Hardware :: Converting Existing DSL-based Airport Wireless Network To Cable Modem?
Feb 17, 2009
I currently have a DSL internet connection (static IP if that matters), and my iMac is connected to the network via an Airport Extreme, but am switching to Comcast Cable for better speed/price.
I picked up the self-install kit from Comcast yesterday and find the included instructions pretty much worthless.
Due to where cable outlets are located, I hope to install the new cable modem in a different room than my computer. However, will I first need to have the computer hard-wired to the Airport to configure the connection? Or should I be able to configure it wirelessly?
If wirelessly, should it be as easy as turning off the computer and Airport, connecting coax from the wall to cable modem, ethernet cable to the Airport, and then powering everything on? Will the iMac instantly recognize the new connection and walk me through configuration?
I am going from a static IP w/ the DSL to, I assume, a dynamic IP with the Cable. Does this further complicate the install?
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Apr 21, 2009
What is Airport Extreme? Can I use it in conjunction with my existing modem / router and share it with my internet connection?
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Mar 7, 2010
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
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Jun 2, 2009
I've scanned Google for my problem but when I tried setting an IP address, I got no connection, I don't know if it because I dont have a LAN or what... I need to set a static IP address so I can port map on my airport to open port 6112 for hosting wc3 games. I have a motorola surfboard cable modem and an airport extreme base station. I connect using DHCP via ethernet. Any feedback would be wonderful!
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Aug 16, 2010
I'm using an airport extreme (latest firmware) with 10.6.3 on a mac pro and a macbook pro. The mac pro is wired the macbook pro is connected via wireless.
I constantly have signal drops. While the airport extreme seems to stay online (green light is sold) the cable modem always resets itself.
I can't figure out if this is because of my Optonline service or due to my router (airport extreme). Cablevision states nothing is wrong with my cable internet connection and the issue may be with the router. I've tried three different modems from them and they've supposedly checked everything (wires, signal, etc). I still think it has something to do with them. I'm hesitant to try DSL as it is slower (no fios here yet).
I don't get how it can be the router if both my desktop and laptop lose connection to the internet at the same time if they happen to be connected online at the same time.
Is there anything I'm overlooking in regards to the airport extreme? Should I trash a particular preference or try a different setting?
I'm kind of desperate at this point since it is highly annoying to constantly get knocked offline more than 5 times a day.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have a cable modem from Motorola for my internet connection.
I'm planning to buy Airport Express so I can have a wireless connection for my MBP and iPod Touch.
Is it OK to connect Airport Express to my motorola modem ?
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Feb 19, 2009
My family use Dell computers and we all feed off the same router which is Linksys. Although, what happens is because of the location of the linksys router, my signal comes and goes weekly. I was wondering if I were to purchase an Airport Express, would I be able to use is as an extender/booster with the existing network that I already have? If I cannot do that, would i still be able to use the Airport Express and have it dedicated to just my computer? and if so, how do i go about doing that?
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Feb 8, 2010
my friend's got a modem/wifi combo from his internet provider, he wants to stream music to an airport express.
is this possible to have an airport express stream music when the central modem/wifi router is non-apple? how to set this up?
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May 15, 2010
I have two macs networked with airport extreme so they can use the same printer. I've just added a wireless modem for internet. When the network is set to the wireless modem, then airport doesn't work, and therefore, the printer can't be accessed. How can I use airport and the modem at the same time?
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Feb 6, 2010
We have a PC in the upstairs office with cable/DSL router for Internet (through Comcast). This service also has a wireless connection. We have a Macbook laptop which connects effortlessly to our home network and we use it all over the house. We simply clicked the internet symbol on the top right (looks like a little amphitheater), selected out network, entered the password and have been connected ever since.
Today we brought home a new iMac and set it up in basement office. Tried the same routine. Clicked on the internet symbol, selected our network, noticed that the signal is just as strong as it is upstairs, typed in password but that's as far as we get.
I've gone the rounds with the Assist and the Utility features. I've shut the Airport on and off. I've tried setting up a new network. I do notice that the iMac has a "self-assigned" ISP "and cannot connect to the Internet." Does this mean I can't ever connect? Do we need to replace the self-assigned ISP with our Comcast IP address?
I've read here and there that our router might have Macs blocked and we could add this iMac as a secure system to get on the network. But we haven't played with the router's settings because we wouldn't know how. Besides, the Macbook connects fine.
Does this have anything to do with TimeMachine?
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Mar 17, 2009
I'm soon to start working from a shared office and my internet will be gained wirelessly from a shared router.As I cannot modify the wireless network as it will interfere with everyone else Can i simply attach my time capsule via ethernet direct to my macbook pro, so that it does all the backup goodness and yet still have my wireless internet conneection open.
MAC to TC wired with MAC to INTERNET Wireless Without interference.
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Jul 9, 2009
I have a dual-band airport extreme router setup in a closet on the bottom floor of my 3-floor apartment, and I'm in need of some help figuring out how to go about adding some additional networking gear to my existing system
I have a 1TB Time Capsule which I'd like incorporate into my existing network. I have an available ethernet cable on the top floor of my apartment which I would like to connect the Time Capsule to so that I can quickly backup my MacPro (connected to network directly via ethernet), and so if possible I can extend the range of the Wireless-N network that my dual-band router is currently providing (because the signal on the top floor of my apartment isn't as great as I'd like it to be). I'd like to have the Time Capsule configured to only use the Wireless-N network so that my Macbook pro and my wife's Macbook Air will be backup to it via wireless-n speeds at all times.
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Jan 1, 2009
A friend of mine has the following situation: In the living room he has a stereo hooked up to a single Airport Express (the only wireless router in the house.) In the sunroom he has an iMac Core 2 Duo running the latest version of Tiger hooked up directly to a DSL modem. Itunes recognizes this Airport express and successfully streams music to it. WiFi devices connect to this network but won't connect to the internet even though internet sharing is activated under the iMac's system preferences. Are there some tweaks in the settings that will make this work or does he absolutely need another Airport Express connected to the DSL modem?
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a new AppleTV set up in my entertainment center on the other side of my house from my office, where my MacBook Pro is. Currently I have my U-verse gateway(which has a wireless router built in) in my home theater. The AppleTV is wired into the gateway. The signal from the gateway does not reach my office so I was able to hack a linksys router into a repeater bridge (different SSID as my U-verse setup). This allows me to stream my iTunes library, which is stored on an external HD (1.5tb) connected to my Mac, to my Apple TV.
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Jan 18, 2009
my router is linksys and i want to let my airport express join the network created by linksys wirelessly, would that be done? i was told at apple store that airport can extend existing network, what the problem is?
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Mar 1, 2010
For wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.
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May 14, 2009
I'm working in a home/home-office environment right now which was setup by someone else and I've noticed some odd network behavior when moving about the property. Looking at the setup, the relevant portion is: Cable modem - Airport Extreme - 10 port wired switch - 3x Airport Express in different areas of the house. The configuration of each device has the Extreme and all three Express devices set to "create a wireless network" with the network name the same for all four of them. I am not a networking expert but I would have thought that the Extreme should be set to be the "master" in a WDS network and the Express should each be set to participate in that WDS network. If they're all hosting their own wireless network with the same name and the coverage overlaps, how does a PC know which one it's using? Or maybe this doesn't matter. I just know that when we move from one room to another we frequently have to re-select the wireless network to establish connectivity.
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Jun 30, 2008
I have two G5s, one next to my ethernet/DSL line which plugs in directly for internet, and a second out in the living room where there is no DSL line. However, the house has wireless via an Extreme and two Xpress socket-plug-ins. My mac guy told me that I should be able to hook the G5 in the living room directly into the Xpress next to it via an ethernet cable (the living room G5 does not have a wireless card in it) and the wireless internet should link up via the Xpress to ethernet cable to living room G5. ? He said to make sure I had the ethernet configure box set to "using DHCP" which it is and it should automatically find the right IP address. When I try it, I get nothing though, just a message that there doesn't seem to be a network connection.
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Feb 18, 2009
Quick question - I have a cable line running from my wall to my cable modem, which in turn connects via ethernet cable to an AEBS. The AEBS provides wireless connectivity to four Macs.
Can I split the cable line in my room so that I may watch TV, or would this cut my download/upload bandwidth in half?
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Jul 28, 2010
I have 3 PC/laptops already in my windows 7 network. My new mac pro is on the wifi just fine, but does not see my printer or my network and my windows 7 does not see my mac pro. Can someone step me through in very simple steps or send my to an article I can follow.
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Dec 23, 2009
I have a Time Capsule as my main wifi router and have extended it to my upstairs using an Express.
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May 25, 2009
All of our Macs when first started begin Airport scanning. They log in to an unsecured network from a neighbors home instead of the network we have set as preferred. We then must select manually from the list of available networks which is quite a lot in our community. Why is this and what can we do to stop this?
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Jan 4, 2006
This is driving me insane. Just got a new Centrino laptop (obviously with wireless), but it refuses to see the AirPort network. I have reset the base station so there is no encryption of anykind, but still no joy.
Is there anything that needs to be set on the AirPort for this to work?
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Jul 22, 2009
I just purchased my first Mac: 13" macbookpro. I got a time capsule with it as well, but cannot set up my macbook to connect to the internet. I connected my desktop pc with windows XP via ethernet just fine. But I cannot get the wireless network to popup on my airport extreme.
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Nov 9, 2009
If you have a wireless network using an AirPort Extreme, can you extend the range by using an other AirPort Extreme with? Or you can only do that with an AirPort Express?
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Nov 15, 2009
i have my xbox hooked up to the internet through my airport extreme but recently it stopped recognizing my network and i cant figure out why? All of my other wireless devices work on my airport except my 360 and my imac running windows 7 in bootcamp finds my network but only gives me limited access to the network.
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Jul 23, 2010
Having had an issue with 2 powercuts in quick succession meaning my Mac Pro was unbootable I am looking into the software RAID built into Snow Leopard. I know it doesn't replace backups and I got my data back ok from backups. My system disk is a 1GB drive, could I purchase a 2nd identical drive and mirror across that without having to do a system re-install? What would happen to the Bootcamp partition which is also on the same drive. Taking my thoughts one step further, if I bought 3 more 1TB drives, could I create software mirror sets, and then stripe across those, which should give me some performance and reliability gains?
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Apr 10, 2009
I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.
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Sep 12, 2010
Question: Can a wireless printer 'join' an Airport Express Network? The printer in question is not near my router, can the printer join the network wirelessly so that I can print w/o a USB connection?
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Feb 20, 2007
I bought the Airport extreme and I can connect from my MBP only when setting the radio mode to:
-802.11n only (5 Ghz)
-802.11 (802.11a compatible)
My iBook and Pismo boxes cannot even see the wirless network at all. It is not a closed network and when selecting Other to connect and entering my WPA password I get an error.
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