MacBook Pro :: Processor Or SSD Jump - Performance?
Feb 26, 2010
I am ordering a Macbook Pro. I am waiting until March 16th and if no refresh I will order. Here is my 1 and only question. I have read all over so please stay on topic and done go on about wait for i7. I have been hehe but due to use it is pointless to me but I want the best as I am only out of pocket $200-$400 for this order. I want to know if it makes more sense to bump from 2.8Ghz to 3.06Ghz and get a 320GB 7200rmp HDD or stay down at the 2.8Ghz and get the 128GB SSD. I only use 40GB of space now so that is not an issue.
Anyone know if there exists a utility for 10.4 which replicates the "System Prefs.. Energy Saver.. Options.. Processor Performance" option but in a more accessible way? I tend to switch modes fairly often, so ideally I'd like a little menubar icon which I could click to toggle performance modes, or maybe a dock icon. No widgets please
I've just installed an SSD in my new iMac 27", see here. I'm fast learning though (diglloydTools and other commentators) that once the application has loaded the SSD isn't involved very much from there on, so there are the same old performance problems. I'm finding in Firefox/Firebug where there is a large DOM (nothing exceptional) performance is still woeful.
So, baring in mind the Core i7 processor is under $200 and it would appear to have been possible to upgrade the iMac's processors in the past, does anybody have any advice for me? What parts will I need, have you done it and what was your experience, any common problems with doing this, are the parts themselves upgradeable (the quoted link only suggests they are) etc.
I have a Mac Air (version 2) which comes with 2GB of RAM. I need to an XP shell (Parallel Desktop v4.0) to use some company based applications, which really slows the machine down. Just wondering if a Jump Drive can be used as Virtual Memory like it can be done on a Windows Vista machine?
I just got this new 17" powerbook two months ago. Everything seemed fine until this past weekend when I tried to do some work on it. No matter the program, Word, Quark etc., whenever i go to type in sentences or paragraphs, suddenly the cursor will jump to another area of the paragraph. There seems to be no consistency and I can't figure the cause.
I checked all the preferences and that doesn't seem to change it.
Could I have a faulty keyboard? Has anyone else heard of this and know what to do.
(For reference, this is happening on my new 15" Retina Macbook Pro, and the trackpad update has been applied.)I'm not sure if this is a trackpad issue or if I'm somehow clicking "wrong," but I've noticed this issue with my trackpad, and it hasn't happened on the previous macs I've used.About 20% of the time, when I click on something with my trackpad, the cursor jumps all the way down to the dock and clicks there. This ends up opening random programs and is generally annoying. Clicking also sometimes "deselects" and grays out the current window, which is generally odd.This typically happens when I'm working quickly or clicking the button hard, so I'm not sure if maybe there's a trackpad setting I don't understand or I'm inadvertantly making a multitouch gesture to select the dock? (Is that even possible?) Am interested to find out if this is something I'm doing wrong or if this is an actual trackpad issue.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My query: anyone else have a problem where different apps suddenly jump from one space to another? For example: I'll have skype and mail open in space one, word/excel/ppt in two. When I switch from two to one to check my email, no problem. When I switch back to continue with ppt, i discover that my ppt palette has followed me to space one like a faithful dog, but then got lost there, apparently unable to find its way back to space two. So I go back up to space one to fetch him back home and then get back only to discover that the excel palette has gone looking for his friend in space three where I've got GE running! It's like an old Abott & Costello flick.
I just bought an iMac with a wireless Mighty Mouse. I'm using it on an old table right now (until I move into a new place). It's an older table and there is some loss of luster when I'm using the mouse at causing it to jump around a little bit. I'm looking for a mousepad that'll look good and perform well. I'm thinking, if it's out there, an aluminum mousepad would be pretty cool to match the iMac.
Occasionally, when I scroll down (using the mouse) just a little bit at a time, the screen will jump UP, before scrolling down. This happens quite frequently, but not consistently. It's incredibly annoying.
I thought it was the mouse, so I replaced it with a new one (used to have a Microsoft "Comfort Mouse," now I've got the Mighty Mouse), and it's still happening. My guess is it's some kind of software issue.
I was informed by my ISP ( that my modem is not functioning to download large files. They are sending a new modem; in the meantime I paid for the Lion upgrade and cannot install it. Can I get the jump-drive sent to me?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Linksys wifi router/ Hughes HNS9000
When I'm dragging a bunch of files, say in list view, from one open folder window to another, what is the purpose of their jumping around from one configuration to another as I'm dragging them? Is this supposed to make dragging easier? I've been trying to live with this for five months now since getting my new Mac and the purpose of this is still lost on me. I thought it was somehow supposed to make seeing what you're dragging easier in some way, but I find these constant acrobatics to be simply annoying. This never happened in the pre-Lion OS, and after giving it a lengthy and fair trial, I still can't see the point of it. It is distracting and makes it harder to see what I am dragging and where.
Web pages randomly jump back a page or two for no reason. It sometimes happens when I'm not touching the trackpad or the magic mouse. I am using a MacBook Pro O SX Version 10.7.4. It happens with Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am running Snow Leopard on a new MacBook Pro. I have noticed that often when I am typing, the cursor will jump to another location. So, I might be typing on a line and then suddenly, the cursor will jump to a line, usually above the line that I had been typing on.
Trying to add jump audio upgrade to my imac sound. The bass jump has great reviews but mostly for macbooks. They did not have one set up in Apple store so im on here to see what others might think of this product. My other choice as recommended by apple employee was the Bose companion 2. Only thing with this is they work from headphone in jack so i will have to keep them on all the time even when the imac speakers would have been fine for simple computing.
Hey guys, I was just wondering if its possible for me to upgrade to snow leopard using the 10.6.7 grey install disk? A friend of mine is willing to lend me his but I'm not quite sure if it can. So my question is, can I use his grey install disk with version 10.6.7 to upgrade to snow leopard or do I need the retail snow leopard disk?