MacBook Pro :: Remove Hard Drive - Install In External Enclosure And Install OS X?
Jan 5, 2011
My MBP was recently squished in a motorcycle accident and its hard drive and superdrive were destroyed. Is it possible to buy a new hard drive, put it in an external USB 2.0 enclosure, then install OS X on it using the discs that came with my destroyed MBP in a different Mac, then put the hard drive into the squished computer and have it use that hard drive as its startup disk? The motherboard on the squished computer is fine, I just can't install OS X on it because it has a broken superdrive.
is there anyway I can use my OS X 10.4 dvd from my macbook to install on my external hard drive and then run it on an older mac? if so how can I do this?
I just got a new hard drive for my Black macbook 2,1 and no i need a good external hard drive to put my old hard drive. Do you guys have any recommendations, I'd like to get something that has firewire and usb.
I have an aluminum Macbook from late 2008, model A1278. I just had to replace the hard drive, and need to install an OS on the currently blank HDD. Problem is, my CD drive doesn't work, so I can't just install from a disc. I had installed Mountain Lion on my old hard drive, but the original OS was Snow Leopard. I haven't succeeded in getting any of my information off my old HDD. Is there another way to install either Snow Leopard or Lion onto my new hard drive?
I'm going to do my first HDD swap with my unibody macbook. I was all set to use Time machine, but I'm hearing that CCCloner or SuperDuper are a better idea. So, could someone link me a good deal on an enclosure I can stick my new drive into? OR, would I be ok just cloning to a partition on my 1TB external WD drive, then installing the fresh HDD, then cloning from external WD to new internal?
is it possible to install SL onto an external harddrive and make it bootable? usb or firewire? i want to do this before i do an actual upgrade on my internal and play with it for a leopard is running perfect right now so i want to play with SL on an external until some kinks are ironed out.
save space on my laptop, I'd like to install a bunch of my lesser used programs on an external hard drive (Plex, Grageband, imovie, etc...) I don't really know how to do that. It seems that so many programs need to be installed on the same drive as the OS.
I have the Windows 7 .iso from Microsoft, but I can't burn it to a DVD as it's too large. I do have a 1TB external HDD, though. Is there a way I can put the .iso on that, and when I go to set up windows it installs off the drive instead of a disk?
I'm looking into getting an external exclosure...should I stick with good old USB 2.0, or look into getting USB 3? Is it too new to get it? Anyone have one they are currently using?
This is strange. I have a SATA drive that works when it's in an external USB enclosure but when I put the same SATA drive in one of the bays in my Mac Pro, the Mac Pro won't start up.Specifics:-I've reformatted the drive (with GUID and with Mac Partition Map), with no change in behavior-A different drive in the same Mac Pro drive bay works fine, so it's not the drive bay-the suspect drive in any of drive bay keeps the computer from booting (grey screen, no apple)
My iMac G5 logic board has died. I am going to get a new iMac 27" core i5 when they become available and want to take my internal hard drive from my G5 and convert it to an external for use as a secondary back up device. I found the ultra ULTA40273 model at Is this a good enclosure?
I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?
ive been reading macrumors for years now but this is my first time on the forum,with that out of the way i have a questioni need to buy a new hard drive enclosure as my old one is damaged,in the new enclosure i would like a fan, and it should be decent looking.i would also like the ability to have room for 2 disks, incase i were to add another in the future with storage going for beans these days.
I am planning on gutting a broken mac mini and turn it into an external hard drive. Ive taken apart external enclosures before and ive seen the sata connector, but i have no idea where to buy one or what it is even called. Does anybody have any better information? Because i'd hate to have to buy an enclosure and strip it for the parts.
I have a 2010 macbook pro with snowleopard on it & have a 7 port ac powered usb hub hooked up to it. If I plug in 1 or more external hard drives into the hub & have them working together/transferring files, will there be a big slowdown?right now my hard drives are in just usb 2.0 enclosures. Would it be worth upgrading their enclosures to firew wire - esata? would I feel a performance difference?
I'm trying to figure out which enclosures and external hard drives sleep/spin down when either my iMac sleeps/powers down or after a certain period of inactivity. I'm trying to find this out both for drives connected directly to my iMac ports and drives connected through my AEBS. I've gone through a couple of enclosures and external hard drives with mixed results and it's frustrating (and expensive). I would like to solicit your experiences with respect to drives and enclosures that do spin down both for direct connections and when connected through the AEBS. I've started a list below and would appreciate your inputs.
I'm looking at buying a 500gb external hard drive, and the actual drive itself can only be Western Digital (I won't touch any others, not even Seagate).I can get a 500gb Western Digital Passport for $119.99 CAD in black with the enclosure of course: click hereMy other option is to buy the drive separately, the Western Digital Scorpio 500gb for $99.99 CAD: click here and a cool case of my liking off eBay for about $13 CAD: click hereNow, my question is this; does it matter which case I use in order to make sure the drive is able to be powered with only 1 USB port? I've heard some notebooks dont give enough juice to certain usb ports and would require a y-splitter to use two usb cables in order to power it (im guessing netbooks would probably suffer from this). I remember trying to use a 2.5" lacie external with the orange rubber padding around it, connected it to the front port of a Powermac G5 1.8ghz and it wouldnt mount, unless it was connected to one of the usb ports on the back of the machine.
Does anybody know of a company who makes external hard drive enclosure in the same design as a Apple Time Capsule.I have seen some for the mac mini but not been able to find any looking like a Time Capsule.
I would like to know if it's possible to disassemble both this: and this: drive to remove from the casing and put in a Mac Pro. I've seen pictures here: on how to disassemble the case, but am wondering if it will work in a Mac Pro.
I have never backed up my Macbook 2.1 duo before yesterday. While in the process of backing up I was using photoshop, and my computer froze. I waited 30 min and then decided to shut it down. When I tried to turn it on it will not boot-up, I only get the grey screen of death. I had just recently upgraded to Snow Leopard this week. I used an external DVD drive which seemed to cause issues. So I thought I might be able to use that to install a clean version on this busted drive, well nothing worked, tried holding option key, holding down the C key. I ordered another drive that says its compatible with my drive. Since the my mac doesnt seem to acknowledge my drive, I bought an external housing for my new internal. I want to format and load Snow leopard onto the new hard drive using my girl friends mac. then put in my macbook. I would like to know if this will work? how I need to format my drive in disk utility.. Is it possible that it is not my Hard Drive?
Another side note, I just upgraded my RAM from 1GB to 4GB on my Macbook 2.1, I did try and putting my old ram back in just incase that was the issue.
So I just partitioned my drive to install Windows and noticed that my hard drive is now making that "crunching" sound that some hard drives make. It started during my Windows installation, and it happens regularly in Windows.
I also briefly hear it while OSX is starting up, but it doesn't seem to happen much in OSX. I've launched a bunch of applications and it is still pretty much silent. Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be NTFS? I have several hard drives in my PC that don't make that sound. I am using a 17" MacBook Pro unibody with the regular 320gb 5400rpm drive that it comes with.
I have a macbook my old hard drive I guess malfunctioned because when I start up there is a folder with a question mark. So I installed a new hard drive however I do not have the original discs the only discs I have are to my 21in Imac is there anyway to install this without buying new discs or is there anyway to recover my old hard drive I think I deleted a folder I suppose to when I tried to restore so now I have 2 hard drive no OS and a macbook I can't use
I have a first gen white macbook core duo. I am trying to install a new 320GB Seagate HDD in my laptop to replace the 60Gb drive. I installed it but I can't get the OS to recognize the Hard disk when it is installed in the computer. I have no problems when it is installed in an external case. I have booted off the Leopard disk but it does not show a drive available to format, I booted off the original drive in the external case and the disk utilities does not show another drive attached. If I put the 320GB drive in the external enclosure, disk utilities recognizes it right away. I have formatted it with GUID format but it doesn't work when installed directly in the macbook.