MacBook Pro :: Clicking Sound On Left Palm Rest
Jun 13, 2010
Everytime i hold the mbp up with just one hand, there would be this clicking sound. I think its near the left hand side of the palmrest. is it near the hard drive? is it of any concern? Sorry if this has been asked before but i just got my mac a month ago and am a new Mac user
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Apr 21, 2012
I can feel the electrical current on my MacBook Pro when I rest rest my palm on the Palm top.Is this normal?
Mac Pro, iOS 5.1
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Aug 23, 2009
My Macbook has the infamous crack on the palm rest, I've made a reservation at a genius bar. Could anyone tell me what has happened with their macbook when going to get this sorted? Will they have to take it away and if so how will i get back? I've heard that sometimes people have got their macs back with blank drives, I'm guessing it would be best to make a back up. Its quite an inconvenience for me not to have my Macbook during the week, is there anyway they can do this in one day?
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Feb 25, 2010
How can I fix this without opening the MacBook ? Maybe super glue or something ?
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Dec 13, 2008
first post! I have been lurking around the forum for quite some time. I decided to pick up a macbook pro today because I was able to get a pretty good educational discount. I have the 15" MacBook Pro top end with the matte screen.
Everything seems perfect right now. However, even when the volume is at 50%, and I play something that has bass in it, the RIGHT palm rest shakes/vibrates a lot, and you can feel it. It is a tad bit annoying. I was wondering if this was normal.
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Sep 4, 2010
I am trying to find a palm rest like the one that Zagg has. I want to protect the full internal surface of the MBP 13� (palm rest and around the keyboard). Is it possible to find one of those without the other stuffs that are coming with it? I was also interested about the moshi palm rest but protect only the palm rest area.
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Dec 4, 2008
I just recently noticed on my Macbook (black rev. C 2.1ghz) that there is some slight flex where the palms rest to the left and right of the trackpad. This isn't a big deal, but what made me notice this was the fact that pressing down enough on the palm rests (either side) actually registers a click with the mouse.
I noticed when I was typing and some reason the words would get highlighted. After awhile I tried pressing down on the palm rest area and it would show a click on the screen. Anyone else have this issue? It's not happening all the time and there's not major flex but it happens.
It's not a big deal, but a bit annoying so far when I'm typing and it would either click somewhere else or highlight the word and delete what I'm typing. As of now I just lifted my wrists off the rest (which I should be doing anyway). If it matters I also have the MacAlly microfiber/felt laid over the palm rest. Makes me wish I had a unibody!
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Sep 7, 2009
I recently acquired a MacBook Pro from Apple. Its the 15" Unibody model. Upon opening it, I found that the surface of the palm rest has a rough finish to it; kinda as though it didn't go through the final polishing stage or something when it was manufactured. This rough texture feels very uncomfortable to my hands when I type, in comparison to the normal "soft" feel and texture to it that I've experienced with other Unibodies. Has anyone else experienced this with their Macs? If it matters, I got mine from a California distribution center because I got an exchange. Wasn't sure if that had to do with anything, but the seal had been broken once (but resealed with another) for what I presume was to insert the Snow Leopard drop-in DVD. I was assured it wasn't by a manager from customer support, but the computer almost seemed as though it was a refurbished model.
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Mar 27, 2012
I notice a faint multiple clicking sound coming from the front left corner approximately every four seconds.
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Nov 19, 2010
The hits just keep on coming with this thing First, it arrived with a massive glob of dust trapped between the backlight and LCD panel (still need to take to Genius Bar), then the PSU buzzing started and now it's making a random clicking/popping sound from the lower left. Its a very quiet sound but its noticeable in a quiet room. It appears to be random, but I can reproduce it by opening iTunes, playing a few seconds of a song, waiting at least 10 seconds in silence, then starting another song. *pop* and the song begins. This happens in QuickTime as well. What is going on here? I'm so exasperated right now, I wish Apple would just replace my troubled machine with a new one.
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Jun 5, 2012
I recently split a bit of coke on my macbook now my keyboard doesnt work and my trackpad is right clicking when i want to left click.
MacBook Air
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Sep 28, 2009
My left side of the trackpad has suddenly stopped clicking.
what do i do?
i cant take it to apple store till wed.. as i have to work on a project
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Jun 20, 2010
This might be a little hard to explain, but will be easier if you have an MBP to do this exercise. My touchpad/trackpad, is fine, except for that when tapped in the lower left quadrant (where you normally click) it makes a click noise (from the pad itself) tapping anywhere else yields no sound. I pushed hard on the pad, and kinda pressured it in every which way, and every time I do, the clicking stops for about a minute or so.
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Aug 25, 2010
If I drop the MBP say a few inches (onto something soft like my lap) whilst its running I can hear a crisp click coming from inside the laptop
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Oct 6, 2009
I just got my MacBook pro last month and sometimes I hear this sound for like a second. I don't know how to describe it. It's like a little clicking sound. It can happen when I'm online or sometimes when I close the macbook.
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Dec 12, 2008
My niece was poking away at my MacBook and somehow brought up System Preferences by clicking some combination in the bottom left of the keyboard. I think it may of involved the ~ key. Does anyone know what it might be as it would be very useful? Last week she managed to move the dock to the left of the screen instead of the bottom with what looked like a single keystroke. However there may of been some kind of trackpad swipe involved.
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Mar 12, 2012
Since I have done a disk repair (only change I can think of that may have had an impact) my Apple Magic Trackpad now randomly acts as though there is a "left click" being passed through. Sometimes it gets "stuck" in this left click mode. I've tried turning off single tap for left click in System Preferences, but to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27", 3GHz, 8GB, 1TB
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Jul 21, 2009
Whenever my MacBook's sound is on mute and the computer wants to play a sound, the speaker has this little click noise.
For example, I mute the sound and go to trash a file. It trashes normally, but at the beginning, the speakers click (almost like they want to play that empty trash noise, but cannot because it is mute).
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Sep 6, 2009
Has any one else experienced the random, but rather persistent electrical sounding snap or click that occurs while navigating the computer mostly with the touchpad. It is not the hardisk (been replaced to no avail). One person on apple forums suggested that all Macbook Pros make a snapping sound because the soundcard is either powering up out of sleep or powering down. It occurs sometimes more frequently, others not at all. Apple has offered to replace the computer with a new one, but if this is an endemic problem with just about all of them, I'd rather keep the one I have. The snapping or clicking isn't resounding, but can be rather irritating in a quiet room. At first I thought it was a short circuit sound snapping but was convinced otherwise later.
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Apr 14, 2012
My 2008 Macbook keeps producing a metallic clicking sound from the bottom right of the computer. This happens more frequently when it's resting on a surface other than a desktop (ie my legs). Is it a serious hardware problem or just a warning sound so I don't hold the computer a certain way?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 27, 2012
So i've had my Macbook air 13" since december, i've had some problems with the trackpad so apple repaired it a few days ago. They've returned it once and they hadent reconnected the keyboard so i had to wait for them to fix it again. I've now noticed that when i power my macbook air up, or wake it from sleep theres a kind of zip noise that comes from the top left hand corner of the keyboard? Almost like scratching one of those reflective plastic pictures that changes the picture depending which way you look at it from. Is this noise normal? I've haden't noticed it before. i took it in again and apple said they 'Could not replicate' the problem.
MacBook Air
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Nov 1, 2009
When I click on the built-in mouse (whatever it's called), it's a lot louder/snappier sounding and feeling - makes more of a loud clicking sound - then my old Powerbook G4 did. Might I have got one that's a little out of whack or are they all that way? If it's normal, why so "clicky?" These days aren't they able to make things softer/quieter? I also noticed how sharp one of the corners is in the area where the latch (or lack of) is...that center area where you lift up the lid. I like that much better than the old one but does anyone else have the problem of a corner being too sharp?
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Jan 13, 2010
few loud clicks when closing the lid of a MBP 13" slowly, mostly when its like in a 45 degree angle (the lid compared to the bottom)? Really creeps me out sometimes. Edit: sorry about duplicate thread, forum didnt seem to respond at first.
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May 5, 2010
My computer (MBP 5,5) makes this sound several times throughout a day of use. It sounds exactly like the little "click" sound the computer makes, when i close the lid and have it go into sleep mode. I guess it's the hard drive going to sleep sound? If i'm right, i really don't understand why the hard drive goes to sleep at these random times. I've disabled that in System Preferences - at least i think so. It's this option, right?: [URL] Also, my MBP is always (only use it as a desktop with an external monitor connected to it) on a mStand on my table, so it can't be the Sudden Motion Sensor either.
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Jul 17, 2010
I've had my MBP for two weeks now, I notice when I'm working in a quiet room and I pick up my notebook to move it I hear this faint clicking nose. My fingers arent touching the pad or any keys. Is it some antishock mechanism for the HDD that thinks that it's falling?
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Apr 18, 2012
I have been getting a crackling or clicking sound from headphones and speakers of my macbook pro. It not even a year old.. I use this for music production. I have an external sound card which plays fine but when I use the internal sound devices I get this strange sound. Nothing plays correctly on it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 6, 2010
Over the past few months or so, I've been noticing a sound, much like a buzzing, coming from the left speaker area of my computer. It seems to be near the area where I plug in the charger. The sound is not terribly loud, but when it's quiet in my surroundings, it becomes quite evident. I'm not talking about an audio-related issue, but I am just unsure as to what may be causing the sounds and whether or not I should be worried.
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May 28, 2010
i feel like i hear more from the left side of my mbp then the right. either that or my right ear is clogged with tons of nasty stuff......ive picked my ear (sorry for TMI) but its not working, so im pretty sure i hear more out of the left speaker. is this normal? i read something before saying theirs a "left speaker biased" or w/e
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May 31, 2010
Just purchased a Magic Mouse to use with my Macbook Pro. When I left click on a Bookmarked Website in Safari it does not open the website it gives me the option to rename the website. Very frustrating. I have to either click on the screen shot above the bookmarks or I have to right click and choose open.
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Nov 20, 2010
I own a 17" MacBook Pro i7. I have noticed a very buggy sound from the top left corner of my MBP. It sounds like the HDD rotating but when observed carefully, its a some mechanical sound from the logic board (left hand top corner). The sound is comparatively lesser when I switch to 330m gpu using gfxCardStatus. I want to know if this is an issue only with my machine or it a common problem found on the this series of MBP ? Should I contact Apple for a repair or its a normal behavior of Flash on OS X ?
MBP 17" i7 HR AG Screen 5400 HDD
32 GB Iphone 4
32 GB Ipod Touch
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