MacBook Air :: 11.6 Versus 13.3 Performance Difference - Processor Wise
Oct 23, 2010
How big do you think the difference is between the high-end 11.6'' C2D 1.6 mHz and the low end 13.3'' C2D 1.86 mHz...?
1. There is obviously a difference of 286 mHz clock speed
2. But how big is the impact of lower FSB and half L2 cache in the 11.6 compared to 13.3?
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Mar 24, 2012
I've just ordered a MBP 2.4Ghz with 7200rpm 750GB drive, I will be adding either a single 8GB memory stick (total of 10GB) or a 16GB kit. I'm looking for my first SSD use as a boot drive for OSX and potentially Win 7 in BootCamp and hope I can get some counsel on model selection and configuration. I read that SSDs suffer a performance drop (sometimes significant) as the drive fills up. Also there are both 256GB and 240GB drives.Â
1) Are there models that maintain performance over time? Is there a specification that indicates how performance drops as the drive fills up?Â
2)Â Is there a performance difference (current / long-term) between 256 and 240GB drives?Â
3) Does an abundance of RAM improve performance and / or longevity? Â
4)Â How much space (if any) should be kept free for swap files in OSX / Windows?Â
5)Â With 240 / 256GB SSDs, how much usable space is available after formatting?Â
6)Â Is there a difference in performance based on file format NTFS vs. HPS+?
7)Â Do I need to be concerned about major name brands (Intel, Samsung, OCZ, Kingston, etc.) being incompatible with MBPs?Â
8)Â Are some SSDs easier to install / configure / maintain on a MBP than others?Â
9)Â Are there any issues I should be aware of regarding the installation or use of a SSD that would impact my MBP's warranty?Â
Based on performance, reliability and 5-year warranty, I've been attracted to the Intel 520. I've also read good reports on the Samsung 830. One review indicated that the 830 maintained performance over time while the 520 experienced a significantly greater drop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4Ghz, 16GB RAM, 750GB 7200rpm
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Feb 26, 2010
I am ordering a Macbook Pro. I am waiting until March 16th and if no refresh I will order. Here is my 1 and only question. I have read all over so please stay on topic and done go on about wait for i7. I have been hehe but due to use it is pointless to me but I want the best as I am only out of pocket $200-$400 for this order. I want to know if it makes more sense to bump from 2.8Ghz to 3.06Ghz and get a 320GB 7200rmp HDD or stay down at the 2.8Ghz and get the 128GB SSD. I only use 40GB of space now so that is not an issue.
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Aug 31, 2009
Will either 6 gb or 8 gb of ram boast much difference in a macbook pro over 4gb? Which is worth the money? I do lots of hd video editing and tons of image processing.
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Oct 20, 2010
I placed my order for 1.4GHz - 4GB ram - 128GB immediately after the online store is up, but now I got little hesitated on whether to cancel this order and have a 1.6GHz upgrade. How much differences in performance?
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Aug 1, 2009
What I have: MBP Penryn 2.4 Ghz, 2 GB, 200 HD, Matte. What I'm looking at: Unibody 15" MBP 2.53 Ghz, 4 GB, 250 HD, Glossy. Love the new trackpads on the MBP, not sure how I'll like the glossy screen. Would be doing some video work down the road (Canon HV40). Please tell me the difference between the performance of these graphics cards and lastly which one you would opt for.
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Jul 3, 2010
I got a program called "gfxCardStatus" that allows me to see which graphics card is being used and allows me to manually switch between them. I don't do anything graphically intensive in OS X (I only play games in bootcamp) but the nvidia card is being used most of the time and it makes my mbp hot and kills the time i can use the battery. I switched my MBP to only use the intel card in os x and have seen no performance or visual difference, but I was wondering if this is a bad idea?
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Dec 31, 2010
How much speed difference is there? Battery I take it is almost double in real life, actually using the MBA. I get barely 3 hours with moderate use on my Rev B and I take it most people get close to 7 with similar usage?
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Sep 6, 2009
Just wondering what the speed difference would be if i upgraded from 5400 to 7200 RPM? Is it worth it or perhaps is an external drive the way to go?
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May 21, 2008
I am seriously considering a Mac Pro but I am stuck if I want a single or dual processor. Ill barely do video editing, Ill run fusion, photo stuff, etc...
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Oct 10, 2010
I have a 20 inch imac that I bought about 2 years ago. The processor is a 2.4 GHz intel core 2 duo. and the memory is 1 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I am wanting to try and sell this and buy new 13" macbook pro, the 2.4GHz model with 4 GB Ram. I want to get this now because I do alot of video editing for action sports using Final Cut Pro, now getting into Adobe Premiere, but I am driving alot and would like to have a MBP to bring with me now. I want to know though, how much of a performance difference would I see using this for Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere?
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Sep 4, 2009
I was considering picking up this stand for my uMBP:
One thing that concerned me was having higher CPU temps with the lid closed.
I read a thread a few days ago that said there is no CPU temp change between lid closed and lid opened. And after doing some of my own testing I now believe that information is FALSE.
I use smcFanControl to control fan speed and monitor CPU temp.
Before using smcFantControl to boost my fan speed to constantly run at 3,400RPM, my CPU temp was 10-20 degrees (celsius) higher, on average.
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Nov 7, 2009
I am tempted to purchase 2nd hand 13.3" MacBook Pro 2.26GHz, 2gb ram, 160gb hdd.
I have a need to run windows as a virtual machine for some occasional .NET development (which I am studying)
I have a couple of questions
What is the impact of battery life running a VM? I intended to run it in Unity mode and only have open .net tools such as visual web developer.
Also, does anybody know the performance of windows 7 in the new Fusion version? (What's aero like?)
Would the performance of an XP vm be better?
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Nov 26, 2005
Anyone know if there exists a utility for 10.4 which replicates the "System Prefs.. Energy Saver.. Options.. Processor Performance" option but in a more accessible way? I tend to switch modes fairly often, so ideally I'd like a little menubar icon which I could click to toggle performance modes, or maybe a dock icon. No widgets please
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Jun 30, 2010
Can anyone suggest which SSD to choose :-
OCZ Vertex 2 50GB vs Corsair Performance 64GB ?
Right now I can get both for the same price.
I know the Corsair has the 128MB cache but could not dig up the cache for the OCZ.
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Jul 22, 2010
Does the matte screen provide the same brightness, contrast and colour performance as the Gloss screen?
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm looking to finally upgrade my Mac Pro to use an SSD as a boot drive, and I've been eyeing the OCZ Vertex 2 drives as a result of the beloved Sandforce controller. My question is, the only OCZ drives I've been able to find at the price point I want in my area are the Vertex 2 3.5 120 gig editions.
Is there any reason NOT to get this over the 2.5 version? I'm not planning on putting it in the optical bay as both are in use, and would just go in a regular hard drive bay. It's unfortunate that I wont one day be able to use it in my Macbook Pro should I ever upgrade however, beyond this am I suffering any penalty by going with the larger size?
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Mar 1, 2010
I'm holding out for a supposed 13" i3 mbp.
I've got a Windows machine with a Pentium D 2.3ghz and 3g ram.
Using Photoshop or video editing software, what type of performance gains, if any, should I see with a .26ghz core 2 duo and 4g ram? What about with the i3 and 4g ram?
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Mar 26, 2010
I recently bought an intel x25 160gb for my uMPB. I have a time capsule backing up my system so I just swapped in the new SSD and hit "restore from time machine backup".
About an hour later, the install was finished and everything looked exactly how I left it.
I can't understate how impressive that feature is by the way. However, I wonder if it might be better to do a clean install to really get best performance here.
I say that because I also installed a clean copy of win7 via bootcamp and it actually seems faster than OSX. For example, every common app; firefox, chrome, microsoft office, etc. launches faster in win7 than it does in OSX.
My OSX installation is about 18 months old without any clean installs, and I'm wondering if anyone here has noticed significantly better system performance with a clean install rather than a time machine backup.
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Aug 27, 2010
I've just installed an SSD in my new iMac 27", see here. I'm fast learning though (diglloydTools and other commentators) that once the application has loaded the SSD isn't involved very much from there on, so there are the same old performance problems. I'm finding in Firefox/Firebug where there is a large DOM (nothing exceptional) performance is still woeful.
So, baring in mind the Core i7 processor is under $200 and it would appear to have been possible to upgrade the iMac's processors in the past, does anybody have any advice for me? What parts will I need, have you done it and what was your experience, any common problems with doing this, are the parts themselves upgradeable (the quoted link only suggests they are) etc.
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Nov 5, 2010
Just wondering. Anyone go from a mbp i5 ssd to a 13" air? or similar? How do you find the downgrade cpu wise? Better battery, or worse? Is the smaller screen bothering you?
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Oct 23, 2010
I currently own a Mac Pro 2,8GHz 8-core (2008, 3,1) with the following specs;
Octa-Core 2,8GHz
Modded 4890 Graphics
Apple GT120 Graphics
X25-M G2 80GB SSD
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Apr 24, 2010
I have a Mini 2.53 I'm using as a HTPC and It's great. I also have a 17" MBP 2.66 which never leaves my desk. I do mostly photo editing. Anyone know if I'm gonna see much difference if I slim down to just the Mini? I'm thinking of selling the MBP for the cash.
Also, I can run my dual Apple 23" Displays on the mini and cant on the MBP.
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Jun 3, 2009
Should I go for a 2.26GHz + 4GB ram mac mini for photoshop, illustration works, some video editing and my 3d studio Max the most. Does 2.0 & 2.26Ghz really tell the different when I am doing the rendering on my 3d max?
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Aug 16, 2010
I was thinking of upgrading but I am not sure it is worth the money for the difference of what I have and what I will gain out of the new OSX? Is there much of a difference that I would gain on performance with a Mini 2009 2 Ghz 4 GB Ram OSX Leopard 500 GB WD Blue 5400 RPM.
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Feb 23, 2012
So I recently went to best buy and I noticed that the macbook with a core 2 duo processor had 2.4 ghz and my 13 inch macbook pro i5 processor has 2.3 ghz. How come the macbook is faster then my 2011 macbook pro? Is there something different about the processors that makes my mac's processor better even though it says 2.4?
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Mar 7, 2009
So when the windows 7 beat was launched, i ended up choosing to download the 32-bit version as I knew it would run, and I wasn't sure if I was compatible or not.
1. I have a 20" iMac 2.4GHz 2GB RAM etc. Is my computer capable of running 64-bit?
2. Whats the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit? Is 64-bit faster?
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Jul 27, 2004
I listened to a few U2 songs encoded with AAC and Apple Lossless. Listening through the standard ipod ear buds, I honestly could not tell the difference.
Has anyone been able to notice a discernible improvement with Lossless? If so, what type of music/speakers were you using?
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Mar 10, 2009
I notice that to upgrade the HDD from Apple is expensiva & many has posted picture on how they use a putty knife & replace them with a better & bigger capacity HDD.
I was wondering, for those not comfortable opening up the Mac Mini, what is the difference if we just buy a USB external HDD ? Wouldn't it be the same
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Dec 7, 2010
Today I noticed that there is really lots of color difference when I look at an image on the web when i use firefox in comparison with firefox. For example the red collors are really really bright on firefox but in safari they look not bright at all. Actually safari is more accurate. How to fix color when using firefox (my main browser) are there like certain setting you guys recommend?
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