MacBook Pro :: 13' 2011 Will Play Random Advertisements

Jul 1, 2012

My Macbook Pro 13' 2011 will play random audio clips periodically, lasting from 1 second to 30 seconds. They seem to be advertisements and stop right in the middle.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), About 1 Year Old

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2011 Macbook Pro Crashing On Sleep (and Other Random Cases)

Jun 12, 2012

I am a proud (albeit frustrated) owner of an early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" with the i7 2.2GHz and the ATI 6750 HD.I am running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53) with the latest updates as of June 12 2012. I have been a big Macbook fan ever since my 2007 white core2duo macbook, but have been experiencing a problem with the latest beast.My problem is, as the title states, crashing upon sleep. The laptop will randomly crash when in use at times, though I thought that problem was a bit too vague to post about here. However, the crashing on sleep issue pretty specific.Basically, to reproduce my problem, all I have to is let my Mac fall asleep with the lid open. After a couple minutes of being asleep, it will either wake up or stay asleep with the activity light steady and dim. The ratio of crash to not crash seems to be roughly 7 to 3. The only way I have been able to fix the issue is to perform a hard shutdown and reboot. Upon rebooting I get an error report, but I'm not sure if that is related to the crash, or just the fact that I shut the computer down the hard way.

I heard that the 6750s sometimes have issues and crash a lot. Should I take this sucker in before my warranty expires and get it looked at?when I boot into Windows 7 via bootcamp, I semi-frequently get a crash when the screen looks fuzzy for a split second right before it reboots.This happens randomly, although I have noticed it happening sometimes when closing a 3D intense program (read: game).But it has never crashed during the 3D intensity.This is only a post-script becuase it could just be the fact that I'm using Windows on a Mac that is causing it to fuss.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Stop Pop Ups And Advertisements

Sep 4, 2014

I'm getting all kinds of pop ups & advertisements on my mac, how d I stop it????

MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Increase Graphics In 2011 To Play SCII And Diablo III

Apr 11, 2012

I'm was searching for a way to increase graphics in my mbp 2011 to play SCII and Diablo III but i can´t find you know any solution by thunderbolt port o usb port to add a graphics acelerator card to mi mbp???

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Remove MPlayer X - Advertisements Keep Popping Up

Sep 11, 2014

My mac keep getting spam every time i open safari. It started when i downloaded mplayer x I've tried dragging it to the trash, it just returns to the same place what should i do ?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Whenever Go Onto Safari Or Google Chrome / There Are Always Advertisements

Sep 5, 2014

Whenever I go onto Safari or Google Chrome there are always advertisements. Also occasionally when I click on something a new tab appears or a 'pop up page'. Im almost certain I have a virus on my MacBook Pro. how to remove it and is it removable.

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OS X :: Remove Local Advertisements From Macrumors Page?

Jul 21, 2010

Whenever I visit macrumors website, I see advertisements from local companies. Is there a way to remove the banners?

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Intel Mac :: Get A Random Door Bell Sound At Random Times?

Jun 27, 2012

I get a random door bell sound at random times, even if the IMac is off.  What do I do?

Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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Mac Mini :: Connecting A 2011 Mini To A 2011 IMac Via Thunderbold To Use IMacs Display

Jun 16, 2012

I've just ordered an i5 Mac Mini and while it's destined to be used as a media-centre/ streamer connected to my TV via HDMI, initially I want to hook it up to the display on my 2011 iMac. Can one of you clever bods point me in the direction of what cable I need, and also what do I need to do to the iMac to make it behave as just a monitor? Is it just a matter of plugging in the cables and off I go?

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MacBook Pro :: What Is This Random Sound

Sep 12, 2010

I keep hearing this random sound while using my new MBP. Sounds like a guitar chord being strummed but it's very, very brief. It's happened while in Firefox, iMovie, Findit, etc. What is it?

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MacBook Pro :: Random Popping Noise?

Jul 3, 2008

I just received my new MacBook Pro (2.4GHz) to replace my older CD Macbook Pro from 2006 which was suffering fan problems.

My new MBP is great and faster, with the exception of a really annoying "popping" sound that is coming from the left hand side of the laptop. It's sporadic and might happen every few minutes, or every 30 sec. or varying lengths of time in-between "pops."

I searched the forum hear and didn't come up with virtually anything at all, but the Apple Support Discussions had several threads on the topic, most pointing to the Hard Drive and the sound possibly coming from the heads parking on the disk.

Could anyone offer any advice on the subject? I just got this brand new MBP from AppleCare and really don't want to have to go through all the work on getting another replacement if this sound is normal.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Automatic Rebooting

Jul 6, 2009

This problem suddenly started today. I had my Mac Book on and it suddenly turned off, went to black, and automatically rebooted. After less than a minute, it repeated this again and again. There was a "click" heard most of the time when the screen when to black. I tried running the laptop with only AC, and then only battery.

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MacBook :: Alu Hibernates At Random Instead Of Sleeping

Nov 29, 2009

I've got one of the original Alu MBs and since SL its started an annoying habit. A lot of the time, whether on battery or power, instead of just going to sleep, it goes in to hibernate mode. It doesn't matter how long the machine is left for before trying to wake, or how much battery is remaining. I seem to remember this was a problem with the machine just after launch as well, but OS X updates fixed the problem. Now its back.

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MacBook Pro :: 2.4 Unibody - Random Restarts?

Dec 22, 2009

So I recently purchased one of the discontinued unibody MBPs from my local Apple reseller, got the warranty reset to the proper date, etc etc. However, I have had this thing randomly, without warning, restart on me. There's no real rhyme nor reason to these restarts. It has happened twice now. Once while I was opening World of Warcraft and another just while the computer was sitting idle. The only warning sign is that my USB mouse goes all wonky and jumps around then BAM restart. Currently I'm running the Apple Hardware Test on it and typing this from my iMac across the room, it hasn't failed anything yet, but then again it's only been running for a few minutes. Does anyone else know of a possible fix? Is this something I'm going to have to ship off for repairs? I'm a little unhappy that one of my speakers sounds as though it is failing as well, so I should probably just buck up and send it off anyway while it's still under warranty. Ran the Apple Hardware Test and it came up with nothing. I performed the extended test so as to be certain, no failures.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Delete Noise Every Once In A While

Feb 10, 2010

On the MacBook Pro I'm using, every once in a while I hear the sound effect that plays when you delete something...I'm not sure what it's called (a sort of poofing noise). It goes away when I uncheck "Play user interface sound effects" in preferences, so I'm guessing it's not a bug. Any way to check what it's coming from? I have Firefox open almost all the time, but other applications change and the sound doesn't go away.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Flashing Screen?

Jun 11, 2010

My screen periodically starts flashing and getting huge white lines that run down the screen when I play games (only have crysis maximum edition) but then it stops and goes back to normal. Ive noticed that it doesnt happen all the time, and not at certain moments in the game (i.e. happens at one point but doesnt happen again at that same point a different time) and it will stop if i go and look only at a wall. Is this normal or is my MBP F'd?

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OS X :: Random Sound Keeps Playing On Macbook Pro

Jul 9, 2010

I am a new mac user and a sound similar to the "Frog" sound effect keeps playing at random times and with no apparent reason. It just plays and at different times...Sometimes it's every 20 seconds, sometimes more or less. I disabled the sound in System Preferences and it kept playing. I don't know what else to do since i'm new with mac... It's sounding right now, and the only application i have open is safari obviously, and the battery is charging.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Pictures In Finder?

Mar 3, 2012

I made a smart folder in Finder, and I can't seem to figure out what some of the pictures are. I have microsoft word installed on my computer and it looks like there are thousandsof pictures devoted to their graphics, animations, etc... Also, there are compltely random pictures that I have never seen before like a box, clock, pencil, etc... Last, I delete these every day, but the face pictures...turning them off? Can I delete those pictures to free up space?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Finder

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MacBook Pro :: It Makes Random Beeps?

Mar 19, 2012

I bought a new MacBook Pro a few days ago, and it randomly makes this beeping sound. It's not like a problem noise and it comes from speakers. A bit something like a Skype sound, but it's not Skype...

MacBook Pro

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OS X Yosemite :: Random Shutdown On MacBook Pro

Dec 6, 2014

Mid 2012 Macbook Pro 13"

2.5ghz i5

8GB Ram

512GB Samsung Evo SSD  

Anonymous UUID: 985244D0-697A-BE16-08C4-FCC1675EE8E1  

Sat Dec  6 18:04:52 2014  

*** Panic Report ***

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff800eb7a49d): "a freed zone element has been modified in zone kalloc.16: expected 0xffffff8032a54f60 but found 0xffffff8032a54547, bits changed 0xa27, at offset 0 of 16 in element 0xffffff8032a54bd0, cookies 0x3f0011a1e6e2109c 0x53521710b005ac1"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2782.1.97/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:496

Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address

[Code] .....

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) How To Get Rid Of Random Pop Up Tabs

Sep 2, 2014

They started appearing all of a sudden today along with ads that previously were't there on familiar sites. I checked my adblock extension and tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. That didn't work...

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Random Popup Window

Aug 28, 2014

I recently bought a mac book and i downloaded Chrome, but I think i downloaded something after that caused a virus cause i got inappropriate adds, which my sister was able to fix. I still get these random blank pages that turn into adds for mac keeper or mix and it pops up almost every time i want to click something it really bothers me because i have to constantly close it. i have tried re-downloading it but it still wont work.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Chrome

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OS X :: Kernel Panics And Random Crashes On 09 Macbook Pro?

Nov 13, 2009

I got a new macbook pro a week ago. The first time I shut the machine down it experienced a kernel panic right after I selected to shut down the computer. Programs randomly crash while I am using the computer. The apple store said that crashes are most likely due to CS3 because it was not properly updated for the system, so they installed the CS3 updates. The next time I used the machine after installing CS3 updates, it experienced another kernel panic upon shut down. I would like to hear about known issues with the Summer 09 macbooks. I am trying to determine if this is a hardware, software, or an OS issue.

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MacBook Air :: Random Delay On Red Close Button?

Dec 14, 2010

Every now and then It takes a while for the "close" button to register the click, it senses the mouse over as the button changes to show the X, but clicking does nothing, i have to wait a few seconds, retry.. then it works. Anyone else have this?

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MacBook Pro :: Random Screen Blackout / How To Repair

Sep 2, 2006

I have never witnessed anything such as this on a Mac before, so I'm completely at a loss. It's hard to replicate this problem, as it seems to be totally random--sometimes it'll happen when coming back from sleep, but more often, it just happens in the middle of regular tasks. While I'm using the computer, the screen will suddenly go black for several seconds, and I simply have to wait for it to return.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Blue Interference - How To Avoid It

Jul 17, 2007

I want to know if anybody has any luck on how to resolve this issue.

Since Apple replaced my MBP after the logic board dying, I have been getting random blue fuzzy interference on my display!


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MacBook :: System Goes To Sleep At Random Without Warning

May 9, 2008

When I'm working, sometimes it goes to sleep without any warning, also with a full battery. It never happens when the magsafe is connected. I noticed that when I wake the macbook again, in the battery icon (top-right), there is a "X" instead of it's capacity%.. Therefore I blame my battery for the random sleep. (the "X" dissapears almost immediately after waking up)

Here is a copy-and-paste of the console log:
9/05/08 16:25:42 kernel System Wake
9/05/08 16:25:42 kernel Previous Sleep Cause: -60

When I let it go to sleep in a normal way, it says 5 in stead of -60. Does anyone knows the meaning of the -60? Google doesn't..

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MacBook :: Random Clicking Noise From Superdrive / How To Fix It

Oct 28, 2008

I've had my unibody MacBook 2.4ghz for a few days, and I've been hearing a strange clicking noise coming from the superdrive. At first I thought it was the hard drive, it almost sounds like a seeking head, but upon closer inspection, the sound is definitely coming from the optical drive.

This is happening without a disc in the drive, and seems to make the noise every 15-20 seconds. It's not that loud, but loud enough to drive me crazy in a quiet environment.

I have Win XP installed on bootcamp, so I logged into windows to see if the clicking was present in a different OS (to rule out a driver issue in OSX). The issue is exactly the same in windows.

The drive does work, but I'm worried there might be something wrong with it that will cause a premature death.

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MacBook :: Random Shuts Off And Gmail Not Loading

Sep 1, 2009

I started getting the little 'x' on the battery symbol a couple of weeks ago and the computer would just shut off randomly. Now it's happening WAY more since I installed the latest updates. And for some reason, when everything is working, I can see all sites except gmail, which will not load no matter what (my most important site). What gives?

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MacBook Pro :: Reason For Random / Sudden Shutdown

Feb 9, 2010

I have experienced in the last few days a sudden shut down on my MacBook Pro. I've searched the web and found something about RSS (Random Sudden Shutdown) but I still can't find a solution.

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