MacBook :: White Cracking On The Bottom
Feb 26, 2009
Hey, my friends white MacBook has a crack on the bottom, I know this is quite common. But he was just wondering what he could do about it. Should he take it to Apple and see what they can do?
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Aug 23, 2009
it's not really a long story, i have a macbook i got in feb. 2007 i paid 1299 for it, (not like it matters, but it's kinda why im annoyed lol) Well, i was carrying it today, and realized that the plastic by the vent i guess? it's on the bottom of the case near the back edge. so anyway, it is cracking, but not from outside it. it just runs straight across. Will apple help me even though I have no applecare? This seems like a manufacturer's defect to me, but i was hoping macrumors' collective knowledge would have a scenario or someone has been through this before. I'm getting pics ASAP!
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Aug 16, 2009
I have a late 2006 macbook and had the issue with the cracking case repaired today, however, Apple only repaired half of the issue. The 'top' half of the case was fixed (new keyboard, trackpad etc) was replaced and I am more than happy with it. The bottom half of the case (section with USB ports, bottom of the MacBook etc) still has cracks in it and clearly hasn't been replaced. Is this something that should be replaced as a manufacturing fault as they have done with the keyboard, palm rest, trackpad etc?
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May 25, 2009
I took my Macbook into the Apple store yesterday, to be repaired for a few cracks i had on it. Looking at the Repair descriptions, I have noticed there a few extra thing the genius must have noticed, and included to be repaired, these are:
Item Number: 922-8285, Description: Housing, Bottom case, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: 922-8383, Description: Display Bezel, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: B661-5075, Description: Top Case W/Keyboard Assy Wht-GBR, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: S1491LL/A, Description: Hardware Repair-Level 2, Amount Due: �0.00
Does that mean that I will be getting the whole case, trackpad and keyboard included repaired, or will they just give me a whole new case. I was also told that there was a few hairline cracks around the screen bezel, I could not see them but according to the genius they where there so he included that to be repaired also. How long do repairs usually take, as i have my dissertation due on Friday, and would like my computer back by then.
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May 31, 2009
ive got an 18 month old white SR MacBook, recently im getting quite a few cracks on the casing on the top (around the keyboard), what can i do to stop it cracking further and how much would apple likely charge me to get it fixed? (im in the uk and there are no apple stores near me!) As you can see i nthe pics below to the left hand side of the keyboard is where most of the 'crack' has happened, the whole 'line' actually peels away and pulls off and is literally the thin piece of plastic topping, similar is now starting to happen to the right side (which may not be viewable in the pictures)
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Jun 13, 2010
I know from reading on here the edges cracking off macbooks was a common issue (mine's from Nov 2007) - I was just wondering if anyone had managed to get it repaired for free outside of warranty? I was considering getting a new macbook in August but if I can get the edges repaired I might go for a new iPhone or iPad instead.
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Apr 21, 2008
Everything is perfect except a white back light bleeding in a form of a line from above 3-4 inches from the bottom of the screen. Its only visible in solid black background.
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Sep 11, 2009
Bought a Whitebook in August '08 and have noticed lately that the bottom of the screen (around the dock) is brighter than the rest. This extends to the top of the dock (which I have set at pretty small) but can be quite noticeable.
Has anyone heard of this or know any fixes? The screen has been calibrated but this isn't something that I could fix by re-calibrating.
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Jan 25, 2010
The sleeve I keep my laptop in got wet tonight and now the bottom of my macbook is a weird grey/green/yellow colour. The sleeve is by logiix. I can't find the product online but the inside of the sleeve is micro-fibre-ish kind of material... I took some pictures but the quality is really bad, i took it from my cellphone.... I'm wondering if there's anyway to clean it up or do i have to live with it forever... Why does this happen? Might Apple cover it?
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Feb 7, 2010
my macbook has small cracked in bottom base so i likes to change the bottom base so which is i did.. i have put black colour base on now its giving me problem which is
it does not turn on however the battery is charge so i hope there is not a problem in logic board
so whats went wrong guys is anybody have same problem as me?
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Dec 9, 2010
Just received the new 13" macbook air yesterday and today have noticed some very thin horizontal banding lines across the bottom portion of the screen.
Has anyone else noticed this, or check to see if your one has this problem.
It is quite subtle but it makes the icons on the dock look as if they have a card like effect through them.
Easiest to check if you make your screen wallpaper the dark grey colour.
On this the top part of the screen seems consistent, but at the bottom part there is very thin white horizontal lines. I tried updating the software, but it seems to be the same - looks like a faulty display may have to send back,wondering if it could be fixed with a software update.
The strange thing is black and dark colours do not produce the effect it only shows up on greys or medium contrast colours like blue.
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Nov 7, 2010
Before I go into detail I have a Late 2008 Macbook White (Upgraded to 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD) so I would have had it two years this Christmas (2010) Over the last few months, on odd occasions the bottom row of keys completely stop working (by bottom row of keys I mean: Z X C V B N M < > ? and then fn ctrl alt and CMD on the row below. The space bar and right CMD work perfectly as does every other key on the keyboard.
Now this is where it gets really weird. I always thought this was a hardware issue (Loose ribbon connection etc, I just don't have the hours in the day to sit down and take it apart) until my friend gave me his old aluminium apple wireless bluetooth keyboard (the laptop sized one). The bottom row of my keyboard broke again whilst visiting him so we set up this aluminium keyboard of mine................
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Sep 2, 2014
My computer has a problem on the screen. After half an hour of use strange white glare that remain in the bottom begins to appear. When disconnecting the unit from one day to the next, but these glosses disappear within a half hour of use reappear. Why does it happen? Will it be a failure of manufacture? The device is 2013 What should I do
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 17, 2008
I don't know how to really explain this but the Leopard 3D dock when in 3D mode has an annoying white bar at the bottom between the edge of the screen and the start of the glowing status indicators.
How do I get rid of this?
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Jul 14, 2009
ive read that macbooks get cracks on the casing. i have a black macbook from 08 and its had the crack since about 2 months after i got it, i didnt do it. it kind of gradually turned into a crack and then a peice came off, if i brought it to a macstore, would they fix it even though i dont have insurance? I actually have 2 cracks, one that i didnt do and one that happened by accident, would they fix it if one of the 2 cracks was done accidentaly by me?
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm still waiting to get a MacBook because I don't think they should be breaking. I have other plastic laptops that lasted for years and never got a crack/chip once. Why does MacBook? Too much money to spend on something that you can't rely on in my opinion... I was thinking of getting a MacBook Pro but don't really wanna drop an extra 100-200 dollars to get a 500 GB harddrive like I would on the normal MacBook.
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Nov 17, 2010
Does anyone else get like this small crack sound when they pick up their MacBook air?. Feels like the bottom plate is shifting a little... Or sounds like the screws are not tight enough... Anyways... Just wanted to know Of anyone else had this problem.
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Nov 29, 2010
is there is a solution for the cracking sound? well of course I could ask for a replacement but besides the cracking i dont have any problems with the ultimate 13": no screen issue, no wobbling, i even got the 9CDF screen, so maybe the next one would be with one of these issues?? I got a friend who has a screwdriver which fits my MBA but im not a technic-kind of guy, so i don't know if i should try to tighten the buttomplate to get rid of the cracking?
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Mar 24, 2009
I've read some posts about macbooks cracking near the palmrest area. Since I bought my macbook in May 2008, my macbook has developed a number of random cracks and chips. Here are some examples:
- About 2 inches of the bezel on the top left of the screen has peeled off after cracking.
- Again, about 2 inches of plastic cracked and peeled off near where the optical drive is.
- Horizontal crack on the top of the little indent to open the macbook
Unfortunately, there isn't an apple store near me so I can't really take it in to have them check it out. Does apple typically fix these for free? I'm a bit worried because I am extremely careful with the macbook yet these cracks and chips continue to show up. Given that there isn't an apple store near me, how exactly would I resolve this problem?
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Jul 10, 2009
Well I brought my white early 2009 MacBook to apple today because it is cracking at the hinge near the speakers. They told me that the cracking isn't under warranty. Is this true or is only the top case covered? I can post a pic soon. It runs the whole length of the inner part of the hinge.
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Sep 15, 2009
almost every time or at least 80% of the times i open my MACBOOK i hear a sound (kinda like a cracking noise) when opening it more than 90* angle, it seems it comes from the hinge on the left side, ohh and when it does that sound you can feel it, it is like if it gets stuck or something. Sorry i hope you guys can understand cause my english is really bad Is that NORMAL!?? it doesnt really bother me, but if that can give me a problem ahead on the road i better try to fix it now... OHH and theres no APPLESTORE near, i dont even know if it exist a applestore in PR , so i cant go there and have them check it...
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Aug 29, 2010
This is solved, scroll down for pictures and maybe some useful information!
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Nov 17, 2010
On random movements or just when putting pressure on it while typing, my 13 MBA makes light cracking noises which I'm sure are coming from the tiny bolts that run all along the sides of the bottom.
I know some have reported to make creaking noises, but mine isn't at that stage... yet.
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Feb 8, 2009
i have, in the past, had my macbook's palm rest crack. I brought it into apple, and was happy to have it replaced, free of charge. Recently, the plastic cracked again, this time in a new place. The plastic border above the screen; more particularly the area directly above the indents that come out to help separate the screen from the keyboard. I'm not sure if this is covered by Apple's policy with cracked palmrests. Any advice or help is appreciated of course. If you think Apple won't help me, would it be risky to use an adhesive to hold the plastic down, as it's near the screen?
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Sep 1, 2009
Last night I noticed about 8 little hairline cracks on the bottom side of my unibody hinge when I turned it in the light just right. They are small, but they are definitely cracks in the hinge. I'm rather irritated since the machine is essentially a desktop replacement and has only ever traveled to work with me 10-20 times, if that. The machine is absolutely pristine otherwise. If I make an appointment at the Genius Bar to have this replaced, what can I expect them to replace? Do they have to replace the entire display/clamshell/hinge/lid as one piece? I REALLY don't like the idea of them replacing the whole entire thing because the one I have is great with no bowing and the display is fantastic, and I have a feeling I'll end up with something lesser if I send it off. Also I am worried they will somehow blame it on me since Apple seems to be pretty crappy about warrantying hinge issues...
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Sep 11, 2009
i have been putting this off as i got told apple will most likely not fix it but do you think they will ill have to go to an authorized service provider as there is not apple store here. that sound is not made by it been on that stand as it does it while on the table i only used to stand to life it up for the camera.
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Feb 25, 2010
I was just wondering because my current MacBook is cracking left right and centre and I haven't even done anything to it. Cracks on the palm rest, the sides, the bottom, the bezel and now even the hinge, pretty bad. I am looking for a new laptop for various other reasons and I was going to get the 13" pro because I really don't like the white MacBooks anymore, but I'm really strapped for cash and I was wondering if I should maybe get the white unibody, only problem is I would hate to buy it and then have it crack just like this one has.
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Mar 5, 2008
As anyone else noticed a "creeking/cracking" noise when opening and closing their MBA? I have babied my MBA ever since I got it, no drops or dents, and then one day it started making a creeking and cracking in the lower right hand corner of the screen (next to the hinge). Is anyone else experiencing this? Has anyone come up with a solution to eliminate the noise?
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Feb 1, 2009
my macbook started to crack below the right palm rest right on the seem between the inner and outter material. It broke off, resulting in a 3-4 inch gap right along the edge. The piece that broke off is very, very thin. My left palm rest has started doing the very same a few weeks ago... I also have noticed that a friend of mine with a white macbook has the same problem. Is this some sort of recognized defect? Like would I be able to go to an Apple store and have it replaced? If so, would the mac genius be able to transfer everything as is from my current macbook to my next one (AKA all passwords saved and everything, only difference is the hardware?)
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Apr 4, 2010
Title says it all.. It'll feel like there's a bit of resistance to moving it and when it does it makes a rather loud cracking/creaking noise. After I've just done it, it won't happen again until I leave it sitting in one position for a while. 13" MBP Is it going to break and if it does will apple replace it?
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