MacBook Pro :: Random Flashing Screen?
Jun 11, 2010
My screen periodically starts flashing and getting huge white lines that run down the screen when I play games (only have crysis maximum edition) but then it stops and goes back to normal. Ive noticed that it doesnt happen all the time, and not at certain moments in the game (i.e. happens at one point but doesnt happen again at that same point a different time) and it will stop if i go and look only at a wall. Is this normal or is my MBP F'd?
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Sep 2, 2006
I have never witnessed anything such as this on a Mac before, so I'm completely at a loss. It's hard to replicate this problem, as it seems to be totally random--sometimes it'll happen when coming back from sleep, but more often, it just happens in the middle of regular tasks. While I'm using the computer, the screen will suddenly go black for several seconds, and I simply have to wait for it to return.
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Apr 19, 2012
My screen starts to flash when my macbook Pro is on for a period of time. Does this mean it is going to die? Does the battery need to be replaced? Is the video processor going out?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 29, 2012
My iMac screen has developed multicoloured horizontal lines in random spots across the screen..Is there a fix for this?
Imac intel, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Sep 3, 2014
When I turn my MacBook Pro on, the colorful pinwheel shows up and then the screen flashes white and goes back and forth from my screen saver to the white screen andI can't get it to stop.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 14, 2009
So my laptop case has been splitting near the screen and it also seems to swell at random points. I have never dropped my laptop, I take great care with it as I need it for school. Last time I went to the apple store they told me it was a cosmetic issue and id have to pay around $800.00 to get it fixed. This time I decided to call the national apple line. They told me they think it should be taken care of, and that some one was being dis ingenious in the store (did I get screwed maybe because some one's boss told them to stop giving customers replacements? I have no idea). So Now I am taking this to the apple store tomorrow. What do you think I should argue? I think since I have a 3 year protection plan, I should get at least my entire case replaced, if not a refurbished macbook pro/ or an upgrade.
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Jun 2, 2014
My Desk Top/Screen Saver has been showing random pictures on screen saver. I want to choose album and want to know how to get out of random?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 27, 2010
I received my computer back from them yesterday, but when i opened it it was COVERED in packing material? (Thats what they said anyway). After talking to them they said they would cover my laptop for 90 days from water damage or Accidental damage! Only problem is, my computer screen flashes black randomly.. Anyone have any experience with it? So far they replaced the screen and the logic board...
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Aug 18, 2008
When shutting down, we get a familiar light blue screen before the computer turns off. I'm getting this flashing at me while operating my MBP. It seems to happen twice, every so often. The screen will turn blue and become empty simultaneously for about a half second - then the screen I'm expecting to see comes back for about half a second - and then the light blue screen comes back again for about a half a second, and then everything goes back to normal.What the heck is this?
I must say, I'm having a little bit of a difficult time with my switch to Apple from Microsoft last November. I've already had to replace the logic board, it appears as if my network card is no longer working (I can only connect via WiFi) - and now I'm having this odd light-blue screen flashing... My video card?
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Mar 28, 2012
each time there is an alert or my macbook ask me a question or a kind of confirmation my screen is flashing once. Someone to know how to disable it?
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iphone 4.3.5 and itunes 10.4 (80)
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Jun 23, 2014
AT start up, after entering my password, there is a flashing grey screen, and I cannot use my laptop.
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Mar 9, 2012
I have a MacBook Model # A1181, I'm getting a grey screen with a flashing question mark inside a folder and the drive doesn't work ither....
SAFARI download, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 12, 2012
I was given a MacBook 13" laptop, new to apple computers though. At first I was told the laptop itself did not power on. I charged it overnight, and it will come on, however, only to a white screen with a file folder in the middle with a ? mark in the file folder. I googled the screen and got several choices, start in save mode, did nothing. I called apple, since it is a 2006 model computer, it is of course out of support, but she emailed me articles to follow directions. None of them did anything, since it was given to me I do not have the start up disks, just the laptop and the charger. I did notice that out of all the steps the only thing that did anything different was the "reset NVRAM/PRAM" it made speakers make a sound as it was starting up. Thats all it just still went to white screen and file folder.
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Apr 14, 2012
My MacBook pro 15" from mid 2011 sometimes has a flashing screen and then freezes up.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011)
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Apr 17, 2012
Mac book air has a flashing question mark. How do I reset computer?
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
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May 9, 2012
I can't turn on my computer. The screen has a flashing question mark.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.0.1
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Apr 9, 2010
I'm having a terrible issue with my MacBook Pro 2.2GHz Santa Rosa Core 2 Duo A1226 (not unibody). All of a sudden, the screen began flashing violently, terribly violently. And as soon as it happened, the entire computer froze up. After forcing it to shut down and powering back up, it cannot boot past the gray restart screen.
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Feb 8, 2012
my Mac started doing this a week ago. The bottom half of the screen flickers/flashes lines. If I leave it open on a flat surface and I touch the screen for a little bit, it'll go back to normal. When I close the laptop, put it in my case, and travel around with it, the next time I open it up it'll start flashing again.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 29, 2012
My computer started getting really slow all of the time and then it froze with the spinning rainbow. Normally if I simply press and hold the power button to restart it, the computer is fine. This time when I turned t back of I got a grey screen with the flashing question mark.
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Apr 11, 2012
All of a sudden screen stays gray and flashing folder with "?" on it
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Jun 4, 2014
When attempting to turn my Mac Pro on, all I receive is a fast flashing Apple logo. I can't get to my desktop. It appears frozen here.
iPad 2
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Jun 17, 2014
My computer froze on me and the rainbow cursor appeared. I forced my Macbook Pro to shut down and when I restarted it, a grey screen appeared with a flashing folder that has a question mark inside.
I tried the following:
1) restarting it holding down the "shift" button and nothing changed
2) restarting while holding down opting+command+p+r until I hear it ding 3-6 times - nothing changed
AND what causes this? This is not the first time I have heard of a Macbook Pro doing this...
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion
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Jun 21, 2012
This is unnerving. At random intervals, my screen flashes. It more like "winks" - as though a screen capture was being made. Actually, when you make a real screen capture, the screen doesn't wink, but that's the impression I get. The screen doesn't flicker or flash like it's a hardware bad connection, but goes through a fast, but continuous normal-white-normal cycle. I'm looking at my activity monitor to see if something is unusual, but I can't tell. Everything I look up seems to be real.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Sep 13, 2010
I woke up to my MacBook fan going nuts. Had an error message on the screen that said something about a disk error. The machine wouldn't do anything (force quit, launch app) so I hard powered down. Now.....NOTHING. All I get is the white screen, followed by the flashing folder. Here is what I have tried so far.
I already booted from the restore cd that came with it and opened disk utility. The hard drive shows up as something like disk1 but not "Macintosh HD."Tried to repair permissions and got an error message. Thought then to do an archive and install......and the HDD isn't even a viable option to install the OS on.
I had the original (but smaller) HDD that came with my MacBook, so I put it back in and everything booted up just fine and is back up and running. (Thank God for MobleMe that had all my contacts, etc on it). But I still have some info on that other HDD that I need. I ordered a usb enclosure for the drive to maybe try some recovery, but it seems to me that the HDD failed or something. Is there anything else I can do?
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Jun 3, 2014
My almost new macbook pro was showing a white screen with a flashing folder with a question mark. I was able to do the internet recovery, installing OS X on my external harddrive, but how do I use my mac without the harddrive plugged in?
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Aug 7, 2009
I have a 24" 2007 iMac, the first aluminum ones, 4Gb of Ram and a recently upgraded HD to 1Tb (from a 320Gb failed drive). Recently, I have noticed that under some active usage, such as playing World of Warcraft or Excel, the screen will start to turn completely off for 10 seconds, and then back on for 10 seconds. It will continue to do this for about 3 hours, turning on and off every few seconds or 15 seconds. It will mostly turn completely dark but would also sometimes flicker. The curious thing, is that if I continue to keep playing, the screen would cease doing this after about 3 hours and then be completely normal and fine, but the next night.
The symptoms would repeat itself, and would consistently go away after active usage (3 hours or so). Imagine this, as if the iMac itself needs to be "warmed up" for 3 hours before normal usage. It would also appear that if I hit the machine (or tap it), this may sometimes bring a dark screen back to life for a few seconds. I plan to bring it to support, but I just want to get some ideas from you guys as to what this can possibly be.
Some of my guesses:
1) It cannot be software as physically hitting it or my dog barking would affect the rate and speed of the random turn Ons and Offs.
2) It could be a loose connector from my recent transportation of it while upgrading my HD, but then why would it become normal after 3 hours of usage?
3) Maybe something to do with RAM or video RAM? It is faulty, and thus only prolong heavy usage would "run it in" for the session? After not using it for a while, it goes back to its failed state?
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Jun 27, 2012
I get a random door bell sound at random times, even if the IMac is off. What do I do?
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Sep 15, 2010
I've had my 27" iMac (3.06GHz) for a few weeks now and yesterday I noticed some weird artifacts appearing on the screen, very randomly.
They will pop up all over the screen but if I "Show desktop", they will go away for a bit but sometimes reappear again in different areas of the screen. I restarted the computer but that only temporarily fixed the problem.
Anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it?
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Sep 24, 2010
The screen randomly turns black without any major reasons. It doesn't seem to be a sleep mode/screen saver thing as the music continues to play on. I can adjust the volume or pause the music with the keyboard but the screen just won't turn back on. I have to shut it down using the power button and it happened several time the last couple days. Anyone else experience the same thing and got a solution?
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Nov 19, 2009
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I have a external monitor plugged in and I use my Macbook Pro (2009 Uni) as a secondary monitor. Randomly, the macbook screen just goes black. If I move my mouse on to the macbook screen, I can see the mouse cursor, but the rest of the screen is black! It's driving me mad!
The only fix is to un-plug the monitor adaptor or adjust display arrangements. It's really cramping my style.
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