MacBook Pro :: How To Install Hackintosh On My Secondary E Drive?
Jul 23, 2009
I have a great HP computer, but I like Mac way better then Windows Vista, so is there a way to install Hackintosh on my secondary E drive, and leave Vista intact on C for gaming? And can you provide a reliable link to a Hackintosh download?
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Sep 5, 2010
is it possible to install hackintosh on my acer PC with the restore DVD that came with my Macbook Pro or my macbook
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Jul 1, 2009
I've had it with Windows. It's so annoying. I need to know if I can install Mac OS X on my computer. I have the specs right here.. But first: I tried iDeneb a while ago, but it didn't work. I got some error in the terminal and that left me stumped. So idk what else to do, but I'll try anything.My Dell service tag is C3KRGH1 if any of you guys need it..
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May 1, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro early 2011 2.2 ghz with an SSD and a HDD. Mac OS is currently installed on both hard drives and I would like to remove it from my second hard drive, without deleting all my documents, movies, etc.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 model, 15 inch 2.2 GHz 8GB RAM
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Feb 2, 2009
we are trying to hook up our TV as a secondary monitor (for hulu, netflix, etc) but it defaults as the primary monitor. We would like to keep the imac as the primary monitor, and have the TV as a secondary, but cannot figure out how to do it! The only way we can get the imac back to primary status is if we use mirror mode. Once we take it off mirror mode, the TV becomes the primary monitor again, and there appears to be no way of switching it in OSX display preferences.
I've done similar hookups with my laptop, and the TV defaults as the secondary monitor. Why isn't this happening with our iMac? Any ideas?
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Nov 29, 2007
Have successfully installed a Seagate Barracuda 160GB internal HD (2nd HD) and it's icon is mounted on the desktop. I used Disc Utility to format the drive (Mac OS Extended-Journal), but was unable to install Tiger because of a faulty install DVD (I think). I tried the Panther install DVD's that came with the G5, but am unable to open the the first DVD of that set either (get the grey screen with no wheel, with strange color lines).
More importantly, the drive somehow has a complete duplicate of my other drive. Everything! Also, it updates with things that that I download or add to my Panther drive. How is this, if I did an erase and format using Utility? I'd like to use this 2nd HD as a backup HD (if I can ever get an install DVD to open). Why doesn't the 2nd HD show in the Start up Disc Window? How do I successfully erase it and format this 2nd HD? How would I run a different OS on this 2nd HD?
G5 dual 2.0GHz
Mac OS X (10.3.x)
Powerbook G4 1.5 - OS 10.4
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Jun 18, 2012
I have recently purchased a Mac Pro (early 2009). It has separate 300Gb and 2Tb internal drives.
My plan is to install another internal 3Tb drive to act as a backup for the other two. Can time capsule be set-up to do this?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 26, 2014
I have an iMac and since the install of Mavericks the secondary HDD is always spinning (even if there are no data in it).
What can I do ? The continuos drive noise is very annoying ... and sure this wil shorten drive's life.
I'm using OS X 10,9,3
Processor 3,4 i7
16GB ram
SSD 512GB (primary) + HDD2TB
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Oct 28, 2009
I recently bought I new primary sata drive for a MacPro and loaded Leopard on it while keeping a 2ndary internal sata drive ... which included data ... intact.
Now under Leopard, under permissions for the 2ndary internal sata drive, it sees an "unknown" account (which is the previous Tiger owner) and it doesn't allow any writing/ deleting on the 2ndary drive.
I know how to change the permissions and ownership but don't know exactly what Leopard default ownership and permissions I should assign to the 2ndary drive.
The new Home acct name, System, Admin, Everyone etc.
Usually there is a cascading list of 2 or 3 but I can't remember what
they should be.
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Oct 21, 2008
I recemtly purchased a G4 at a local thrift store for $10. After repairing the processor and installing and updating os X 10.4 on a 20g drive I added and additional 100g drive for music and videos. The 20g drive read/write is fine and writing to the 100g works fine also. When attempting to view videos located on the 100g drive, the system hangs. when using itunes it must rebuffer every few seconds.
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Dec 19, 2008
I recently had to erase the HD on my iMac and do a complete restore from my external Time Machine drive. Luckily everything,including programs, were restored to where they were during the last backup. This mishap underscored the importance of having everything backed-up and made me truly appreciate Time Machine. As a result I'm considering adding Time Capsule as a secondary Time Machine drive (in addition to the G-drive I have connected via firewire),to act as a back-up to the back-up. I was wondering if I'd be able to do that if I install TC using the "Bridge to an existing network" option during setup.
Would I be able to manage my backups by changing the volume in Time Machine's settings from TC to my G-Force HD, or vice versa? To be clear, i want two full back-up records on separate drives at any given time. I am accustomed to doing my back-ups manually as I don't want my back-up HD running continuously or every hour or so as is suggested by Apple. My feeling is that my external HD will last longer by not being powered-on 24/7. Another reason why I like TC over simply getting a second external HD is because of the networking capability of TC. I get a very weak signal as it is in my basement and I'm hopeful this will improve streaming to my ps3 and iPhone when I'm downstairs.
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Nov 20, 2009
I have a G3 mac blue. About 4 years ago my ex-husband installed a new hard drive and upped the memory as far as it would go. I am currently using Mac 4.11 system I think. This morning the computer was making an odd noise and wouldn't move off the screen saver mode. I rebooted. When it came back up, the odd noise was there for a minute or so and then stopped. However, it will only access the original hard drive, which I haven't saved anything on for 3 years. How can I find my secondary hard drive? Incidently I wasn't able to access the old hard drive for about 2 years. Sure it would be nice if i could access the both of them but i just want my new one back!! I live in a small town where no one is mac proficient. I replaced the power unit a year ago myself.
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Aug 6, 2010
The New Samsung GO N310 is a very cool NetBook with awesome battery life. Claimed 9 hrs... 6-7 hrs real world. I bought this for my Grandson who needed a computer for school with good battery life. This is his first computer of his very own.
I ran across a Samsung GO N310 Hackintosh on Snow Leopard
Has anyone tried this on this model? My Grandson seems to be interested in trying to make this happen.
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm sorry to ask this question and I have searched on the internet, but I plan to get a Dell mini 10v to make a hackintosh but all the installation require a mac to start the process.
I don't know anybody who would be willing to lend me their mac and I'm certainly not going to go into an apple store and use one, so my question is how can I create the hackintosh without owning a mac already?
Oh and I'd be installing OSX 10.6 if at all possible since I cannot find any version of 10.5.X cheaper than >�150.
And I cannot afford a mac right now before anybody tells me to just buy a mac... but I'm saving up for one next year
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Dec 22, 2010
My trusty Hackintosh was my introduction to the wonderful world of OS X. Now, 2 Macbook Pro's (Mine, Wife's), 4 Macbooks (kids), iPad, iPhone, iPod later...
I am getting a Macpro1,1 2006 for Christmas So now I want to migrate all of my apps and data across to the Mac Pro. I have been using Time Machine on an external drive so I was wondering if the best way to go would be to install fresh Snow Leopard on the Mac Pro and then give it the external drive time machine to grab everything else? Would this also grab my Parallels/Windows 7 installation? Any pitfalls to avoid? Advice in general? Flames? Random thoughts....
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Apr 20, 2008
Can i use a Hackintosh vga driver (eg. Titan , natit) with my Mac Pro (3,1) and a normal PCs vga card (such as HD3870 X2)
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Jul 2, 2009
I have 2 laptops that i can use for running hackintosh. One is a Asus Eee PC 1000HD 10'. The other is a Hp Pavillion dv9700. Is it even possible to run hackintosh on these systems? I tried once and messed my boot data and had to restore.
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Oct 22, 2009
My buddy saw an article on the net that I showed him about a guy building a "Hackintosh" with all new parts bought from newegg. The article seemed to say that you really should use the same parts as the author did to ensure Snow Leopard compatibility.
My buddy has built MANY a pc. He seems to think that using the directions and software discussed in the article I showed him, that we could pretty much turn ANY home built PC into a Hackintosh with higher performance and less cost.
I'm not here to discuss the legitimacy of his claim, but I would like to know about the hardware / software part?
Can basically any PC be turned into a Hackintosh?
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Jan 5, 2011
My MBP was recently squished in a motorcycle accident and its hard drive and superdrive were destroyed. Is it possible to buy a new hard drive, put it in an external USB 2.0 enclosure, then install OS X on it using the discs that came with my destroyed MBP in a different Mac, then put the hard drive into the squished computer and have it use that hard drive as its startup disk? The motherboard on the squished computer is fine, I just can't install OS X on it because it has a broken superdrive.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an aluminum Macbook from late 2008, model A1278. I just had to replace the hard drive, and need to install an OS on the currently blank HDD. Problem is, my CD drive doesn't work, so I can't just install from a disc. I had installed Mountain Lion on my old hard drive, but the original OS was Snow Leopard. I haven't succeeded in getting any of my information off my old HDD. Is there another way to install either Snow Leopard or Lion onto my new hard drive?
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Apr 14, 2008
After reading about Psystar and all that crap I have become inspired. I want to build my own hackintosh . I have an old G4 Gigabit Ethernet PowerMac that I aquired a few weeks back. I was wondering if it would be possible to gut it and use the case for my new hackintosh. Will a standard mobo fit in it? Can I easily replace the powersupply?
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Mar 3, 2009
I decided to run a few geekbench tests on my Early 2008 Octo 2.8ghz Mac Pro w/ 16gb of RAM against my daughter's Core i7 920 DIY Hackintosh with 6gb of DDR3 RAM. Both are running Leopard 10.5.6 with nothing else running.
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Aug 29, 2014
I have never backed up my Macbook 2.1 duo before yesterday. While in the process of backing up I was using photoshop, and my computer froze. I waited 30 min and then decided to shut it down. When I tried to turn it on it will not boot-up, I only get the grey screen of death. I had just recently upgraded to Snow Leopard this week. I used an external DVD drive which seemed to cause issues. So I thought I might be able to use that to install a clean version on this busted drive, well nothing worked, tried holding option key, holding down the C key. I ordered another drive that says its compatible with my drive. Since the my mac doesnt seem to acknowledge my drive, I bought an external housing for my new internal. I want to format and load Snow leopard onto the new hard drive using my girl friends mac. then put in my macbook. I would like to know if this will work? how I need to format my drive in disk utility.. Is it possible that it is not my Hard Drive?
Another side note, I just upgraded my RAM from 1GB to 4GB on my Macbook 2.1, I did try and putting my old ram back in just incase that was the issue.
MacBook, iOS 6, 2.1 13" intel duo
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Aug 28, 2009
So I just partitioned my drive to install Windows and noticed that my hard drive is now making that "crunching" sound that some hard drives make. It started during my Windows installation, and it happens regularly in Windows.
I also briefly hear it while OSX is starting up, but it doesn't seem to happen much in OSX. I've launched a bunch of applications and it is still pretty much silent. Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be NTFS? I have several hard drives in my PC that don't make that sound. I am using a 17" MacBook Pro unibody with the regular 320gb 5400rpm drive that it comes with.
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May 3, 2009
I just bought the new iMac 2009 and I'm loving the Apple experience. I also have an iPhone and everything works wonder.But in about a month, I will be moving from my appartement to a two story condo.Now, I might be able to save up some cash in the near future to buy a MacBook Air.I've been looking around the Apple Store for a refurb Macbook Air and I guess the 1000 CAD is a Rev A MBA?Now from lurking around this forum, is the Rev A THAT bad?? Should I wait a bit for the Rev B. to lower it prices?
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Oct 15, 2010
Does anyone know how/if you can eject the second hdd installed in a macbook or can't you because it is internal?
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Apr 19, 2012
I can't use Secondary Tap of two fingers as right click on a trackpad.My laptop is MacBook Pro OS x 10.6.8
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Apr 25, 2012
Like many others, I'm thinking of replacing my HDD with an SSD and replacing my optical drive with the original HDD. I plan on using the SSD as my boot volume and the HDD for storage. Part of the reason I am switching to an SSD is that I carry my laptop around quite a lot and don't feel confident that the HDD won't fail because of all the motion.
My question is: Can I leave the HDD powered off until I want to use it? Thus saving battery life and reducing the risk of HDD failure from being moved around too much. I would like to be able to mount the drive when I want to access the storage and unmount it when it is not in use. Is this possible?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 30, 2010
I give presentations regularly, and I always lock (with password) my MBP if I need to leave the room for a quick break. However, I often need to leave the secondary display projected on the big screen. Is there a way to keep the secondary display showing even when locking access to the MBP?
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Mar 6, 2009
I'm looking to buy a secondary machine to compliment my primary MBP and I'm torn between a refurbished Rev A MBA 1.6/80 and a Unibody MB 2.0. Right now, my MBP is pretty much acting as a desktop so I'm looking for something I can carry with me around the house and very occasionally on trips. A family member of mine has a Rev A MBA so I'm quite familiar with what it is capable of which is 95% of the things I might use want to use it for.
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