware 1.0.04, but have had same problems with 1.0.02 and 1.0.03.Internal LAN/WiFi is defined as Router is and gateway. DNS is supposed to be served by the Mac Mini on, which also hosts my DHCP server to configure others on my home network.
With WiFi off on the Mac Mini "netstat -rn" returns essentially the same thing as on my Mac Pro (10.7.4 not-server) but for the MacPro at In this condition the Mini will ping the MacPro and I can ssh between, through the ethernet switch on the E4200. The MacPro can ping the E4200 but the Mac Mini can not. The E4200 has some ports opened to forward to the Mac Mini.But, enable WiFi on the Mac Mini and suddenly the ethernet starts working through the E4200.
Sometimes I can change the static IP address on the Mini's ethernet with WiFi off and then it starts speaking to the E4200 and internet. For instance tonight I changed it to and it didn't work. But did. Moved it back to and it still didn't work trough the router but it did work internally Mini to MacPro through the enthernet switch on the E4200.
We are trying to set up a system where 4 computers are connected to a set of hard drives and connected through Ethernet. We'd like a fast speed. Which systems to get? Which cable is fastest? Is it hard to set up?
I just got the new macbook, with snow leopord, and is running on 10.6.2. My internet is really slow when I connect it to my linksys router. It is a wrt54g router. And I am using a WPA2 password. The internet works fine with the three other laptops in my house. But is slow when I connect with wireless to the router. But when I connect to the router with a ethernet cable it works really fast.
I have a iMac in my office connected to ethernet and wifi. Can I network/share files with the Macbook Pro at home I use for travel? Both have Mavericks OSX.
im planning on getting an airport extreme + hard drive for time machine backups & file storage. would it be best to just get a usb hard drive [URL] or a hard drive w/ an ethernet port [URL]?
I'm trying to connect an AE to my PC using XP with a D-Link DIR-655 WiFi router. I've used the airport utility and connected the AE to my router via ethernet. It appears to be setup properly and I can see it on the D-Link software. After disconnecting the ethernet cable and with the AE sitting next to the router it continually shows up and then disappears. The light is green on the AE. Then I disconnected the power and moved the AE into the place where I'm going to use it.
Now it will show up on my D-Link software occasionally but the light won't turn green. It also doesn't show up on the airport utility software. I also have a Touch and ATV that both work fine on the same network and the same location. The AE is about 30 feet from the router with only one wall in between them. Am I missing something here or could there be a problem with the AE?
Just got the time capsule, going to use it for wireless time machine back ups of my laptop. I would also like to connect an external drive to the time capsule for movies and audio files that are too big for my laptop.
I notice if I connect my owc 7200 rpm external drive via the USB port to the time capsule, things are a bit sluggish when I access movie/audio files over the wireless...What if I purchased an external drive with an ethernet port? would it work if I plugged it into the time capsule? and if so would there be a speed increase?
I just got a new MacBook and have been copying files via Ethernet from my pc. One thing I noticed is that whenever an Ethernet cable is plugged in nad hooked up to the router, the Internet stops working on both mac and pc. However, my torrent client on my pc continues downloading so it's not actually stopping, the browser is just failing to connect as is the official network status. Why is this?
We just bought a new iMac this afternoon. Haven't been able to connect to the internet, although the assistant says the connections are working fine. The ethernet light is green. Safari continually shows a message that says, 'your computer isn't connected to the internet."
i connected it to my Airport Extreme and not the USB because i want to use the scanning and faxing features. so how can i configure it? when i connected it via USB it recognized it but when i connected it to ethernet it didn't...
I was just wondering if any other macrumorsmembers have been in the situation where there's no wifi, no decent 3G, but ethernet ports available to use, but you don't have a computer handy? Would it be possible that you could create an ethernet cable one end, dock the other, and literally connect e.g. an iPhone into the ethernet? At my place of work, there's no signal (dodgy GPRS/flakey Edge), some wifi, but in halls of residence, you get 1 ethernet port, and you can't put a wireless router onto it. It would seem that it would be an interesting solution, if it was possible.
I just bought an airport extreme w/gigabit, and I'm wondering if it's possible to connect an ethernet switch to one of my pro's ethernet ports and have things like my xbox 360 and ps3 run off it, however, my mac pro would be connected to my airport extreme via 802.11n. is that possible?
I consider myself very good at all things Mac. But this one has me stumped.
I've just arrived home with a WD My Book Home Edition 1TB external drive. Formatted for Windows it mounted correctly via FireWire and USB.
First things first: I formatted it for the Mac... Mac OS Extended (Journaled), two GUID partition tables. So far so good. Each partition is recognized, each mounts like it should.
Time Machine then backed up my Intel iMac... again, everything's normal. No odd or unusual behavior.
Here's where things get strange.
For whatever reason I formatted the drive via USB. But my intention hereafter is to connect via FireWire... I need each USB port for peripherals.
But the drive isn't recognized through FireWire. I'm asked if I want to initialize it. When reconnected through USB the drive mounts again.
What's going on? Why is the drive recognized when connected via USB but not when connected via FireWire?
The little icon on the lower right corner of my XP partition shows that I am connected to my internet, and the connection is very strong. But when I open up Firefox or Steam or AIM, it all says I'm offline and asks if I would like to connect. I tried restarting, repairing the connection, and almost everything else I can think of.
I have a 13" MacBook Pro and it is not connecting to the internet! Airport says im connected to my internet connection, but safari won't load the internet. I tried Firefox and still, the same result. I resetted the modem and the router, but still nothing. The internet connection on my other computer works fine. So I got on the Windows partition and it connects to the internet! So it's just OSX that won't let me connect cause my Windows partition works fine.
I can't get ethernet to work on my new MacBook Air. I bought the USB Ethernet Adapter for MacBook Air, and it's plugged in, but still the ethernet wire doesn't seem to get any contact.I can see the USB adapter in setting for network, so it seems to to be connecter with my Air.THe other thing is that my friend bought himself a Laptop PC, and he used the SAME ethernet wire, and it worked right away.
So as of mid-day my Macbook will not connect to the internet in our apartment via ethernet. I have tried all my roomates ethernet plug ins and it still does not work. It shows a green light next to ethernet saying it his hooked up but it won't load any pages. I've tried network diagnostics? When I try to go to a webpage it goes to a white screen and after 5min of trying to load it bring up the "not connected to the internet" text. I guess I'll make a trip to the apple store wednesday if at all possible unless you guys come up with something. This machine is out of warranty so I'm wondering what would be the worse case scenario and how much am I looking at spending?
I've recently purchased the Retina MacBook Pro and I wanted to get an Ethernet adapter for it. I was wondering whether it would be any quicker buying the official apple thunderbolt adaptor. Or would it be just as efficinet to buy a cheaper alternative on Amazon (one that uses USB).
2010 i7 15'' MBP. I've been connected to the internet wireless with my Airport Extreme from day 1, but today I wanted to give the ethernet port a try and it just didn't work. The ethernet cable is recognized, but it says there is no IP. I do not know my IP settings or any of that. What do I do?
I need one that works in both windows and Apple, I've been searching all over and I can't find one that is guaranteed to work with both. I was wondering if anyone is using a usb to ethernet and if anyone can point me into the right direction.