MacBook :: 2009 Continuously Disconnects Itself From The Airport?

Jun 16, 2012

My Macbook 2009 continously disconnects itself from the airport and wifi. After it disconnects it takes about an hour to get it to work again. It is not my router because my iphone is still connected to wifi when this happens This also only happens at my home router.


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MacBook :: Internet Sharing Through AirPort Disconnects

Sep 30, 2010

I've recently moved into student accommodation, which only has wired internet access in the rooms. This is fine for my MacBook, but causes problems for the iPad! So I've been attempting to share the MacBook's internet connection through AirPort using the "Internet Sharing" option in System Prefs->Sharing. This works great, but after a while it disconnects for no apparent reason.

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OS X :: Airport Randomly Disconnects - How To Repair

Jul 22, 2009

I recently purchased the $1699 Macbook Pro a couple of weeks back and now it seems that my airport randomly turns off. I can't even get it to turn back on; I have to restart my macbook to get it working again.

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OS X :: Airport Suddenly Disconnects - How To Prevent From Disconnection

May 6, 2009

I recently bought a late 08 aluminum macbook and have been quite happy with it but from quite some time I've noticed that while I'm on internet and on adium (where I noticed the most) the signal goes off for a couple of seconds and then it comes back. First i thought it was ok but it's been happening really often and is quite annoying since it happens several times a day and only happens to me and not anyone on my network (everyone else has pc`s and are also on wifi). So I wanted to ask.. is it possible my Airport card is failing? or is my router the one failing.

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Applications :: Airport Extreme - WPA Connection Disconnects After Sleep?

Apr 10, 2004

I'm using WPA encryption on my Airport Extreme via a Linksys WRT54G. Everything works great, except when my Powerbook wakes up from sleeping, the connection is lost, and doesn't reconnect. To re-establish the connection, I have to select "Turn Airport Off" and then "Turn Airport On" from the Airport extra, then select my network from the menu. It doesn't seem to be a question of forgetting the key, because it doesn't ask me for the key again when I do this.

So, (a) has anyone seen this behavior and (b) is there any known fix? I saw a couple other posts in a Google search referring to this behavior, but they were older posts, and didn't have any answers.

This is on OS X 10.3.3 BTW with all the most recent updates.

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PowerPC :: Airport Disconnects Randomly - Reconnect Attempts Time Out

Aug 27, 2010

So, after getting it hooked up and connected to my router, which is set to only allow only 4 devices to have access to it (my comp, iphone, wii, and gf's laptop), i find that my gf's laptop (which is the only device using a corded connection) is the only machine able to get online without problems now.

I can pick up my WiFi network occasionally after a restart, but then it usually goes out after a random amount of time... anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour or 2.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Disconnects While Playing World Of Warcraft

Nov 27, 2010

I have a Airport Extreme connected to two Imacs with eithernet While playing we get suddenly disconnets we have great game preforcmane low latency and no lagg but suddenly we disconnect both disconnects just a couple seconds apart

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Desktops :: Airport Extreme Card In Mac Pro 2009

Nov 18, 2010

I got this Airport extreme wireless card (b/g/n)for the MacPro late 2009. There are 2 inputs on the card and 3 airport(antenna) wires to connect it from the Pro. Which ones do I use?

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Mac Pro :: Finding Best Airport Card For Late-2009

Apr 9, 2010

However, the part/model number is listed as MB363ZA/A, but i've seen some mentions that the part number is now either MB988ZM/A or maybe even MB988LL/A ? Does anybody know which will work and what is official?

I phoned up an authorised Apple reseller in my city (not a proper Apple store) a few weeks ago and they confirmed the necessary part number was MB363ZA/A, and this is what they would install for about �35 (price including purchase of the card).

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Hardware :: Setting Up Network With Airport Express (2009)?

Jul 4, 2009

I just purchased my new Airport Extreme (draft-n) and setup was relatively easy when building a simple network. However, after discovering that the Extreme cannot cover the whole house, I've been wanting to use my old Asus WL-530g router as a base and the Extreme to extend the network, or vice versa.

I've tried using the Extreme as the extender to the Asus's network but it gives me this message: "You cannot extend this network"

What can be the problem?

Are there any alternative ways to extend a network?

Can I use the Asus itself to extend the Airport network?

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Mac Pro :: 2009 Nehalem Didn't Come With Airport Wireless Card

Jul 26, 2010

I just bought a used 2009 nehalem for 1900. The only downside is that it didn't come with a Airport wireless card. The next apple store is about 3 hours away. I have ordered the card. Does anyone have experience installing this card? Would you share?

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Hardware :: Early 2009 Airport Extreme And Mac Address Filtering?

Apr 22, 2009

I just installed my new airport extreme base station.

I want to set it up for Mac Address filtering. Can this be done? I only see where it can be set to allow certain times only.

I want to set it like my old D-Link router where only the Mac Addresses listed are allowed on the network, even if the network password is correctly entered.

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme (2009) Support Multiple Xbox 360s For System Link?

Dec 10, 2009

Is it possible to plug three Xbox 360s into an AirPort Extreme for the purposes of system link and Xbox LIVE for each of them?

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MacBook :: Internet Automatically Disconnects On Other OS X?

Nov 24, 2010

I've got a MacBook 3,1 (White, late 08 model) which is happily connecting to the wireless network but refusing to use the internet. Other computers on the network use it fine.

What's more, when I restart to my bootcamp partition, the internet works fine. It's only in Mac OS that I have a problem.

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MacBook Air :: AMSN Disconnects Regularly

Aug 3, 2008

AMSN messenger gets disconnected of and on,regular basis Help?

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OS X :: MacBook Disconnects Every Other Device To Internet

Mar 3, 2010

I just bought a MacBook. So far I am loving it. Unfortunately a very strange thing happens. Whenever I download something with the Macbook every other device at my house becomes unable to connect to the internet until the download is finished. It doesn't matter if it is a WiFi device or not. The connected devices are: a WinXP Netbook, an ubuntu9.10 desktop PC (please notice this is connected with an Ethernet cable, it's not wifi), a WiFi and a Samsung Bluray reader. To complicate things even further, I noticed that even the MacBook itself cannot do anything else (such as browsing the web w/ Safari and/or Firefox). I tried to download large files such as a movie from iTunes store and the iPhone SDK. The download rate is about 600Kb/sec.

I have a 6Mb/sec DSL w/ AT&T and the modem is a 2WIRE 1701HG. Granted, it's pretty cool to have a laptop that can hose wireless networks. These are some info from my network:
2WIRE 1701HG Gateway
Channel: 10 (2.457 MHz)
Authentication: WEP-Open
Encryption: WEP (tried also with WPA)
Channel: 10 (2.457 MHz)
Wireless Mode: 802.11b/g
Maximum Connection Rate: 54Mbit/sec
Power Setting: 4
SSID Broadcast: Enabled

Broadband Link
Connection Speed:
- Incoming: 6016 kbps
- Outgoing: 768 kbps

SL Connection Details
DSL Line (Wire Pair): Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol: G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate: 6016 kbps
Upstream Rate: 768 kbps
Channel: Fast
Current Noise Margin: 14.0 dB (Downstream), 17.0 db (Upstream)
Current Attenuation: 31.3 dB (Downstream), 18.0 db (Upstream)
Current Output Power: 15.7 dB (Downstream), 11.9 db (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information: Country: {0x00} Vendor: {ALCB} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info: 0/35
Internet Connection Details
Connection Type: PPPoE
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU): 1492
Gateway Ping: Successful
DNS Communication: Successful
Configuration Server Post: Successful

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MacBook Pro :: RAM Continuously Disappearing

Jun 22, 2014

I have 4GB of RAM on my (aging) MacBook Pro and use a very useful app called Memory Clean to maximize the RAM from time to time. 

Recently, my laptop has been getting slower and slower to the degree that even opening windows in Finder brings it an almost complete standstill. When I checked the RAM it had decreased to under 10MB. 

What I've found is that I can run Memory Clean and the more I run it, the more is freed up and the quicker the laptop runs (up to 2GB+ being available). However, within minutes it is plummeting again and so I have to rerun Memory Clean. Suffice to say, the laptop as a whole seems to be struggling. 

What can I do-and is this a hard drive failing issue or something else?

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MacBook :: Internet Disconnects In Sleep Mode

Jan 9, 2009

Every time my macbook is in sleep mode the internet disconnects (msn messenger shuts down, download stops etc.). I am not talking about closing the lid sleep mode because I am in desktop mode with an external display. Once I woke up my macbook it reconnects. Does anyone know how to stop this because I think it happened after 10.5.6.

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MacBook :: Bluetooth - Keyboard & Mouse Disconnects?

Oct 22, 2009

I've found many different explanations to why bluetooth on my Macbook would 'overheat' and then disconnect from all devices, only to show 'Bluetooth Not Responding'.

I was wondering if anyone has found a fix to this problem. I'm current on all updates running Snow Leopard. Normally, the bluetooth keyboard and mouse works for up to 5 minutes or so, but then loses its connection until it 'cools down' and then this process just repeats. The laptop is currently on a cooling fan and rarely needs the internal fan to even kick on so not sure what else to do.

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Macbook Disconnects From Wifi After Roughly 30 Mins

Feb 23, 2012

Recently my macbook (running snow leopard) has started disconnecting from wifi after about half an hour, this is getting really frustrating, how can i stop it?

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MacBook Pro :: WiFi Constantly Disconnects Since Yosemite

Dec 1, 2014

Since upgrading to Yosemite my Wi-Fi connection is awful! It connects and disconnects every 10 seconds, this has only happened very recently so I think its linked to the upgrade to Yosemite... 

MacBook Pro with Retina display (mid 2012) 2.3GHz Intel Core i7, OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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MacBook Pro :: Thunderbolt Display Disconnects Intermittently

Jun 19, 2014

I have a 17-inch MacBook Pro and a 27 inch Thunderbolt display.  I've been using both for about 2 years now.  On occasion, the display disconnects for no obvious reason.  Unplugging it from my MacBook Pro and replugging it in seems to solve the problem, but its been happening more frequently lately. 

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Laptops :: MacBook OS 10.6.2 - Fan Runs Almost Continuously

Dec 29, 2009

I have seen this question answered before but can't find it in the archives. Almost immediately after starting to use the laptop the fan starts running and doesn't quit until you put it back to sleep or turn it off. Any ideas on why this is happening and is it harmful to the computer in the long run?

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MacBook :: Fan Continuously Runs At 6200 RPM?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a late-2006 MacBook (2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo Merom) that has been serviced several times. It�s had the fan replaced twice: once in the summer of 2007 because it completely failed, and once in the summer of 2009 because it had been making clicking noises. The logic board was replaced last November because of some minor issues with the headphone jack, along with the LCD which had some gray dots starting to appear.

I�m not sure how long it�s been doing this, but the fan seems to be running way faster than would be normal. The fan never seems to run below 5000 RPM, and once the CPU warms up, it seems to run continuously at 6200 RPM (the maximum speed). smcFanControl (set to Default fan speed, the minimum) usually reads the temperature as being between 145 and 155 degrees Fahrenheit. I took the keyboard off yesterday to clean dust out of the fan, but it didn�t seem to do much. I�m pretty sure this isn�t a software issue, because the fan also seems to run a lot when the MacBook is booted into Windows 7, although I�m going to try booting it from the OS disc and an external hard drive just to be sure. I�ve tried resetting the SMC, and I�m pretty sure I tried resetting the PRAM a while ago. The only remaining thing I can think of is that when the repair tech replaced the logic board, he didn�t apply the thermal paste properly (the optical drive was replaced even though it was working when I sent my MacBook in, two hinge screws were overtightened, and the bezel was not installed properly).

Are there any other things that could be causing my MacBook to not cool properly? If booting from another copy of the OS doesn�t change the fan speeds, I�m thinking about taking the heatsink off this weekend and applying some Arctic Silver.

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MacBook :: Won't Start And Continuously Beeps

Feb 3, 2012

Macbook won't start and continuously beeps


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MacBook Pro :: Plugging A Laptop In Continuously

Feb 5, 2012

I am planning to purchase a macbook pro. I will be using it at home mostly but wanted the option of taking it out if I need to. The salesperson told me not to plug the laptop in more than two days at a time. He said it's better to use the battery even if it's at home.

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Crashing Continuously

Feb 17, 2012

Safari 5.1.3 was continually crashing, so I installed Google Chrome. I want to delete Safari but I'm not sure if my computer will let me.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: 3 Beeps Continuously On Restart?

Mar 9, 2012

This morning, when I got into work I restarted my Late-2010 MacBook Air (128 GB HD, 1.86 GHZ Core-2 Duo, OS X 10.7.3) while holding down the "option" button as I normally do to access bootcamp and load Windows 7 because I need to use Excel Macros during the work day.  What was unusual, however, was that it immediately started beeping loudly when I held down the option button and continued to do so without ceasing. It beeped 3 times, stopped, beeped 3 times, stopped etc.  

The fans started running pretty quickly and I held down the power button and it finally shut down. I restarted and held down the "option" key again, booted into Windows 7 fine, and have since rebooted into OS X as well without issue. It's the first time that I've heard this beeping except when I installed a firmware update a few weeks back. I've done a bit of research and it sounds like it's indicative of a RAM issue but want to see if anyone knows for sure. I think it's strange that it did it once but hasn't again despite numerous restarts and also strange that it happened immediately upon hitting the "option" key when the screen went dark, as I always do. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late 2010, 1.86 GHz Intel Core 2

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MacBook :: Safari Crashes Continuously?

May 27, 2012

My macbook, version 10.5.8, started crashing today. There was an update for Adobe Flash Update that popped up earlier today (I think it wanted to install a debugger), I X'd it out because I was doing something else (bad mistake), and now Safari crashes continuously every time I log in. I've tried to download things to my laptop to fix the problem, but Safari crashes before the download can even get halfway through. I've even tried to find the flash update for earlier, but either I can't find it or Safari doesn't stay open long enough for the update to download. The strange thing is, this is only happening on one account on my laptop– the one where the Adobe Flash Update popped up on. The other account on my laptop has Safari working fine (but it's not the account I want to use).   

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Motor Keeps Running Continuously?

Jul 3, 2012

Ever since I upgraded to Lion (and doubled my RAM) it seems like my 2009 Macbook's motor ( for lack of a better term)  seems to run and run until I put it to sleep. Is it all coincidental? I make sure it is vented. Doesn't seem to make a difference. And of course my Apple Care just expired.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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