It has been happening a lot lately, i try to wake my unibody Macbook from sleep and it just won't wake up, when i close the lid, the light is on, when i open the lid, it goes off but nothing happens, just an off display.. I just turn it off from the button and start again, then i get a kernal panic.
I'm in a bit of a pickle.. I just tried to go and use my computer. I wake it and once my desktop pops up , I notice a strange black flash, now the screen is dark and the only sign of life is the sleep indicator light which is staying lit.
Nothing is responding
I tried holding down the power button, but for some reason I can't force it off, does anyone have any idea as to what else I could do to get it turned off?
This has happened 2 times (rarely). Basically, when I wake up the macbook pro, the screen would remain "blank". I know the screen is on because I can see the mouse pointer but the whole screen is black. I'm assuming Finder has crashed?
I don't know how to restart on the macbook (ctrl + alt + del didn't work, using option didn't either) so I just held down the power button for 4 seconds and restarted that way.
After a week of owning this great computer I closed the lid to put it to sleep last night (same as i do every night) and the sleep indicator light dimmed as it would when it goes to sleep. I heard the HD and fan turn off as normal. But as soon as the front light dimmed all the way the apple icon flashed for a split second and the HD started back up and the sleep indicator light stayed brightly lit for about 10-15 seconds. It would then dim again as if it was going to sleep and start this cycle all over again. I didn't realize this until i was laying in bed and heard my HD start up every few seconds.
I tried restarting the computer and nothing changed. Nothing is running in my dock except for finder. I tried putting it to sleep with the lid open and it went to sleep, but then just came back awake within a few seconds. I went to click shutdown and it restarted. I tried to shutdown once more and it just restarted. I did a hard shutdown and then turned it on and tried to put it to sleep and it still was the same....
I'm new to mac so I'm very naive with these still.
Edit: I'd also like to add that my computer now gets very very very hot on the bottom with nothing running. Not nearly as hot as a few days ago. I don't know if it's related.
I put my 3 day old MBP to sleep last night with a 90% battery level (with the A/C adapter unplugged). I had calibrated the battery the day before. This morning, when I opened the lid, nothing happened. I thought this was odd. I then pressed the power button and heard about 1 second of the startup tone and then nothing. I repeated this twice more with the same result. I then plugged in the A/C adapter and the MBP booted up. The battery level was 86%. What do you think has caused this? Do I have a defective battery or something more serious?
However, twice now when I've run the battery down (as recommended to keep the battery healthy), and then put it to sleep and plug it in, when I try to wake it up later, it won't start. Powering on and off just lead to a little "click-whirr" and the power light pops on and off, but no action. I called applecare and they said to unplug it, take the battery out, leave it out for a bit, then put it back in, then plug it back in, and restart it. It worked (although the second such crash, it took two tries for unclear reasons). Needless to say, this is a bit frustrating. Is this a known problem? Should I do something to avoid it? Is it a lemon?
My macbook pro went to sleep last night but is not waking up this morning. The hard reset with the powerbutten is not working. Removing the battery of pram aint working either.
I have a white 13" Macbook 4,1 running lion that will not wake up from sleep. I have to shut it down with the power button and then turn it back on. Runs normally when on. The white status light in the bottom right goes on when i put it to sleep and is off when it is up an running. I have tried a smc reset, PRAM reset, energy saver defaults, reinstalled Lion, deleted bluetooth files, Firewire .kext files, usb .kext files. Booted up off a separate harddrive. .wondering if theres anything short of sending it in that i haven't tried??
My MacBook Pro started being weird yesterday. First of all the space bar stopped working - it wouldn't respond at all, or it would act like it was being held down, even though it wasn't.
Now it won't sleep - at all. If I close the lid, the light stays solid, dims once, then comes back solid, and the computer turns back on (the Apple logo lights back up etc). If I choose Sleep from the Apple menu with the screen open - the same thing happens, it sleeps for a second, then wakes back up.
I've reset the SMU and PRAM. I can't think of anything else to do.
This computer is currently on eBay and someone has bid �1,400 on it, I don't want to send it away knowing it has a problem.
Just FYI its a 2009 MacBook Pro 17" with built-in battery.
My 15'' 2.4ghz MacBook Pro will only wake up from sleep about 50% of the time. I have tried waiting for several minutes, but the only solution seems to be holding down the power button, and then restarting. Is there anything i can do to fix this?
Everytime I sleep my MacBook for more than say 15 minutes, I start it back up, login, it works for about 20 seconds at which point it gets really slow, then I get the spinning color wheel and it doesn't stop spinning, forcing me to do a hard restart. I am running Leopard 10.5.2.
I've lived with this as long as I care to live with this. My 17" MacBook Pro will not wake from sleep. Space key, mouse click, closing lid and re-opening, disconnecting power and reconnecting -- nothing works. When the display goes to sleep I have no alternative but to force a reboot with the power button. I can't see how this can be good for my hard drives. But to set the machine to never sleep will likely damage the display.Â
I believe my firmware is up to date. I'm running OS 10.6.8. I recently reinstalled system software and updated everything but the problem persists.Â
Here is my system info:Â I await your collective wisdom to flow over me.
I seem to be having a real run of bad luck at present! I was updating software which was going to take a while so had my dinner whilst this was happening, came back and MacBook Pro had gone to sleep and would not wake up! When i closed lid the light then came on and it would not go off however as soon as I lifted lid ...nothing. So did (another) safe reboot and hence I'm writing to communities again (twice in one day).
It's been a while now that my mac pro 13" (july 2011 version with lion) either doesn't wake up from sleep (or appears so because the screen stays turned off) or it does but when asked to log back in, I type the password and press enter, and the colored wheel shows up and stops responding...not even gets to log in. I have to hard reset with the power button.Â
I put my (early 2010, i5, 8Gb RAM, 500Gb HDD, OSX 10.7.4, all other software up to date) MacBook pro to sleep by closing the lid, it goes to sleep, then minutes or hours later I go to wake it up again by opening the lid and see the screen flash briefly (with whatever I was running before sleeping) but then the screen goes black and the MacBook does not respond to anything but a hard reset.I have done the following via tech support or my own research:
Hard drive verified and repaired (it found some folder problems but fixed them) all clear, also memory all clear (using Rember, overnight), opened it up and re-seated just in case, permissions all good. It doesn't run particularly hot either (and the issue only ever happens when it's trying to wake from sleep, so it's cold anyway). Cleared SMC, PRAM, Caches, Started in Safe mode.
I have also removed everything from my Login startup group except for EvernoteHelper and BetterTouchTool, I'm running Chrome as my browser but I tried unintsalling it and moving to Safari but this didn't help either. Issue is still happening, I would guess maybe 50% of the time I open to wake up but mostly when it has been asleep for more than an hour (the case is completely cold).
When I restart the "error report" screen comes up with the following
Interval Since Last Panic Report:414234 secPanics Since Last Report: 4Anonymous UUID:25C06CD4-2D86-43A6-9B1E-CE92D326E89AÂ Â Tue Jun 19 08:49:54 2012panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7f80a7a947): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd2000000 0xffffff8113f5e000 0x0a5480a2, D0, P2/4Backtrace (CPU 2),
The only thing I haven't done is an extended hardware test (will do that tonight) and a complete clean install (which I would really rather avoid).
If I put my MBP to sleep (by closing the display) and then decide to use it right away (in a minute or less), are there any risks to the hard drive involved or any sort of issue?
I am still having this waking up issue with my mba 13. When it sleeps for more than 1/2 - 1 hour. It doesn't seem to wake up. It normally wakes up asking my password on top of the screen. But sometimes it reboots. Today something weird happened..the welcome screen came up asking my password.
I entered it and I seen the blue desktop screen, than back to the password box. I entered my password 3-4 times.. it did the same thing. I pressed and hold the power button. Turned it off then back on. Again my outlook file under windows xp in parallels is corrupt.
Last night after I shut my MBP, I went to re-open it a few minutes later to find the computer to do nothing. If I try a hard restart with the power button it sounds like it is going to boot but nothing happens. The only real indication I have that it is even on at all is the light on the lid latch is on but not pulsating. When the lid is up the light is very faint and when the lid is closed the light is bright. I have tried most of the things i saw on the apple support site with no luck.
I've heard that Macbook Pro's have this issue, but it seems like my white Macbook is exhibiting this sometimes. It's not a lot but I've encountered it about 3-5 times now. When I just close the lid, the little white light at the front should glow and unglow. It seems like the light stayed lit so when I open the lid the screen wouldn't turn on and there is no response and I would be forced to cold boot. My Macbook is up to date, with no problem in diagnostic.
MBP 15" (early '09) mbp 13" (mid '09). My 15" always auto ejects dvd rom (even though there is no disc inside) whenever I open the screen from sleep while the mbp 13" doesn't have this problem at all. Is this normal?
Since the 10.5.8 update my Macbook wont wake from sleep (black screen) and i have restart it with the power button. The Macbook is totally frozen: the keyboard doesnt respond (caps button light wont go on and etc.) and my external monitor wont come on either.What I've tried:
-Install combo update 10.5.8 (i did normal update first time) -Started up with all the magic keys combos (PRAM and SCM or whatever) -Tried the fix where you need to (re)enable the ethernet port -Set sleephibernate mode to 0 - Repaired permissions and disk aid etc.
Sometimes when I close the lid in my Uni Macbook it goes to sleep fine. some other times when it Wake my acount has been log off and all my data loss and some other times it does not wake up at all, I need to power it down and then restart.... anybody with the same issue? anybody with a solution? other than this problem I'm more than happy with SL
On my new white unibody MacBook I have an Airport issue that always occurs after I wake the MacBook from sleep. I'm wondering if any of you have a similar issue and/or might not how to solve it.
Basically, when I wake the MacBook from sleep, it connects to my wireless network (and to whichever network I happen to be using at the time). A few seconds later, it will drop the connection, an exclamation mark will appear (!) on top of the Airport icon on the menu bar, and when I click on the icon I see "Alert: No Internet Connection."
Then, if I just sit and wait, eventually Airport will connect to the network. But I have to wait -- selecting the network from the available list or turning Airport off and on doesn't help. And sometimes waiting isn't enough -- I sometimes have to go to "Create Network ..." and start all over to get a connection.