My MBP 5,1 has been a rock solid machine save for a flaky optical drive, but it had been getting extremely hot, especially while gaming. I mean >90 C hot. So today I opened it up to be greeted by a colossal amount of dust and fuzz. Took it outside and thoroughly blew it out; then removed some enormous dust bunnies from each fan housing with a toothpick. Now it's much cooler; I can game all day and never peak above 80 C even on the 9600m GT graphics. So, if you've had your MBP a while and it's running hot, blowing the dust out might do the trick!
I am tempted to jump on getting a new Mac Pro now instead of waiting. Primarily because i dont want to be priced out of getting the higher end model with more cores. If they do come out with a 6 and 12 core config. i would want to buy the 12 core but a lot of rumors around here and on other sites say that the new models will likely come with a price increase. potentially leaving me having to buy the 6 core model. 8 core current Vs 6 core future This makes me think i'll just get the 8 core current. BUT Are there any features that apple may add that would blow the current models away. USB 3.0, BluRay, etc. I can live without many of these things.. but perhaps i am missing something.
You should be able to buy ANY of the top 20 graphics cards here, and plug them straight into any Mac or PC....they should just work."I flashed the card, and then restalled...." Too much. You should be able to to buy it, install it, reboot - with ANY of them - and they should work right out of the box.
I have a G5 dual 2gig and in idle mode it seems to a be slightly overheating as my fans start to blow harder and I get my mouse sticking I am running the latest version of Tiger with 3.5gigs of ram I did post in the IDvD, Logic Pro, and the Final cut pro forums the impact of an upgrade of 8gig of ram on my system whether my apps would run better and the system as a whole.
But I have not been able to get any feed back on this that was clear and I was asked to try here on this forum so here I am. I deeply love my G5 and what it can do I am just wondering if it is working at its most optimum I do regularly do my house keeping i.e. repairing permission and occasionally using Tech tool Pro to look over the system but nothing out of the ordinary jumps out. I have a screen shot of my activity monitor and cpu monitor but I do not know how to attach it.
Information: G5 Dual 2 GiG Mac OS X (10.4.9) 3.5gig of Ram 1530 Gigs of HD storrage/RME Hammerfall Multiface /Canopus 100
I've been monitoring the CPU temperatures on my 2 week old alu macbook frequently, and it always hovers at ~42 degrees celsius. However, today something odd happened, all of a sudden the computer was getting noticeable hotter (the fans remained off though), when I checked CPU temp it was up to 72 degrees. I checked with "Activity Monitor" and nothing was using up more than 2% CPU. Then I saw through iStatPro that system CPU usage was at 40%. What the hell? Its usually at 2-5%...i.e. always. After restarting, the system cpu usage was back down to 2% and the temperature slowly dropped back to its norm.
recently my MacBook has been running very loud when i only have like, 2 applications open. This started maybe 3 days ago. The 2 applications were iTunes and Firefox. on iTunes i just play music and on Firefox im on Youtube or RuneScape. It's been running fine ever since i bought it just over an year ago (playing the same applications) but now its started to get loud when i use it.
My first gen macbook is running with a CPU temp of 71 degrees celcius while running nothing. The mds and mdworker processes are taking up most of the processor and it wont change after quitting the processes or restarting or shutting down the computer.
I have a recently purchased brand new 17" with no upgrades. Do you have a list of what the average temps should be? I tried searching the Apple site and using Google, but no luck.
I'm wanting to hook up a computer and use my MBP as the monitor, it's only so I can change some settings and then have it running on the network. Is this possible? I'm currently in my home in Germany, where I have 3 laptops and 0 Desktops. So I don't have direct access to a monitor... Unless I steal one from work.
I figured I found the perfect place to talk about my mac book pro. I have a mac Book Pro 15 inch 2 years old. I decided to use boot camp for the first time the other day and run windows vista. I noticed that though it ran perfect on here I felt that something wasn't right with the dual boot OS. I decided to erase and bring my harddrive back to normal. After I did that I feel like my Mac runs slow. I was thinking if it doesn't get better I might have to do a clean install.
I have a MacBook Pro 17 inches (early 2009) with 2.8 GHz C2D and 4GB RAM on it. My OS is 10.6.4 and have all the latest updates installed. I have used this computer for 10 months and now it becomes so slow. I did all the stuffs that may help to speed it up (repair disk permission, repair disk, uninstall unnecessary software, only one user account, get rid of startup items), but none of them seems to work. I even went to the genius bar, but the genius there said there is nothing they can do. They suggested me to upgrade the memory to 8 gig. It will cost me at least 300 bucks to do that!
Don't want to invest that much on a old MacBook Pro. But the thing is, I have a lot of friends using MacBook that has only 1 or 2 gig memory but their computers are still way faster than mine. They can open a lot of programs at the same time but I cannot. If I do, the computer gonna be really sluggish, and sometimes crash. I also don't think it is the problem of the free space on my hard drive since I have a 500GB hard drive and 80GB free space on it. I have already tried to reinstall the system and restore it using time machine backup.
I have a Macbook Pro running OSX.4.11 that has been flawless for the last three years until last evening. The MBP will start-up, the screen is a light grey, the apple icon comes up, the gear at the bottom is spinning, and spinning, and spinning, and then the screen goes to a light blue and fades, it sits there, then the login screen comes up, I login and then it just continues to sit there. I have tried soft re-boots, resetting PRAM, and all the usual steps that I can find. If anyone could assist with their expertise,
My wife's 128GB MBA is running out of space so we are trying to identify the culprits by using the marvelous Daisy Disk.
Her user account is taking up 43 GB (mainly music and photos) but the total for the HD is 103 GB. Does that sound right - that the system and other stuff (although not sure what that would be) takes up 60GB?
So I upgraded to Snow Leopard about a week ago, and my Macbook pro seems a little slower and it beachballs now and again. I am wondering if I should do a clean install of Leopard and use that for a while, until SL is updated a few times, or maybe clean install and then put SL onto that. Which do you think is best? My other questions are as follows:
I was doing TimeMachine backups when I was using Leopard, and these have carried on when I was using SL. If I clean install, will I be able to choose just to copy my files over from the TM backup? Is there a way to do a clean install of SL, or do I need to do the Leopard install and then upgrade to SL again.
I have Mac pro about two months old. I am having problem with my Mac pro When I remove the betray charger, system running very slow and when I cannot charger it will run normal. I believe there is some problem please help me to fixed this I would like to give more details about my macbook pro. I have mac os x version: 10.6.3 model idendifer: macbook pro 7,1 processor speed: 2ghz and i do have warranty. This macbook is only two month. so kindly requst to advice me why my macbook is running slow when i remove the charger.
I bought a new MacBook Air with Maverick OS X 10.9.4, but now I can't open my old pages documents. What can I do? My old MacBook was pre 2008 so everything is iworks 08
I need the thoughts and advice from your seasoned Mac people - I have 2 MBP's - 1 15" aluminum, one last years model 17" Unibody (with Black around screen). The 15 has run great since day one. The 17" was ok, but now is locking up and causing me to reboot, fans seem to run on high all the time, and it is very slow to react while using the OS, it gets worse until it locks up. I have upgrade to Snow Leopard thinking that that might fix it, but it has not.
When I got it, I restored from the back up of my 15" using carbon copy cloner. I only imported users and data such as pictures and music. Do you guys think that this is a hardware issue or a or should I back all my stuff up and then blow everything away and reinstall from the ground up with a fresh SL install?
When I called apple they tried to sell me apple care and told me that it was out of the full warranty and if I send it I would to pay for what was not under warranty. SO I am hoping that someone has seen this and has a fix that I can do without having to take it in.
I have been noticing dust accumulating under the screen of my 2010 13" MBP. What should I do? Is there anything that can be done without having to send it in to apple? I just cleaned the glass panel on the outside, so I could take a picture to prove the dust below the surface. It is in the top section of the screen...
Edit: Here is a video proving that it is under the glass overlay (click on it to see it):
So I bought my mbp about a month ago and I've been taking care of it as if it was my newborn. Thats a bit of an exaggeration but I do carry my ipod cleaning cloth with me and I am constantly wiping off smudges on the body and screen. I've started to notice some spots that I can't clean off the screen. It seems like dust is getting under the screen. This is the same thing that happened to my ipod touch and now there is lots of dust under the screen.
I've just got a new macbook and it's awesome, really feels like a well built notebook. I have 3-4 specs under my screen, there not dead pixels so I'm 99% sure there specs of dust. Now I'm curious, are all the new Macbooks gonna have a few specs or not? I don't know whether to take it back for a new one or live with it. If most Macbooks are going to have the odd spec I will just hang on to it and get over it. But if most of the owners on here have 100% perfect screens, I'll get it exchanged.
I just switched to a Mac after filing at $21,000 lawsuit against Dell. Maybe two weeks into my purchase of and Aluminium MacBook, I spot something that looks like dust under my screen. I have tried scratching and nothing is there, as well as glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. But it doesn't appear to be a dead pixel, as it's there when the screen/MacBook is turned off. It even looks like it's under the screen. It's in the middle horizontally, but more towards the left of the screen, yet still enough to be prominent.
Just wondering if apple will help me clean the dust under my Macbook Aluminum screen. I thought that I had dead pixels but rather its dust that is sitting in between the lcd panel. I have apple care as well.
Well when I turn my screen off then I get a clearly visible 'thing' on my screen. The reason why I call it a 'thing' is because I have no idea what it is and how it got there. Can't I be something 'pitched' my screen and the back ledscreen cracked? Because I don't think dust can get behind the glass, both the behind screen and the glass have this "thing". It's luckily not big, may be 2 mm2. I got applecare so I guess apple will fix this for me? right? But it is kinda silly that ill have to lose my macbook for 3 weeks just for that little thing, but I'll have to because I can't clean it myself I guess.
I just got a mid 2010 13 inch macbook pro in the mail about a week and three days ago. Couple of days after doing some work with it, I noticed a little fiber (dust) approx. 1 centimeter long that is lying underneath the glass cover for the display. Anyways, I called up AppleCare, and the support adviser told me that she could either replace it, repair it, or just give me my money back. I certainly don't want a replacement, since most of my software cannot be installed on multiple machines without having to deal with the developers directly.
So my only options are to either get it repaired, or deal with it. Since the repairs would be free, it is what I'm leaning towards doing, but I have read some cases where people send their gear in to Apple to get dust removed, only to get it back with more dust, or even worse: they replace the display entirely, and it happens to contain dead pixels! Also, over time, even if your display is perfect when you first get it, do these displays tend to get dust behind them anyway? (if that makes sense.)
I was wondering whether trash and dust can damage the ports in the side of a MBP(or any laptop), let's say, if I'm using a Speck case around my macbook pro and put it inside my backpack, can the USB, Eternet, and so forth get damage in any way by the dust and small trashes(little bits of paper, things like that).
i have noticed for a while now and i keep getting dust and dirt under my keys, i can only see this when the backlit keyboard is on and it is the only thing i can notice when using my macbook pro? is there anyting i can use to clean it?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I own a iPhone 4S
It seems one of the defect possibilities of the new manufacturing process is that the new Macbooks or Macbook Pros can get dust trapped behind the glass screen. At least, that's what happened to my Macbook. So they let me return it, and I got a Macbook Pro, and now the new Macbook Pro, though a thing of beauty, has a bright dead pixel in the top middle screen, as well as a dimmer dead pixel 2 inches to the left of that one. I heard that Apple's dead pixel policy was three dead pixels or no deal on an exchange, but I just bought the computer a few hours ago. Do you think I have a shot at them replacing it? I hate to think of staring at this, (bright) dead pixel for three years, (not to mention the other dimmer dead pixel).