MacBook Pro :: Screen Out Of Calibration / Screen All Washed Out With Whites
Jan 7, 2011
Im using a MBP 13'' 09 I believe (9400M). Every time I boot into OS X 10.6.5 and now 10.6.6 my screen is all washed out. I can see stuff but there are just way too much "whites. "(With an external and also with the internal).
An easy remedy for the external just requires me to unplug and replug the monitor back in and the calibration automatically fixes it's self on how it used to be.
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Oct 23, 2010
I just got my 11.6 mba yesterday. I absolutely loved it but after one day use and compared to my 13.3 mbp and my 21 imac , I found that the screen is very washed out, especially the red color. Does anyone else have this problem with their screen.
some information about the lcd
Manufacturer 00000610
Model 00009CF3
Date: C89CB080
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May 22, 2008
I've had my MacBook for around two months now, and I've noticed this problem ever since I got it. The screen looks sort of washed out, similar to issue the iPod touch had when it first came out. Blacks don't appear black enough. It looks fine if you're looking up at the screen, but if you look down to it, dark colors are too light. I've tried the color calibration, and it has helped a little, but the problem still exists. Is there a way I can get rid of this? I've posted some pics below. They were taken with my iMac's camera, so they aren't that good.
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Dec 6, 2009
I just purchased a macbook pro 2.53 Ghz 13.3 inch laptop. I got it today and so far I'm loving it except for the fact that compared to my rev A macbook air, the screen looks a bit washed out? Like the screen and brightness on my MBA is still better?
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Dec 5, 2007
Thing is I got hold of a 1ghz 17" iMac almost for free, it had a dead logicboard (I checked it with a voltage-meter), but I figured I could fix it and have a small hobby project-thingie going on. Well I just got a new logic board today, for a 1ghz 17" iMac g4.
Things is I only get a bright grey screen from my Mac when I boot. I've tried connecting it to a external display and that works fine. Everything is there.
I then reinstalled Tiger on it, with the computer connected to my external screen. And I still have the same problem. (I have now disconnected the ext. screen and is controlling the iMac from my MBP). So at least it isn't the installation.
So what is the problem? I can via an Apple Keyboard control the brightness on the blank screen, which would indicate that it does react to input of some degree.
I've read that if the inverter is dead or anything else is dead, you would get a rolling grey screen, flicker or something like that and not a steady bright grey. One thing I'm thinking is. What if somehow this logic board was for a 15" 1ghz imac g4? Can I check this?
I read that long thread about guys buying hi-res displays for their MBPs, and they had to replace some display profile? Could I maybe fix it with a different display profile-file?
I'm really confused by all this, and would appreciate any help I can get.
Model: PowerMac6,1
CPU-Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)
the gfx chip is a GeforceMX4 with 32mb.
The display is a mode 9c27, manufacturer 610, serialnumber 00000, manufacture date: B84D7200.
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Sep 11, 2009
Bought a Whitebook in August '08 and have noticed lately that the bottom of the screen (around the dock) is brighter than the rest. This extends to the top of the dock (which I have set at pretty small) but can be quite noticeable.
Has anyone heard of this or know any fixes? The screen has been calibrated but this isn't something that I could fix by re-calibrating.
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Jan 2, 2009
if anyone else is having problems with their unibody Macbook pro screen getting washed out after a while - especially if the computer has been put into and woken from sleep. I run a 24 inch dell monitor along side my MBP in dual monitor mode, the MBP the slave monitor, with the Dell the main monitor. After a while of use, approx 2 hours, the macbook pro screen fades out/appears washed out. It seems to settle after either a restart or dimming the MBP screen to black for a few minutes. My MBP is not on a cooling stand but I'm going to get one Is this a heat thing, a firmware thing or a defective hardware? I'm running 10.5.6 and have updated the firmware/efi as per apple updates.
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Apr 6, 2009
I bought a new unibody Macbook pro in December and have had it linked to a Dell 2408WFP for 4 months now (dell monitor as primary monitor, macbook as slave via apple mini displayport to DVI adapter) and I am also using the dell USB ports to hook up my apple wired keyboard and logitech revolution MX mouse. Problems occurring ever since the beginning include: Occasionally the computer refuses to wake up either screen. It may flash blue and look like its going to come out of sleep (or monitor shut off) with no problems but then hangs. This is intermittent and I cant seem to trouble shoot what causes it. On top of that, more frequently, the Macbook screen looks washed out (loss of colour depth). It doesnt flash and there are no blank/white areas of screen, just very poor colour depth. This can occur even coming out of screen saver mode. It seems to correct itself with time or disconnecting the dell monitor. Main programs I always leave open are Firefox +/- Transmission. Seems to happen regardless of programs being open or not. Have updated everything that Software Update can find to update. Anyone else having these problems or have any ideas how to fix?
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Sep 13, 2009
On Leopard I used a color profile that was posted on here for the 9CA3 screens - it looked great. After installing Snow Leopard and using this profile again my screen seems a lot more washed out. Is this due to the gamma increase to 2.2? If so where can I change this in the color profile to match the original.
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Aug 29, 2014
im wanting to calibrate my retina screen and i am using the Spyder 4..
it is asking me to do a few things:
reset display to factory settings
set the display to 6500k color temperature
reset contrast levels to default
can one do this on a retina display without calibrating it?
its also asking me to identify the Gamut and type of backlight used in the display...Options are -
Gamma: Unknown, Normal, Wide.
backlight: Unknown, Flueresent CCFL, white LED, RGB LED.
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Sep 13, 2010
Today I left my MBP on without the Power Adapter for calibration. Three hours later, when I arrived home, I found it with a black screen, unresponsive (didn't respond to any key or mouse movement whatsoever). No, the battery wasn't empty of charge, it still had half the charge! This is the second time this happens to me, I can't seem to think of a reason for this to happen.
I believe JDownloader was open, but not doing any downloads, but I'm not sure whether it was open or not, but besides it, nothing else was open.
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Jun 19, 2009
I have tried calibrating the LCD screen on my macbook and after calibration the screen looks much better than it has before. The whites "pop" out more than they used to. The one thing I am noticing though is that some black text that I am seeing is looking to have more of a brown tint to it. Is there an optimum setting for calibration on a uMB so the colors look the best possible?
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Apr 19, 2010
Both the Macbook and HP monitor are set to display Adobe RGB, the HP displays really crisp whites, and the MacBook is yellow in comparison. I'm wondering if all Macbooks display colours this way, or is mine faulty? I tend to work on the larger screen, but it'd be good to have the option to use the small one also.
I've considered buying a calibration tool (an overdue purchase) and/or taking it to the Mac store, it'd be a great help if anyone knows if it's a problem that can be fixed at all.
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Mar 12, 2012
My screen went high-contrast. color profiles and calibration didn't work well - HOWEVER-It looks fine right before I log in! Is there a way to repair the color profiles or whatever? I Installed Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements a couple weeks ago that's when I think it began
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 11, 2007
I want to see the screen of a Tiger machine on my Leopard machine - the Tiger machine is not on a local network but is on the internet. I have Apple remote Desktop 3.2, maybe leopards ichat will do it?
Can someone run me through it step by step??
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May 31, 2008
My Macbook Pro is fairly new, and the hinge on both side is already making squeaking noise when I open my screen. It gets a bit annoying, I open it from the center top of the screen, not by the side. Is this a problem that I should be taking to the Apple Store? Or this can be fixed easily?
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Jun 16, 2008
I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?
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Jul 26, 2009
I have 3 problems with my aluminum macbook and I think that they are all related and are caused by each other.1) The hinge creeks sometimes when I slowly close the screen and I'm afraid it will only get worse as this just started happening.) When the macbook is closed, the screen is uneven. The right side does not completely close and there is a gap between the base of the computer and the screen. However, the left side is just fine unless I push down on the right side then the left side just goes up and becomes uneven.
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Sep 16, 2009
So I have a DYNEX 21 inch HD TV conected up to my MBP via the VGA connection route. My problem is that when I want a program (or more specifically in this case a game) to go into fullscreen mode it automatically goes to my primary monitor and turns the other screen black. I know I can switch the primary monitor from my actual laptop screen to the TV however I just want the game to be full screen on the TV while still having access to my dock and everything on my laptop.
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Oct 23, 2009
I have a 15" MacBook Pro with a 20" ACD. Whenever I full screen view something, like say with VLC or even a web browser video, I lose functionality on the other screen. It never really bothered me until I realized I needed the multi-tasking. Is there anyway to keep functionality on either screen when the other is in fullscreen mode?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a problem with my screen - when there is something black on, I can see a faint mark of a lighter colour. I have tried to take a picture, please excuse the poor quality. There is nothing visible when the screen is off, even under close examination. Is it less visible when lighter things are on the screen, and invisible when the screen is white.
No drops or liquid spills. Will this go away on it's own? Any fixes?
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Jan 2, 2011
I recently upgraded to a Macbook Pro 15" with a mini displayport, and I decided I would share my LCD monitor with my windows box. The desktop box is connected with DVI and I have connected my Macbook through an HDMI adaptor from Moshi. Everything works very well, and I'm pleased with the quality of the output, but I'm having trouble with a screen flicker in full screen games.
When I select full 1080p (1900x1080) in any full screen game, the screen "shudders." It does not occur on the OS X desktop, and I can only explain it as a shudder. Lines and text shift perceptively left and right, and the game is unplayable. I have experienced this problem in Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, and Half Life: Episode 2 so far.
Could the problem be with my monitor and the way it handles an HDMI signal? The Macbook is flawless otherwise, with no other issues of any kind. The "shudder" only occurs during full screen games set to 1900x1080. Lower resolutions are not effected and work fine...
I'm stumped.
Edit: I should add that I have no other 1080p capable devices to test the output with.
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May 12, 2009
I've got my MacBook attached to my 40" Sony Bravia HDTV (KDL40W4500), and when I mirror the display or use the HDTV as the primary screen it cuts off portions of the screen like the main toolbar on top, as well as some of the dock. I tried to change the Screen Format on my TV but that doesn't seem to work, does anyone know how to fix this?
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Jun 15, 2009
Has anyone noticed a very slight flicker on their new MBPs? I have a new 13" and, every so often, the screen brightness dims and then brightens very quickly (happens in less than a second).The option for auto-adjusting the screen brightness is off so it's not that particular function.It's most noticeable on all-white backgrounds both on AC and battery power. Hard drive access doesn't seem to coincide with the dimming.
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Mar 22, 2010
there are two things that the macbook is doing to me. one is that sometimes when i move the screen up or down (the hinge is rather stiff) a white (thin) line flashes across the screen. but recently, while randomly browsing through the internet, the screen almost... i guess faded to a gray screen, but like gradually, and not like a kernel error, like the display just faded away. happened twice in a row, did a battery pull and now wont do it again.
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm wondering how uniform the backlighting is on everyone's mid-2010 MBPs. The screen on mine is sort of a gradient, with the screen becoming progressively brighter towards the left side. There are also what appear to be columns where the screen is slightly darker than the surrounding area. This makes it annoying to read in low-light conditions because the left side of the screen will be at a comfortable level when the right side is slightly too dim, or the other extreme. I absolutely cannot stand dead/hot pixels though which makes me hesitant to have the screen replaced. I just bought the notebook a week ago but I don't want it replaced, as I installed a Moshi PalmGuard before I noticed the screen issues. I also installed an InvisibleShield but I can have that replaced at no cost.
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a problem with my MacBook screen. Everytime I try to turn on the MacBook, the blue screen appears for a second and then everything gets dark (but I can see that the computer turned on normally, it's just the screen that gets almost black, without light). Sometimes only the right side of the screen is blue and then gets dark just like the left one. I was looking for the problem and I perceived that the left side seems to be loose and I can't fix it. What should I do?
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Jun 2, 2012
When I maximize the screen on my Mac Book Pro it hides the menu bar and the typed tool bar at the top of the screen as well. How do I undo this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 30, 2014
grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it.
MacBook Pro, OS Lion
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May 28, 2012
My daughter has dropped her ageing MBP, bent the screen lid and now the screen is no longer usable. We have other Macs available to access the data on the screen if we could turn on Screen Sharing on the damaged MBP running Snow Leopard.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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