OS X :: Autorun Finder When Plugging In USB Stick?

Aug 3, 2009

Just wondering if there is any setting somewhere, somehow. It probably hardly improves my productivity, but just wondering...

I remember this was proposed to you when you plugged in a USB-stick in Windows. Wonder if its also possible here.

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OS X :: Autorun DVD/USB Stick For Both With Portable Chrome Or Safari?

Sep 13, 2010

I have successfully created an autorun (DVD/USB-STICK) image of my bands EPK (Electronic Press Kit) for Windows. However I also need it to autorun on OSX too.

On my autorun image is a portable version of Google Chrome, a portable version of Safari and a stripped down version of our website [URL] with all the supporting video, audio and images. When the DVD or USB-STICK is inserted into a PC, the site is loaded into Chrome portable. This works great!

I am not a OSX guy (though I hope to be one day soon). So I need some help/advice regarding how to make the same DVD/USB-STICK work on a Mac.

I have found a Mac version of Portable Chrome in a .dmg format here:[URL]

I have also found a Mac version of Portable Safari in a .dmg format here:[URL]

And I found info on dual OS AutoStart/AutoRun here: [URL]

Now to just combine them. That's where the confusion for me comes in for me. The main question I have is how to autostart either portable versions of Safari or Chrome from the DVD/USB-STICK? Is the .dmg image executable?

One last note: I need Chrome or Safari because I am using the HTML 5 <video> tag.

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OS X :: Plugging In External Hard Drive Crashes Finder?

Feb 14, 2008

wouldn't even load. It would just show the little blue "light" flashing on and off, as if Finder were launching, crashing, launching, crashing.After some deduction, I found the problem to be my USB WD hard drive. It used to previously work fine. It has only one partition on it, which is HFS+ formatted. Disk utility verify/repair reports that the drive is fine.

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OS X :: Finder Crashes When Plugging In External Hard Drive?

May 9, 2009

1. I plug in my 2.5" external hard drive. It appears in Finder. I can see the contents of the main directory. 2. The moment I CLICK on any folder/file, I get the beach ball and Finder crashes. This is the only time Finder crashes.I've searched the forums but all the results are old and no solutions have been found.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Open Finder Window And Finder Preferences Don't Stick

Apr 5, 2012

Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes. 

Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Can't Get Finder Folder Background To Stick

Nov 11, 2008

recently migrated to a new mbp so i didn't have this problem before, but i would set a background pic to my Home folder, turn off or reboot and the next time osx starts up, the pic would be gone and i would have to set it again, very annoying, anyone know how to fix this?

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Intel Mac :: USB Port / Flash Stick Memory Or IPod Is Not Seeing In Finder

Mar 15, 2012

intel iMac , 10.5.8 , suddenly USB ports stop seeing any devices ( flash memory stick , iPod etc ) connected to it , neither on keyboard nor on computer back panel . Finder or Disk Utility not showing this devices , but the devices could be seen using SytemProfiler . The same devices connected to another Mac computer are working fine .

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Memory Stick Not Showing Up In Finder / Disk Utility?

Jun 21, 2012

My USB doesn't seem to be showing in Finder and Disk Utility. Why could this be?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Memory Stick Inserted Does Not Appear Under Remote Devices In Finder

Aug 22, 2014

I have a MacBook Air. I inserted  memory stick , but it did not appear in the Finders list for Devices / Remote Discs. When I removed it, a box opened telling me I did so incorrectly. I know how to eject remote devices, but if it was not listed, I could not do it properly. Why did it not appear under Remote Discs?

MacBook Air

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Intel Mac :: Import Photos/videos From Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo Stick?

Jun 23, 2012

I want to import photos from my Sony memory stick pro duo to iMac. My imac has SD card reader but not sure whether it reads photos from memory stick pro..

i bought this iMac in May 2011. I believe this model doesn't support Memory stick pro.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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OS X :: How To Make Autorun DVD On Mac

May 17, 2009

I need the best and easiest method to create Autorun DVD !

is it possible on mac when insert DVD play and lunch it ?!

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OS X :: Trying To Create A CD/DVD Autorun?

Apr 12, 2010

im trying to Create a DVD with autorun... since i read mac os x droped this furure sine leopard or ... so it dosent have it.... not possible with flash or any ootehr third part app.... but when i insert the iwork CD in my mac i can see that it brings up a page with appels logo + a pic+ app installations ..

how they have done this... shoyld the CD be an iso.

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OS X :: How To Disable Autorun In Usb Flash Drive

Aug 1, 2009

I want to disable t-mobile's connection application from popping up everytime i plug in the 3g modem device. i'm connecting through mac os'x native interface so i don't need the heavy connection application from t-mobile.

the 3g modem device presents itself also as a storage device so, a dmg present in the usb file system is fired as the usb device is plugged.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Open An Autorun Cadrom?

Mar 13, 2012

I just had back surgery and the i asked to doctor for a copy of the MRIs i had done.Unfortunately the disk is for Windows. is there any way to open and run the program?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Autorun Programs Without Opening The Main Window?

Aug 30, 2009

I'm looking for a way to "Open at Login" various programs I have in my dock without opening the main window (like Mail, Skype, MSN and so on). Any idea?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Remove Autorun.exe (W32/SillyFDC-DU | Trojan.Win32.Agent.aec)?

May 8, 2012

Apparently my mac is holding a Windows Trojan. It probably got on my mac through a USB device when uploading things to desktop.The file itself hasn't been touched since 2006...pretty darn old usb/trojan.  I have both Kaspersky Anti-Virus and Sophos (installed after Kaspersky was unable to disenfect) which apparently quarantined the file but can not be deleted.The file autorun.exe is hidden in a folder RECYCLER in the desktop. I've used the Terminal to show the file. I've checked its info and it's already unlocked and privilege is Read & Write.  Whenever I throw the whole folder into the trash and attempt to empty, I receive error message "The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items." If I drag the file seperate from folder into the trash, I receive the prompt to enter my security question (was never prompted this for any other file). After entering password, it makes the sound that something went it. The Trash however is empty, and the file remains in the RECYCLER folder in the desktop.  

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Use The Air Usb Stick As A Usb Stick?

Nov 15, 2010

thinking about putting the image to an external, as a seperate partition.

then use the usb stick, as my usb stick. Good idea?

it looks kinda flimsy, not sure how it will hold up.

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Run With 1 X 1GB Stick And 1 X 4GB Stick

Dec 25, 2009

So my question is simple. I have the base 13" mbp. So I have 2 x 1GB sticks. Can I get 1 x 4GB stick and make that total 5GB? Or do I have to purchase in pairs (2 x 4GB)?

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Hardware :: Plugging VHS Player To MacBook Pro?

Feb 23, 2009

I have videos on a VHS tape I'd like to watch on my MacBook Pro. First, does the macbook pro have a video input able to receive a VHS signal? Secondly, how does the Mac display the video on the screen. Do I need a specific software?

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging A Laptop In Continuously

Feb 5, 2012

I am planning to purchase a macbook pro. I will be using it at home mostly but wanted the option of taking it out if I need to. The salesperson told me not to plug the laptop in more than two days at a time. He said it's better to use the battery even if it's at home.

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MacBook :: Kernel Panic When Plugging In Headphones

May 28, 2009

I've noticed this happening for the past few weeks. Basically if I'm watching video on any flash website like YouTube, and I plug in headphones, I get a kernel panic. So as normal I hold the power button to shut it off. However, when I turn it back on, it will beep 2 times, then 3 times, and continue to beep until I turn it off. When I power it on again, it won't beep but it sits on the blank screen before the Apple logo shows up and basically nothing happens and my fans start to go loud. I did this about 3 times before it loaded to the Apple logo loading screen and finally booted properly. After it crashed I removed the headphones, and nothing except the magsafe charger is plugged in.

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OS X :: Plugging Esata Cable From External HD To IMac Possible?

Jun 2, 2009

How do you plug an Esata cable from an ext hd to an imac? Or is this even possible. If not how many firewire cables can you plug into an imac?

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Latency When Plugging In Headphones?

Jan 2, 2010

I have an issue that happens with my Macbook Pro. In certain applications, if I plug in my headphones - or unplug them, switching to speaker - from that point on the rest of the audio that the application outputs is delayed by about half-a-second. Now I could be talking-out-of-my-ass here, but this seems to *only* happen with applications that would be accessing the audio hardware through a more basic layer than the standard CoreAudio methods. For instance, it occurs in REAPER and Parallels, but not in Quicktime or iTunes. I find that if it does happen, if I can get the application to close the hardware and reopen it this fixes it. For instance, in Parallels I switch to a dummy output and then back, and it's fixed.

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MacBook Pro :: Awful Static When Plugging Into Speakers

May 24, 2010

Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging In Guitar - Audio In / Out Port

Jun 30, 2012

I'm trying to plug my guitar into my MacBook Pro 13 inch mid 2012 model. It says the port can be used as an audio in as well as out but when I go to preferences, sound then try to look for the "Use audio for" tab it's not there. Although I probably will be buying a USB interface soon, I just want to know why this isn't working.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

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OS X Yosemite :: Kernel Panic When Plugging In WD External

Dec 7, 2014

I have a WD My Passport 1TB external that was linked to my iMac 27".It's worked fine for a year or so - I copied some files to take on the train with me and unmounted the drive.When I pugged the drive into the USB on my Macbook it caused a kernel panic.

Ive since tried the the drive on another 3 macs and each time it restarts and causes a kernel panic.So the issue is obviously with the drive itself.There's no data on the drive that isn't backed up elsewhere but I'd like to be able to use the drive again.Is there any way of mounting and reformatting the drive or does it have to go in the bin now?

 Panic (system crashes) log:   Source: /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2014-12-01-065356_Neils-MacBook-Air.panic  Size: 8 KB (7,814 bytes)  Last Modified: 02/12/2014 11:12  Recent Contents: Anonymous UUID:       140AF119-9C41-BE43-A43D-77B90CF6D4FB Mon Dec  1 06:53:56 2014 *** Panic Report ***panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff802d01e80a): Kernel trap at 0xffffff802d3724f6, type


iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Is There Any Solution That Doesn't Involve Plugging Monitor In And Out

Nov 13, 2010

I have some problems starting some full-screen games and apps. This is because I have a secondary monitor connected (a television). I only use my second monitor for watching films and such, the rest of the time it's turned off.

But for some reason my iMac still sees my monitor. This causes the games and apps to stop functioning.

Is there any solution that doesn't involve plugging my monitor in and out?

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Applications :: IPhoto Auto Start When Plugging In IPhone?

Feb 25, 2009

Every time I plug in my iPhone it causes iPhoto to autostart on my comp. I find this to be very annoying since I rarely upload photos from my phone. How do I turn this autostart off? I know there must be some way to do this through the registry.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Plugging / Unplugging Headphone Give Beachballs

Oct 18, 2009

I'm having a weird problem on a two-week old 13" MBP. When I plug in headphones whatever sound was playing, if any, will stop for 10-15 seconds and during this time the volume keys on the keyboard are unresponsive (along with any keyboard keys that operate hardware things...backlight for keyboard, display brightness, although the dashboard and expose keys work). Same goes if I unplug the headphones. If I'm in iTunes, I get a beachball isolated to iTunes during this. When iTUnes recovers from the beachball it "realizes" that it should have actually been playing for the last ten seconds and catches up. I fresh install snow leopard a few days ago. Why would plugging/unplugging headphones (they are the ones that came with my iPhone 3GS) give a beachball in iTunes?

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MacBook Air :: Plugging Into Wrong Port - Computer Screen Goes Black

Dec 15, 2010

I was BBMing while trying to plug in my headphones with my pheripherals, and I accidentally pushed it (not very hard) into the USB port. The tip of the headphone jack connected with the little connector ball at the bottom of the USB port. The screen went black and I instantly hit the power button on instinct, so I don't know if it shut off. Did I do something very bad, or is that normal? I'm not sure if that's even considered an electric shock or what.

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