OS X :: Airport Extreme Or Cable Modem - Signal Drop?
Aug 16, 2010
I'm using an airport extreme (latest firmware) with 10.6.3 on a mac pro and a macbook pro. The mac pro is wired the macbook pro is connected via wireless.
I constantly have signal drops. While the airport extreme seems to stay online (green light is sold) the cable modem always resets itself.
I can't figure out if this is because of my Optonline service or due to my router (airport extreme). Cablevision states nothing is wrong with my cable internet connection and the issue may be with the router. I've tried three different modems from them and they've supposedly checked everything (wires, signal, etc). I still think it has something to do with them. I'm hesitant to try DSL as it is slower (no fios here yet).
I don't get how it can be the router if both my desktop and laptop lose connection to the internet at the same time if they happen to be connected online at the same time.
Is there anything I'm overlooking in regards to the airport extreme? Should I trash a particular preference or try a different setting?
I'm kind of desperate at this point since it is highly annoying to constantly get knocked offline more than 5 times a day.
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Dec 29, 2007
Sometimes while using my Powerbook in the house, the signal on my Airport connection will either drop completely or drop down to 1 bar which makes it extremely slow and barely usable. Normally, I'd blame the router, but the couple times this happened, I grabbed my brother's MacBook, set them side-by-side, and connected to the same access point, my PB had 1 bar or nothing at all, and his MB was at full strength and was working fine. Eventually, the PowerBook will go back up to full strength and be usable again, but after awhile, it will go back down too. It's an intermittent thing.
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Jun 2, 2009
I've scanned Google for my problem but when I tried setting an IP address, I got no connection, I don't know if it because I dont have a LAN or what... I need to set a static IP address so I can port map on my airport to open port 6112 for hosting wc3 games. I have a motorola surfboard cable modem and an airport extreme base station. I connect using DHCP via ethernet. Any feedback would be wonderful!
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Nov 27, 2010
I am going to buy a new wireless and modem etc. I have been reading until im blue in the face now and keep swapping from the Billion to Draytek etc. I want top quality as this has to supply my business etc. My netgear has now just about given up so I am replacing everything. I have now settled on this and wanted any more input on my choices:
Airport Extreme current generation refurb from Apple store
Draytek Vigor 120 Modem
BT i-plate
New filters
I use mainly Apple gear so that is why I have eventually decided on the Airport.
I dont really need fancy features just good signal and great wireless range (have thick walls)..
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Nov 28, 2010
I have At&t DSL, just got it a few weeks back, but have had to continue using my old internet because I cannot setup my Airport Extreme with it. I am really confused on the setting that need to be in place.
Here is the info that I have seen and tried:
Connection type on the Airport should be normal ethernet.
Setup the modem with "Bridge Mode", that is the problem right there.
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Mar 5, 2009
I want to upgrade wifi network, and considering new Airport Extreme. Will run 2 MacBooks, G4 Powerbook and 2 PCs, as well as iPhone, PSP, etc. Currently use Netgear Rangemax DG834PN Modem/Router.
Should I use the Netgear box as DSL modem for Airport Extreme (it is 802.11 b/g), or get a new modem?
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Oct 27, 2010
I have my AE set up in my office where three computers and two printers are picking up its signal just fine. However, I have a computer in another room that is only about 30 ft away from the AE router and sometimes the signal is very week while other times it won't connect at all. Yet, I can pick up other networks from other houses just fine.
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Aug 12, 2009
Can I add an Airport Extreme to a network to get a stronger signal? Im using my roommates wireless (WAP) signal with only one bar. I have the white Airport Extreme that looks a flying saucer. (802.11g?) to his Linksys wireless.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have a cable modem from Motorola for my internet connection.
I'm planning to buy Airport Express so I can have a wireless connection for my MBP and iPod Touch.
Is it OK to connect Airport Express to my motorola modem ?
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Dec 1, 2010
Upon getting my iPad and being unable to stream much without huge wait times, I've decided to take the plunge and get an Airport Extreme. Well, it arrived today, but alas it seems that I need a modem and Ethernet cord! Now, in my defense, I've been using a router that is both a modem and a router for years -- and it connected straight to the cable jack, so I didn't know that most routers needed a separate modem unit and Ethernet cord! Any way, it's too late to head out now so I'm going to have to wait till tomorrow to stream my precious netflix -- but I want to get it right this time; so...
I need an ethernet cord to connect the router and modem, right? The Modem/Router I've been using is called the SBG900 Wireless Surfboard Gateway. In my experience, the speeds have been dismal, but I should be able to use this as my modem -- right? Will it be slower than if I bought a separate modem? Does the modem even effect the speed of your internet or is that just the router?
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Apr 21, 2009
What is Airport Extreme? Can I use it in conjunction with my existing modem / router and share it with my internet connection?
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May 10, 2009
For the last 3 years I have used a Speed Touch 330 USB Broadband modem supplied by my provider Pipex
Initially only one computer was served - Mac Mini
Since then the following computers have now arrived
2 Powerbooks
1 Ibook
1 Imac
There is now a requirement for wireless connection to the internet
I have acquired an Airport Extreme Wireless Base Station
This has a single WAN port for modem connection
Can the above modem be successfully be connected by some means
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Nov 22, 2009
i am trying to get my airport extreme to receive a wireless signal and send it through a ethernet cable to my computer. how would i go about doing this?
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Feb 18, 2009
OK, so after several hours of swearing and cursing, i have my new airport extreme sitting behind my dsl modem now working and connected to the internet.
With my older linksys router, I had the dsl modem set to 'bridge' PPP location mode. That didn't work with the airport extreme it seems and nor did having the PPP on the modem. So, i selected 'PPP on the computer' PPP location mode and that seemed to do the trick.
So, question is -
- why doesn't 'bridge' mode work with the apple extreme? does it, and i'm not doing it right?
- is 'ppp on the computer' ok and any reason to not want this - any degradation in network performance etc?
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Mar 20, 2010
With my MacBook Pro sitting on the desk right next to my Airport Extreme Base Station, I get, according to iStumbler, a varying signal strength between 50 and 75%. I see the same with my wife's MacBook. I also have an Airport Express in another room set to "Extend a network" and I see about the same there. Shouldn't the signal strength be higher?
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Feb 17, 2009
I currently have a DSL internet connection (static IP if that matters), and my iMac is connected to the network via an Airport Extreme, but am switching to Comcast Cable for better speed/price.
I picked up the self-install kit from Comcast yesterday and find the included instructions pretty much worthless.
Due to where cable outlets are located, I hope to install the new cable modem in a different room than my computer. However, will I first need to have the computer hard-wired to the Airport to configure the connection? Or should I be able to configure it wirelessly?
If wirelessly, should it be as easy as turning off the computer and Airport, connecting coax from the wall to cable modem, ethernet cable to the Airport, and then powering everything on? Will the iMac instantly recognize the new connection and walk me through configuration?
I am going from a static IP w/ the DSL to, I assume, a dynamic IP with the Cable. Does this further complicate the install?
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Sep 27, 2010
i know Internet Service Providers give away modem or routers these day but wouldn't be best if Apple made an Airport Extreme or Time Capsule with a built-in modems? if you check people questions on apple.com you will see have half of them want to know how to switch off the wireless connection on their Linksys and let Airport Extreme do that and the other half doesn't even know what Airport Extreme is for i know Apple has a habit of getting rid of stuff but anyone else agree this will drive Airport Extreme sales up? it would be the ultimate connection device for macs and no need for additional router.
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Jan 27, 2009
I've just moved and have had to switch ISPs. I have DSL service and the only modem option my ISP provides is an all-in-one modem/Wi-Fi router. I have an AirPort Extreme that I would like to use, but with this setup, unfortunately, I have to put it behind the modem/router.
I've used the AirPort Extreme both wirelessly and via Ethernet, and it is noticeably slow in connecting to Web sites. My browser often gets stuck on "Looking up [URL]" or "Connecting to [URL]" when it's plugged into the AE via Ethernet. When I plug directly into the DSL modem/router, sites are connected to and loaded immediately. The problem only exists when plugged into the AE. (Strangely, speed tests show that the AE downloads at nearly the same speed as the DSL modem/router, but this doesn't account for the noticeable delay in connecting to and the initial loading of Web pages).
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Feb 10, 2009
I am finally jumping on the WiFi bandwagon at home - I know my macs pretty well but need advice at this wireless stuff...
1) I currently have a broadband modem that came with my BT broadband account - am I right I do not need to change this - just add an airport extreme/express to it?
2) What should I be considering when I am choosing between express/extreme? is extreme just longer range? I live in a 2 bed flat on 1 floor..
3) I would like to add some storage to this airport so I can store my itunes music on it and have it accessible to my laptop when I come in the house with it - I see airport extreme has a usb port - but is this USB2? if only usb1 then that would be very slow - what's the best way of adding wireless network storage (something like a firewire/usb2 drive like the drobo) to my wireless network?
4) - I am thinking about getting an apple tv - does extreme/express decision make any difference in this regard?
5) - If I want to run itunes through my main stereo - do I need to get a separate airport express for that? (Stereo and broadband modem are in different rooms in the flat) and does my laptop then work as itunes server, sending music from the storage attached to the airport extreme, to the express attached to the stereo?
6) - I see many people use a mac mini in systems like this - what are the advantages of having a separate mac mini added to the system to act as a media server as opposed to just using my laptop?
7) - If am am attaching media storage to a WiFi network - how do I make sure it is secure?
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Feb 15, 2009
I currently have Qwest DSL and have the 2wire 2700 hg modem. I have attached the picture of it. I currently have a Windows XP computer that is now a 2 1/2 year old computer (blah it was a hand me down). The Windows XP PC is currently hard-wired to the modem. I now have the 802.11n version of the AEBS. This is going to be used for my current Macbook. I have an office downstairs so I will be doing wirelessly. I want to use the 802.11n only option with my Macbook. Also another reason I want to disable the 2wire built in wireless feature and have it replaced by the AEBS is because Qwest is not doing anymore firmware upgrades for the 2wire 2700HG modem. By the way, my family sometimes visit and use 802.11g only on the devices they use. I know AEBS supports that. I just hope 2wire wireless feature can be disabled without no issues. These are the things I am wondering:
1. Has anybody run a similar setup to mine? Any things I should consider? Any pros or cons?
2. Should I turn off the 2wire modem firewall and turn on the firewall option on the Airport Extreme base station or vice versa?
3. Should I leave alone the NAT feature on the modem be left alone?
4. Does this kind of setup have to be run in "bridged" mode?
That's all the questions I have for now. I hope someone can help with this. I looked and looked for a similar question to these questions but could not find a recent forum post to mine.
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May 18, 2008
I have a set top box that has a router attached to it (Siemans Gigaset SE587), this in then attached to my Airport Extreme.
After some minutes i lose connection. I have tried changing Channels which allows me go back on line again, but i think its more a case of it working after every time i restart my Airport. and have even reset the Airport Extreme to create a new network.
The loss of connection has nothing to do with my isp because I am currently directly linked into my mac using the ethernet into my mac . And no connection drop.
Does anyone have a clue what this might be. I am sure my Airport is in good working order, I say that because it was working fine before my isp change.
And when it is able to stay up its working very well.
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Oct 2, 2007
I've been using the AEBS with my PowerBook for the last two and a half years with no problems. I was able to set it up to work with my Verizon DSL internet service pretty easily and never gave it a second thought. Until now.
I recently moved, and of course I had to switch ISPs. Now I've got Comast cable internet. The technician came out and hooked everything up. My internet works just fine - so long as I have the ethernet cable plugged into the computer.
I've tried to set it up to work with the Airport but it's not working. I'm clearly doing something wrong (this is what I get for not paying more attention to how these things work).
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Apr 22, 2009
We plug cable from the wall into our router, can I do this with the time capsule (extreme) / air port extreme base station?
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May 9, 2009
Trying to connect a new Airport Extreme Base Station to my iMac. Was hoping I could do so without connecting the AEBS to the imac via ethernet--is that possible? Why i try to do so, AEBS setup asks for my DHCP settings,etc.. If I connect AEBS to the computer via ethernet, will that work and will I be able to establish a network? Sure isn't going the way the "easy instructions" claim.
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Mar 31, 2012
I have an aiport extreme card in my emac. It was installed around a year and a half ago and has workd fine until yesterday. it suddenly says that it is not configured. It also says the antenna cable is unplugged and that it is turned off. I tried to trouble shoot it with internet connection assistant which says cable is unplugged and aiport is off. I have taken the card out and reinstalled it and reattached the cable mutiple times to no avail. And yes, I know how hard it is to push in.
eMac (ATI Graphics), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1 GHz powerPC G4
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Feb 18, 2009
Quick question - I have a cable line running from my wall to my cable modem, which in turn connects via ethernet cable to an AEBS. The AEBS provides wireless connectivity to four Macs.
Can I split the cable line in my room so that I may watch TV, or would this cut my download/upload bandwidth in half?
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Oct 22, 2009
Anyway to see signal strength for my 3g USB modem connection?
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Jan 10, 2009
I recently purchased a SBG900 Motorola cable modem/router to use with my IMAC. For a beginner, I found the setup instructions woefully lacking. I have managed to set up an "unsecure" wireless connection with the 900. It works fine for websurfing. I cannot however send email. When I do, I get a pop up box saying that my email connection to the Apple server on port 25 has timed out. I am able to receive email just fine. I wanted to sort this problem out before attempting to "secure" the network. I'm guessing its somewhere in the Motorola setup but I'm not sure where to start.
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a Power Mac G4 MDD that I am trying to connect to the Internet using a USB Cable Modem from Broadstripe Cable in Maryland.
So far I have tried a straight connection using the supplied USB cable, then via an Ethernet adapter from the USB cable to the MDD. Went through the software setup several times and still have had no success. does anyone have a solution for this type of problem?
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Dec 29, 2009
I've got an issue with my TC setup, I cannot for the life of me get it to see the cable modem and setup the WAN access. If you will pardon me I will cut n paste the lengthy description I left on the apple support list as I feel it is pretty thorough. I think I know my way around networks and dhcp but this setup doesn't yield any logs so I can't troubleshoot! I'm on Virgin Media 20megs and I can't connect using my brand new TC.
Modem: Ambit 256
Time capsule : 1 tB, firmware 7.5
Test router : Netgear WGR614V9
MBP alubook 15 inch late 2008
I tried connecting with the test router and the MBP alubook to the modem and both can pickup the ethernet connection and get a DHCP lease after some coaxing (cold-start the modem first, then cold-start the router/mbp). But I'm having no luck with the airport extreme base station. Hard reset / factory reset / soft reset, any startup order, nothing works. I even left the devices offline for an hour before doing another round of testing. I tried several cables (including a crossover cable) and all configurations work apart from the ones involving the time capsule. Both the modem AND the TC ethernet ports light-up with a green light... but somehow the TC doesn't negociate its DHCP or even basic ethernet connectivity. I see there's a firmware 7.4.2 on the support site for the TC but I'd rather not downgrade the unit.
Here are the console logs from the MBP when it connects to the modem (yes, my MBP is named awesome, because frankly it is):
Originally Posted by System.log when connecting MBP to Modem
29/12/2009 08:54:04 Awesome kernel Ethernet nvenet: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug 796d,0000,0de1,0005,45e1,0000
Originally Posted by Modem status page
Cable Modem : Euro-DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0 Compliant
MAC Address : <<redacted to protect the innocents>>
Serial Number : 0014A49B00A5
Boot Code Version : 1.1.2c
Software Version : 2.111.1002
Hardware Version : 1.9
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