OS X :: Random Sound Keeps Playing On Macbook Pro
Jul 9, 2010
I am a new mac user and a sound similar to the "Frog" sound effect keeps playing at random times and with no apparent reason. It just plays and at different times...Sometimes it's every 20 seconds, sometimes more or less. I disabled the sound in System Preferences and it kept playing. I don't know what else to do since i'm new with mac... It's sounding right now, and the only application i have open is safari obviously, and the battery is charging.
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Jun 27, 2012
I get a random door bell sound at random times, even if the IMac is off. What do I do?
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Sep 12, 2010
I keep hearing this random sound while using my new MBP. Sounds like a guitar chord being strummed but it's very, very brief. It's happened while in Firefox, iMovie, Findit, etc. What is it?
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Jul 30, 2010
I am a new mac user and a sound similar to the "Frog" sound effect keeps playing at random times and with no apparent reason. It just plays and at different times...Sometimes it's every 20 seconds, sometimes more or less. I disabled the sound in System Preferences and it kept playing. I don't know what else to do since i'm new with mac I also reseted the PRAM and it stopped for a while but now it started again. I've noticed that most of the times it sounds when i'm charging the battery, i don't know if it has something to do.
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Feb 9, 2008
I got my MBA for 2 days now. Everything works fine except I heard these randomly Click noise coming out from under the power button place every once a while . It only does it once everytime when it happens and the click sound goes less than a second. Is this suppose to be normal?
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Dec 16, 2008
My new MacBook Pro runs perfectly. However, it makes the "funk" alert sound effect on a random basis and it is getting pretty annoying. Why is this happening? I am apparently not the only user experiencing this issue, but they did not identify the sound as being one of the built-in sounds.
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Nov 3, 2010
Trying to figure out if something is up with mine and a buddies machine specifically or they are all buggered....
Please post if you have an audio pop or click type sound that is intermittent (every few minutes or couple hours) on your i5 or i7 machine while playing audio through external speakers.
If you have it, please describe your situation as it occurs so we can perhaps isolate it:
I.e. Plugged in / on battery, programs running, usb plugged in, etc.
Mine happens whether on battery or not, iTunes, games, movies, Locked in video card...
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Sep 5, 2009
I realize that I'm opening the door here, but here goes. After my SL install, I'm getting a strange, seemingly random, "ding dong" doorbell noise. Not related to time of day that I can tell. Maybe a coupe of times per hour, maybe less...very strange. The only other thing I did that I'm aware of is installing iStat pro. I have mail running in the background, but it's not any mail noise that I've heard. Any ideas? (I know, I know..."Someone at the door, "My wife calling me, yada yada...).
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Jun 20, 2012
I used my mac yesterday and the volume worked just fine. But today I turned it on and there was no sound at all and there is no sound when using the internet or playing music. I can mute and unmute and adjust the volume control up and down but still nothing. I went to system preferences and everything is okay with the sound. I just bought this 2 weeks ago.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 26, 2010
Whenever I go to watch a YouTube video, no video plays its just sound. I've tried using three different browsers (Safari, Google Chrome, FireFox) all to no avail.
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Jul 13, 2009
Has anyone else with the Alum MacBook loaded Vista and experienced sound glitches when playing any sounds? My machine will have sound stuttering lasting 3-5 sec occuring every 2-3 min. Works fine in OS_X but never in Vista. I,m trying to decide if I need to return or exchange the machine. AppleCare is clueless on the problem other than blaming the drivers. I have reloaded Vista Home prem 32bit, BootCamp 2.0, Updated 2.1 BootCamp drivers, changed the realtek driver in Vista, updated to 1 month old realtek new driver, and lastly disabled the onboard audio and installed a new Creative external USB sound card ALL to NO Avail. I have 5 days left to return the notebook, but otherwise I love the new MacBook.
MacBook Alum
Mac OS X (10.5.5)
OS X/Vista
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Nov 10, 2008
I searched mroogle for a while and only found one similar thread but there was no answer. I hear a "pop" coming from the front of my Mac Pro case probably 3-4 times a day. It is random and happens whether I have my external speakers on or off. It sounds exactly like it is coming from the crappy internal speaker that the Mac Pro comes with. Anyone having similar issues or know what is going on? Leopard is up-to-date. My second question, which may help narrow down the issue, is how do I disconnect the internal speaker in the Mac Pro? There must be a cord or something inside I can pull to disable the speaker entirely. I don't use it and if it's causing the popping sound, I might as well unplug it.
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Mar 20, 2012
I can't get sound from my headphones when listening to music or playing a movie.
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May 5, 2012
This annoying bug is driving me crazy when I'm listening to music or watching a youtube video.It seems as if some process is interfering with sound output. I've already tried eliminating the problem by closing all apps, uninstalling perian, quicksilver, to no avail. Is there anyway to see which processes are using sound output at any given time?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
how to trouble-shoot for audio when playing a DVD? I have had no problems with sound. I have been listening to itunes and Pandora all day.
Here's the scoop:
1. I burned a copy of a film screener (with permission). The video was fine, but it had no sound. (I have made a copy of this before and it was fine.)
2. I tried another DVD of a music video. Again, the video was ok but not the audio.
3. I tried a purchased movie DVD. The audio still didn't work (but video did).
4. I tried a CD and the audio and video worked.
PS Not sure if this is important but thought I should mention: For some reason, the video of the copied DVD kept popping up when I inserted the music video DVD. Once I restarted the computer, it played the correct DVD loaded in the player.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 11, 2012
the sound is not playing from my built in speakers, but my slider and keyboard controls both show full volume.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 14, 2010
i have a macbook pro with snow leaopard, and this just started. I can hear everything, and can control, but can't see anything on the screen, it's all black. how do i fix this issue?
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May 3, 2010
I have to do this video project and I used Photobooth with the Macbook iSight to record it and I edited it with iMovie, but right as I was about to finish editing the last scenes, iMovie stopped playing sound. If I slowly scroll or hover over the video frames it will play the audio, but not then the video is being played. and the audio wave button is on, but the green audio bars won't even display while the video is playing, but will when I'm hovering over video layers.
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Mar 19, 2012
When I try to play a video on QuickTime I can hear the sound and the bar at the bottom moves across but there's no picture. I have Windows, not a Mac.
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Sep 17, 2008
I've been stumped lately as to what in the world is playing a strange sound that i think is a product of Genius. It happens when I:
- Navigate to the iTunes store
- Click on any links in the itunes store, search, account, etc
- when the Genius side bar is out, and tracks change while playing from my Music.
I have gotten it to stop the incessant noise making when tracks change by turning it off and hiding the side bar; but it still makes the noise when i click playlists, my iphone or ipod, other directories, etc.
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Nov 22, 2009
i was playing around iTunes open and everything then suddenly no sound, it was fine before so i checked all my setting everything's fine, checked wiring and power to soundsticks all good. Reboot and the loading alert plays nice and loud as always but log in and still no sound.
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Apr 19, 2010
I was playing a bunch of 1080p videos when I started to hear a vibrating/buzzing/rattling sound coming from my Mac Pro. I don't recall ever hearing this sound before. Is there something wrong with my Mac?
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Aug 30, 2009
I have had my Mac for almost a year! However, this morning when I went to go on it, the itunes music files I normally play aren't playing with sound. It shows that they are running their time but no sound is coming out. The speakers are not on mute, the volume is turned up and I know the speakers aren't blown or anything because I can hear the "bleep's" telling me I am changing the volume up and down.
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Sep 14, 2009
iTunes 9 broke my video playback of movies and TV shows I purchased from iTunes previously. I only get sound but no video.
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Dec 18, 2009
I'm probably going to slap myself for having to ask this, but how do I stop sound effects (deleting files, copying, etc) when I have music playing? It just stutters the actual music playing and makes an annoying sound.
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Mar 23, 2009
yes.. yes i'm fully upgraded to 2.1.7 and have rebooted, reinstalled, and set default settings in iPhoto '09.
all my MRoogling and Googling have led to forums that never found an answer.
i also tried switching to 1.1.3 (i like tiger's front row better) and had massive problems with iPhoto '09... so i will be reinstalling unless there is a fix for that (which i just asked in the original thread)
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May 28, 2009
I was listening to a podcast on itunes, paused it, closed the MacBook, opened again a few minutes later and now there's no sound at all. There's sound from the rest of the mac, online etc., but not in itunes, it just plays the podcasts/songs mutely.
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Aug 10, 2009
This is really really starting to annoy me now. I'm watching a movie, and suddenly out of no where, it starts stuttering. It stops playing, misses frames, sound gets off sync with video, overall kills the movie experience. Checking activity monitor, I see mds.app going crazy thrashing the hard drive. What the heck Apple. I don't need spotlight updated every 10 minutes. Is there a way to set times where it scans my computer? I rarely even use spotlight, most of the time I use it to launch programs. Plus, most recent files I really don't need to search since I know where I put them. Please Apple, add some more options for spotlight for heaven's sake. I looked into spotlight options and it's a pathetic splatter of simply selecting which folders you want it to *display*. I want to make it only index at twilight times, or only if I'm not using the data heavy programs like the video player. I don't really want it turn it off though, as I use it sometimes and it's been helpful in finding things. I don't know why Snow Leopard doesn't address this, since it seems like the same interface that's going in 10.6.
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Oct 18, 2009
For a long time now, Apple Mail has not been playing any sound when new mail arrives (the other Mail sounds still work.) Doesn't matter which sound I have enabled, or what schedule I select, silence. Checked com.apple.mail.plist and my selection seems to be there, dunno why it is not working. What can I do to bring back New Mail Sound?
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Dec 13, 2009
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
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