MacBook :: Cracking Below Palm Rests Between Inner And Outter Material
Feb 1, 2009
my macbook started to crack below the right palm rest right on the seem between the inner and outter material. It broke off, resulting in a 3-4 inch gap right along the edge. The piece that broke off is very, very thin. My left palm rest has started doing the very same a few weeks ago... I also have noticed that a friend of mine with a white macbook has the same problem. Is this some sort of recognized defect? Like would I be able to go to an Apple store and have it replaced? If so, would the mac genius be able to transfer everything as is from my current macbook to my next one (AKA all passwords saved and everything, only difference is the hardware?)
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Mar 16, 2010
This is an issue I'm starting to notice on my 10 month old Macbook Pro 13 inch. There's this "white stain" on both palm rests of the MBP. Here's some sample pictures:
It cannot be cleaned off by wiping it, water, rubbing alcohol, etc. Note that I clean my MBP daily, even hourly, I always wash my hands and dry them before using this laptop, therefore, I know it's not a matter of sanitation.
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Apr 21, 2012
I can feel the electrical current on my MacBook Pro when I rest rest my palm on the Palm top.Is this normal?
Mac Pro, iOS 5.1
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Mar 20, 2012
I'd like to know exactly what material Apple uses in the Apple-branded cleaning cloth that came with a few generations of iMacs.
I'm not interested in "microfiber"
I'm interested in specifics. I have never been able to track down any cloth that is similar in material.
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Feb 26, 2009
I recently purchased a Western Digital "My Passport Essential" 160mb external hard drive. When I attempt to transfer "any" type of material (JPEGS, PSD, MP3, MPEG, etc) from my 600 MHz PowerPC G3 (iMac) operating on an OS X, to the external hard drive, the file's "Date Modified" (date and time) "mysteriously" changes to the time at which I'm copying the files. For example, a file that was last saved on July 1, 2008 and then transferred (copied) on February 26, 2009 to the external drive, suddenly appears with a "new" February 26, 2009 saved date.
Because, I've always viewed my files by the "Date Modified" option at the top of the folder, I've relied on my files for its accurate date and times.
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Jul 1, 2010
Weird. I did a Google search of this, but could not find another report of this.
How exactly does an external keyboard have age-restriced material, I don't know. I don't have any age specific restrictions on the computer.
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Aug 23, 2009
My Macbook has the infamous crack on the palm rest, I've made a reservation at a genius bar. Could anyone tell me what has happened with their macbook when going to get this sorted? Will they have to take it away and if so how will i get back? I've heard that sometimes people have got their macs back with blank drives, I'm guessing it would be best to make a back up. Its quite an inconvenience for me not to have my Macbook during the week, is there anyway they can do this in one day?
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Nov 27, 2009
I own a Palm Tungsten E2 PDA and have just installed the synchronization application on my MacBook Pro. However, I've attempted the first synchronization which seemed to go OK but I can't find on my Mac Pro any of the calender/address and other information that is on my Palm and should have been transferred. I've looked in iCal,Address Book and iMail but there's nothing.
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Feb 25, 2010
How can I fix this without opening the MacBook ? Maybe super glue or something ?
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Feb 16, 2012
How do I filter iTunes content so my children are not exposed to R or PG rated material? Including trailers for movies.
iMac 5,1, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Dec 13, 2008
first post! I have been lurking around the forum for quite some time. I decided to pick up a macbook pro today because I was able to get a pretty good educational discount. I have the 15" MacBook Pro top end with the matte screen.
Everything seems perfect right now. However, even when the volume is at 50%, and I play something that has bass in it, the RIGHT palm rest shakes/vibrates a lot, and you can feel it. It is a tad bit annoying. I was wondering if this was normal.
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Jun 6, 2010
my macbook pro makes a slight ticking noise when i move it or tap it just a little bit it seems like its coming from the right palm rest any thoughts, i think it maybe the hard drive or something. oh yeah 2010 mbp 2.4 ghz 320 hard drive
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Nov 4, 2010
The title says it to find it
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Jun 13, 2010
Everytime i hold the mbp up with just one hand, there would be this clicking sound. I think its near the left hand side of the palmrest. is it near the hard drive? is it of any concern? Sorry if this has been asked before but i just got my mac a month ago and am a new Mac user
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Sep 4, 2010
I am trying to find a palm rest like the one that Zagg has. I want to protect the full internal surface of the MBP 13� (palm rest and around the keyboard). Is it possible to find one of those without the other stuffs that are coming with it? I was also interested about the moshi palm rest but protect only the palm rest area.
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Dec 4, 2008
I just recently noticed on my Macbook (black rev. C 2.1ghz) that there is some slight flex where the palms rest to the left and right of the trackpad. This isn't a big deal, but what made me notice this was the fact that pressing down enough on the palm rests (either side) actually registers a click with the mouse.
I noticed when I was typing and some reason the words would get highlighted. After awhile I tried pressing down on the palm rest area and it would show a click on the screen. Anyone else have this issue? It's not happening all the time and there's not major flex but it happens.
It's not a big deal, but a bit annoying so far when I'm typing and it would either click somewhere else or highlight the word and delete what I'm typing. As of now I just lifted my wrists off the rest (which I should be doing anyway). If it matters I also have the MacAlly microfiber/felt laid over the palm rest. Makes me wish I had a unibody!
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Sep 7, 2009
I recently acquired a MacBook Pro from Apple. Its the 15" Unibody model. Upon opening it, I found that the surface of the palm rest has a rough finish to it; kinda as though it didn't go through the final polishing stage or something when it was manufactured. This rough texture feels very uncomfortable to my hands when I type, in comparison to the normal "soft" feel and texture to it that I've experienced with other Unibodies. Has anyone else experienced this with their Macs? If it matters, I got mine from a California distribution center because I got an exchange. Wasn't sure if that had to do with anything, but the seal had been broken once (but resealed with another) for what I presume was to insert the Snow Leopard drop-in DVD. I was assured it wasn't by a manager from customer support, but the computer almost seemed as though it was a refurbished model.
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Jul 14, 2009
ive read that macbooks get cracks on the casing. i have a black macbook from 08 and its had the crack since about 2 months after i got it, i didnt do it. it kind of gradually turned into a crack and then a peice came off, if i brought it to a macstore, would they fix it even though i dont have insurance? I actually have 2 cracks, one that i didnt do and one that happened by accident, would they fix it if one of the 2 cracks was done accidentaly by me?
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm still waiting to get a MacBook because I don't think they should be breaking. I have other plastic laptops that lasted for years and never got a crack/chip once. Why does MacBook? Too much money to spend on something that you can't rely on in my opinion... I was thinking of getting a MacBook Pro but don't really wanna drop an extra 100-200 dollars to get a 500 GB harddrive like I would on the normal MacBook.
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Nov 17, 2010
Does anyone else get like this small crack sound when they pick up their MacBook air?. Feels like the bottom plate is shifting a little... Or sounds like the screws are not tight enough... Anyways... Just wanted to know Of anyone else had this problem.
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Nov 29, 2010
is there is a solution for the cracking sound? well of course I could ask for a replacement but besides the cracking i dont have any problems with the ultimate 13": no screen issue, no wobbling, i even got the 9CDF screen, so maybe the next one would be with one of these issues?? I got a friend who has a screwdriver which fits my MBA but im not a technic-kind of guy, so i don't know if i should try to tighten the buttomplate to get rid of the cracking?
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Feb 26, 2009
Hey, my friends white MacBook has a crack on the bottom, I know this is quite common. But he was just wondering what he could do about it. Should he take it to Apple and see what they can do?
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Mar 24, 2009
I've read some posts about macbooks cracking near the palmrest area. Since I bought my macbook in May 2008, my macbook has developed a number of random cracks and chips. Here are some examples:
- About 2 inches of the bezel on the top left of the screen has peeled off after cracking.
- Again, about 2 inches of plastic cracked and peeled off near where the optical drive is.
- Horizontal crack on the top of the little indent to open the macbook
Unfortunately, there isn't an apple store near me so I can't really take it in to have them check it out. Does apple typically fix these for free? I'm a bit worried because I am extremely careful with the macbook yet these cracks and chips continue to show up. Given that there isn't an apple store near me, how exactly would I resolve this problem?
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Jul 10, 2009
Well I brought my white early 2009 MacBook to apple today because it is cracking at the hinge near the speakers. They told me that the cracking isn't under warranty. Is this true or is only the top case covered? I can post a pic soon. It runs the whole length of the inner part of the hinge.
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Sep 15, 2009
almost every time or at least 80% of the times i open my MACBOOK i hear a sound (kinda like a cracking noise) when opening it more than 90* angle, it seems it comes from the hinge on the left side, ohh and when it does that sound you can feel it, it is like if it gets stuck or something. Sorry i hope you guys can understand cause my english is really bad Is that NORMAL!?? it doesnt really bother me, but if that can give me a problem ahead on the road i better try to fix it now... OHH and theres no APPLESTORE near, i dont even know if it exist a applestore in PR , so i cant go there and have them check it...
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Aug 29, 2010
This is solved, scroll down for pictures and maybe some useful information!
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Nov 17, 2010
On random movements or just when putting pressure on it while typing, my 13 MBA makes light cracking noises which I'm sure are coming from the tiny bolts that run all along the sides of the bottom.
I know some have reported to make creaking noises, but mine isn't at that stage... yet.
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Feb 8, 2009
i have, in the past, had my macbook's palm rest crack. I brought it into apple, and was happy to have it replaced, free of charge. Recently, the plastic cracked again, this time in a new place. The plastic border above the screen; more particularly the area directly above the indents that come out to help separate the screen from the keyboard. I'm not sure if this is covered by Apple's policy with cracked palmrests. Any advice or help is appreciated of course. If you think Apple won't help me, would it be risky to use an adhesive to hold the plastic down, as it's near the screen?
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May 25, 2009
I took my Macbook into the Apple store yesterday, to be repaired for a few cracks i had on it. Looking at the Repair descriptions, I have noticed there a few extra thing the genius must have noticed, and included to be repaired, these are:
Item Number: 922-8285, Description: Housing, Bottom case, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: 922-8383, Description: Display Bezel, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: B661-5075, Description: Top Case W/Keyboard Assy Wht-GBR, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: S1491LL/A, Description: Hardware Repair-Level 2, Amount Due: �0.00
Does that mean that I will be getting the whole case, trackpad and keyboard included repaired, or will they just give me a whole new case. I was also told that there was a few hairline cracks around the screen bezel, I could not see them but according to the genius they where there so he included that to be repaired also. How long do repairs usually take, as i have my dissertation due on Friday, and would like my computer back by then.
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May 31, 2009
ive got an 18 month old white SR MacBook, recently im getting quite a few cracks on the casing on the top (around the keyboard), what can i do to stop it cracking further and how much would apple likely charge me to get it fixed? (im in the uk and there are no apple stores near me!) As you can see i nthe pics below to the left hand side of the keyboard is where most of the 'crack' has happened, the whole 'line' actually peels away and pulls off and is literally the thin piece of plastic topping, similar is now starting to happen to the right side (which may not be viewable in the pictures)
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