MacBook Pro :: Mail Continuously Downloads Recovered Message
Apr 10, 2012
my macbook has twice now filled up it's memory trying to recover a message on the mail program from two years ago. everytime i turn on the mail program and enter my password, try to sync up my mail to my gmail account it begins recovering one specific email, over and over and over and over eventually filling up my hard drive. i have used disk utility twice to check my permissions and then repair if necessary as well as run the disk repair portion of disk utility. do i have a virus? is there a botnetfly larvae growing under my skin?
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a macbook pro with a 750 GB hard disk. This was purchased only recently. Two months ago, it showed a message which said the hard disk was full. This was despite the fact that I had less than 10GB of pictures and music together.
When I spoke to Apple, they said that Yahoo mail tends to create a recovered messages folder, which he helped me locate and delete. This gave me 740Gb back.
It has happened once again. And i cant seem to lopcate this folder. I cannot find Mail folder either having gone through user/library etc.
After having had communication problems abroad using a 3G key Internet connection ( bad signal, jumping back to 2G, aborting connection suddenly, ...) I receive now systematicaly a copy of a mail I sent, one day before, to someone else, in a mailbox "recovered messages" (this is however my translation of the french name of the mailbox: ( "Messages récupérés - IMAP"). Deleting this message does'nt cure the problem: the message comes again (I do'nt know from where) and again. How to stop this reoccurant mail?
(Macbook Pro Retina, Yosemite 10.10.1, Mail Version 8.1)
A message I sent, with photos, was deleted.It keeps returning to the Recovered files multiple times.I delete message.I delete mailbox.till keeps returning.In conjunction with this, I cannt receive any new mail although i can send.
In trying to send an oversized video via email (exceeded 25 MG) size limit, I got an error message. I thought I deleted the email. However, whenever email is open, the message continually gets recovered, blocking any email from being recieved. I am able to create and send emails. Internet checks out ok. Using AOL.iMap. It seems that I am not able to interrupt the continual attempts to send the original email.
mail will not send and continuously asks for password and rejects last documented password change. I cannot send mail only receive it on the MacBookPro BUT...I can get web mail and use send on iphone...mail cannot be received on iphone now.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mail rejects all possible passwords
I had my iPhone/Mac set up(seems to have just worked this way, I didn't do anything specifically) this way previous to my hard drive failing last week. When I was out(Macbook Pro is closed at home), and I received e-mail(Gmail and Hotmail), my mail would come to my phone. Then, once I opened my Macbook Pro, and the messages came into my inbox, they would disappear(read: delete) from my iPhone. Well, my HDD died last week, and now all of my messages stay on my phone as well as on my Mac, except they don't show up as unread on my Mac if they've been read by me on my iPhone. I want them to autodelete from my iPhone when theyre downloaded to my Mac.
The thing is that when i am trying to setup my hotmail account with the MAIL application everything works fine except that the mail client only downloads two emails from my inbox, those two emails are dated in 2004, in the status box the mail client says that there are 4690 emails but it only downloads those two emails.
I am migrating my mail and archive folders from Mail to iCloud. I moved 20+ folders and over 8k messages with no problem by dragging and dropping the folder from 'On my mac' section to 'iCloud' section in Mail. The last two folders were the largest with over 1.5k in each folder. Over 1200 of the messages in each went in to iCloud without a hitch. Then I got this error:
The IMAP command “APPEND” (to [mail box name]) failed with server error: Message contains NUL characters.
There are 149 messages left in one folder and 203 in another folder. Try as I might, it will not work. I tried Rebuild mailbox option in menu and exported to Mail and mbox format and then re-importing. Still does not work.
One IMAP account is intermittently losing all mail in inbox except for one message. After doing opening program the receive wheel spins for a long time, but at this point there are only 170 emails in the inbox because we moved all the rest to the on my mac inbox to try to solve this porblem. There are two accounts, both from the same provider, but one of them takes a long time to receive new mail. The wheel spins for a long time - each time it gets mail.
Several times after finishing receive cycle, all the mail that was in the inbox disappears, except for one. I was able to get the emails to retrn by going into settings>accounts> and changing a random setting and then changing it back the way it was. All settings appear to be correct and match the other other account that is working correctly.
Mail is acting really stupid. It won't send messages, and is overall just acting weird.When I close mail, it gives me an error that says,"Some actions taken while the account Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online.Additional information: Operation could not be completed. (MFMessageErrorDomain error 1028.)
My mac mail will not download mails newer than 30 days to my inbox.
Mails older than 30 days are downloading fine from my godaddy IMAP account.
I tried on another mac with the same result! Using another mail client than Apple mail or iOS mail on my phone works fine so the issue seems to be related to the Apple mail client (and/or iCloud?!).
Sent mails are synced OK so it is only an inbox related issue.
Rebuilding the mail database does not work. What to do next ?!
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mac Mail
The Windows PC does not have windows Mail configured however the migration assistant displays message to close the windows mail and is not further proceeding on windows PC.
I have some meeting invitations on my iCal account and want to respond to all invitees on the event through a mail. how to do this. I broke my head a lot on this...
This problem I've been having started when the latest version of Safari moved from a Downloads window to a Downloads pop-up pane. My expectation as to how the pane should work is this: the 20 most recent downloads are shown in the list, and when a new download begins, the oldest download is removed from the list, thereby keeping the new list updated with the 20 latest downloads. My problem is that while the pane still keeps 20 past downloads listed, they're not always recent downloads. For example, when I download a file, the file will typically remain in the list until I begin a new download, at which point the slightly earlier download will be removed from the list, while even older downloads remain listed. So at the moment, listed are five recent downloads and fifteen downloads from many months ago, while downloads from days or hours ago have been removed from the list.In Preferences I have (and always have) "Remove download list items" set to "Manually." Currently I am running the lasted versions of OSX (10.7.3) and Safari (5.1.5).
I just set up Mail 4.5 and am receiving incoming mails but can't send out my emails. I get a message saying the SMTP server rejected the password. I know it's the correct password, have entered it a few times now.
I have a mac, and my mom has a PC. I have been on her account since I was pretty young, so It's a shared account. It's under my email and apple ID, but my mom is on the same account, on her own computer. I want to have automatic downloads so I can use it for my iphone and ipad, but I don't want her song to end up going to my devices or laptop when she downloads from her own computer. is there a way to either turn off automatic downloads for just one computer, or get her a new account, but letting her transfer all of her music onto the new one?
I was moving my old e-mails to the archive folder in Mail and all of a sudden there is a On My Mac mailbox that appeared and there is a Recovered Messages folder. There is one e-mail in there that has pics in it, but I can't delete that message without it keep reappearing. I have deleted the e-mail from the Recovered Messages folder and it keeps coming back. I have deleted the On My Mac mailbox and it keeps coming back. I even deleted the original e-mail from my inbo. I do not know how to make this folder go away.
My MacBook pro has decided to save 64 photos that could not be sent, they are in a folder called recoverable I have tried deleting the folder recoverable I have tried changing preferences and they are still there
I have one large email that keeps multiplying in my recovered messages folder. It shows up over 8000 times and when I get them all deleted, they come right back. I can't find the cache in my computer to remove them. It has taken up all of my hard drive space.
I'm fairly new to Macs, I just got my Macbook back in March and I haven't had any problems with it until lately. Last week I sent a few very large emails through my mail client which is attached to my gmail account. I'm not sure what happened but while sending them, one in particular, stopped. Now, every time I open mail this email shows up under "On My Mac" under recovered up to 35 times. (Sorry, it's currently 71.) Since it's a huge email it's slowing everything down and making it impossible to use mail. On occasion when I try to delete it my entire mac freezes momentarily. I've tried deleting it in the folder but it always comes up again when I open my mail client and multiplies.