MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) How To Get Rid Of Random Pop Up Tabs

Sep 2, 2014

They started appearing all of a sudden today along with ads that previously were't there on familiar sites. I checked my adblock extension and tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. That didn't work...

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Disable Tabs

Dec 11, 2014

What if I want to disable tabs?

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OS X Mavericks :: Add Bookmark For All Tabs While Safari Opened In Fullscreen

Jun 4, 2014

Why can't I Add bookmark for all tabs opened in Safari while in fullscreen?

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Tabs Duplicated - Won't Close Even With Relaunch / Restart

Sep 4, 2014

I clicked on my Finder and there appears to be an endless amount of Applications tabs open. I've tried restarting my macbook air and relaunching Finder and nothing. When I click on my sidebar, everything opens in a new window despite my preference being set to open in new tabs.

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Software :: Safari Tabs/ Moving Tabs Back Below The Address Bar?

Mar 21, 2009

I have really tried to like the new Safari, but I can't seem to generate 'affection' for the tabs. One thing especially is irritating to me. Being over the address bar is bad enough, but when there's a bunch of tabs, finding a spot to 'grab' the window to move it is difficult.

Is there a way to move the tabs back below the address window like the older Safari? I hope this hasn't been asked and answered before. I didn't see it.

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Applications :: Tabs On Safari - Working With Multiple Tabs?

Oct 8, 2009

my safari upon opening shows a tab for the current window. i thought tabs only appeared when you have 2 or more concurrent windows open at the same time.

is there a way to hide the tab when you only have 1 window open?

for example: [URL]

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Software :: Safari Tabs / How Can I Get My Tabs Back?

Sep 5, 2008

Safari had tabs yesterday. Today - no tabs nor tab bar. Nothing in Safari Preferences brings back the tabs. How can I get my tabs back?

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OS X Mavericks :: Random Definitions Popup From Bottom Left Of Screen When Dictionary Isn't Even Open

Jun 20, 2014

My OS is 10.9.3 and I've only had it for a month or so.  

I'll be on Firefox or the desktop and without touching the mouse or keyboard or anything 'var' appears highlighted in yellow at the bottom left corner of my screen and a speech bubble will define it. The definition matches the one for 'var' in the built-in dictionary but I very rarely use it and have not had it open while this has happened. 

It happens about once a week and the word defined has been different 1 or 2 times but mostly its just 'var'. The Macbook also freezes occasionally or has periods of very slow loading; something which never happened with my old Mac White. Do I have a virus or something?

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Intel Mac :: Get A Random Door Bell Sound At Random Times?

Jun 27, 2012

I get a random door bell sound at random times, even if the IMac is off.  What do I do?

Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X :: Tabs In Safari 4 / How To Get The Tabs Back Like They Where In Safari 3

Jan 6, 2010

Earlier this week I did a clean re-install of SL and now in safari 4 I cannot remember how to get the tabs back like they where in safari 3 - under the address bar. I have search on here and also in google, but they did not retrieve much.

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MacBook Air :: Any Hacks For Tabs On Top In Safari?

Oct 23, 2010

Yes you guessed it, it's about the small air. I wish there was a hack to let you have the safari 4 beta tabs on top a la (the otherwise unremarkable) chrome. I can't find one though...

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MacBook Pro :: Closing Tabs With Left X?

May 6, 2012

I put my coursor on the left hand side of the tab and the little x doesn't show up

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: How To Fix Wide Tabs In Safari 7

Jun 5, 2014

I just got a new Macbook Pro with Mavericks and Safari 7's tabs look absolutely ridiculous. They are like page wide. Terrible. How do I restore them back to the old style?? Also I do not want to install a 3rd party extension such as Glims to fix it. Apple should fix it. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook :: Pinwheel In Safari When Opening Tabs?

Apr 9, 2009

what is the reason for the pinwheel? I seem to get it more and more often usually within safari when opening tabs but sometimes when I'm opening apps also. I'm maxed out at 4gbs from OWC I didn't seem to have this problem before I upgraded my ram but then again I didn't have the 2gbs for very long. Also... is the fact that watching videos ie youtube or playing omgpop... (I'll admit u can find me on there, gemmers is my game) makes my laptop super hot mean anything? or what the reason behind it is? kinda curious my sisters boyfriend with the umbp says that his computer doesn't get hot when watching videos but when i watch videos the left side of the keyboard gets very warm almost kinda hot ~80C on average after about 10 minutes of video before the fans kick in but even at the it sits around 70C.

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MacBook Pro :: Only Can Use Safari With 4 Tabs And Listening Music Over The Web?

May 24, 2010

i'm gettin' concerned about my mbp temp. is this normal? i' only using safari with 4 tabs and listening music over the web ! what's the mbp threshold temp?

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MacBook Pro :: Firefox Chewing Up Memory Only With 4 Tabs Open

Jul 26, 2010

Firefox is just chewing up memory on my new i7...only with 4 tabs open (forums and gmail). Then there is the launchd tearing up about 375 constantly. Window server is hovering around 175-200 as well.

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MacBook Pro :: All Web Browsers/Tabs Go To Blank Page After Sleep?

Jul 2, 2012

My MBP is set to go to sleep after 1 hour of no activity, the problem lies when I wake it back up and log back in (corporate network), every browser, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, all display a blank page, Firefox goes offline as part of this process, and when the wifi comes back online, (Telling Firefox to go back online) I have to refresh every browser and every tab to get my content back, very frustrating. Chrome displays a page that says "Unable to connect to the Internet" Why do the browsers have to go blank?  Why dont they just sit dormant so I can come back to them?

iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: How To Stop Tabs From Opening Every Time When Click Somewhere On Safari

Dec 9, 2014

how to stop tabs from opening every time you click some where on safari

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MacBook Pro :: Pop Up Tabs Regularly Appearing Across All Browsers Advertising MacKeeper

Sep 12, 2014

I have, what seems to be a common, an issue with pop up tabs regularly appearing across all browsers advertising 'MacKeeper'. I understand this is a trojan or malware. 

I have tried to combat the problem by removing various files as suggested on other threads, removed extensions from my browsers, and today re installed OS X on the recommendation of Apple's online chat team, but am still experiencing the issue.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: What Is This Random Sound

Sep 12, 2010

I keep hearing this random sound while using my new MBP. Sounds like a guitar chord being strummed but it's very, very brief. It's happened while in Firefox, iMovie, Findit, etc. What is it?

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MacBook Pro :: Random Popping Noise?

Jul 3, 2008

I just received my new MacBook Pro (2.4GHz) to replace my older CD Macbook Pro from 2006 which was suffering fan problems.

My new MBP is great and faster, with the exception of a really annoying "popping" sound that is coming from the left hand side of the laptop. It's sporadic and might happen every few minutes, or every 30 sec. or varying lengths of time in-between "pops."

I searched the forum hear and didn't come up with virtually anything at all, but the Apple Support Discussions had several threads on the topic, most pointing to the Hard Drive and the sound possibly coming from the heads parking on the disk.

Could anyone offer any advice on the subject? I just got this brand new MBP from AppleCare and really don't want to have to go through all the work on getting another replacement if this sound is normal.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Automatic Rebooting

Jul 6, 2009

This problem suddenly started today. I had my Mac Book on and it suddenly turned off, went to black, and automatically rebooted. After less than a minute, it repeated this again and again. There was a "click" heard most of the time when the screen when to black. I tried running the laptop with only AC, and then only battery.

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MacBook :: Alu Hibernates At Random Instead Of Sleeping

Nov 29, 2009

I've got one of the original Alu MBs and since SL its started an annoying habit. A lot of the time, whether on battery or power, instead of just going to sleep, it goes in to hibernate mode. It doesn't matter how long the machine is left for before trying to wake, or how much battery is remaining. I seem to remember this was a problem with the machine just after launch as well, but OS X updates fixed the problem. Now its back.

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MacBook Pro :: 2.4 Unibody - Random Restarts?

Dec 22, 2009

So I recently purchased one of the discontinued unibody MBPs from my local Apple reseller, got the warranty reset to the proper date, etc etc. However, I have had this thing randomly, without warning, restart on me. There's no real rhyme nor reason to these restarts. It has happened twice now. Once while I was opening World of Warcraft and another just while the computer was sitting idle. The only warning sign is that my USB mouse goes all wonky and jumps around then BAM restart. Currently I'm running the Apple Hardware Test on it and typing this from my iMac across the room, it hasn't failed anything yet, but then again it's only been running for a few minutes. Does anyone else know of a possible fix? Is this something I'm going to have to ship off for repairs? I'm a little unhappy that one of my speakers sounds as though it is failing as well, so I should probably just buck up and send it off anyway while it's still under warranty. Ran the Apple Hardware Test and it came up with nothing. I performed the extended test so as to be certain, no failures.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Delete Noise Every Once In A While

Feb 10, 2010

On the MacBook Pro I'm using, every once in a while I hear the sound effect that plays when you delete something...I'm not sure what it's called (a sort of poofing noise). It goes away when I uncheck "Play user interface sound effects" in preferences, so I'm guessing it's not a bug. Any way to check what it's coming from? I have Firefox open almost all the time, but other applications change and the sound doesn't go away.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Flashing Screen?

Jun 11, 2010

My screen periodically starts flashing and getting huge white lines that run down the screen when I play games (only have crysis maximum edition) but then it stops and goes back to normal. Ive noticed that it doesnt happen all the time, and not at certain moments in the game (i.e. happens at one point but doesnt happen again at that same point a different time) and it will stop if i go and look only at a wall. Is this normal or is my MBP F'd?

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OS X :: Random Sound Keeps Playing On Macbook Pro

Jul 9, 2010

I am a new mac user and a sound similar to the "Frog" sound effect keeps playing at random times and with no apparent reason. It just plays and at different times...Sometimes it's every 20 seconds, sometimes more or less. I disabled the sound in System Preferences and it kept playing. I don't know what else to do since i'm new with mac... It's sounding right now, and the only application i have open is safari obviously, and the battery is charging.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Pictures In Finder?

Mar 3, 2012

I made a smart folder in Finder, and I can't seem to figure out what some of the pictures are. I have microsoft word installed on my computer and it looks like there are thousandsof pictures devoted to their graphics, animations, etc... Also, there are compltely random pictures that I have never seen before like a box, clock, pencil, etc... Last, I delete these every day, but the face pictures...turning them off? Can I delete those pictures to free up space?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Finder

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MacBook Pro :: It Makes Random Beeps?

Mar 19, 2012

I bought a new MacBook Pro a few days ago, and it randomly makes this beeping sound. It's not like a problem noise and it comes from speakers. A bit something like a Skype sound, but it's not Skype...

MacBook Pro

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OS X Yosemite :: Random Shutdown On MacBook Pro

Dec 6, 2014

Mid 2012 Macbook Pro 13"

2.5ghz i5

8GB Ram

512GB Samsung Evo SSD  

Anonymous UUID: 985244D0-697A-BE16-08C4-FCC1675EE8E1  

Sat Dec  6 18:04:52 2014  

*** Panic Report ***

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff800eb7a49d): "a freed zone element has been modified in zone kalloc.16: expected 0xffffff8032a54f60 but found 0xffffff8032a54547, bits changed 0xa27, at offset 0 of 16 in element 0xffffff8032a54bd0, cookies 0x3f0011a1e6e2109c 0x53521710b005ac1"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2782.1.97/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:496

Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address

[Code] .....

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