MacBook Air :: Finding Rev A Or Unibody As Secondary Machine
Mar 6, 2009
I'm looking to buy a secondary machine to compliment my primary MBP and I'm torn between a refurbished Rev A MBA 1.6/80 and a Unibody MB 2.0. Right now, my MBP is pretty much acting as a desktop so I'm looking for something I can carry with me around the house and very occasionally on trips. A family member of mine has a Rev A MBA so I'm quite familiar with what it is capable of which is 95% of the things I might use want to use it for.
I am thinking about buying a SSD to install in my late 2008 aluminum macbook. Specs are 6GB of ram, 2.4 GHZ processor, and the standard 250GB hard drive which I believe is 5400 RPMs. So my question is, is it worth it? Will I see that much of a performance improvement? I don't reboot that often. I currently am using 92GB of my 250GB hard drive. So I would probably only need like a 160GB or 200GB SSD. Also if I do get one which one would be a good one to get. What should I look for in features.
This thread is geared towards MB/MBP owners, (specifically those with the late 2008) models. Its very easy to add stain-art to the cosmetics of any laptop. Drops of soup love to introduce themselves to the trackpad and rain drops may bounce off your jacket onto the screen on a wet day. If you're like me, you're heavily bothered by the slightest imperfection and hesitant to clean it, especially the screen.
we are trying to hook up our TV as a secondary monitor (for hulu, netflix, etc) but it defaults as the primary monitor. We would like to keep the imac as the primary monitor, and have the TV as a secondary, but cannot figure out how to do it! The only way we can get the imac back to primary status is if we use mirror mode. Once we take it off mirror mode, the TV becomes the primary monitor again, and there appears to be no way of switching it in OSX display preferences.
I've done similar hookups with my laptop, and the TV defaults as the secondary monitor. Why isn't this happening with our iMac? Any ideas?
I'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
I just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
While I would LOVE to get a 1TB Time Capsule and use it with Time Machine on my MBA, that is a whole lot of money when I already have a wireless router that works just fine and I can find 1TB of storage for much cheaper than that... My question is, what are my other options? I have a Mac mini so my first thought was to plug a big ol' USB HD into that and have the MBA backup to that... Well I could access files on the HD from the MBA just fine but Time Machine refused to use it for backups...
I have seen little wireless adapter boxes with USB ports for adding printers and HD's to your home network, would something like this work or would I run into the same issue with Time Machine not wanting to use it as a backup device?
I just bought the new iMac 2009 and I'm loving the Apple experience. I also have an iPhone and everything works wonder.But in about a month, I will be moving from my appartement to a two story condo.Now, I might be able to save up some cash in the near future to buy a MacBook Air.I've been looking around the Apple Store for a refurb Macbook Air and I guess the 1000 CAD is a Rev A MBA?Now from lurking around this forum, is the Rev A THAT bad?? Should I wait a bit for the Rev B. to lower it prices?
Like many others, I'm thinking of replacing my HDD with an SSD and replacing my optical drive with the original HDD. I plan on using the SSD as my boot volume and the HDD for storage. Part of the reason I am switching to an SSD is that I carry my laptop around quite a lot and don't feel confident that the HDD won't fail because of all the motion.
My question is: Can I leave the HDD powered off until I want to use it? Thus saving battery life and reducing the risk of HDD failure from being moved around too much. I would like to be able to mount the drive when I want to access the storage and unmount it when it is not in use. Is this possible?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I give presentations regularly, and I always lock (with password) my MBP if I need to leave the room for a quick break. However, I often need to leave the secondary display projected on the big screen. Is there a way to keep the secondary display showing even when locking access to the MBP?
I have a great HP computer, but I like Mac way better then Windows Vista, so is there a way to install Hackintosh on my secondary E drive, and leave Vista intact on C for gaming? And can you provide a reliable link to a Hackintosh download?
I am still waiting on delivery of my 13'' MBP, comming from China , and I am thinking about secondary monitors and I do have a 17'' LCD monitor that I could use but i also have a 42'' Plasma TV that would be awsome, I think. Has/does anyone use there HDTV's as their secondary monitor?
I have a MacBook Pro early 2011 2.2 ghz with an SSD and a HDD. Mac OS is currently installed on both hard drives and I would like to remove it from my second hard drive, without deleting all my documents, movies, etc.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 model, 15 inch 2.2 GHz 8GB RAM
I have a late 2008 white MacBook, and will soon be expanding desktop space with a secondary monitor. However due to a small and cramped desk, the only place the monitor will sit is above the macbook on a shelf. When I've seen examples of external monitors for MacBook's, they have always been to the right or left of the notebook itself. Is it possible to configure so that the monitor will be recognised as above the MacBook?
I know the iPad just got an App where it allows you to use it as a wireless secondary monitor. So I'm wondering, such technology should be available for the macbook too right? I know it's a bit sluggish, but here at work I only have 1 monitor and I do a lot of coding/multitasking work and if I could use my laptop as a secondary monitor (wirelessly/wired), that would be great. My work PC has Windows on it though, so that's something to note.
I've looked up a few threads on the subject but found no definite answer...
I'm wondering if using two separate external Firewire hard drives for backing up an iMac with the aid of Time Machine will work and be safe (not messing up things etc.)? One external drive is now attached to the iMac, backing things up every 3 hours (I found the default hourly backup a bit too much so I installed Time Machine editor in order to change this). It works just the way it should.
But in case of theft, fire etc. it would be nice to have yet another backup drive as well. Naturally that drive would be stored in an off-site location and thus not backed up to that often, but at least I wouldn't lose absolutely all my files if my computer + regular backup drive was to be stolen or damaged in a fire, just the very latest files. So let's say I pull out that drive every 2 weeks or so, disconnect the regular Time Machine drive, attach the "off-site stored drive" and tell Time Machine to do a backup right away. Would my computer be able to tell the two drives apart (I'd give them different names of course), understanding that the "regular" backup drive should just continue backing up as it left off last time, or will it get confused?
I like Time Machine because it's maintenance-free, so I'd rather not use some other, separate and complicated backup software for the "off-site" drive if I can avoid it.
By the way: my backup drive is a 2.5" external Firewire drive which means that it takes its power from the Firewire 800 cable totally eliminating any additional power supply and cables. Just one cable and a small enclosure. Neat and tidy and very much recommended!
Im looking to get an external hard drive for the use of time machine when i get my MBP (after wwdc). Ill be getting the one with the 320gb hard drive.
My question is would a 500gb external HDD be ok or would 1TB be better?
I ask this as i dont know how time machine works as to how it stores data, does it store everything you ever have on your computer, so if i filled the HDD 3 times it would be about 1TB.
I'm running 10.5.8, and I have noticed in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost that the plist files now are all suffixed with a UUID instead of my machine's mac address.
Is there a command I can run (via a Terminal session) which will return that UUID for my machine?
I recently bought a Kanex iAdapt so I can use my TV as a secondary display. It works but there are a few annoying problems.
1) When I set the display output to any of the available resolutions (480p.720P.1080i) the picture is displayed - however the edges are cut off resulting in about 5 % of the picture being lost. this means that the taskbar on my mac is barely visible.Any ideas on why this is happening and how i can get it fixed?
2)This is more of a general question. A lot of the text that is displayed is blurry around the edges on all settings. Is this always the case for using TV's for secondary monitors?
This is my setup: [URL] Supports Mini DisplayPort 1.1a input, USB 2.0 input Supports HDMI video resolution up to 1080p Supports HDMI 225mhz/2.25Gbps per channel (6.75Gbps all channel) bandwidth
I have a unibody macbook from summer 2009. My TV is a sony bravia 32" from the KDL range. (KDL 32S3000)
What should the optimum space of my external HD be, in order to keep my Timemachine backup in? My MBPros HD is 185GB, how big should the external drive in which the TM backup will be made? And why?
I recently wiped my hard drive and reinstalled snow leopard from scratch, but not before doing a Time Machine Backup just in case.
I did not restore my whole system from time machine because I do not plan on keeping everything I had.
Anyways, I just hooked time machine up and restored some of my old applications. When opening these applications it is asking me for the serial numbers or registrations.
I have a desktop mac from mid 2011 and also a 2010 mac mini. I just got a new time capsule and time machine cannot find the new time capsule. I know the new time capsule is working because I have a third machine from late 2012 that found the new time capsule easily. Could it be an operating system issue? I am running 10.9 on the machine that is working, 10.8 on the mid 2011 machine, and 10.7 on the mac mini.