OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Draw A Map Free Hand With Any Apple Software?
Feb 2, 2012
Is it possible to draw a map free hand with any Apple software product? I would like to include a color map of a public garden that I am building an iWeb website for.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 14, 2012
Having now added a GMail IMAP account to Mail, I find that it's folders come at the bottom of the window, with 'Mailboxes', 'Trash', 'Reminders', 'On My MAc', RSS above the GMail Top level mailbox and therfore the subsequent cascaded mailboxes...
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May 27, 2012
I've recently acquired an iMac and wanted to upgrade to Lion, however I believe I need to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard first - which could prove to end up costing a fortune! I've read recently that Apple are offering the upgrade to Snow Leopard free of charge for MobileMe users, however when I've followed a link to fill in a request form, this just takes me to the Find My Phone feature on iCloud.
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Dec 3, 2010
Is there a free way to run/emulate OS X Snow Leopard while running Leopard?
I had a billion problems when I upgraded to Snow Leopard but some software that I don't use frequently only works with it so I want to be able to run those apps while still staying in my less buggy OS X Leopard.
I don't want to have dual boot operating systems. OS X Leopard 10.5 is my primary OS.
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Apr 22, 2012
I have read on apple news that apple is offering free software upgrade for leopard to snow leopard.. is that true? I followed their link and nothing is available?
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Apr 18, 2012
how do I get the free snow leopard
Info:snow leopard, Mac OS X (10.5.1), unsure. bought in late 2005
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Sep 8, 2009
I was looking for a good FTP to use for Snow Leopard that is free. I am currently using fetch but the trial is going to expire soon.
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Sep 12, 2009
Are there any free vnc apps that work with Snow Leopard? Tried Chicken of the VNC and JollysFast and neither work. I know about the Screen Sharing app, but I am having problems connecting to a Tiger computer, so want to try a separate VNC app...
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May 20, 2010
I was running Leopard 10.5.8 and my iMac 2.4GHz w/1GB Ram seemed to be getting slow. I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Without much running (Mail, Safari, iCal) it is very slow. At times, the free space has gotten down to 2.5MB in Activity Monitor. Nothing extraordinary seems to running when I open Activity Monitor. When I was trying to sync my iCal with MobileMe it really crawled.
I did a PRAM reset, ran Repair Disk with install disk and Disk Warrior without any errors.
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May 17, 2012
how do i get a free copy of snow leopard 10.6?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), already swiched mobleme to icloud
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Jun 7, 2012
everytime i try to install 10.6 it says i do not have enough free space in my macintosh hd. i have tried deleting things several times and i continue to receive the same message.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Jun 13, 2012
I saw news that if you have a 10.5.8. you can get snow leopard for free via mobileme upgrade to icloud. however, i cant seem to find that link.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 14, 2012
I just left my macbook into the Apple store Belfast after it has burnt my hand yet again the original time this occured they replaced the charger and the part the charger connects to along with the casing and logicboard it still seemed to run rather warm with minimal use on occasion but being a light user i just hoped it would get better unil recently it happaned again.I phoned AppleCare and sent them pictures of the two times where you could clearly see the outline of the charger burned into my hand they told me to bring it to the Apple store. The genius at the store informed me that they will need to keep it for a while in order to run some diagnostic test on the device. I beleive that the test will come back negitive as it can be tempermental I was just wondering what the likelyhood of Apple exchange it for a new one.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 10, 2008
What do you guess will Snow Leopard be offered to all in due time as a free update to Leopard users or will it be sold as a new OS?
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Oct 8, 2009
My Laptop runs slow and often spins when I open the browser or other apps sometimes and found the load average to be less than and also about 300MB free memory, till I notice swap as 40MB/256MB on iStat.
1. How do I find out what process is causing the swap? The top does not show swap, and the vm_stat does not show swap either like vmstat does.
2. In the memory what does the wired, Active, Inactive memory mean? The only value that makes sense is Free.
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Apr 9, 2012
I just experienced something totally weird on my Snow Leopard. It starts suddenly dropping in the free memory (green) in my activity monitor with around 10 MB per second and the inactive (purple) memory grows. And it doesn't stop until it hits 10 free MB.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 31, 2009
Strange as it may seem, when I installed Snow Leopard, I immediately freed almost 40 gig on my Macbook pro (can't imagine why) and speed was increased by a factor of 2-3 times. One more thing is that parallels is now "almost" as fast as a native program, especially with Quicken for windows, which is the only reason that I use parallels.
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Jun 6, 2012
my Mac started saying I need to free up space on my Startup Disk. I was suprised, but as I've been doing some film work, I just thought it must take up even more space than I thought. Anway, I free'd up loads of spaced, I moved all my film files to an external disk, deleted them from where they were, and emptied the trash. I've got rid of other things like Internet cache and downloads, basically, I know i have space now. However, my Mac insists on saying I only have about 2Gb free. On another site, someone recommended something called Disk Inventory X, which gives a visual picture of what files etc are taking up space on the Mac. I ran this, and low and behold I have 166Gb free. The screen shot below shows the big blue square of free space. If you can zoom in, it shows this as something outside of the home 'Tiger' thing, under Users - .tiger, as though its partitioned or something?! I don't really understand how Mac's work under the hood of pretty buttons etc, so I'm a bit stuck now.
why my Mac can't see or let me use all this free space?
I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. It is a 13" mid 2009 MacBook Pro 5.5, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4Gb 1067 MHz DDR3 if that's of any help.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 19, 2010
Any mac software which allows free international text (otherwise New Zealand,Australia,U.S,Europe,Canada,India,China) which is Snow Leopard compatible as well
I have seen couple of sites which allows free sms/text (up2 150 characters) in the internet,but haven't find any software which uses this technology. Few sites offer this service with the catch tht both sender and receiver needs to be registered with the internet service provider. Even a lot free voip call services are available but no sms services are available ? why cant they use voip technology for sms ?
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Jan 31, 2012
My mac is slow. Obvious points are covered. Maximum RAM installed; All apple software updates downloaded and permissions repaired after each download.Activity Monitor shows no obvious 'hogs'.Hard Drive (250GB) has almost 50GB free I am considering some sort of clean up using something like ONYX but feel that the hardware /software package should be almost self maintaining.15 years using Macs, since OS5 but not minded to look under the hood very often, since that is what brought me to Apple in the first place.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 3GB Ram
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Jun 4, 2012
Is there a free flashback virus checker/removal tool for Snow Leopard 10.6.3?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Apr 4, 2012
i received message that I needed to free up space on the start up, can you tell me how to do that.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Jul 13, 2009
Apple this weekend followed the release of its latest Snow Leopard beta with new pre-releases of both Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server.
Mac OS X 10.5.8 build 9L25
Since opening the Mac OS X 10.5.8 beta test to developers approximately one month ago, Apple has shown signs that the release may cap off development of Mac OS X 10.5.
For example, each new build has arrived with a focus area noticeably distinct from the last, with lower-level technologies and frameworks seeing greater attention than usual. As such, it's been speculated that the Mac maker may be giving its Leopard OS a final once-over.
This trend appears to have culminated with this past weekend's release of build 9L25, which no longer asks that developers focus their attention on a small subset of Leopard's components. Instead, it groups together the more than three dozen components that had been isolated into smaller focus groups in earlier betas.
The latest build also lists no known issues and addresses just two new bugs, one related to saving mail messages as individual message documents and another to URL localization.
Mac OS X 10.6 Server build 10A403
Separately, developers this weekend were also treated to a new build of Mac OS X 10.6 Server, labeled build 10A403. With it, Apple asked that they test upgrade installs of the server software itself, in addition to upgrade installs of Calendar server.
Developers were also reportedly asked to spend some time with the system's new Podcast Producer, evaluating as many third-party video and web cams as they possibly can. Included with the software is a new Web Podcast Capture which leverages a new Dual Source Video Capture feature for allowing users to create picture-in-picture format podcasts.
Mac OS X 10.6 build 10A402a
Mac OS X 10.6 Server build 10A403 arrived on the heels of Mac OS X 10.6 Client build 10A402a earlier in the week. That build introduced some widely-reported interface tweaks to the Dock's pop-up menus and Expose.
One AppleInsider reader has published a few more screenshots of these interface changes to his blog, including the Dock's new menus, Expos�'s new grid view, and changes to the Dock's grid view scroll bars. [ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Apr 14, 2012
is it possible to install mac snow leopard on apple power pc g5
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Jun 14, 2012
I run 10.6.8 server in a VM with Parallels Server for Mac. Lithium pinged me early Monday morning to tell me that my calendar server wasn't reachable. I found it had kernel panicked. After resetting it and verifying the directory structure and permissions, it booted fine. But availability or free/busy wasn't working for all users! The events were all there. Invites could be sent and received but when a user checks for availability when creating events. they see the daily work hours grayed out but not anything corresponding to a scheduling conflict.
Things I have Tried:
- bounced ical server
- Rebooted the server
- checked the owners and permissions for the data store hierarchy. (_calendar:_calendar 750)
- checked for xattrs on .ics files in several calendars
- deleted .db.sqlite for several users in several dir in their calendar stores
- in the past I have found that some iTIP invitations seem to get "stuck' causing problems with an individual users free/busy and deleting the inbox resolves this so I deleted several inboxes
-I moved a copy of the data store to a test server and pointed several clients at it.
The issue persisted in all of these cases without any change in behavior with one exception; somewhere (i lost track of where) during this process users also lost their delegation preferences. I'd love to find out how and where that is stored so that it can be restored in the future. It seems pretty fragile...
I found one way to restore the functionality; copying a users __uid__/<GUID>/calendar out. . Moving all the folders under <GUID> out of the way and dropping the .ics files into ical with their account configured in that instance. Although this worked for selected users, I have many, many users and calendars so this solution would be suboptimal.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 3, 2012
I am trying to transfer files to a USB stick that I've been using for ages. About halfway through it won't transfer any more files and says they "can't be copied because there isn't enough free space". USB stick is totally empty and the size of the files is much less than the capacity of the stick
I have freed up 6 GB on my hard drive (unused capacity now 79/500 GB) and have repaired disk permissons. Repaired USB stick, tried a different stick, turned it off & turned it back on again. I'm at a loss as to what to try next.Also I could transfer the entire folder across, but then when I tried to get the files out of the folder directly onto the drive, the same thing happened. Also they all seem to be fine and I can access them on a PC which is why I need them on the stick.
Info:MBP 13, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 28, 2012
How to get Apple-talk in Snow Leopard Because appletalk have modern networking, Zero configuration?
Mac OS X (10.6)
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Jun 13, 2012
Is there anyway to log out of Apple mail? I have it set up to prompt for a password upon opening. However, my e-mail show up before the prompt and stays in the background after it appears. I share a computer and would like to keep my e-mail private without having to switch system accounts.
Info:Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 10, 2008
Apple at its annual developers conference Monday revealed that Snow Leopard Server, the next generation of Mac OS X Server, will deliver new core software technologies and services designed to better connect businesses, unleash the power of modern hardware, and lay the foundation for a new wave of innovations over the next several years.
Multicore, 64-Bit, and OpenCL
Like its Mac OS X Snow Leopard client cousin, the new version of Server will deliver support for multicore processors with “Grand Central,” a new set of built-in technologies that makes all of Mac OS X Server multicore aware and optimized for allocating tasks across Macs that ship with multiple cores and processors. Similarly, the software will also use 64-bit kernel technology to support up to a theoretical 16 terabytes of RAM -- or 500 times what is possible today -- and leverage OpenCL to allow any application to tap into the vast gigaflops of GPU computing power previously available only to graphics applications
iCal Server 2
Building on the initial release of iCal Server, Snow Leopard Server will include a new version of the open standards-based calendaring and scheduling service that will include group and shared calendars, push notifications, the ability to send email invitations to non-iCal Server users, and a browser-based application that lets users access their calendars on the web when they’re away from their Mac.
Podcast Producer 2
Likewise, the first major overhaul to the system's Podcast Producer will feature an new workflow editor that leads users through all the key steps involved in creating a successful podcast. This includes everything from selecting videos, transitions, titles, and effects to adding watermarks and overlays to specifying encoding formats and target destinations — wiki, blog, iTunes U, Podcast Library — for the finished podcast.
Additionally, support for dual-video source capture will let users record both a presenter and a presentation screen, allowing a picture-in-picture style ideal for podcasting lectures. The 2.0 release will also include a new Podcast Library, which lets users host locally stored podcasts and make them available for subscription by category via automatically generated Atom web feeds.
Collaboration & Remote Access
For business, Snow Leopard Server will offer the power of online group collaboration through the use of wikis, blogs, mailing lists, and RSS feeds. More specifically, Apple said it will further the collaboration with wiki and blog templates optimized for viewing on iPhone; content searching across multiple wikis; and attachment viewing in Quick Look. It will also introduce My Page, which gives users one convenient place to access their web applications, receive notifications, and view activity streams.
Also targeted at business will be improvements to Remote Access, such as push notifications to mobile users outside a firewall, and a proxy service that offers them secure remote access to email, address book contacts, calendars, and select internal websites.
New Address Book Server
Meanwhile, one completely new feature to the sever OS will be Apple's first open standards-based Address Book Server aimed at making it easier to share contacts across multiple computers. Based on the emerging CardDAV specification, which uses WebDAV to exchange vCards, Address Book Server will let users share personal and group contacts across multiple computers and remotely access contact information without the schema limitations and security issues associated with LDAP.
Improved Mail Server and ZFS support
Among the other features planned for Snow Leopard Server are an overhauled Mail Server engine designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections, and read and write support for the high-performance, 128-bit ZFS file system.
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May 19, 2009
With Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard entering the final stretch of development, overzealous Apple advocates are turning to discussion boards and file sharing websites to show off image and video captures taken from the next generation OS, most recently highlighting features such as simplified security preferences, enhanced searching, QuickTime X's screen recording function and a new version of Image Capture.
On Monday, attention was drawn to a YouTube user's webpage brandishing over a half dozen Snow Leopard demonstration videos, five of which were subsequently removed by the user while another was yanked from the video sharing website after Apple waged a copyright claim. Since then, readers have pointed to a long-running thread over at the French-language MacGeneration website that's serving as yet another forum offering Snow Leopard-related discussion illustrated by numerous screenshots and videos.
QuickTime X Screen Recording
Readers are free to navigate the thread on their own, though AppleInsider has extracted a handful images showing off some features that have received limited coverage in the past or haven't been represented fully in imagery, such as the recently-reported screen recording options due to arrive as part of QuickTime X Player 1.0. Portions of the native recording interface can be seen in the alert below, which initiates a screen capture session and directs the user to a menu bar option to end a session.
Once a user has concluded a Screen Recording session, the following interface and options provide a means of saving and exporting movies files in different sizes and formats.
QuickTime X also offers options for publishing supported movie files to iTunes in one of three pre-set sizes. From iTunes, they can be synced with an iPhone, iPod, or Apple TV:
New Image Capture App
Also worth noting is that Image Capture has grown as an application to adopt a user interface that is more like iTunes and the Finder, with a sidebar for devices, main window for file info and a thin row of controls lining the bottom of the application.
Universal Keyboard Shortcuts
Preference panes are also showing a convergence of UI as shown in this screenshot of the new Keyboard & Mouse preference pane:
Advanced Security Options
As always, Apple takes Security seriously. At the same time, it doesn't want to intimidate less savvy users from taking advantage of all the Mac has to offer. The below example demonstrates a simplified and easy to manage option that helps keep users safe while on the net.
Chinese Handwriting Recognition
With the private release of the most recent Snow Leopard beta, Apple also informed developers about the addition of Chinese handwriting recognition support for Macs that include a multi-touch trackpad. Similar software was added to iPhone Software 2.0 a year ago, allowing users to draw Chinese symbols on their handset's touchscreen and then select matching symbols suggested by the iPhone Software. This feature can be seen in action for the first time in the below YouTube video:
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is expected to hit the market sometime this summer with a near finalized version now confirmed to make an appearance at Apple's annual developers conference during the second week of June.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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