OS X :: RAID System Setup - Four Computers Connected Through Ethernet
Jun 10, 2009
We are trying to set up a system where 4 computers are connected to a set of hard drives and connected through Ethernet. We'd like a fast speed. Which systems to get? Which cable is fastest? Is it hard to set up?
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Dec 16, 2008
I'm trying to connect an AE to my PC using XP with a D-Link DIR-655 WiFi router. I've used the airport utility and connected the AE to my router via ethernet. It appears to be setup properly and I can see it on the D-Link software. After disconnecting the ethernet cable and with the AE sitting next to the router it continually shows up and then disappears. The light is green on the AE. Then I disconnected the power and moved the AE into the place where I'm going to use it.
Now it will show up on my D-Link software occasionally but the light won't turn green. It also doesn't show up on the airport utility software. I also have a Touch and ATV that both work fine on the same network and the same location. The AE is about 30 feet from the router with only one wall in between them. Am I missing something here or could there be a problem with the AE?
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Dec 11, 2010
i connected it to my Airport Extreme and not the USB because i want to use the scanning and faxing features. so how can i configure it? when i connected it via USB it recognized it but when i connected it to ethernet it didn't...
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May 12, 2012
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.
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Apr 27, 2008
My brother is going to start school in June for Film. He is all set to buy a Mac and knows the software side of things but not so much the Hardware side.
I have a few questions:
1. Should extra hard drives be bought third party?
2. Should he do a raid setup for backups?
3. How much memory should he buy for Final Cut operations? (third party)
4. Should he look into getting a Dell monitor instead of Apple? What is a comparable Dell monitor?
5. 4-Core or 8-Core?
6. Any other knowledgeable Mac Pro buying advice
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May 16, 2007
I have a PowerMac G5 and need to purchase an internal RAID card to create a RAID 1 mirror of the system drive... one that will allow me create a Hardware RAID 1 mirror, not software RAID through OS X.
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May 6, 2012
I have a Mac Pro and a Mac Book Pro systems running Lion and I want to connect them via an Ethernet cable.
They can see each other in the Finder window, but when I move files, it uses the wireless connection rather than the afp one which is supposed to be much faster. I have to turn the WIFI off every time I move files which is very inconvenient.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm trying to connect my iMac to my macbook via ethernet, and my macbook recognizes my iMac, but my iMac doesn't recognize my macbook. This means that in my macbook network settings, the Ethernet icon is green, while in my iMac network settings, the Ethernet is yellow. Both say Status: Connected, but my iMac's ethernet is yellow for some reason. How do I get it to turn green and recognize my Macbook? I don't think this makes a difference, but my iMac is 10.6.8 and my macbook is 10.5.8.
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm looking for a way (preferably a widget) to list all computers on the LAN (Mac and PC). What I would like to get is a list with both the IP address and the name of all connected computers. Sounds simple but google didn't find it for me yet. Probably didn't feed it the right question yet. Maybe one of you knows or uses such a utility/widget? Now checking nmap (which apparently used to have a widget frontend named sunemo)
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Oct 3, 2008
I have 2 1TB drives coming in on Monday, and I plan to put them in a mirror RAID using Disk Utility. How reliable is the OS X software RAID setup? Would I be better to just manually backup from one drive to another? The drives will be for my photography, I wanted a mirror setup so I'd finally have a backup of my (current) 250GB's of photos. (Most of which I could probably burn to DVD's but humor me.)
If the RAID crashed somehow via the software, would the data still be recoverable? I have a MP and will be putting them in Bays 3 & 4. Also, is there any benefit to the different block sizes? Since my files will all be at least 7MB would the biggest block size speed it up?
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Jul 1, 2009
I just got a brand new MAC PRO desktop. It came with a 600GB HDD. I purchased a second identical internal 600GB HDD. I wanted to do setup a RAID 1 using these 2 drives. Currently the main drive has the OS and all my other apps installed. I installed the 2nd drive and was fooling with disk utility. I'm not sure how to set this up however. I tried numerous guides online but I just cant figure it out.
MAC PRO (takes up to 4 internal drives) - currently installed 2 identical drives
Using Disk utility
The RAID tab says "online" and the status is green (indicating the RAID is working). However on my desktop i see the 2nd hardddrive mounted with no contents in it. I just want to able to use the 2nd drive as a mirror so this way if one fails I'm still up and running.
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm planning to setup a RAID on My Mac Pro (2006 2.66 Quad Core). I know Bootcamp not support Hardware Raid Card. Can I use the Hardware Raid Card for boot Mac OS X and storage Data, and use the onboard controller boot the Bootcamp Drive?
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Nov 4, 2009
this is what im currently goin with.. SSD as boot/apps and a 1TB for data.. but a couple people suggest 1TB drives in raid.. 1. what do I need for raid?
2. how does it compare against the SSD+1TB setup? 3. can I add raid to the SSD+1TB and get more 1TB drives later?
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Dec 14, 2010
Basically this would create a big 4 gig array that I could split into multiple partitions. I'd have mirroring and fast performance. I was wondering what the performance difference would be between the Greens and Blacks - Greens are known for worse performance, but I was wondering if in RAID 10 it would even matter.
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Dec 20, 2010
I have a PowerMac G4 I'd like to use as an "experimental" backup machine. I am looking to try and make a RAID setup in it, and I'm no expert with that. I'm wondering if this is even possible, first. I'm also wondering if I can do this with 2 40 gb drives and a 20 gb drive. I want to make it so it appears as 1 drive. I'd be using tiger and a software RAID if that is of any relevance.
500 MHz PowerPC G4
No hard drives currently
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Mar 1, 2010
Setting up raid 0 for my mac pro 3,1. Right now I have the stock 320GB drive that I use with Mac OS X, and an additional 500GB drive running Win XP through Bootcamp. I read on apple's site that you could stripe multiple drives to create a raid 0 to increase performance on the Mac Pro w/o the raid controller card. So my question is how do I do that? I'm in the process of picking a new 2TB drive to set up the raid with the 320GB OS drive. Since the 500GB one is dedicated for XP I don't think I could include it in the raid right?
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Apr 29, 2010
I bought this Hard drive under the impression that its going to be easy install. I went through the manual steps to install all went ok to last step which is partition and format using Disk Utility. now i dont know what to do, is the hard drive going to do the Raiding, or I have to setup using Raid tap in Disk Utility? I tried doing Raiding using Disk Utility but couldnt do it, i thought maybe i cant because its hardware raid or
i searched until my head exploded, and I feel its easy but i am not getting something tiny here.
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Jul 22, 2009
I am interested in using a Time Capsule to run Time Machine automatic backup for both computers in my house (Mac Mini and Macbook). Is this easy to setup for two computers? The manual says on page 1 that it can do multiple computers, but nowhere else in the manual to they mention how to set it up.
Congratulations on purchasing your Time Capsule. Read this guide to get started. The new Time Capsule offers you the simplicity of fully automated backup for your WiFi network. Using the Time Machine application in Mac OS X v10.5.2 Leopard or later, it's easy and automatic to back up all the computers on your network to a single Time Capsule.
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Aug 31, 2010
I plan on using a set of 5 [2TB] drives in a RAID setup. Looks like WD is the manufacturer but I'm not really seeing a lot of input online for these other than that they have been recertified
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Jan 9, 2011
I have a Early 2008 Mac Pro. I have the Apple Hardware Raid Card Installed. I have 4 2TB disks installed. Currently I've got the system disk setup in Bay 1 as a single disk. Then I have the disks in bays 2 through 4 setup as a raid 5. I've been thinking that I might be better off to make all 4 disks into a raid 5 array and then just make volumes for the system disk and my work disk. My goal is to have a system volume an a scratch/work volume for image and video editing.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have two questions. Firstly, I am considering buying a western digital MyBook Studio Edition II [URL]. If I use time machine with this drive, will I be able to remove one of the drives and keep it off-site for safekeeping and have time machine continue to backup on the remaining one as usual? Secondly, if I remove drive #2 and keep it off site, would dropping it back into the raid setup update drive #2 with drive #1's current time machine backup? I'm new to raid, and I am basically trying to have a time machine backup, and a off site backup.
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Aug 25, 2009
In my Mac Pro I currently have the stock HD as my OS/Home drive, while the other two 1TB WD Black drives are RAID 0 partitioned into a 1.5 TB Data drive and 256GB Scratch. I have these and my OS/home drive backing up to time machine but when I eventually upgrade to 10.6 (and probably clean install) will I lose my RAID setup and have to re-create it byte-by-byte in order to restore from my Time Machine backup? Or would I have to do the 'upgrade' installation to get around this since I used Disc Utility to create my RAID setup?
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Jul 19, 2010
Yesterday I bought a new Mac Pro. I absolutely LOVE it, and don't care if they replace it tomorrow. It is a terrific machine. I do want to set up two sepeate RAID arrays inside it, and could use a little help, as I've never done this before. I want to set up one array, of two large (say 1TB) drives in mirrored (RAID 1?) format for all my data. I want to set up another of two smaller (300GB) WD Velociraptor drives, which I already own, in striped (RAID 0?) format for the operating system, and my applications, as well as a bootcamp partition.
This is where it gets complicated for me. Much of my data is on one of the velociraptor drives in another computer. My question is, can I install the two new 1TB drives, set them up as RAID 1, using the original drive that came in the Mac Pro, move my data over from the old computer, then install the velociraptors, set up that RAID 0 array, and install the operating system. In other words, will the "new" operating system recognize the data raid array that I had created with the "old" operating system?
An easier question. When setting up the operating system on what will be my new RAID 0 array, do I just boot from the CD? and secondly, do I first set up the striped raid, and then install the operating system, and then the bootcamp partition? Or is there a different sequence to use.OK finally, when booting into windows through bootcamp, will windows be able to see the seperate data RAID array?l
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May 6, 2012
I've been trying to migrate data to a new RAID setup, but have been running into the error code 36 issue where Mac created invisible files are killing the file transfers. At any rate, I tried about three different directory cleanup utilities and for the most part got almost all the data to move. Now I'm onto the last bit which was giving me permissions errors as well.I used Batchmod to make everything read write and I ALSO CLEARED THE XTARS. Worked like a charm and everthing transfered. HOWEVER. Killing the extened attributes of the files turned them all into Executible files with no program ownership. BTW, there are font files so there are hundreds of them. Is there anyway to re-assign them or get some of the attributes back?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 23, 2012
Literally just got shiny new miniMac Server with the dual 70GB internakky hard drives/disks with OS X 10.7.$ LION pre-installed. What a nice machine in a super cool box Seemed to bootup and run fine!Now my issue (there will be more for this MAC newbie):How to setup AND more importantly (item B below) CONFIRM that a RAID MIRROR is working? Want nothing fancier than 2-nd drive is exact duplicate of 1-st drive at all times. That is, an 'active and full up-to -the second" backup of the main 1-st drive.I have done nothing to 1-st drive as it came from APPLE.When I try to setup RAID set using DISK Utility, I get message about system(1-st drive) can't be used in a RAID or such.
yet I can add 2-nd drive to what I tink is a RAID set and then 'Enable' it.It seems to add another entry to thr left-side of drves list panel but not sure that 1-st and 2-nd drives are BOTH in the new "RAID SET' or that the set just consists of the "single" 2-nd disk? B. I don't think that 1-st drive data is actually being duplicated to 2-nd drive.For instance, how do I know that it was 'caught up' to match 1-st drive AND then is [code]
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Pre-instaDual Internal drives/disks
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Jul 19, 2010
I have a Macbook running Mac OS 10.4.11 which i believe is Tiger. I just purchased a refurb 2009 macmini which came with came with setup disc which includes snow leopard. Am I able to use that disc to install snow leopard on me macbook? If so how do i go about doing it.
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Dec 1, 2010
This is what I've done so far: I set a Stripped Raid Set with two drives: a Seagate 500GB @7200 and the original WD 640GB @7200. Before setting the Raid, I partitioned the latter in two: a 500GB and a 160GB, so the extra space is not lost. The Raid was created successfully (using the disk utility Raid - no special hardware). So far, is this OK (specially the partition part)? Now, my question is, what's the best way to migrate all my apps and data, from the original single boot drive I've been using until now, to the Raid - so the benefits of the raid are most apparent?
a) As soon as the raid was set, still inside Disk Utility, I used the Restore function, using the original boot volume as source, and the raid volume as target. This is in progress, with an eta of 4 hours, but I can stop it at any time... is this the best way?
b) Another way that occurs to me, is to clone the boot volume to the Raid using Superduper or CCC....?
c) Or perhaps I should make a clean OS install in the Raid volume, and then use migration assistant or other method to bring the apps and data to the raid?Or, something else I haven't thought of...?
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Feb 23, 2010
Meeting with my IT dept this afternoon to go over final configuration options for the 09 MP I'm getting. I've monitored these forums for the past month, and I think I'm close but have a few more questions. Note: This will be the first Mac in an all-PC environment. No one at our help desk is trained to support Macs.
1. RAID setup - Based on another thread I started, it seems to make sense to go with the 640 GB system drive, an Areca ARC-1212 card, and 3 x Western Digital 1TB RE3s. By my calculations, this would be a better setup for half the cost of going with the Apple RAID and their 3 x 1TB drives.
My IT dept realizes this, but no one here has much experience setting up RAIDs, let alone on Macs, which they will be learning to support on the fly. Because of this, they are leaning toward the Apple RAID card, if only for Apple support reasons. Can anyone who has experience with Areca vouch for their quality of tech support and/or the ease of setting this up? Does going with a non-Apple option for a RAID have any effect on the Apple Care warranty?
2. Graphics Card - To use my existing (PC workstation) setup of 2x24� dell monitors plus a 19� preview monitor, the Apple rep said I would need the 2xNVIDIA GeForce GT 120 option (plus the Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter option) to run a non-Apple display for the third monitor. He mentioned they do sell more powerful cards to handle my same monitor setup, but they would have to be purchased separately and we�d still have to get the one I just mentioned.
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Jun 24, 2010
I am currently building a RAID setup for storage of iTunes and other files. I have 4 hard drive spots to work with. I have been throwing around a few options. safest way of doing this would be great!
Option 1:
4 x 1.5TB (2x1.5TB RAID 0 + 2x1.5TB RAID 0 Clone) What would be the worst case scenario with this? if one hard drive fails I would just use the clone or vice versa.
Option 2:
4 x 1.5TB RAID 1 with no clone. Which of these is the better option? or is there an option 3?
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Jan 30, 2010
So basically I live in a college dorm and have been using ethernet the whole time I've been here then out of no where my computer will not take my ethernet cord anymore. In fact it will not take any ethernet cord. I've tried my friends and no luck, they try mine and it works. So it is obviously my computer. I plug it in, and it doesn't detect it, it just says ethernet not connected. What do I do? I got the latest Macbook pro with snow leapord. I take care of it, I didn't drop or anything it just stopped working.
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