Mac Pro :: Migrating From Hackintosh?

Dec 22, 2010

My trusty Hackintosh was my introduction to the wonderful world of OS X. Now, 2 Macbook Pro's (Mine, Wife's), 4 Macbooks (kids), iPad, iPhone, iPod later...

I am getting a Macpro1,1 2006 for Christmas So now I want to migrate all of my apps and data across to the Mac Pro. I have been using Time Machine on an external drive so I was wondering if the best way to go would be to install fresh Snow Leopard on the Mac Pro and then give it the external drive time machine to grab everything else? Would this also grab my Parallels/Windows 7 installation? Any pitfalls to avoid? Advice in general? Flames? Random thoughts....

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OS X :: Hackintosh Without A Mac?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm sorry to ask this question and I have searched on the internet, but I plan to get a Dell mini 10v to make a hackintosh but all the installation require a mac to start the process.

I don't know anybody who would be willing to lend me their mac and I'm certainly not going to go into an apple store and use one, so my question is how can I create the hackintosh without owning a mac already?

Oh and I'd be installing OSX 10.6 if at all possible since I cannot find any version of 10.5.X cheaper than >�150.

And I cannot afford a mac right now before anybody tells me to just buy a mac... but I'm saving up for one next year

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Mac Pro :: Hackintosh GPU Driver With Mac Pro?

Apr 20, 2008

Can i use a Hackintosh vga driver (eg. Titan , natit) with my Mac Pro (3,1) and a normal PCs vga card (such as HD3870 X2)

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OS X :: To Run Hackintosh On 2 Laptops?

Jul 2, 2009

I have 2 laptops that i can use for running hackintosh. One is a Asus Eee PC 1000HD 10'. The other is a Hp Pavillion dv9700. Is it even possible to run hackintosh on these systems? I tried once and messed my boot data and had to restore.

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OS X :: Can Any New PC Be Turned Into A Hackintosh?

Oct 22, 2009

My buddy saw an article on the net that I showed him about a guy building a "Hackintosh" with all new parts bought from newegg. The article seemed to say that you really should use the same parts as the author did to ensure Snow Leopard compatibility.

My buddy has built MANY a pc. He seems to think that using the directions and software discussed in the article I showed him, that we could pretty much turn ANY home built PC into a Hackintosh with higher performance and less cost.

I'm not here to discuss the legitimacy of his claim, but I would like to know about the hardware / software part?

Can basically any PC be turned into a Hackintosh?


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MacBook Pro :: To Install Hackintosh On My Acer PC?

Sep 5, 2010

is it possible to install hackintosh on my acer PC with the restore DVD that came with my Macbook Pro or my macbook

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Mac Pro :: Can I Install Hackintosh On My Computer - Got Specs

Jul 1, 2009

I've had it with Windows. It's so annoying. I need to know if I can install Mac OS X on my computer. I have the specs right here.. But first: I tried iDeneb a while ago, but it didn't work. I got some error in the terminal and that left me stumped. So idk what else to do, but I'll try anything.My Dell service tag is C3KRGH1 if any of you guys need it..

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MacBook Pro :: How To Install Hackintosh On My Secondary E Drive?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a great HP computer, but I like Mac way better then Windows Vista, so is there a way to install Hackintosh on my secondary E drive, and leave Vista intact on C for gaming? And can you provide a reliable link to a Hackintosh download?

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PowerPC :: Use Case For New Hackintosh - Replace Power Supply?

Apr 14, 2008

After reading about Psystar and all that crap I have become inspired. I want to build my own hackintosh . I have an old G4 Gigabit Ethernet PowerMac that I aquired a few weeks back. I was wondering if it would be possible to gut it and use the case for my new hackintosh. Will a standard mobo fit in it? Can I easily replace the powersupply?

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Mac Pro :: Geekbench 2008 Octo Versus Core I7 Hackintosh

Mar 3, 2009

I decided to run a few geekbench tests on my Early 2008 Octo 2.8ghz Mac Pro w/ 16gb of RAM against my daughter's Core i7 920 DIY Hackintosh with 6gb of DDR3 RAM. Both are running Leopard 10.5.6 with nothing else running.

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MacBook :: Hackintosh - Samsung GO N310 - Snow Leopard

Aug 6, 2010

The New Samsung GO N310 is a very cool NetBook with awesome battery life. Claimed 9 hrs... 6-7 hrs real world. I bought this for my Grandson who needed a computer for school with good battery life. This is his first computer of his very own.

I ran across a Samsung GO N310 Hackintosh on Snow Leopard

Has anyone tried this on this model? My Grandson seems to be interested in trying to make this happen.

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OS X :: Migrating From PPC To Intel Mac?

Jun 29, 2009

I need to use Migration Assistant to Xfer data on a PPC iBook to a new Intel Mac Mini. Is there anything I need to be mindful of before doing the xfer?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migrating From A PC To A New Mac?

Jun 22, 2012

I am migrating from a PC to a new Mac. The PC has two user accounts. I want to migrate those two accounts from the PC to the Mac, keeping everything separate as it is on the PC. How can I do this?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Best Option For Migrating Data From PC To Mac?

Nov 11, 2009

I never thought I'd say it, but after decades of PC use I am finally seriously considering switching to the world of Mac, which would entail a pretty massive data migration. Anyone know if there's a way to just link up my ATA hard drive from my PC to a Mac via USB or firewire or something, and just transfer the data (word docs, photos, music - obviously not apps) to the hypothetical new Mac? That would be a heck of a lot easier than burning a jillion CDs in order to transfer the data, which is my current best option.

Also, and this is more obscure, and might not even be possible, but I figure I'd ask - I've been using Eudora as a mail client for years (really old version, 3.0, still works under XP believe it or not). I would love to be able to migrate my mail. Eudora 3.0 stores the mail as text in these files marked ".mbx", but of course, it's not that simple, because to actually index them, the app has to refer to corresponding "table of contents" files with a ".toc" extension. I could transfer the .mbx files to a new mac easily enough - I mean, they're just text - but it would be lovely, so lovely, to keep the indexing. Anyone know of a converter out there that could carry that all over into a mail client, any mail client, for Mac OS?

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OS X :: Migrating From G5 To Intel IMac?

May 8, 2010

My partner has just taken delivery of a wonderful new 27" iMac, and is wanting to migrate all of her stuff from a G5. However, the how to do it words seem to suggest that everything on the G5 should be neat. Such things as all documents should be in the Document folder, but does this mean all personal letters as well? She has asked me questions on these things that have made me stop and think. Then I realize that I really don't know the answers.

What actually is the intended structure of the Mac OSX system? What is supposed to be in the Documents, Library, etc. And does every user have there own set of these folders.

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Applications :: Migrating From POP To IMAP?

Nov 16, 2010

With 2 macs and multiple mail accounts, I am trying to kill the need to sync my macs using chronosync (works well but not ideal).

on - I dragged and dropped all folders on my hard disk to online and all my mail is now online and now set to IMAP, I can access all folders/sub folders etc on iPhone, iPad, MBP, MBA and online. (here I access gmail and .mac mail)

on Outlook 2011 - I want to move all my POP mail (down loaded to the hard disk) to something similar like I did on Is it possible and how can I do it ? (here I access yahoo and hotmail). I am even happy to buy a software that does this - if one exists !

That will solve desire/problem 1.

Desire 2 -

I want to do this on both and Outlook 2011 :

Select/use rules such that I get a copy of the e-mail to move to my hard disk and leave a copy online. When I access it from my other computer it happens similarly. After say 90 days the copy online gets deleted but not the ones copies to my hard disk (both macs). How can I achieve this ?

My best bet is to use your experience as you might have been through something like this way before I have reached that stage of multiple macs and data management.

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OS X :: Migrating To New HDD In MBP - Best Way To Move Stuff

Nov 30, 2010

Looking to replace the 5400rpm drive with a new 7200rpm drive, but what is the best way to move all my stuff over? Should I clone the drive or is it better to do a fresh install and go through the hassle of reinstalling all my stuff?

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Mac Pro :: Migrating From PowerPC To Intel?

Dec 22, 2010

some of my apps are universal binary, some not. Am I asking for trouble in using the migration assistant, or will the Mac do it's thing and sort it all out on it's own?

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OS X :: Migrating To Mail From Thunderbird?

Oct 28, 2007

I've recently installed leopard on my macbook and I'd like to migrate from thunderbird to mail so that my contacts and all can be synced from one application to another. That's the beauty of mac osx afterall.

Alright, So I launched mail, clicked import from thunderbird and everything seemed to be running smoothly and when all my mails finished importing, I did a quick check on the mails and. The mails weren't properly sorted into the different folders and I had tons of mail missing! Does anyone here have any experience with migrating from thunderbird to mail and faced these problems during their migration? If I did it manually, would it be better? Kindly advise.

Secondly, I used to run filters on my mail such that my mail will get sorted out into different folders. It's really handy because it keeps my mails organised and stuff. How does mail do this? Is it the smart mailbox that I see?

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OS X :: Migrating Just One User To A New MacBook?

Jan 3, 2009

I have a MacBook with 10.5 that my wife and I share. I finally got her her own MacBook, and I'd like to move just her account to the new computer. It's a MacBook, not a MacBook Pro, so FireWire's not an option, but I have an ethernet cable. I haven't taken the new computer out of the box yet. What's the best way to go about doing this?

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OS X :: Migrating Safari Passwords To New HDD

Mar 22, 2009

I'm in the process of installing a new, 500 GB HDD into the Macbook. The OS is installed onto the new HDD but I haven't actually put the drive into the Macbook. I don't want to just use Migration Assistant to migrate all my user settings over, as there's some wonky stuff going on with my account. Plus, I want to use Safari4 rather than Safari3 which I'm using now, with plugins and addons. I've got all my apps/dmgs backed up, and a current Time Machine backup, but again, don't want to just import everything.

So how do I get my passwords etc migrated over? Can I use Keychain from the old HDD and just copy/paste the relevent files? If so, what files? Basically, I want iTunes settings, all iLife apps, all iWork apps, my backed up dmgs and registrations, my VMware installs (Win XPproSP2 and Vista Ultimate), my firefox logins, my foxmarks install, my documents, my perian settings etc without bringing over the plugins, etc. Will I have to redownload the Blackberry Desktop Manager and Tetherberry into a new VMware? Or will the whole VMware environment migrate over? Sorry if this post seems a little scattered, but it's late where I am and I've just got in from some AWESOME wings'n'beers.

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MacBook :: Migrating Information From One To Another

Dec 10, 2009

I've followed the steps to migrate the info from my work mac to my MacBook, but have copied over absolutely everything. It has meant that my original address book is now blank and I am unsure what other programs may have been affected. I am unsure whether to migrate the information back to the work mac and clean up the macbook and start again. Can someone advise me - but in layman's terms as I do not understand technical words!

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Software :: Migrating PST To Entourage?

Jul 14, 2008

I want to use my outlook 2003 pst to my new entourage 2008.

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Software :: Migrating From Pc To Mac With Quicken

Aug 1, 2009

I presently use quicken 5 for windows, am buying a mac computer and am wondering how to migrate my "old" pc version to a much newer mac version.

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Mac Mini :: Migrating Files From PC To 10.5.8?

Mar 24, 2012

I've gifted my 2008ish Mac Mini running OS 10.5.8 to a friend with and older PC running XP    How do we migrate the PC data, etc to the Mac ?

iMac 2.66 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6), Mac Mini OS X 10.4.11 1.83 Intel Core duo

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migrating To A New Drive?

Jun 12, 2012

I have noticed that recently my main OS Drive (500 GB Hitachi Drive running latest Lion 10.7.4) on my MacPro (2008) Desktop machine is having performance issues (not shutting down properly or restarting properly etc). I am concerned that the drive will soon crash so I have purchased and installed a new 1Tb WD Black Caviar Drive (placed it in Bay 3). I would like to migrate the complete original OS Drive (with all its Apps etc) in Bay 1 to the new Black Caviar Drive in Bay 3. I will then remove the 'old' Hitachi OS Drive in Bay 1 and replace it with the new WD Black Caviar Drive from Bay 3. It is the migration process that I am unsure about. Do I use Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper to simply copy the Main OSX Drive from Bay 1 to Bay 3 where the new 1 Tb Black Caviar Drive resides? I guess I would then remove the old 500 GB OSX Drive in Bay 1 and replace it with the newly copied drive in Bay 3 (1Tb Black Caviar).

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Old G5 To 17inch?

Jun 16, 2012

So I just got the 'last gen' MacBook Pro - 17in and seemingly successfully migrated my old iMac G5 over using the Time Machine and Migration Assistant. Only problem is none of my photos or iTunes transferred over. Also it keeps telling me my registration number is wrong on FCE, even though I've entered it correctly...

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Software Via DVD Possible?

Jun 20, 2012

Will the Migration Assistant (found in Utilities) work to use a iMac's DVD drive to install software to the Macbook?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Data From HDD To SSD?

Jun 21, 2012

One of these days, I may purchase a Crucial SSD (512GB). 

I need to know how to copy the contents of my current factory HDD (seagate 5400rpm 500GB) to the Crucial SSD. Note that they are of different sizes. 

What I have:

- Carbon Copy Cleaner

- Time Machine (with time capsule)

- Spare 750GB external HDD 

Which is the fastest, safest, and easiest way to accomplish this task? Again, the drives are of different sizes, and only one can be in the machine at a time.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13", 500GB HDD, 16GB RAM, i7 2.7GHz

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OS X Mavericks :: Migrating From IMac To Mac Pro

Sep 2, 2014

I am having trouble migrating from one MAC to a MAC Pro. It keeps kicking me out of the system.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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