Macbook Burnt Hand Twice Do You Think Apple Will Replace It?
May 14, 2012
I just left my macbook into the Apple store Belfast after it has burnt my hand yet again the original time this occured they replaced the charger and the part the charger connects to along with the casing and logicboard it still seemed to run rather warm with minimal use on occasion but being a light user i just hoped it would get better unil recently it happaned again.I phoned AppleCare and sent them pictures of the two times where you could clearly see the outline of the charger burned into my hand they told me to bring it to the Apple store. The genius at the store informed me that they will need to keep it for a while in order to run some diagnostic test on the device. I beleive that the test will come back negitive as it can be tempermental I was just wondering what the likelyhood of Apple exchange it for a new one.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 2, 2012
Is it possible to draw a map free hand with any Apple software product? I would like to include a color map of a public garden that I am building an iWeb website for.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 13, 2012
I have bought from the Apple store an Apple computer with model 13": 2,4GHz and I just open the cover ,did not open the inner packing.That is , I havenot used any of this computer.Now I want to change a type of 13":2,8GHz computer .
Info:Mac Pro, Invoice 9071928783
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Jun 10, 2009
i have a 2.0 unibody macbook, and i have had it since november.. it had the washed out screen and slanted function keys, so the guy at the genius bar took one look, logged it and im getting a new screen and top case. i love the genius bar and apple support =]
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Dec 26, 2009
I've had the computer for over a year. It is currently insured with the Applecare. It seems like the adapter's cord is starting to show some normal wear-and-tear. It still works (i.e., still charging my computer), but I'm afraid that it will either rip or cause a short sometime. I've never dinged the charger. It just seems like the coiling made it come apart. See the picture below. Will Apple replace this under the warranty, or will I have to rake out $80 for a new one if this one gives way? image: [URL] I just got off the phone with an Apple rep, and he will be shipping me a new adapter. I'll just have to send him back the damaged one.
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Jun 30, 2010
I have the last Aluminum 15" MBP model to come out right before the unibodies. I bought it the day the uni's came out to save some dough. Got the Applecare and all has been good until recently.Recently I have noticed some "stage lights" showing on my screen. It looks like a string of lights coming from the bottom of my screen and fading away the further up the screen they progress.
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Aug 24, 2010
I've got a Macbook Unibody which is still covered under AppleCare, and I discovered that the battery has swollen and became slightly bigger, enough for the battery cover not to close properly. The battery has only 200 cycles and is still on 84% capacity, and I have AppleCare until November 2011, so I thought it was a battery defect and took it to my local Apple reseller. (no Apple stores here yet )
So, after two days I was told that they had checked my Macbook and found the cause for the battery to swell up: there was a lot of dust on what seems the output of the processor disippator (a place I wouldn't be able to reach myself to clean, as I would have to disassemble it), and that dust caused the processor to become hotter (even though I hadn't noticed it) and that too much heat caused the battery to swell up.
But the funny thing is: Apple won't authorize the battery replacement, because they say it is not a battery defect, as it was caused by the processor heating because of the dust that got there by "normal usage" and I couldn't clean by myself. They told me I should have got there by the time I noticed my laptop becoming hotter than before so they could have cleaned it, but now it was just too late.
So I was left with the laptop and the swollen battery again, after I refused for them to charge me for the battery a little bit more than the price that I could get it from the online Apple Store.
any experience with swollen after normal usage batteries? Will the battery swell up more if I keep using it? Do you have any idea on how to convince Apple to give me a new battery? (after all, batteries aren't supposed to swell up, aren't they?)
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Sep 4, 2009
My mom noticed the other day that the battery on her MacBook (purchased May 2008) was swollen (pics below). Due to this, the battery will no longer lock in place. The trackpad button will also no longer click, as the battery is pushing it up from the inside.
The one year warranty expired 4 months ago, but I was fairly certain that Apple replaced/fixed things that were widespread issues (I know, I know, I told my dad to buy the AppleCare but he never did). Swollen batteries in MacBooks were recently recalled, but apparently this MacBook was not one of the ones recalled.
The folks at Apple told me that it was an old battery issue, meaning the battery was at the end of its life. Normal. That it was simply time to buy a new battery. Now, I don't know much about laptop batteries, but I know for a fact that the swelling isn't due to a dying battery. My mom keeps the laptop plugged into an external monitor nearly all the time, and rarely takes it anywhere. The battery has had 31 total load cycles, standing at 98% of original capacity.
They refused to replace it because the computer is out of warranty.
They recommended buying a new battery before it swells more and causes any more damage. I expressed my concern over the possibility that the battery might explode (an issue common with other swollen batteries). I was told "it is a possibility".
Here's my question. If products produced between months C-D warrant a recall due to a certain issue, and a product produced in month E has the exact same issue, shouldn't it be replaced as well?
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Mar 20, 2012
i should still have 1 month warranty left on my macbook pro.I tripped over the magsafe cord. It popped out. But now it is not charging. I think they should give me a free one, since it was designed to protect itself & the computer..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 31, 2009
I would like to replace my 1st generation unibody MacBook Pro's bottom case and I am interested in knowing the price. Can I purchase and replace the bottom case at the local Apple Store (I'm in Sydney)? I'm in warranty, if that's a factor.
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Apr 5, 2012
My Mac Air is only 1.5yrs old and this morning it wouldn't power up even being plugged in..How long is the battery life on these normally?
MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010)
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Nov 20, 2008
My macbook pro cd drive seems to be acting up. It doesn't like to read any of my burnt cd/dvd-r, but it reads 'proper' and blank DVDs just fine (by 'proper' i mean like DVD movies, Apple Tiger OSX dvd, and such).. The discs that it refuses to read are fine, no scratches or anything. It takes the disc in, spins and tries to read it for about 3 times and spits it out. I've tried using those DVD lens cleaner discs with brushes on them.. but they didn't help. I've also tried resetting my PRAM (and the other one where you hold the power button for 5 seconds while shut down), and that didn't help either.. If it matters, my superdrive details are: MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857D: Firmware Revision:KCV9 My machine is bit over 2 years old, so it's no longer on warranty/AppleCare. Has anyone encountered this before?
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Nov 22, 2010
I've suddenly come across a problem, which I'm not sure I understand at all... My Macbook Pro has stopped being able to read PC burnt data CDs. CDs that have previously worked. I get the "The disk inserted was not readable by this computer" error. They work in my old PC laptop, BUT, I booted up in Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro and it only saw the CD as a blank CD, so I'm guessing it's not an OS problem.
Just to make things even more clear, PC burnt audio CDs STILL work, and Mac burnt data/audio CDs still work. So it also doesn't seem to be a problem with the optical drive itself.
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May 26, 2010
I have burnt a dvds on macbook pro3,1 running OS10.4.11.[large picture files, jpegs and tiffs which work a treat on lap top] when I put it in mac pro1,1 running OS10.5.8 it shows as a blank disc. Eject and re-enter it a few times and it might recognize it but it might not. check it in lap top and its fine. This happens with a variety of disc types, and sometimes it is fine.
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Aug 22, 2010
I just recently submitted a service request for my Apple Mighty Mouse, which despite all attempts at cleaning still refuses to scroll down. A hold was put on my account in the amount of $69 for the new mouse, until I return the old of course. Does this mean that Apple is going to replace my mighty wireless mouse with a Magic Mouse? The Mighty "Mice" are no longer available for purchase in the Apple store, not even in the refurbished section. I sure hope that they do...but I was wondering if anyone else has recently sent in their old mouse and what you got back.
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May 28, 2012
need to replace WXGAÂ Antiglare LED LCD Panel on apple i mac
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Jun 22, 2012
I really dont know what the REAL defect of my macbook pro,it has always the same problem : NO POWER!, My unit shuts down automatically and doesn't turn on. The MagSafe's led blinks to red and green whenever i connect it to my MacBook pro . I brought it to a service center here in the Philippines for 3 times to be exact, the first time i brought it they said that the battery was just drained the same as the 2nd time. . And for the 3rd time they figured out that the logic board is the problem so they did replace it. When I received the unit, for only 8 hours my MacBook pro shuts down again, given that it is connected to MagSafe. I just bought it last October,and it is still under warranty..
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Macbook pro late 2011
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Aug 29, 2009
Just a quick question about my 13" MacBook Pro's 60W power adapter.The prongs have burnt, and I've noticed that sparks occasionally shoot out of the prongs when I plug the adapter into a wall outlet.Is this a known problem, and should I ask for a replacement adapter?
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Apr 3, 2012
I was trying to find what files I had sent someone couple of months ago. I thought it had been by email but I realise it must have been a CD. I can't remember what I had sent them. Does the Macbook have any history of CD burning?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 26, 2014
The top and bottom task bar looked to be burnt into the screen on my MacBook Pro Retina Display. Is this possible or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
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May 5, 2012
How much to have Apple store replace the superdrive in an iMac?
3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 12, 2012
I tried burning a CD this morning, which I have done many times, and for some reason my laptop is saying that 'disc burner or software not found'.
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Dec 4, 2010
If I burnt a movie from a CD using that Handbrake app and VLC player or whatever (I have seen it on youtube) how much memory is each file of the movie once you've burnt it onto your mac? And can you burn blueray disks?
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Nov 7, 2008
My powermac g4 digital audio 733mhz smells like burnt plastic (or what appears to be toxic fumes) whenever its powered on. Everything works fine when using it, except the smell. I've since stopped using it, since it really is hard for the nose and head. I was wondering what are the causes for that smell. If no solution is found, it might possibly be taken back for recycling or whatever they do with old computers at the university.
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Jun 24, 2009
There is a slight ghost of an image burnt on my iMac's screen. Luckily it's at the side of the screen rather than right in the middle. But am wondering if there is a way to get rid of it.
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Jul 28, 2010
Does anyone know of any software that I can use my palm (hands) to login to a Macbook?Basically by placing your hands on the screen...
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Mar 20, 2012
I just bought a second hand MacBook 2010 for my girlfriend. It came with a clean Lion installed. What is making me paranoid is that I use tracking software Prey on my own MBP and now how can I be sure that the new one hasn't got tracking software installed for opposite reason (to steal it and sell again)?I know it might sound stupid, but I like to be prepared for the worst. So should I format the drive and install Lion again? What would you do?
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Jun 2, 2014
When I added 2 gmail accounts to my new macbook air. The email program download thousands of emails and now I am getting notifications non stop on the top right hand corner from years ago it is non stop notification for the emails from like 2007 really old emails. why it is notifying me of old emails I know it is new just downloaded in the program but it should only notify me of recent emails shouldn't it?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Mail Program
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Dec 5, 2010
hopefully will be able to get some info on here as to what's up with my iMac. Over the last day or so I noticed my screen looking dirty, and have just left it. I went to clean it today and noticed that the "dirt" is under the glass, and on the lcd itself. The only way I can describe it is if you were to burn a candle with a bit of glass behind it, the glass would get like a grey/black residue on it, that's what it looks like. But, the problem is, it isn't uniform, it is in blotches, and it actually looks kinda like fingerprints. Like if you were to put your finger on the glass of the candle, it would take away the residue and leave an oval clean spot? That is just at the top left of the LCD, at the top right, it looks more like dirty water marks on the LCD it's self, again, the same colour.
It is only in the top half of the LCD I am noticing this problem. I wouldn't say it is yellowing, but is this a common problem with iMac LCDs?
I'm currently looking for the charger for my camera, but I'm not even sure if that will show it. My iMac is only 2 months old, if that, and I'm worried as to what might be the cause. Does anyone have any idea what could have caused this?
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Jun 27, 2012
just trying to find out if anyone has gotten any answers in regards to a burnt dvd-r being recognized in the superdrive using lion os.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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