MacBook Pro :: Dual ESATA RAID Connection For Stripped Array Would Be Limited And Expresscard
Oct 28, 2009
The MBP has one expresscard slot. So if you use an eSata adapter (even if it has dual eSATA ports) it would only have one eSATA channel And that would be limited further by the express card slot and more still by the type of card (make, model, etc..). My question is: with Barefeats claiming even the best eSATA card for a MBP being 200MB/s (even if you claim less) using a dual eSATA RAID connection for a stripped array would be limited to 100MB/s per port. Is this correct? Because I'm trying to understand this to see if it's worth building a RAID setup for my MBP when I'm home.
I've asked this numorous times and get helpful advice but not addressng this specific and fundamental fact. I am not interested in FW800 because I want the fastest I can get but want it to make sense. I would also reask my other questions about my situation but this question comes first.
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May 1, 2008
I have a macpro with 4 x 1tb drives
Is it possible to get a highpoint raid controller and put those 4 drives in a raid 5 array (and then create partitions inside that array) - or do you need to have 1 drive by itself for the operating system, and then create a raid array using the remaining 3 drives?
Lastly, are the highpoint 3500 series a decent card? and fully compatible?
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Jul 7, 2009
I just did a search and found nothing but an extremely lengthy thread that makes no sense and doesn't even answer the question. I just want a simple answer here: I have a new 17" '09 uMBP. I want to use my eSata external hard drives. What expresscard adapter should I buy? I was transferring stuff over via USB and was horrified: 25 minutes to transfer 20 gigs of pictures! 20 gigs should take no more than 5, maybe 10 minutes tops over eSata (as it did on my old laptop). So which eSata-Expresscard actually works for the uMBP's?
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Oct 22, 2008
I tried installing a Dynex eSATA II ExpressCard Adapter that I bought at Best Buy. I downloaded the drivers off of the website and tried to install them and got an error message: the following failed: run preflight script for Sil3132 Mac OS X Driver. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
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Oct 27, 2009
Recently upgrading, I bought the newest MBP 17" specifically because it still had the expresscard slot (thinking having eSATA capability would make it the only pro laptop in the new lineup). I don't need my storage to be portable, I edit at home. Being new to RAID I've been researching and asking questions. I want to get the best setup for my money. People have recommended FW800 but that doesn't help me need to get the most speed possible, I feel eSATA is faster. I also want the redundancy in case a drive crashes. But the MBP only has one expresscard slot.
Does this mean my bandwidth is limited to one 300Mb/s channel? i.e. Should I not even consider RAID0 on a MBP since the bottleneck is 300MB/s? Barefeats recommends this adapter saying it's the fastest they tested at only 200MB/s! So what advantage will stripping give? It seems with only one available eSATA channel the MBP doesn't have many options for professional storage (although still faster than FW800). What would people recommend?..........
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a 15" MacBook Pro from a couple of years ago (2.0 GHz) and I am about to upgrade my harddrive from 75 GB to 500 GB (and from 5400 to 7200 rpm). I think I am going to simply clone my harddrive, so I bought an enclosure for my new drive to use when transferring all my data. The enclosure I purchased works with usb 2.0 or eSATA.
My question is, should I take advantage of the eSATA speeds? Do you think it's worth it? For another 50 bucks I could by an expresscard and a cable that will allow me to do the transfer via eSATA. Should I bother or should I just stick with USB 2.0? I hear USB 3.0 is coming out early next year, so I was thinking I shouldn't bother with eSATA (though 50 bucks isn't much of an investment). But I'm not about to wait for USB 3.0 to come out. Do you think it would be worth spending the money to get the extra speed for this transfer? My 75 GB drive is almost full.
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Aug 28, 2010
Difficulty deciding between 1 or 2. Unsure about real world performance gain of 2. No experience with SSDs or RAID 0. Worried about alignment and sleep/hibernate issues. Stock 5400rpm 320GB will go inside eSATA enclosure. Does anybody have a good eSATA ExpressCard/34 to recommend? I don't care about the SuperDrive. But I'll keep it for Care warranty purposes.
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Dec 12, 2010
I am looking for a eSata expresscard for my MacBook Pro. I have a problem with looping my G Drive external through my firewire soundcard due to the single bus on the mbp. It just doesn't like it. What eSata expresscard adaptor would you recommend so i can hook my G Drive upto it?
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Oct 19, 2008
Recommend me an esata expresscard that works well with the MBP? I need one to connect an external harddrive.
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Dec 29, 2009
What is the best and most compatible eSATA ExpressCard for uMBP (whatever the OS that might be running)?
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Oct 30, 2007
I have a WD MyBook ES that has both USB and eSata ports. I have 2 partitions on it- 1 is HFS+ and the other is FAT32. Both work fine with USB. With the ExpressCard however, I encounter a problem with the HFS+ partition. Both show up under Leopard, but after I copy 1 or 2 files to the HFS+ partition I get either a "Filename too long" error or an "unexpected error" -50 error code on any other operation. From that point forward, the partition acts as if its read-only, but doesn't show that in any of the permissions. All write operations fail after this.
However, the Fat32 partition continues to work just fine, and does not appear to suffer from the same problems. It seems I can copy files to and from it all day without problems. Both are on the same drive, going across the same controller. The card is a T-EC2R made by ONNTO [URL]. Its essentially a reference implementation of the sil3132 expresscard eSata 2. In fact, I've flashed the reference bios to try to troubleshoot the problem, and I'm using their drivers since ONNTO does not provide mac drivers for this card. The short story is that I ordered the T-EC2S, which does have drivers for OS X, but they shipped me the T-EC2R. When I realized it was a reference design, I just used the drivers from Silicon Image...............
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Apr 8, 2009
Is it possible to mirror a RAID-0 array to a single drive?
For example, I will be setting up 3x1TB on a RAID-0 (striped) array and i want to mirror it to one 1TB drive. Is that possible or do i have to resort to Time Machine ... ugh
and YES i've already STFA! no answers as of the start of this thread
-edit i assuming Time Machine backs up the "volumes" and not the "drives"
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Apr 18, 2008
I have an existing striped raid 0 setup with 2 x 500 GB hard drives.
I just bought 2 more x 500 GB hard drives since i noticed HDD is a bottleneck for my 8 core system.
my question is, can i add the 2 harddrives to my existing raid 0 partition ? (so i have one raid partition of 2 TB )
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Jan 9, 2011
I have a Early 2008 Mac Pro. I have the Apple Hardware Raid Card Installed. I have 4 2TB disks installed. Currently I've got the system disk setup in Bay 1 as a single disk. Then I have the disks in bays 2 through 4 setup as a raid 5. I've been thinking that I might be better off to make all 4 disks into a raid 5 array and then just make volumes for the system disk and my work disk. My goal is to have a system volume an a scratch/work volume for image and video editing.
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Nov 19, 2008
I have a bunch of Mac Computers here and I want to make a file server for them with about 5 drives in an RAID array to be a little bit secure. I am fairly certain how to go about and build myself a basic file server for a bunch of PCs networked together, but I am not sure about how to do it for a network of Macs.
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Dec 31, 2008
Compatible to PCI-e 2.0
Boot to Mac OS X with Mac Pro (2006-2008) Models
Boot to Single Drive or RAID Array
Well,finaly it's bootable and raid bootable.Does anybody know is ti bootcampable?I just come back from windows,I find I lost so much,I can't even use foobar2000 and my 9800gt.
I hope it will be a positive answer
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Aug 12, 2009
I have two choices.
1. Apple's Mac Pro RAID Controller, Four Drives, RAID 0+1. One big disk, highest cost.
2. Or, some other RAID Controller (?), Three matching drives, RAID 5. Then, 1 big drive for OS/Applications/Time Machine.
I'd probably move my Home folder to the RAID Array and have just my data striping amongst those drives. Has anyone had a dilemma like this before? I like the idea of hardware separation of my Home folder from the OS.
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Apr 23, 2012
how can i re-create a hidden lion partition after creating a RAID 1 array for Lion Server 10.7.3 My new mac-mini did not come in the array i'd expect it to come with being a server?
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Dec 31, 2008
There's enough external space for two USB ports in the expresscard 34 slot. Is there a card that has two USB ports and is flush with the edge of the laptop? All I can find are dual stacked ones that stick out like this:
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Jan 9, 2010
I made about adding esata to my Mac Pro 2.66 Quad, I added a card and now have to esata ports.I've been thinking about buying an Icy Dock enclosure that will hold 2 HD's and supports both USB and esata. The way I see it, I should want to run the faster esata.It has all kinds of settings including some for RAID configurations.It appears that the RAID will work with USB but as to the esata, which is what I want, there is the following language
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Oct 17, 2009
The past few months I've made threads asking about eSata express cards and external storage and have received useful information. However, I've always neglected to ask this obvious and direct question. I've been recommended a few cards, one from OWC always comes up. But I never bothered to ask about "dual" versions because I thought I'd be able to find it on my own.
After weeks of casually looking around I wasted a few hours yesterday hard core searching online. I really need a storage solution for my exploding cache of photos and video that's been stockpiling and needs editing.
Perhaps FW800 or another interface could be a better solutions. But when I choose my new MBP 17" a few months ago I specifically kept the fact it retained the express card slot in mind because of it's higher transfer rates.
I'd get 1 TB but I'm thinking realistically I need 2+ TB of storage... and also I think I need to finally get my rear in gear about redundancy. I use Time Machine with an external FW400 HDD and back up my music separately there too but want to keep in mind future space should have redundancy in mind.
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Aug 31, 2007
Is it possible to boot a Powermac G5 Dual 2 GHz using the built in software Raid 0? I know that this can be set up using disk utility but wondered if it was possible to boot from the RAID set.
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Jun 12, 2009
I was looking at this HD: [URL]. Could someone please summarize for me what is a "Dual-drive Storage System with RAID?" I have some ideas of what it is... it involves mirroring, and holding two copies of data to make sure one doesn't lose data, correct? This is a 4 TB drive... what if I want 4 TBs worth of storage and not two copies of 2 TBs worth of storage? Am I allowed to turn mirroring off and get a straightforward 4 TBs worth of storage? Please feel free to throw in any quick facts about RAID you may want to.
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Sep 27, 2009
Either with EFI 1.7 or the old 1.6 firmware... has anyone done a Dual internal Raid0 using regular hard drives or SSDs?
I just got the 3.06ghz macbook pro , put 8gb of ram inside.. and want to run a dual Raid 0 inside... either with my 500gb stock plus another HDD.. or dual Raid0 using SSDx2 -- using an optibay or something similar.
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Dec 1, 2014
I have a macBook pro, running Yosemite, and cannot connect to 5GHz on my dual band bt home hub. Keeps saying 'invalid password' even though it is correct. I have given the 2GHz and 5GHz separate names and passwords and can now connect to 2GHz without dropping al the time, but am frustrated re 5GHZ. Even when stood next to the router it will not connect or recognise password.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Sep 11, 2009
I was trying to do a memory upgrade the other day, and tried to take the wrong screw off. I went to try to screw it out, but the screw stripped. How can I get this thing removed and replace it with a new one? Or should I just take it to the local genius bar?
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Dec 16, 2009
I have a mid-2006 Macbook and have never tried to do any tinkering on the inside except for installing some RAM. Whenever I had any trouble in the past, I took the machine into the Apple Store. Now that my Applecare warranty is up, I figured that I can crack it open to do some repairs regarding my fan without voiding my warranty. Alas, it seems that someone on Apple's end stripped a screw / put it in improperly. Now, I cannot get it out. The screw in question is the center screw in this picture (from iFixit, not my Macbook): All other screws in the tear down came out easily except for this one. Dammit. What should I do? It is too late to point fingers at Apple because I have no proof that I wasn't the numbskill who did this. It is just such a small screw... I'd just like to remove it somehow
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Aug 27, 2010
The screws that hold the battery in place (Triwing Ones) One of them is stripped on my MBP. I ordered some new ones and they should be arriving next week. Does anyone have an idea how to get the stripped one out? I have tried pliers but they don't seem to grip the screw to be able to turn it. This is the screw I mean.
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Nov 4, 2009
A few weeks back I spilled a glass of wine on my non-unibody, but new, MacBook pro while it was turned on (I know; no good). i let it dry for a few days but still, no life. i decided to open the sucker up to investigate and had successfully taken out the battery and one of the fans before the trouble began. i was using a #000 philips head screwdriver, and most of the screws in the logic board came right out, but some (the same size as the others) wouldn't budge. now i'm not sure if i should just put the thing back together and send it to apple or try to find a different size screwdriver and forge ahead. i know the problem in terms of moisture is on the other side of that logic board (and hard drive, which won't budge either)
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Feb 7, 2012
Recently I up/downgraded from a 2010 17" Macbook Pro to a 2011 15" Macbook Pro. I had previously swapped the old hard drive in the 17" to an SSD using the OWC data doubler kit. Now that I moved on to the 15", I wanted to move my SSD over to the new Macbook Pro.
During the process opening the new MacBook and unscrewing a two of the screws around the optical drive, both of the screws became stripped on the module the covers the optical drive. I have to be honest and say that they are pretty badly striped at this point. I've read a handful of articles online with many different possible solutions on removing the stripped screw, but none of which seem to work nor do I want to cause any further or possible permanent damage, I do have AppleCare on the machine, but I wasn't sure if modifications and upgrades such as this where covered.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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