Mac :: Macbook Unibody Screen Shows Horizontal Coloured Bars?

Nov 23, 2009

Have had this macbook for just over a week, purchased off original owner who bought in Feb this year with Applecare warranty. Upgraded ram immediately to a G.Skill 4Gb kit. 4 days ago, computer randomly froze with horizontal coloured bar. Called Apple next day, the guy there told me that sometimes this happens, and that I should only be worried if this occurs ago. 4 days later, we are at this present scenario: In the last hour or so, has crashed 3 times. Programs running in common were iTunes and Safari.

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MacBook Pro :: Beeps And Horizontal Bars In Display Of 201113"

Mar 13, 2012

I'm running 8GB RAM as I have been for several months now. I typically run several apps at a time for days at a time rarely dipping below 1GB available. When I do I use the Free Memory app to free up RAM.  

Minutes ago I left my MBP for a couple minutes to do something across the room. It began making single short beeps spaced a couple seconds apart. When I ran over to check out what was going on I noticed the display had 2-3 vertical stripes through it each containing dozens of horizontal colored bars. The beeps continued without stopping. The display was unusable for the duration. I could not tell if th keyboard or trackpad were responding so I chose ot reboot.  

After reboot it seemed fine and reopened all of the apps that had been running previously. Or is this a sign of specific hardware beginning to fail?

Mac OS X (10.7.3), Early 2011 MBP 13"

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MacBook :: Full Bars But Shows No Connection?

Feb 2, 2009

I have the 2.4ghz aluminum macbook, late '08. I go to a community college that is pretty large, compared to community colleges. I have full bars most of the time at school but about 50% of the time there is no connection. On mozilla i get an error to contact the server administrator and i just get a no network on safari. I installed windows 7 and there is also full bars but no connection. My friends, who have PCs, connect fine. There s a dell netbook and a 50lbs Toshiba laptop.

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MacBook Pro :: Just Has A Black Screen With A Small Coloured Circle On The Right Of The Screen

Mar 27, 2012

My macbook pro just has a black screen with a small coloured circle on the right of the screen.  It is frozen and wont respond to turning it off or on.  It is plugged into mains power.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Back-light Keys Stopped Working / Transparent Box Shows Up But Bars Do Not Move

Jun 15, 2010

so i installed windows 7 on bootcamp, i noticed that the keyboard backlight keys to adjust the keyboard backlight arent working. then i switched over to the mac os, and it also stopped working there!

whenever i press the keys, the transparent box shows up but the bars do not move, it is currently off, and it also has that crossed out circle symbol.

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MacBook Pro :: Multi Coloured Lines Going Down The Screen On Start Up?

Sep 13, 2010

Whenever I try to start up my mac book pro I get coloured lines going down the screen. It then just shows me a large image of the power button with the message "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button" I then do this and the same happens again and I go no further.

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OS X :: Airport Shows Connection (Full Bars) - Can't Access Internet

Mar 4, 2009

This problem has been going on for a couple of months now. I use my macbook at 2 places: school and home. At school, when I click the school network under airport, it connects and shows the full bars. But when I open safari/firefox, the page won't load and I get the error message when you're not connected. However, sometimes after like an hour of persisting and retrying, it will be able to access the internet for a little bit for like an hour or so maybe, and then it'll stop working. At home, it's the same thing. It will connect to my home network (got wireless at home set up through my desktop PC), and show the full connection on airport, but it won't access the internet for the life of me. The difference is I can never gt it to connect unlike at school where it sometimes works, except that it worked for like one day out of the last 2 months (and I didn't change any settings then so it's not like I can attribute it to that). Also, I am absolutely positive that the networks of my home/school computer and the router settings etc. aren't to blame. Reason is that my friends with macbooks can access the internet both using my home network and the school network (the school one is obvious). What could possibly be going wrong? Any settings on my macbook that I can change / completely reset? Is the network card or something messed up? I'm contemplating just completely formatting my laptop to see if it fixes the issue. I have leopard installed btw.

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PowerPC :: Horizontal Lines Shows In New Systems?

Oct 31, 2005

I received my new 15" PB a few days ago and I can notice faint horizontal lines on every other row of pixels. I didn't notice this on the model before this or even the new iBooks, but working with photos, graphics, and video is aggravating with these lines.I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired"

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OS X :: Pixelated Horizontal Lines Shows In My System?

Feb 15, 2010

I've had my 15 inch Macbook Pro for almost four years and haven't had any major problems with it until today. I was browsing online when suddenly my screen was filled with this pixelated horizontal lines all across the screen.I restarted the computer... heard the start up chime then came a grey screen with the same lines, I can see the apple logo at the start up and the loading bar underneath it... then the screen turns blue, still with the lines and that is all I'm able to see

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Mac :: 1/3 Of My Macbook Pro Screen Has 3 Vertical Bars?

May 26, 2010

I have had my Laptop for over 3 years now and with really no significant problems. A couple of days ago though, my laptop display got 3 vertical black/white/black bars on the right third of the screen and I am just curious if it is dying. I am connected to an external display and it's been awhile like this, but it makes it impossible to use as a laptop anymore.

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MacBook Pro :: Gray Screen With 'indicator Bars'?

Jun 15, 2012

I just came inside after being outside for about 6 hours. When I opened my shell, there was no screen light-up, no keyboard lights, etc. I had already plugged into my power adapter and external hard drives (just as I always do). I punched keys, tried to use the trackpad - nothing. So I hit the power button for a few seconds. My screen came up seriously grayed out with 'indicator bars' (such as the ones that control brightness, sort of, but larger) at the bottom of my screen. Once they al went on, from left to right, my computer was awakened from it's normal sleep mode. 

Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD

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Intel Mac :: 27" Displaying Random Coloured Squares On The Screen?

Jun 11, 2012

How many Mac users have suffered from the problem of small coloured squares appearing at random on the iMac desktop? They can be wiped by dragging a window over them but they will eventually reappear. I have discovered at least three other threads where this issue has been discussed but our local Apple store is claiming that Apple haven't declared it as a legacy fault. It would be interesting to hear how others have been treated when presenting Apple with this fault. At first they thought it was the GPU but they now think that it is either the logic board OR the logic board AND the GPU together!! Being charged between £480 and £650 to repair a machine that is less than 18 months old is a bit much from a company that continually boasts about the quality of its products.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting A Screen Full Of Red Bars And An Alarm Noise

May 15, 2012

what is wrong with my 15-inch macbook pro, the only thing i did was installing 8 gb RAM, and suddenly out of nowhere my mac freezes and shows red bars and the white light is flashing while and alarm beeps

Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1, 15-inch 8GB RAM I7

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MacBook Pro :: Horizontal Line Across The Screen?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a new MacBook Pro (A1286) 2.66Ghz which is just over two weeks old. Whilst watching a video on YouTube a horizontal line appeared across the screen. I tried rebooting, however, the line was still present. I have tried switching between the 9400/9600 and the line is still visible.

The line is still there when I boot the laptop into Windows, does it look like I have a faulty GPU/logicboard on my brand new MacBook?

Here's a photo of the problem.


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MacBook Air :: IOS 7.1.2 / Horizontal Lines Across Screen

Aug 24, 2014

I've had my macbook air 13" 256GB for four days now, I had it shipped to me in Canada because I wanted the ram to be changed to 8GB. When I'm scrolling around on the internet I see a horizontal line appear in the lower half of my screen, it disappears quickly so I haven't been able to get a screen shot. I have apple care, should I take my laptop in? Is this normal? I've been very careful with my laptop, I haven't dropped it or anything (I even have it in the Tech21 Impact snap case).

MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.2

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Software :: Macbook Pro 2.0 CD Running 10.5.3 - Color & Lines Bars On Screen

Jun 4, 2008

I have a macbook pro (2.0 CD) running 10.5.3 my problem is that a few times a day, a bar or line appears on my screen with random color pixels. They go away after a few minutes or if they appear on the desktop, a simple killall Finder command clears them away. Sometimes they appear on apps and will minimize/maximize with them. They also appear on the menubar quite frequently. I have restarted many times, but eventually they always come back. This has been happening since at least 10.5.2 has anyone ever experienced this or know what is causing it?

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When Turn On IMac Got White Screen With Grey Coloured Flashing Folder Sign

Jun 6, 2012

when I turn on iMac I got white screen with grey coloured flashing folder sign,a question mark on it, that's it.

iMac, 2006 model

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Know Horizontal Lines Across The Screen In MBP?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a MBP purchased in late 2006 so it's fairly old.

Lately I've been having really random lock ups and freezing maybe once every week or so. Sometimes when I hard reset it, there's a few horizontal lines across the screen, usually just on the background. It'll go away if I restart it again.

I used the onboard disk checker and no problems are detected. Is this a sign that the hardware will fail soon?

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MacBook :: Screen White-out And Horizontal Lines?

May 15, 2010

The screen started by having the occasional 'white out' where it would be in use and a white screen would fade in for a few seconds then usually return to normal.

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MacBook :: Blue Horizontal Line On Screen?

Apr 23, 2012

blue horizontal line on screen?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Horizontal Small Dashes Across Whole Screen

Jun 3, 2014

I am running maverick os 10.9.3 on my macbook pro 

I had been getting horizontal small dashes across my whole screen. 

Talk to an apple tech and he took me thru diagnostics and couldn't find anything wrong. 

So he had me reinstall the OS and that was about two weeks ago and everything has been fine UNTIL today it started again..  

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: IMac (2.8GHz Core 2 Duo) Occasionally Freezes With Black Or Coloured Screen?

Jun 21, 2012

Every few weeks my iMac will suddenly freeze, the screen going black or white or pink etc. The only way I can get the computer back  is to hold down the power button to force a shutdown. Then after a restart everything is OK for a few more weeks. Usually it occurs when I am on the internet. I click on something and suddenly the computer is frozen. I am on OS X 10.6.8 and usually use Safari. Ironically when I opened this forum 5 minutes ago there was a similar sounding problem at the top of the list!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.

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MacBook :: Horizontal Bar Changes Color - Screen Looks Like Vibrating Rapidly

Dec 3, 2010

I'm getting this horizontal bar that changes colors and sometimes the whole screen image looks like it is vibrating rapidly up and down, I'm utterly at a loss. The model in question is an Early '09 with the 9400M IGP. It just randomly started last night. I've already had a video issue that got fixed, I think it was the GPU

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MacBook Air :: Horizontal Marks On Screen From Keyboard Recess

Nov 8, 2008

Just what I needed - another thing to obsess about! On my screen, corresponding to where the bottom line of the keyboard recess is, I have a horizontal marks on my screen. Does anyone else have this? I've tried buffing with some iKlear and a soft cloth but it won't go away. I can't see it when the screen's on but it's bugging me now, as these things tend to do. With my old Powerbook I kept the plastic sheet in between the sceen and keyboard but assumed this was not necessary with the recessed keyboards. Now it seems its the edge of the recess, rather than the keys themselves, which is the problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Horizontal Line In Full Screen Mode?

Mar 30, 2012

A horizontal line appears in any application (iTunes, VLC, Quicktime) when I enter full screen mode. Out of nowhere it appeared about 2 weeks ago. Not sure how to get rid of this or how it came about?

Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Display Is Frequently Horizontal Gray Lines Going Across Screen

Jul 1, 2014

my MacBook pro display that there are frequently horizontal grey lines going across my screen. I've noticed it mostly when the display color should be grey or white, but that's not always the case. It occurs mostly in my Google search bar using Firefox, and also occurs heavily on Facebook in the comments/reply section of a post. Outside of the browser I've also seen it when looking through some personal photos, especially of the sky, the lines will seem to sort of outline different contrasts in white or light tones, kind of like the Magic Wand tool would do in Photoshop. The lines do flicker and change when scrolling.I attempted to snap a photo with my iPhone the best I could. 

My specs:

-13" Macbook Pro (2009)
-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
-Resolution: 1280x800, 32-bit Color 

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MacBook Pro :: Small Thin Horizontal Lines On Screen Display

Sep 10, 2014

After 1 month there are small thin horizontal lines appear on my macbook pro screen. i never drop or bang or what so ever.

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Intel Mac :: Screen Has Developed Multicoloured Horizontal Lines In Random Spots Across Screen

Apr 29, 2012

My iMac screen has developed multicoloured horizontal lines in random spots across the screen..Is there a fix for this?

Imac intel, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: System Freezes Playing Videos / Weird Color Bars On Video Screen

Apr 29, 2010

Ok, I've noticed this week that my 2010 13" MBP hangs a lot when it plays any videos I've bought off of itunes (it's fine with other videos). I mean anytime a itunes video pops up on my itunes player, the whole computer hangs (beachball of death and can't do anything). And it hangs for quite a bit (haven't timed it but a minute maybe?)

At first I thought it was the graphics card as the first time I realized what was causing my computer to randomly freeze up (it's been starting to do that this week but at first wasn't sure what cause itunes was in the background) it gave the wierd color bars on the video screen for the video it was playing (I have itunes play the video in the small box on the left bottom corner). Like the whole video screen was random fubar color bars and not the video (it took a minute and then eventually played fine after me reclicking the video). It has not done that since.

I played around with it and noticed it seems fine when I play videos I have not bought off of itunes but it reliabley hangs the whole computer when I try to play a video bought off of itunes. It eventually plays but it is really annoying particularly cause it holds up my whole computer until it resolves whatever issue it is.

So, hardware or software and any suggestions if it is software on how to fix it?

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MacBook Pro :: 15 Inch Retina - Horizontal Lines In The Middle And Bottom Of Screen

Dec 6, 2014

I have a 2 month old rMBP Mid 2014 and i am experiencing horizontal lines in the middle and bottom of the screen. For example, If i was browsing a site and then close the window you can still see parts of the website in the middle of the screen. I took the laptop in for the technicians to have a look and they a blaming it on the software,claiming that Gfxcardstatus is causing the problem. The problem still persists even with gfxcardstatus turned off. Does Gfxcardstatus do this? Is it the Lcd or gpu failure? Take a look at the photos ....

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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