MacBook Pro :: HD And SSD Power Consumption (Comparison)
Nov 15, 2010
Is it normal for SSDs to use the same or more power as a HD?
An OWC Mercury Exreme Pro 40GB SSD uses 2.2W-2.5W when active.
A WD SiliconEdge Blue 64GB SSD uses 2W when reading and 3.5W when writing.
An OCZ VERTEX 2 40GB SSD uses 2W when in operation.
A WD Scorpio Blue (5400rpm, 2.5") 250GB HD uses 2.5W when writing/reading.
A WD Scorpio Black (7200rpm, 2.5") 250GB HD uses 2.5W when writing/reading.
A Hitachi Travelstar 5K750 (5400rpm, 2.5") 500GB HD uses 1.4W when writing/reading.
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Feb 26, 2009
How to calculate the regular MacBook power consumption if it is left on lowest screen brightness for about 12 hours, plugged in, with just a browser running Gmail? The following is the System Profiler->Power Information that pertains to this topic:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number:DP-xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Device name:xxxxxxx
Pack Lot Code:0002
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0102
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):4831
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):4831
Health Information:
Cycle count:188
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):147
Voltage (mV):12604
System Power Settings:
AC Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):0
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):20
Automatic Restart On Power Loss:No
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Wake On LAN:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Battery Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):1
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Reduce Brightness:Yes
Hardware Configuration:
UPS Installed:No
AC Charger Information:
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Oct 15, 2009
as topic states, what do you think the difference in power consumption between 5400rpm and 7200 rpm?
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May 25, 2008
When i want to use mp with simple task . eg. iTunes , web browsing , e-mail If i select 1CPU or 4CPU option. Can it reduce my Mac pro power consumption.
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Nov 6, 2008
I have a pioneer 111d drive that is in a external enclosure,that I don't use anymore. I would like to put it in my mac pro. How much current do the drives draw when in idle or stand by mode. The only reason I ask. Is because, I have no need for a mac pro with two drives, as of now. I would be adding the second drive just because I can. I would pass on this if I new it was just sitting their wasting energy.
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Nov 19, 2009
I'm considering to buy a new iMac (21,5"/nvidia or ati) and I'm wondering if someone has already measured the actual power consumption. In it's environmental paper, Apple documents that it uses less than 2W in sleep mode and 37,5 W with the display off. Did anyone try if this is also measured in real life? I may sound a bit paranoid, but half a year ago I bought a mac mini 2007 at a stock clearance, and I was shocked to find out that just the powerblock plugged in already consumes 8W, the mini itself in standby consumes 11W. Add to that a screen, external speakers and an external disk and the total standby power consumption of the lot is 25W. Terrible.
Besides the energy consumption, I'm also a bit disappointed with the speed of the mini, but that's probably largely due to the low RAM (1GB). So rather than going for the latest mini model, I'd like to go for the power of an iMac. But I would be really happy if someone could confirm the power consumption. Specifically I'm looking for power consumption
- In sleep mode
- While streaming itunes to an airport express, with the display off
(I assume the display goes to sleep automatically when streaming. Right?)
- While in normal, not too heavy operation (eg surfing, mailing & itunes)
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Nov 22, 2009
so this is the issue. I've always used istat menus to monitor my computer usage i.e. RAM, CPU, Fans, power, etc. With my old 2008 Mac Pro istat used to display how much power it was using however with my 2009 Mac Pro it doesn't. It displays 0 Watts throughout. Any ideas on how to solve this. I'm really curious with regard to how much power this system uses.
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Aug 5, 2010
So I just got hold of a few of these new battery chargers from Apple and I'm just wondering if these are meant to stay plugged in the wall, even after the green light goes off. Does the light going off mean that the batteries will no longer draw power from the power outlet and that it is safe to assume power will continue to be consumed? Or is it preferred that I plug and unplug the charger only when needed to avoid any, unnecessary, extra power consumption?
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Oct 24, 2010
I just found this environmental report for the 27" iMac's on Apple's web site, which lists the amount of power they use when off/asleep/idle.
There doesn't seem to be a similar document for the Late 2006 iMac's. I'm just wondering if anybody knows the power consumption stats for the older iMac's (the 20" model in particular) - I'm interested to now how the newer models compare as I'll be buying one soon.
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Jul 23, 2010
I've noticed that my macbook pro has been using a lot of RAM. I haven't really witnessed a slowdown on my computer b/c of any sort of shortage of RAM but I was just curious if this was typical (since this is my first mac). I have 4 GB of RAM and I often find myself with around 1-1.5 GB of free + inactive RAM. I had a linux system with 3 GB RAM before and it used between 1-1.8 GB of RAM and it seems like this system is using around 2.5-3 GB (active + wired). However, various OS X laptops in the past have functioned really well in the past with 2 GB and even 1 GB of RAM right? Is OS X just putting more processes in my RAM to speed up my system because more RAM is available OR does snow leopard just have high memory consumption?
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Nov 21, 2010
Getting fustrated with my Macbook Pro 15''. Could never get battery to last more than 5-6 hours. This is the MAX i can achieve, with great pains to enhance battery life.
Argh, what's wrong with my Macbook Pro?
Check out the amperage drain. At this rate the Macbook Pro wouldn't last more than 5 hours. This is with half brightness, only finder and Chrome open, and the battery recently calibrated.
The amperage drain increases to -1400+ when i have more tabs open, and a few other apps.
However there was this ONE RARE OCCASION, where my Macbook Pro would only drain between -700 to -800 amperage. This was in normal usage and the battery easily lasted closer to 8 hours. But somehow, i can never replicate this anymore!
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a unibody macbook pro 15 inch, 2.8 Ghz, 4gb ram, 500Gb HDD. There are various display settings like 1440x900, 1344x840, 1280x800, 1024x768 and so on till 640x480 (descending order). Will the battery consumption vary at different display settings? If so, how much of a difference will it make?
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Nov 7, 2010
we all know flash is a battery eater so to prevent this is install click to flash then it will indicate every pages that runs flash has this word "flash" on webpage which is good, i am a netflix subscriber and to watch movies you have to install microsoft silverlight..i dont have any choice to install it. if i open a webpage for example etc.. how can i determine that those sites are using silverlight?i believe silverlight will cause battery consumption like flash right?
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Mar 11, 2010
So I have a late 2008 MBP and the battery is draining way faster than it should. Coconut battery says that my battery capacity is at 93% and it only has 73 cycles but the battery has only been lasting 3 hours at best with a full charge, but most typically, it only lasts 2 hours while using the 9400m GPU and at idle. I have reset the battery per apple's instructions 2 times now and I have reset the SMC multiple times. this is what the system profiler says about my power capacity and consumption:
Model Information:
Serial Number:6N839TV313EB
Device name:bq20z951
Pack Lot Code:0000
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:002a
Hardware Revision:000a
Cell Revision:0100
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):3522
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4226
Health Information:
Cycle count:72
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):-1449
Voltage (mV):11830
This all happened out of nowhere one day, I used to get a solid 5 hours on each charge a month ago and now this.
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Jun 13, 2010
Is there a difference in using mbp with a headphone or built-in speakers in terms of battery consumption?
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Oct 21, 2010
How do these 2 versions compare in terms of graphics and real-world usage?
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Feb 3, 2008
MacBook Air, 1.8ghz, SSD drive.
Geekbench 32bit, score 2132
No apps, running, although NOT after a fresh reboot.
Detail attached. (It's a RTF file inside the zip file).
In comparison, MacBook Pro 17" Santa Rosa 2.4ghz Core 2 Duo, 4gb ram. is 3172.
Good news though, MBA scored higher than PowerMac Dual-Core G5 2.5ghz.
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May 8, 2012
I am replacing a MacBook Pro HD with a Seagate Momentus 500gb HD. The Apple one is reconized but semi corrupted, the Seagate one isn't even reconized. The onl difference between the two that I notice is the side slot on the far right of the Seasgate. Do I need a differenct type of replacement HD or could it be the HD cord? the one on the left is the Seagate
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 10, 2009
I had returned the unibody Macbook I bought last December primarily due to the low quality screen. I'm wondering if anyone has comparison photos between the two (especially at different viewing angles), as I'm seriously considering purchasing the 13" again.
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a first gen unibody mBP (2.53 GHz) with 9600 M GT graphics card.
My wife is buying a lenovo w500 laptop with ATI Mobility FireGL V5700 graphics card.
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Aug 23, 2010
Obviously, the Momentus XT will be faster because of its Hybrid structure with the 4gb SSD cache, but how much faster in reality compared to the 1TB drive. I'm coming from the stock 250GB HDD in the 13in MBP (Mid 2009) and am looking to upgrade. Just don't know which to get as I would like speed and more space.
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Oct 6, 2010
I know there's been plenty of discussion about how hot the new MBP's are running or not (I've been through all the threads, and really appreciated Scott666's posts abt his i7 MBP) but I still havent seen any exact head to head temperature comparison between the 15" i5 2.4/2.53ghz and the 15" i7 2.66ghz, with both running the same programs/being stressed equally while the readings are taken.
I know it's a hassle, but it's a huge investment for me and i'd ideally like the i7 as I edit video but can't always have access to a desk to prevent crispy fried legs I keep hearing sweeping statements like 'the i5 should run cooler' but no real comparison has been done...
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Oct 29, 2010
What is the battery life like running on windows 7? I'm going to primarily use the an air under windows but will it really lower the battery life? Can't seem to find this info in any of the reviews so far.
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Feb 5, 2010
I already looked all through google but I can't find any good, level, non skewed pics of a sideshot of the thickness of a 13inch uMBP and a macbook air.Does anyone have one by chance they would like to share?
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May 21, 2010
Is there a chart or something like that where I can compare my battery health to? These are my specs, and I was just wondering if they are "normal."
MBP 13" Mid - 2009
Battery Loadcycles - 80
Age - 8 Months
Current Battery Capacity - 85%
I tried calibrating my battery twice in that past two days to see if the capacity will jump, but it has not.
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Oct 27, 2010
Something that might be helpful for people wondering about the 11/13 or in general would be a visual comparison of how much screen real estate each provides.
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May 8, 2010
Currently owing the top of the line i7, and after reading a lot about the antiglare and its high resolution I went to the Apple store (twice) to check and compare both screens. I spent around 2.5 h trying to make my mind, looking at different angles, playing movies, launching applications, etc. I was almost giving up in trying to find a solution for this when an apple store rep. talked to me. His suggestion was to look at the same picture on both computers at full screen. He said that for photos and prints, the antiglare image will be closer to what you get in the prints (with out any extra monitor calibration off course). When I started looking at the pictures very closely and with detail, I could see that the clarity and quality of the same picture was better and "crispier" on the antiglare than on the stock glossy resolution. That was my turn point and made my decision on the antiglare high res. There are other reasons why I wanted the antiglare, like the reflections I am getting in my home; but really the point was made once I looked at the clarity of the pictures in the high res screen compared with the standard res.
One point I noticed in the high res screen was that the only application where I could say the fonts were really small and maybe uncomfortable for me was on iWork applications. The icons for the format bar were really small. But in Office, everything seem OK for my eyes (I need glasses for long distance sight). I can say that by looking at both machines at home, the glossy colors look more vivid, and that the viewing angles are better than the antiglare which looks a little bit like washed off to me. But still, prefer not to have reflections and the crispier pictures.................
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Oct 23, 2009
I was wondering if engadget has compared the display of the new mb to that of its older shiny sister (13" mbp)?
Has anyone on the boards compared the two, and can they provide a review and pictures?
IMO, apple has had a tradition of skimping a bit on it's consumer laptop displays, and I was wondering if that is still the case.
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Apr 4, 2010
I want to see what programs or files are taking up the most hard drive space.
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Apr 2, 2012
I use iTunes primarily as a Home Sharing home-base to stream my TV Shows and Movies to Apple TVs in my home. As a result, it (as well as the iMac) are on 24/7 with the exception of a daily scheduled task which quits and reopens iTunes to sync unwatched media to my iOS devices at 4:30AM.
I have noticed several things with iTunes 10.6 which I have documented in other questions here on the forums (long periods of unresponsiveness, the inability to scrub videos), but this issue may be just as significant and could be a root cause in my other problems. This particular question deals with RAM consumption. I have noticed for years that iTunes is a memory hog, so you won't find me shocked there, but what has shocked me is how the amount of RAM iTunes consumes has risen with the amount of RAM I've installed. I currently use an iMac (mid-2010) with a quad i7 and 16GB of RAM.
I have noticed lately that upon opening iTunes 10.6.1 (and 10.6 before it) that iTunes immediately captures about 250MB of RAM. While I have plenty to spare in comparison, I've noticed that the amount of RAM it consumes swells considerably throughout the day. For example, my iTunes is completely idle right now - no devices are connected, no media is streaming or caching, no store purchases are downloading, and iTunes Match/Genius is not actively scanning anything - but my iTunes shows 605MB of RAM. When playing an m4v file converted from mp4 (so we're talking maybe a 200MB media file - not an MKV convert or anything in 1080p), I've noticed iTunes balloon to 900+MB of RAM. If I quit the application and open it again, it immediately snatches up that 250MB or so of RAM, then balloons within minutes.
So while I expect iTunes to consume RAM, as it is a very resource-heavy and busy media center hub, I am surprised by the amount of RAM being consumed here and was wondering if anyone might be able to clarify whether I should consider this a "problem" or just iTunes being iTunes; and if it isn't a problem, are there still any suggestions toward how I could minimize RAM consumption? I realize that I have RAM to spare, but when I get into video conversions, music playback, and work on this computer (all the while my wife is streaming a video across the house on an Apple TV), I do want to make sure I'm not wasting memory on an application that might be ballooning unnecessarily (it is, after all, 6X the consumption of the next app in line).
Just for those who might be wondering what I've already tried, I've worked on several quick fix ideas to help remedy the situation (and hoped they would fix the other issues I've experienced with iTunes 10.6): I've rebuilt the library by opening a new library and importing from my previous iTunes LIbrary file; I've created a new library, dragged any media to it, and tried to play it; I've run iTunes in 32-bit mode. None of these has resolved the issue. I have also attempted to run these files from a new user account (with a new library or with the existing library), and have tried them from an external troubleshooting drive which is also running Lion 10.7.3 and iTunes 10.6.1.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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