MacBook Pro :: CDs Burnt With PC Suddenly Not Readable?

Nov 22, 2010

I've suddenly come across a problem, which I'm not sure I understand at all... My Macbook Pro has stopped being able to read PC burnt data CDs. CDs that have previously worked. I get the "The disk inserted was not readable by this computer" error. They work in my old PC laptop, BUT, I booted up in Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro and it only saw the CD as a blank CD, so I'm guessing it's not an OS problem.

Just to make things even more clear, PC burnt audio CDs STILL work, and Mac burnt data/audio CDs still work. So it also doesn't seem to be a problem with the optical drive itself.

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Intel Mac :: Make Mail Readable, Text Barely Readable On Screen When Set To 12 Point Text?

May 20, 2012

Is there a way to increase the size of the displayed mail, as you are creating it? I have mine set to 12 point text, but it is still difficult to read. The e-mail when received is fine, it's the creating that's "tiny"?

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MacBook Pro :: Not Reading Burnt Cd / Dvd R

Nov 20, 2008

My macbook pro cd drive seems to be acting up. It doesn't like to read any of my burnt cd/dvd-r, but it reads 'proper' and blank DVDs just fine (by 'proper' i mean like DVD movies, Apple Tiger OSX dvd, and such).. The discs that it refuses to read are fine, no scratches or anything. It takes the disc in, spins and tries to read it for about 3 times and spits it out. I've tried using those DVD lens cleaner discs with brushes on them.. but they didn't help. I've also tried resetting my PRAM (and the other one where you hold the power button for 5 seconds while shut down), and that didn't help either.. If it matters, my superdrive details are: MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857D: Firmware Revision:KCV9 My machine is bit over 2 years old, so it's no longer on warranty/AppleCare. Has anyone encountered this before?

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Mac Pro :: Not Reading Discs Burnt On Macbook

May 26, 2010

I have burnt a dvds on macbook pro3,1 running OS10.4.11.[large picture files, jpegs and tiffs which work a treat on lap top] when I put it in mac pro1,1 running OS10.5.8 it shows as a blank disc. Eject and re-enter it a few times and it might recognize it but it might not. check it in lap top and its fine. This happens with a variety of disc types, and sometimes it is fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Burnt Prongs On 60W Power Adapter?

Aug 29, 2009

Just a quick question about my 13" MacBook Pro's 60W power adapter.The prongs have burnt, and I've noticed that sparks occasionally shoot out of the prongs when I plug the adapter into a wall outlet.Is this a known problem, and should I ask for a replacement adapter?

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Macbook Burnt Hand Twice Do You Think Apple Will Replace It?

May 14, 2012

I just left my macbook into the Apple store Belfast after it has burnt my hand yet again the original time this occured they replaced the charger and the part the charger connects to along with the casing and logicboard it still seemed to run rather warm with minimal use on occasion but being a light user i just hoped it would get better unil recently it happaned again.I phoned AppleCare and sent them pictures of the two times where you could clearly see the outline of the charger burned into my hand they told me to bring it to the Apple store. The genius at the store informed me that they will need to keep it for a while in order to run some diagnostic test on the device. I beleive that the test will come back negitive as it can be tempermental I was just wondering what the likelyhood of Apple exchange it for a new one.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Find Out What Files Have Been Burnt To A Data CD In Past?

Apr 3, 2012

I was trying to find what files I had sent someone couple of months ago. I thought it had been by email but I realise it must have been a CD.  I can't remember what I had sent them. Does the Macbook have any history of CD burning?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Display Has Top Task Bar Burnt Into Screen?

Aug 26, 2014

The top and bottom task bar looked to be burnt into the screen on my MacBook Pro Retina Display.  Is this possible or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

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MacBook :: Burnt CDs Many Times But Now Disc Burner Software Not Found

Mar 12, 2012

I tried burning a CD this morning, which I have done many times, and for some reason my laptop is saying that 'disc burner or software not found'.


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Applications :: Burnt Movie From CD Using Handbrake / VLC?

Dec 4, 2010

If I burnt a movie from a CD using that Handbrake app and VLC player or whatever (I have seen it on youtube) how much memory is each file of the movie once you've burnt it onto your mac? And can you burn blueray disks?

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PowerPC :: G4 Smells Like Burnt Plastic

Nov 7, 2008

My powermac g4 digital audio 733mhz smells like burnt plastic (or what appears to be toxic fumes) whenever its powered on. Everything works fine when using it, except the smell. I've since stopped using it, since it really is hard for the nose and head. I was wondering what are the causes for that smell. If no solution is found, it might possibly be taken back for recycling or whatever they do with old computers at the university.

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IMac :: Ghost Of Image Burnt / Get Rid Of It?

Jun 24, 2009

There is a slight ghost of an image burnt on my iMac's screen. Luckily it's at the side of the screen rather than right in the middle. But am wondering if there is a way to get rid of it.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: SD Card Not Readable On MacBook Pro

May 17, 2012

I have a MBP from late 2010. And for the past 6 months i have had problems with it trying to read any SD card I put into the card reader and it's really causing me problems. I've tried the iPhoto trick and inserting the memory card plenty of times with no success.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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IMac :: LCD Looks Burnt - Grey Blotches On Screen?

Dec 5, 2010

hopefully will be able to get some info on here as to what's up with my iMac. Over the last day or so I noticed my screen looking dirty, and have just left it. I went to clean it today and noticed that the "dirt" is under the glass, and on the lcd itself. The only way I can describe it is if you were to burn a candle with a bit of glass behind it, the glass would get like a grey/black residue on it, that's what it looks like. But, the problem is, it isn't uniform, it is in blotches, and it actually looks kinda like fingerprints. Like if you were to put your finger on the glass of the candle, it would take away the residue and leave an oval clean spot? That is just at the top left of the LCD, at the top right, it looks more like dirty water marks on the LCD it's self, again, the same colour.

It is only in the top half of the LCD I am noticing this problem. I wouldn't say it is yellowing, but is this a common problem with iMac LCDs?

I'm currently looking for the charger for my camera, but I'm not even sure if that will show it. My iMac is only 2 months old, if that, and I'm worried as to what might be the cause. Does anyone have any idea what could have caused this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Resolve To The Superdrive Recognizing A Burnt Dvd-r?

Jun 27, 2012

just trying to find out if anyone has gotten any answers in regards to a burnt dvd-r being recognized in the superdrive using lion os.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Not Readable Or Recognized In Finder

Jul 21, 2010

I just put in a disk and it wont read it I have checked in finder and it isn't there and I've tried the eject button.

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MacBook Pro :: Disk You Inserted Is Not Readable By This Computer

Aug 30, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro with an External 2TB My Book for Mac Hard drive. I used it earlier this week, ejected and disconnected it, went to sleep and then tried to use it the next day and the error message: "The disk you inserted is not readable by this computer." popped up. I have checked partitions, firmware, etc. and all are showing that it is there. It no longer shows up in Finder, though DiskUtility does show it, though it doesn't show any of the partitions, etc. it doesn't even have the name of what I called it. 

- I am trying to get access to my files, I NEED them, (don't we all?!?) But seriously, these have hundreds of photos and videos of my college seminary on them and we need them for our 10- year anniversary. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X :: Installing Snow Leopard - Converted Into Iso File And Then Burnt Onto DL DVD?

Feb 10, 2010

I've got Snow Leopard sitting on my hard drive in the form of a DMG file. How do I install this new operating system? Do I have it converted into an iso file and then burnt onto a DL DVD and then run that or can I simply run it from its mounted position. Is there a way I can do it with my time machine?

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MacBook Pro :: Error - The Disk You Inserted Was Not Readable By This Computer

Feb 3, 2012

I have been getting an error message each time I connect an external HD to my MBP; "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." which allows for 'Ignore' or 'Eject', I typically ignore and all appears to run fine, but still there is something obviously off a bit, incidentally the HD is a WD 640Gb that has my iTunes library?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Error - The Disk You Inserted Was Not Readable By This Computer.

Apr 10, 2012

I recently had a friend fill my hard drive with movies and DVD's. Until this morning I had no problem with viewing the files on my computer and through my tv, other than the fact that I had to download VLC player on my computer as the files were all avi. Last night I noticed that two of the individual files either wouldn't load, or dropped out half way through. I fixed these files by repairing them individually, which solved the problem. This afternoon, my files were working perfectly, with no problems at all.  

Tonight, I have gone to plug in my hard drive, and it won't recognise it at all, other than to tell me that the disk I inserted was not readable by the computer. This afternoon my Mac suddenly needed to restart, the grey screen came over and I had no option but to restart my computer by pressing and holding the power button. This has happened before, but hasn't seemed to affect anything? 

I've tried restarting the computer and changing the hard drive into a different USB port but neither have made any difference. I've also tried to repair disk in Disk Utility, which hasn't worked either. Is there a way to fix this? Or at least get the files off the hard drive onto another hard drive? The hard drive won't show in Finder so I don't know how to back up the files as Disk Utility suggests I do. The hard drive is a HP SimpleSave, about 2 years old. Never had any problem with it before! 

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Newly Purchased Gets Hot Not Just Warm, And Smells Sometimes Like Burnt Plastic?

May 12, 2012

IS IT OK that a newly purchased  iMac -intel Lion- gets So HOT That it smells like Burnt Plastic,Not Warm but  Hot!!??.. Just only by using safari-reading mails or newspapers- And playing Radio with VLC??!!!!...Or i must throw it away before it explodes??!!...Since Not possible to contact direct Apple to replace it !!!!..-they send me automatically from one adress to the other And No reply

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), newly purchased-march 2012

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OS X Mavericks :: Using ITunes Converted MP3 To WAV And Burnt Audio CD - No Playback On Stereo

Sep 4, 2014

Using iTunes I converted a mp3 music file to wave and then burnt an audio CD. on a CD-R  Everything worked fine. Now the CD plays fine on the any computer but not on my stereo. I am using a MAC OS X 10.9.4.   The recording speed was 10X. 

OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Won't Read A Photo CD / Play A CD Burnt From ITunes

Jun 4, 2014

my Imac won't read a photo cd or play a cd burnt from iTunes but will play it if i insert it in a guest account on my computer

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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MacBook Pro :: Processing Power - High Resolution Screen Readable?

Apr 15, 2010

I wanted to ask for some advice on getting a new 15 inch MBP. I currently use a 2.2GHZ SR MBP with Anti Glare Screen. The computer works fine after a recent mother board change but I'm concerned about a future GPU failure. Applecare expires in June 2010. I was waiting for the refresh before buying and was wondering if I should go with the refurb 2.66GHZ MBP or a new i5 model. My priority is an anti glare screen and I notice that I would need to buy a high resolution screen in order to get that option on the new models. I'm not a power user and don't play games. My concern on the new model is that the text will be too small. How does the processing power compare on these two models and is the high resolution screen still readable for less than perfect eyes?

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Stuck In Optical Drive - Not Readable And Cannot Eject

Apr 1, 2012

A disk is stuck in the optical drive and the Mac isn't picking it up and I can't eject it.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: HDD Formatted In Mavericks Is Not Readable By Lion And Vise Versa

Aug 22, 2014

I have several mac pro's, 17 inch, late 2011, both have hdd installed in optical bay, one is running Mavericks another - ML 10.8.5 

I wanted to swap those hdd's between 2 mac's. When I put a hard drive formatted in Mavericks into Mountain Lion it does not read the disk, says: the disk is not readable...

it's recognized by the system, it's inside Disk Utility... but you cannot mount it, until re-formatted. Although it's recognized fine if you connect it via USB, full access, no issues...

The problem is only when you connecting the disk via Optical Bay SATA adapter (the adapter is absolutely OK as it can see other drives formatted in Lion's, also I have several of them, all of the show the same results) 

I had to re-format one disk in ML disk utility to resolve the issue, now it can be writable on Lion via optical bay adapter. But I have another disk of Mavericks which I can't reformat... to many valuable information on it 

the question: how can I make a disk formatted in Mavericks readable in Lion w/o reformatting (using optical bay adapter)?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: FAT Formatted External Hard Drive Is Not Readable By This Computer

Jun 2, 2014

when I insert my 'FAT' formatted external hard drive (Samsung M3) into my mac book pro it comes up with the error message that says "the inserted disk is not readable by this computer" and I therefore cannot access the files. The story (potential further details): 

1. I had a problem with my mac where it took hours to load each time I turned it on, would only work when power was plugged in etc. so I had to reformat my mac hard drive (when I tried to veriify it said repair, that wouldn't work). So i'm starting with a recently reformatted, clean mac. 

2. Before doing this I reformatted my external hard drive (whilst on windows machine) to FAT32 (so I can use on both windows and mac) so that I could back up my files. 

3. I then transferred files from mac onto external hard drive and then also put them on a windows machine. 

4. After reformatting mac hard drive when I then tried to transfer files back onto the mac I get the 'not readable' error. 

MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1

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MacBook :: Screen Ghosting - Text In Documents / Windows Barely Readable

Mar 12, 2012

I'm suddenly getting a ghosting effect on my Macbook's screen and text in documents and windows is sometimes barely readable. Strangely the machine starts up with a perfect image for a short time, then changes, so I suspect software rather than hardware. I've tried playing with settings in system preferences as well as repairing permissions. Should I perhaps try a PMU reset?

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MacBook Pro :: Toshiba External Hard Drive - This Disk Not Readable By This Computer Message?

Dec 8, 2009

I just bought a new 1 TB external hard drive for back up purposes. When i connect it via USB to my Snow Leopard macbook pro, it gives me a "this disk not readable by this computer message". I click ignore, and it lets me do whatever i want to the disk - read, write, etc. I have tried repair disk - tells me it's good to go, and tried reformatting several times - thought not zero disk data or the 7 pass bs.

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OS X :: WD Passport Not Readable?

Aug 24, 2009

So just starting today, I plugged in my WD Passport which I have used COUNTLESS times. Now I am getting a notice that says:

Disk Insertion

The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer.

Initalize, Ignore, or Eject

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