MacBook Air :: Can't Open Old Pages Documents In New System Running Maverick OS X 10.9.4
Aug 25, 2014
I bought a new MacBook Air with Maverick OS X 10.9.4, but now I can't open my old pages documents. What can I do? My old MacBook was pre 2008 so everything is iworks 08
I've got a number of Pages documents on iCloud, and all of a sudden, none of them can be opened from Pages (5.2.2) on my MacBook Pro. They all appear, but they either say "zero bytes" or there is just a gray line. If I select any document, the "Open" button remains gray. I CAN open all docs on my iPad, and I can also open them using the iCloud web interface. Meanwhlie, Calendar is syncing new events to all devices without problem, in all directions, so it can't be a problem with the account.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.4 GHz 8 Gb Apple RAM
I seem to have lost the ability to save to, or open documents from, iCloud (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote). When I try to open a file I get the following box:  URL....There is no iCloud option. Same for when I am trying to save. I am signed into iCloud. I have checked Documents & Data and each iWork app. How do I get my iCloud stuff back?Â
I have a MacBook. Last week I bought Microsoft Office for Mac. I would like to open documents sent in Word to be opened in Word. But my mac converts them to Pages.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Microsoft Office for Mac
My macbook onward restart when waking up from sleep, but no error message appear . Plus all my program and website reload back as before. Only problem is why it restart occasionally and it is normal. I don't have that symptom on earlier. Now using maverick 10.9.2
I have an iBook G4 that's running Tiger 10.4.11 and the most recent version of Safari and just recently when I try to open up some web pages I get the error message "Safari can't open the page "http://whateverthewebaddressis" because it can't find the server". It will open some pages, some of the time and then a few minutes later if I try to open it again it will give me the error message. It is not a problem with my internet, as I also have a new iMac running leopard and Safari has never had a problem opening the same pages at the same time.
I have just installed Maverick. When I use Safari and try and open a Pdf file from a webpage I get a black screen and tells me to download Adobe. I have reinstalled adobe reader but still don't get anywhere. I can open any pdf files I have previously stored or have in downloads or in documents.
I am using Pages on a MacBook Pro. I can't find a way to delete documents that are no longer needed. I have many duplicates and no longer needed documents that I would like to get rid of.
Don't know how to delete pages or folders from my Documents list. When I try to right or left click, they just open. If I highlight the title and hit "delete" nothing happens. Accumulation lots of unwanted pages- Sure it's an easy answer, I just don't know it...
I´ve just upgraded to the latest OSX and installed Pages on my MacBook. I had expected to, through i Cloud, be able to access my documents, created in my iPad, only to learn that this is not yet possible. Does ANYONE know when this will be possible ?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have tranferred all my documents to the icloud from mobileme but cannot figure out how to access the icloud to download my Pages docs. What software do I need to have on my computer and how do I go about getting my Pages documents so I can print them? I've spent too many hours reading about this on the web and have not found any answers. This should be easier.
How do I push my pages documents from my macbook pro to my phone and iPad?, How do I push my pages documents from my macbook pro to my phone and iPad? Also, how do I limit the amount of messages that are downloaded to my mail icon on my mac? Right now I have 26,000 messages showing and its slowing down my computer..
Need to open Pages documents. I created a document on an older version of pages and now my new MacBook Air won't open it and says I need to save it on Pages 09 first. How do I do that? I really need to be able to open my old (old as in only a year old) Pages documents.
I've had my iMac, 10.5.8 version, for over 2 years with no issues till now. Last week one of my Pages documents was missing and today another pages document. I searched using Spotlight and Finder but could not find them. The trash did not have them. Unfortunately I had not backed them up for a couple months. My girlfriend, who isn't very Mac knowledgeable, said she had not opened them.
For some reason, Pages is not giving me the option to delete documents. I've dragged the doc to the trash bin, I've tried right clicking it, I've tried deleting it from the Edit window in the document and still no go. I really need and want to delete these Pages docs.
I've created a 15 page proposal in Apple Pages, each page as a independent Pages doc. Is it possible to combine all into one Apple Pages doc/file so I don't have 15 separate ones?
After the last Pages, Keynote and Numbers update my iCloud documents cannot be accessed anymore.There is no iCloud "storage" under open documents anymore.All my documents are still in the cloud (can access them on but they are not visible in the apps.
All files are however visible in my iOS-apps (Still iOS 7.1.2).Currently using OS 10.10 (14A329r) but not upgraded to iCloud Drive.
I imported documents from an external hard drive, so they all went on my desk top. then I moved each document where I wanted it to go in application and created folders to each. to get rid of all the icons on the desktop, i put them in the trash. now when I try to open one of those documents in my folders in applications, it says its in the trash. what do I do so I can open a document but so that theyare still in folders and not all over my desktop?
I need to open a few Pages files but I don't have Pages installed on this computer. I understand you can convert Pages files to .doc or .pdf within the application, but unfortunately I won't have access to the computer with the program installed for a while.
Is there some sort of (free) converter that can convert .pages files to .doc or .pdf or even .rtf?
Or even better, a document creator/viewer than can open .pages files?
I am unable to open Pages because it says "pages is being updated." But it doesn't finish updating and I can't seem to force quit and re-open the pages. The same message keeps appearing.
I have about 40 documents I'd like to merge into one huge document. How do I do that all at once? I don't want to open them individually and merge them into the document one by one.