MacBook Pro :: Screen Washed Out Of Unibody When System Put Into And Woken From Sleep
Jan 2, 2009
if anyone else is having problems with their unibody Macbook pro screen getting washed out after a while - especially if the computer has been put into and woken from sleep. I run a 24 inch dell monitor along side my MBP in dual monitor mode, the MBP the slave monitor, with the Dell the main monitor. After a while of use, approx 2 hours, the macbook pro screen fades out/appears washed out. It seems to settle after either a restart or dimming the MBP screen to black for a few minutes. My MBP is not on a cooling stand but I'm going to get one Is this a heat thing, a firmware thing or a defective hardware? I'm running 10.5.6 and have updated the firmware/efi as per apple updates.
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Apr 6, 2009
I bought a new unibody Macbook pro in December and have had it linked to a Dell 2408WFP for 4 months now (dell monitor as primary monitor, macbook as slave via apple mini displayport to DVI adapter) and I am also using the dell USB ports to hook up my apple wired keyboard and logitech revolution MX mouse. Problems occurring ever since the beginning include: Occasionally the computer refuses to wake up either screen. It may flash blue and look like its going to come out of sleep (or monitor shut off) with no problems but then hangs. This is intermittent and I cant seem to trouble shoot what causes it. On top of that, more frequently, the Macbook screen looks washed out (loss of colour depth). It doesnt flash and there are no blank/white areas of screen, just very poor colour depth. This can occur even coming out of screen saver mode. It seems to correct itself with time or disconnecting the dell monitor. Main programs I always leave open are Firefox +/- Transmission. Seems to happen regardless of programs being open or not. Have updated everything that Software Update can find to update. Anyone else having these problems or have any ideas how to fix?
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May 29, 2012
My Intel iMac goes into a deep sleep and can not be awakened; I need to hold the start button in to force it to shut down and then restart it.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 5, 2012
I have been having some issues since I updated to 10.7.3: My monitor does not sleep anymore and gets woken up every 45 secs. In this time I have hundreds of the following messages: 05.02.12 12:42:20,812 loginwindow: resume called when there was already a timer..Any idea what I can do to get this to work the way it used to ??? This is very very annoying and consumes energy for nothing.
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Jan 7, 2011
Im using a MBP 13'' 09 I believe (9400M). Every time I boot into OS X 10.6.5 and now 10.6.6 my screen is all washed out. I can see stuff but there are just way too much "whites. "(With an external and also with the internal).
An easy remedy for the external just requires me to unplug and replug the monitor back in and the calibration automatically fixes it's self on how it used to be.
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Oct 23, 2010
I just got my 11.6 mba yesterday. I absolutely loved it but after one day use and compared to my 13.3 mbp and my 21 imac , I found that the screen is very washed out, especially the red color. Does anyone else have this problem with their screen.
some information about the lcd
Manufacturer 00000610
Model 00009CF3
Date: C89CB080
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May 22, 2008
I've had my MacBook for around two months now, and I've noticed this problem ever since I got it. The screen looks sort of washed out, similar to issue the iPod touch had when it first came out. Blacks don't appear black enough. It looks fine if you're looking up at the screen, but if you look down to it, dark colors are too light. I've tried the color calibration, and it has helped a little, but the problem still exists. Is there a way I can get rid of this? I've posted some pics below. They were taken with my iMac's camera, so they aren't that good.
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Dec 6, 2009
I just purchased a macbook pro 2.53 Ghz 13.3 inch laptop. I got it today and so far I'm loving it except for the fact that compared to my rev A macbook air, the screen looks a bit washed out? Like the screen and brightness on my MBA is still better?
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Sep 11, 2009
Bought a Whitebook in August '08 and have noticed lately that the bottom of the screen (around the dock) is brighter than the rest. This extends to the top of the dock (which I have set at pretty small) but can be quite noticeable.
Has anyone heard of this or know any fixes? The screen has been calibrated but this isn't something that I could fix by re-calibrating.
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Sep 13, 2009
On Leopard I used a color profile that was posted on here for the 9CA3 screens - it looked great. After installing Snow Leopard and using this profile again my screen seems a lot more washed out. Is this due to the gamma increase to 2.2? If so where can I change this in the color profile to match the original.
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Mar 5, 2010
My MacBook Pro started being weird yesterday. First of all the space bar stopped working - it wouldn't respond at all, or it would act like it was being held down, even though it wasn't.
Now it won't sleep - at all. If I close the lid, the light stays solid, dims once, then comes back solid, and the computer turns back on (the Apple logo lights back up etc). If I choose Sleep from the Apple menu with the screen open - the same thing happens, it sleeps for a second, then wakes back up.
I've reset the SMU and PRAM. I can't think of anything else to do.
This computer is currently on eBay and someone has bid �1,400 on it, I don't want to send it away knowing it has a problem.
Just FYI its a 2009 MacBook Pro 17" with built-in battery.
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Sep 12, 2009
It has been happening a lot lately, i try to wake my unibody Macbook from sleep and it just won't wake up, when i close the lid, the light is on, when i open the lid, it goes off but nothing happens, just an off display.. I just turn it off from the button and start again, then i get a kernal panic.
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Nov 24, 2009
I'm in a bit of a pickle.. I just tried to go and use my computer. I wake it and once my desktop pops up , I notice a strange black flash, now the screen is dark and the only sign of life is the sleep indicator light which is staying lit.
Nothing is responding
I tried holding down the power button, but for some reason I can't force it off, does anyone have any idea as to what else I could do to get it turned off?
No drops, no spills nothing!
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Apr 7, 2010
I just replaced the bezel on my girl's MBP, pre-unibody, A1260 LED backlit display, and it no longer senses that the lid is closed and goes to sleep. Does anyone know where this sensor is?
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Apr 30, 2009
when i was working on my master thesis document, i closed my macbook(physically with display down). He goes into standby. But when i opened it again, he didn't woke up. Pressed every keys, touched the touchpad, nothing happened. Then i hard rebooted, nothing happened, only the fan started making extreme loud noise. So i did a hard shut down, disconnected everything(powersupply, battery,usbstick,etc etc). Inserted the battery and the powersupply again and booted. My screen lit up, logo appeared, and the cicle(busy icon of the mouse) but it didn't rotate.
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Jul 20, 2010
when working on my new Imac sometimes the machine put itself in sleep mode! The screen turns black and I have to enter my password. Sometimes it happens 2 times in 1 minute; other times once in 1 hour.
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Oct 24, 2009
I need the thoughts and advice from your seasoned Mac people - I have 2 MBP's - 1 15" aluminum, one last years model 17" Unibody (with Black around screen). The 15 has run great since day one. The 17" was ok, but now is locking up and causing me to reboot, fans seem to run on high all the time, and it is very slow to react while using the OS, it gets worse until it locks up. I have upgrade to Snow Leopard thinking that that might fix it, but it has not.
When I got it, I restored from the back up of my 15" using carbon copy cloner. I only imported users and data such as pictures and music. Do you guys think that this is a hardware issue or a or should I back all my stuff up and then blow everything away and reinstall from the ground up with a fresh SL install?
When I called apple they tried to sell me apple care and told me that it was out of the full warranty and if I send it I would to pay for what was not under warranty. SO I am hoping that someone has seen this and has a fix that I can do without having to take it in.
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Oct 6, 2010
I finally put my hands on a brand new MacBook Pro 15" (base model) with Hi-Def Glossy Screen...I'm playing with it since a couple of days and I wonder if it is somehow defective...I've already passed through the following thread but I haven't found the answers I'm looking for....URL
I've also searched trough the forum, found a couple of related threads but no conclusive answers were given, so that's why I'm posting my doubts and asking for you to comment or give your personal experiences or advices...
1) Power dazzle (sorry I don't know how to better express it)
When I plug the cable to recharge the battery and the battery gets finally completely recharged, I feel a sort of low voltage through my hands when I touch the aluminum unibody... I was used to feel the same thing on the touchpad of my former pc when its logic board started to break... (that's why I'm so worried about this potential issue)Is it normal? Do you experience the same thing? Is it to notify the battery is fully charged? I don't think so: a pop-up message would be much more effective...
2) Clinging sound
When I use the MBP in a quiet room, I often hear a clinging sound from the touchpad... I suspect it is the HDD's head that moves to perform an operation... or is it something completely different? In any case, it is very annoying: when I hear it, I immediately start to search myself for any tab of a zipper that may produce it...Again, is it normal? Does your MBP is the same? Does it annoy you? Am I simply paranoid? Did you do something to effectively reduce it (SSD)?
3) Battery life
I tried to calibrate the battery properly, nevertheless I didn't experienced the advertized battery life... I think it depends on the fact I have the Hi-Def screen that is more power demanding than the default one...
Is this the effective reason? How long does your battery last? (I cannot post my value because I just discovered the option to show time besides battery icon...) Any suggestion to make the battery last longer? (I already use cable rather than wi-fi and Intel graphic card rather than Nvidia one)
4) If I move my finger tips on the bottom of the unibody enclosure, I can feel a small step between the enclosure and the cover (something less than 1/3 of a mm) in the area below the touchpad that progressively disappear toward the hinge area...
Does your cover integrate seamlessly into your unibody enclosure or not?Is it an indication of some sort of refurbished intervention or is it normal this way? How can I understand if it is a refurbished MBP or a brand new one? (It's been bought by my university, so I don't know exactly what has been ordered... there is something I have to look for to understand the case? A particular notice, booklet or something like that?)
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Aug 10, 2009
I am running Mac Mini as a home server (turns out to be not a great idea, btw), and even though I set the preference to never sleep or shut down, it does go to sleep when there is no activity for long time. Since I am using it as home server, it should stay awake all the time or at least wake up from sleep when there is incoming ping from other computer, but it just goes to sleep.
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Dec 15, 2010
I was walking into my friends house the other night with my Macbook Pro in an Incase sleeve and it fell out of my hands and onto the concrete. I assume it landed on the edge of the screen and bent it inward. The screen and everything work properly and the issue is only cosmetic but it's driving me crazy.
I have an appointment at the genius bar tomorrow but would like to know how much Apple would charge for repair beforehand. If anyone has experience with this please chime in.
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Mar 22, 2009
This has happened 2 times (rarely). Basically, when I wake up the macbook pro, the screen would remain "blank". I know the screen is on because I can see the mouse pointer but the whole screen is black. I'm assuming Finder has crashed?
I don't know how to restart on the macbook (ctrl + alt + del didn't work, using option didn't either) so I just held down the power button for 4 seconds and restarted that way.
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Jun 10, 2009
i have a 2.0 unibody macbook, and i have had it since november.. it had the washed out screen and slanted function keys, so the guy at the genius bar took one look, logged it and im getting a new screen and top case. i love the genius bar and apple support =]
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May 25, 2010
Does anyone know how to disassemble a unibody ANTIGLARE screen? Specifically, how to get behind the actual LCD to where the apple logo is?
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Jun 27, 2012
what should i used to clean the aluminum unibody, when it comes to the lcd screen i know alcohol and other solutions are bad for lcd because of the thin flim layer but the macbook pro has glass so it should'nt hurt the screen to use those kind of products.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 12, 2010
I've noticed recently that occasionally my screen will intermittently flicker.
It doesn't seem to be tied to anything specific. Just a random black screen flash.
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May 27, 2009
I've heard that there have been some differences between the older and newer Macbook screens - I'm thinking about buying a reburb unibody macbook and want to know how significant the difference is. If it's big enough I'll use my student discount to get a new mac with an iPod and then sell the iPod for the price difference, but that is a lot more work and initial money spent vs just getting a refurb. Does anyone have any experience with both?
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Sep 25, 2009
i'm planning on upgrading from my older MBP to a 15" unibody. i'm going back and forth whether or not i want the anti glare screen or not. does anyone have one? how are the colors compared with the glossy?
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Nov 23, 2009
Have had this macbook for just over a week, purchased off original owner who bought in Feb this year with Applecare warranty. Upgraded ram immediately to a G.Skill 4Gb kit. 4 days ago, computer randomly froze with horizontal coloured bar. Called Apple next day, the guy there told me that sometimes this happens, and that I should only be worried if this occurs ago. 4 days later, we are at this present scenario: In the last hour or so, has crashed 3 times. Programs running in common were iTunes and Safari.
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Mar 19, 2009
Just got my new macbook pro last week, been having some problems ever since i changed my ram to Kingston 1066MHz DDR3, supposedly to be compatible with the MBP.
I have experienced horizontal lines of flickering and freeze of my entire system, which requires me to do a hard reset. I have recorded a video of it here.
I have also experienced similar type of freeze, but the screen pixels just cluster together at the top 20% of the screen, much like this.
I have ALSO experienced my keyboard totally not responding when i try to recover from a password saved screensaver!! The mouse is working fine, but the system just can't detect any keystroke input, forcing me to shutdown forcefully again!
I don't have time to send in my MBP as i need to work on it, and cannot do without a machine, any ideas how to resolve this?
May i also know which rams are compatible with Mac?
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Jun 19, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro that I have tried hooking up to our projector in our church using the Mini Display Port to HDMI adaptor but it is completely washed out to the point that it can't be used. It is only to this projector that I notice it. Using the exact same hook up to other projectors and TVs the picture is perfect. Also it is not the projector because a friend of mine hooked up their macbook pro the same way and the picture was fine. I've tried adjusting the colour and display profile settings and nothing seems to work.
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