Mac Pro :: Replacement Screws For Hard Drive Sleds?
Dec 8, 2009
Where do you get replacement screws for the hard drive sleds? I stripped out a few of mine after replacing some hard drives over the past couple years. Also, is there some special screwdriver you are supposed to use to remove the screws other than a Phillips head screwdriver?
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Aug 12, 2008
So i got a new macpro, and i installed 3 drives in the remaining three bays and i wanted to replace the stock/factory drive withi my own, however the screws were badly stripped like the installed had a bad time trying to get it in there properly. im wondering if theres anyplace to pick up some replacement screws for the 2008 MP models. called apple said they dont have those in stock to just ship out.
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Aug 31, 2009
Is there any place that sells these screws? After a few HDD swaps the heads of some of my screws have worn down.
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Jul 7, 2006
I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get the screws that go in the side of the hard drive and the standoffs (screws) for the bottom of the optical drive for a Power Mac G5.
The hard drive needs screws so it will slide into and sit in the case properly.
I bought a Pioneer DVD drive to replace the original Sony SuperDrive. Apparently, there are different sized standoffs for Pioneer and Sony drives. With the Sony standoffs on the Pioneer drive, the tray scrapes the case when it ejects.
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Aug 5, 2009
I'm literally two steps away from installing a new hard drive and I can't get the torx screws out. Is it absolutely vital I take them out and put them in the new hard drive?
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Sep 8, 2010
Today I decided to change the HDD in my MBP. I read the manual prior to that so I was all set. It took me almost an hour to take the metal back off, it was a pain in the ass as I had one of those small japanese screwdrivers set with no proper grip. However when I disassembled everything, to my shocking discovery I came to those type of screes I rarely see. Those 4 screes on the side of the HDD (mounting screws). I could not take them out since I had no tool for that, Im not a native english speaker so I wanted to ask anyone how are those screws called and also the proper took size or name so I can buy it tomorrow.
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Aug 28, 2009
I upgraded my hard drive in my 1st gen unibody MacBook Pro and I have the old drive just laying around. I am thinking of reformatting the drive and using the drive to test stuff out in. where I can purchase four of the hard drive screw/posts? I tried going to the Genius Bar, they referred me to Apple Care, who referred me to an authorized apple dealer... Who want to charge me an hour of labor. I tried to look for them at Fry's but no luck.
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Oct 8, 2009
I tried changing the hard drive on my MBP, only to totally strip the screws on the hard drive bar. Took it to Apple, they are happy to repair it, they said they may have to break the hard drive bar in order to get it out, but no problem. However, my local Apple Store is closed for a refitting until 30/10/09 and they want �48 in order to do the repair. That leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth considering it's such a small job. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with 'screw extractors'? They are little screw bits that bite into the screw in order to turn it. They are about �9 for a set so could save me a bit of cash. To be honest, it's not the money that's the problem, I don't want to wait another 3 weeks. I'm not really wanting to drill into the screw or glue a hex key, so the 'screw extractor' is the only option really. Just wondered if anyone can vouch for these little extractors. If not, then I'll suck it up and Apple loose on my machine.
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Jul 9, 2010
Anywhere to find replacements? It's the two top screws holding the bracket in place. How am I going to get these things out? I am not sure why they are so tight this time.
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Dec 3, 2009
well while attempting to replace my hard drive I like many other people I completely stripped out the two screws on the hard drive bracket on my 15" PowerBook G4. They are very small screws, and I thought I had the correct size philips but apparently not. I tried to cut a slot in one of them with a Dremel but that only destroyed the entire head of the screw and sent bits of shavings everywhere. What can I do to get these screws out? Should I drill them out? I just can't think of any other way to get them out when one's stripped and one is worse than stripped. Is it possible to get replacements?
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Dec 18, 2009
so i backuped everything with time machine. I'm about to install my new 500gb drive. Do I still need my old snow leopard install disc to reinstall everything, or will the time machine be fine?
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Jan 7, 2011
Just wondering if the Genius' have the ability (and product) to replace a failing hard drive?
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Aug 24, 2007
My hard drive just failed in my 12" PowerBook G4 1.3Ghz. I wondering if any one can confirm whether this disc would fit/work [URL]
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Oct 19, 2010
Im looking to upgrade my hard drive, I've heard bad things about both of these drives.. can anyone recommend an alternate that's reliable?
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Dec 10, 2010
My previous iMac 27" had a hard drive fail this week and I got a replacement (I guess they didn't want to wait for a replacement drive to come in, who knows). Problem is, this hard drive also makes the ticking noises, although not quite as loud or as frequent, and it also makes a louder whirring noise than I've heard on a Mac in a long time.So I'm a little bit skeptical about this hard drive as well, and I'm considering replacing it. What is a good option that will be quiet and reliable? I don't want to spend a lot of money, so solid state is probably not an option. That said, I don't need a ton of space, 500GB to 1TB would probably suffice (the current drive is the 1TB, it's the base level 27" iMac).
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Jan 13, 2011
I have been looking at this [URL] Seagate Drive to replace the 250GB that came in my MBP. The thing is, is that its 9.5mm thick as opposed to the standard 9mm thick. Would this fit inside my 13" MBP?
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Dec 7, 2009
I've been trying to find a definite answer, but I've found some conflicting opinions. I have the first generation macbook, and my hard drive finally died. I want to replace it with a bigger hard drive. Can I put ANY 2.5" SATA hard drive in my 1st gen macbook? Can I put a 3.0gb/s or will only a 1.5gb one work? I think I read that the 1st macbook only supports 1.5gb, but I was wondering if the 3gb would still work.
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Jul 18, 2010
I have just got a new 17" i7 2.66 UMBP. It comes with a 500GB Hard Drive but I would like to upgrade it to one of the newer 1TB ones.
My reasoning is to have not only more space but create a partition so I can run both OSX & Windows.
I am not sure which brands are more reliable than others & who offers the best warranty or back up service. I would want the fastest & quietest one available as long as it will definitely fit inside the notebook. Reliability & good customer service from the brand is also important as I gather my Applecare will only cover factory installed parts?
Which brand & models should I be looking at and which do you all recommend? I am not sure but I think I need to ensure that any replacement drive does not conflict with the notebooks built in sudden motion sensor?
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Jun 10, 2009
Okay so i have the powermac M5183, I just got it and im going to be doing some overhauling ive already overclocked the processor and that worked wonders, now im on to my next step, I have no problem identify what kind of hard drive it is and the size, the only part i get confused about is when i think what the biggest hard drive i can put in, i would like to put a 320gig in or at least 250. But google says that on some of the powermacs you can't exceed 128 gig's. So i turn you you guys, is the model i have going to work with a 250/320? or am i
just going to have to install a 120 gig?
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Dec 4, 2010
I'm thinking of upgrading my Time Capsule 500GB to 1TB and I'd like some recommendations on replacement drives. I've heard Western Digital do a 'green' low-power drive, but I think they're only 5400 rpm. I'd like something that is quiet, reliable and low-powered, but I don't want it to be any slower than the one I already have. I'd prefer WD or Seagate because I've always found them to be the most reliable...
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Dec 8, 2007
I would like to replace the HD of my PowerBook G4 12/1500 with something decent. Can anyone tell me if this HD will fit & function? What is the max I can find for my baby? 250.0GB Western Digital "Scorpio" 5400RPM 9.5MM SuperSlim IDE Notebook Drive with 8MB Data buffer [URL]
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Dec 8, 2007
In the process of uninstalling Final Cut Pro I must have deleting some Quicktime files that are integral to several parts of my system. Can't reinstall FCP, open Word or Quicktime. I did everything I could to get a new Quicktime, but couldn't. Took it to Mac Support and they said I need a new hard drive. They said they'd do it for $378 (Yikes!). I found a lot of internal hard drives on the net and instructions on how to install them, but will this fix my problem? Can you get a third-party hard drive that has all the mac programs/etc on it? What should I do?
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Feb 13, 2008
My G4 12" PowerBook hard drive is dying and needs to be replaced. I have some detailed instructions or a local Apple Authorized Repair Center that can do it for $100-$120. I have reasonable technical ability. (popping keyboard keys off doesn't sound like fun though). For those that have done this should I pay the money to have it done or give it a shot doing it myself??? (This laptop is my backup but I would like to not screw it up too badly)
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Feb 13, 2009
I bought a WD 320 Gig 5400 RPM hard drive for my new White NVIDIA MacBook. I stuck it in an external casing, copied everything to it with the "restore" feature, and swapped out the hard drives. I rebooted the computer with the new hard drive, and it didn't work. I did some hard drive swapping last year on my old MacBook and everything was a breeze. I don't know what I did wrong this time.
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Mar 8, 2009
after 4 years my ibook g4 14" has a problem. my hard drive needs to be replaced. i took it to the genius bar yesterday and they gave me a referal to a store in my area that is certified to work on macs... but they don't sell hard drives in-house since they just started up a few weeks ago. does anyone have a suggestion for a decent replacement internal hard drive? i'm not looking for anything high-end. i just need a cheap, reliable drive to get me through about another year when i can get a new mac. if this matters much... i do use my ibook for a small amount of video editing, graphic design, etc... but only when work has to come home w/ me.
*the guys at the repair place did suggest a few... but they were all in the $250-$350 range... i was hoping to keep it around $150 or lower since i've been doing fine w/ my 40gb for 4 years now and i have 2 externals that total 1.75 tb. they said i could find some for that price elsewhere... but they only ordered from one place when they needed to... and none were available (in my $ range) there*
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Sep 11, 2009
I know I need a Phillips 00 Screwdriver but what screwdriver do I need to remove the hard drive shielding. I googled the topic but I kept getting conflicting information. Some people say I need a Torox T6 screwdriver while others say I need a T8 or does it really matter.
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May 26, 2012
I have a mid 2010 MacBook Pro that has been shutting down randomly for quite a while now. It seems to happen most when I have more than one application running but sometimes happens with nothing running at all. It seems that the screen goes off and the sound skips but the keyboard light is still on. I thought it was because I had a bad hard drive but I replaced it and it still randomly shuts down. I ran smart utility and it all passed. I just don't understand what can be causing this? I take this computer to school all the time and it's kind of embarrassing having this shut down on me mid-presentation.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 25, 2007
once I get my hard drive replaced, how do I go about installing OSX on the new HD? I mean, the HD won't have an OS at all, so do I just insert my install disks, boot off them, and then install OSX on the new HD? Or will the computer boot up all? I will transfer everything over from my USD backup drive- yes, I know that will take more than a little while... (coincidentally, the Seagate Barracuda is LOUD). I'm only asking because the place where I want to get the replacement itself done charges like 30 bucks to do it, but ONLY for the physical replacement and no data transfer. Hopefully the software side I'll be able to handle...
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May 30, 2010
I bought my Macbook Pro in February or March of 2006 and it's still running strong. The hard drive, however, is full and I'd like to get a new, larger, faster one. I'm aware that I need a SATA drive and that it's form factor should be 2.5". I'm also aware that the max transfer rate for my drive is 1.5 Gb/s, can I use one that is 3.0 Gb/s? I think the current drive is 4200 or 5400 RPM, can I use one that is 7200RPM (this computer is mostly used while on AC power)? What about maximum capacity? Are there any limitations due to BIOS or the motherboard? Here is the drive I'm looking at, please let me know if this will work or if you have a similar, better solution.
Here are some of the specs from my MBP:
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro1,1
Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 2 MB
Memory: 2 GB
Bus Speed: 667 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MBP11.0055.B08
SMC Version (system): 1.2f10
Capacity: 100.03 GB (100,030,242,816 bytes)
Revision: AS024B
Native Command Queuing: Yes
Queue Depth: 32
I'm looking for at least a couple of different peoples' opinions, or if you have a link that points to replacement HD requirements that would also be very helpful.
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Apr 10, 2012
It seems that the writing is on the wall for my macbook pro internal harddrive.... Currently limping along but I need to start in safe mode and occaisonally internet boot and run diskutil, fsck etc etc etc.... I think it's safe to say it's going to die soon!So, looking to buy a replacement internal hard drive for a 2011 15" macbook pro: currently I have the stock 750gb 5000rpm drive.Looking for recommendations: of course a 750gb solid state drive would be ideal but of course not realistic!
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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