MacBook Air :: Is Running Out Of Space - System Taking 60 GB?
Sep 4, 2014
My wife's 128GB MBA is running out of space so we are trying to identify the culprits by using the marvelous Daisy Disk.
Her user account is taking up 43 GB (mainly music and photos) but the total for the HD is 103 GB. Does that sound right - that the system and other stuff (although not sure what that would be) takes up 60GB?
I'm not sure if it's ok to do this but is it possible to have the system stop writing in the the system.log? It's taking up a lot of space because and I want to stop it temporarily because for some reason it keeps rewriting lines every couple seconds.
I just ordered a new Macbook Pro (with Retina Display).It's my first MBP since 2007.I'm super excited about it, minus one glaring issue. My harddrive is the baseline 251 GB SSD. I've hardly used the thing besides loading some music and movies onto it. However, when I look at the'About this Mac' window, it says I'm using 51.89GB in Other.Compared to only 11GB in Movies and 2GB in Audio.It's hard for me to believe that the operating system takes up a whopping 50GB..How can I account for this Other section?�
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 251 GB SSD
All Timemachine backups stored on External HDD. Storage info is still showing 80GB Backup files on Laptop. How can I find and delete these backups so I free up space?
I've only just got the macbook air 2012 with 64gb of space and now it seems that i have run out of space..Apparently i'm using 54gb and i just can't see how thats possible, because i've only download atleast 2 apps and got iphoto and imovie.
Also i haven't got mavericks because i don't think i have enough and i just don't see how i've run out already?? How can i check how much i have left and whats taking up all the space?
I've only had my macbook for about 3 weeks, and already it's saying I've reached like 110GB. That can't be right though, cause I've only used like 50GB worth of space. I've searched and searched through my Hard Drive to see what's taking the space. But can't find anything. Is there like a program I can download to see all the large files on my Macbook?
I had a folder with about 11.5 gb worth of files in it. I copied this file to an external hard drive, and deleted the copy on my desktop.
I emptied the recycle bin and could see no trace of this file, yet the space is still being taken on my hard drive (only 2 gb available).
How can I delete the stupid file so that my space is back?? I have already disabled time machine, as this was the only solution I could find. I have restarted my rMBP multiple times, and even started in safe mode to see if the files would appear there for emptying in the trash bin. Nothing was there in the trash bin. I have run out of solutions. I have Cleanmymac2 and have run the automated system cleaner with the external attached and without it attached. (This external BTW is NOT the one that I do backups with time machine to). I have also verified my mac partition as well as the internal hard drive with disk utility and show no errors.
I know this has nothing to do with time machine, as I moved the folder to my hard drive this morning, watched it take 11.5 gb of space, then moved it, and saw the space remained the same.
My flash drive on my MacBook Air is almost full but I only see 69GB used of 250 GB worth of space- how can this be? I need to locate these files that are taking up space.
How can i uninstall this application?? I am trying to delete adobe photoshop on my macbook as it is taking up too much space, it will not let me move it to trash, how do i delete it?
I can't seem to find out why my Mac is reporting such excessive storage use for "Photos". My iPhoto library says it's only about 1.47GB. Earlier today, I unchecked the option of importing photos from other locations to the iPhoto library, since we have an external hard drive that we use to store photos.
Why it's reporting such high usage? In the screenshot is OmniDiskSweeper, which shows sizes of each folder. They definitely aren't adding up to the 92GB that it says is in use, unless all that extra data is coming from some folder I don't have permission to.
I did search, because I recalled seeing a thread on this in the past, but mostly found threads about upgrading when you run out of space. I have an 80 gig harddrive, but it's almost full. I go through my folders, and see that music is about 7 gigs, photos is about 7 gigs, applications folder is 5 gigs, documents folder is 1 most I can account for perhaps 25 gigs of data. Where is the other 40 gigs coming from? Trash is emptied. Is there some simple way to list folders based on size or something to figure out what is taking up my harddrive space?
I have a 250 Gb internal Hard drive. I started running out of space so I purchased a 750 Gb external Hard Drive and moved all my picutres, videos, etc. I freed up about 35Gb of space on my internal hard drive. I also cleared out my download folder. I hardly have any files left on the computer and after a few weeks I get the hard disk running low on free space error again. I checked the available space and I have less than a Gig. I don't know what is taking up the space. I have Time Capsule and am using Time Machine. I am running Lion.
A few days ago, I found my macbook running slow. The starting time used to be 2+ min but slow down to 10+ min. I tried to reinstal by installation DVD but the time bar showed 5+ hours required. I restarted the macbook and tried to format the HD, after proper steps taken, the time bar showed 17 days. Instead booting from the system, I tried to boot direct from my installation DVD.
After formatted the HD and re-instal the system, the MacBook seems running smooth again. But after installation of other programs, the same problem recurred. The system was getting slow. Re-starting it required waiting over 10 minutes. I tried to re-format the HD and installed the system again but still doesn't work. Under the disk utility "first aid" scanning through the HD, it showed "Invalid key length." and "The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely."
Im getting an error message "running out of disk space please delete files on startup" Im importing movie files to the imovie projects, but im getting this message come up. Ive deleted the trash, but is there anything else i can do to make some disk space and if so where do i do that ?
I had a program in Windows that graphically showed different slices of files on my computer and let me drill down on folders that were using the most data. It was very helpful in trying to clean up junk. Is there an equivalent program that does the same in OS X? Freeware if possible.
I know this has been asked before and I asked it once too, but I don't understand all these technical terms and nothing I did worked. I've now got over 20GB in this "private" folder as I saw in Disc Inventory X. I cannot find this folder anywhere when I search and I cannot delete it.
OS X 10.5.6, it's a .sparsebundle file. Total capacity 30GB, taking up 30GB on disk. There are only 10GB of files on the image. Trash is empty. I've zeroed my hard drive, and the disk image, and checked Whatsize.
My 13'' MBP is starting to act up and it's time to take it in for service. The display is not living up to expectation, but worse are issues waking up from sleep and unexplainable pinwheeling (during low cpu/memory/disk usage periods, etc)Anyway, based on previous experience with apple, i suspect they'll resort to the catchall new logic board solution they usually go to. My concern is that I've upgraded my HDD to a 500GB WD. Usually I would drop the stock 250 in there for the purpose of having it serviced and just put my 500 back when I got the machine back. The issue now is that the 250 is being used in another machine, and this would be a giant headache.
Im running outta space on my mac any programs you can recommend that tells you how much space different aps are taking up or files that arn't necessary?
The Disk Utility command "erase free space" takes longer and longer over time. Now it seems to run forever. The time estimates 6 hours, but is not finished after 8 hours. Previously the time ranged from 30 minutes to an hour for the same machine and OS.
I have a new Macbook Pro that I just got in May and my hard drive is pretty full (only about 20gb left), but I have NO idea what is taking up so much space. Is there an app that lets me see in a list what exactly is hogging so much space on my computer?
I tried installing Sims 3 on my MBP but for some reason it stops at 569 out of 600 files so I force quitted and tried again and got the same results and force quitted subsequently too. I did that about 4 times. Sims 3 would put about 6 GB on your HD and I found out afterwards I had about 24 GB missing after that attempted installs. How can I remove that 24 GB?
Does anybody know why I seem to have 2 locations for movies. One is under user/movies at about 85gb, and the other under iTunes media with about 35gb.I want to free up space but am scared to delete files in case I lose some movies. I also don't know why ripped DVDs seem to be saving into 2 locations.
is there any way to have my 30,000+ iTunes collection on my iTunes without having it stored on my Mac? I'd like to be able to use the songs off my external hard drive on my iTunes and just plug the hard drive in as n when I needed it. Can I do this?