MacBook :: Cannot Save My New TextEdit
Feb 22, 2012System shows The document untitled could not be saved as untitled.rftd
System shows The document untitled could not be saved as untitled.rftd
I'm not sure If i come to the right place, I met this problem somedays ago.When I copy some unicode or word from essay to the textedit and try to save it..However, A pop up Form tell me "the document could not be saved as "xxxx,RTF".I don't know which expansion name should i use and basically i use rich tsxt format.
Even though my permissions are set to read write, I can't save changes to a TextEdit file. The program keeps saying I don't have permission and asks me if I want to create a duplicate. How can I fix this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt's driving me crazy that I can no longer "save as" to change the format and location of a text file in Textedit.
I don't want to duplicate my file and rename it to solve the issue. Developers take note. This *****.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have just purchased my first apple. It is a powerbook g4 with leapord. My problem is that I have school projects that need to be done in text edit(apples version of notepad if im correct) I write what i need to write in the program and save it onto my computer. Then upload these saved files into a drop box that is located on my schools website(angel program). But when my professors try to open it. It says no files submited, even though i have submited them. I know it has to do with my apple because when I use microsoft notepad, the files will submit and can be opened. my whole school uses microsoft.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
Apparently Apple has decided TextEdit does not need a permanent scrollbar, and that users won't mind going through two steps to make it appear temporarily.
I hate this and now will need to download a different simple text-editing program. A scrollbar is necessary for text writing. Shame on Apple.
MacBook Air
I updated from 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 last night. Now booting takes much longer - as if Finder is taking an extra 5 minutes to load. Then I tried to launch Preview and Textedit for work and neither will launch. They bounce in the dock for a couple of seconds then disappear. I've looked around the net and couldn't find anything that helps. Anyone got any idea how to fix this?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8 GB RAM
Im not able to delete a TextEdit document from my MacBook, Everytime I move it to the trash and click 'empty' the file returns to the desktop, I've also tried to delete the words from the document then moving it to the trash but the document returns to the desktop. I really don't know what to do, worried this might be a virus.
Info:MacBook Air, iOS 5.0.1
I'm not sure when it started, though it was definitely after I updated to Lion, pasting into Textedit started taking longer and longer!
It doesn't seem to matter how much I'm pasting; I tested it by pasting one word, and pasting a paragraph, and they both took long enough that the spinning wheel came up for several seconds.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm working on a school project in my intro to computer programming class on my new MacBook Pro. I'm using TextEdit, and I can't seem to create the right kind of file. When I save the file as an .html file I can open in a browser as text, but I can no longer open in TextEdit as the original code to edit it.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
After the security update I can no longer save or save as in Adobe Illustrator. The program has become useless. I tried the Rosetta Fix to no avail. How can I fix this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" iMac 2010
If I do not use Time Machine, and open a new document in Pages, and type for ten minutes, and close the document, and click "Don't save" by mistake, is there any Auto Save or Versions of that document or just 100% out of luck? url...but I don't get any clear yes or no from it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Is there a way to use a wildcard with Find and Replace in Textedit.
I have: word1 word2 word3
I need to wrap them in quotation marks and add commas. The final result I'm after is 'word1' , 'word2' , 'word3'
Is there any easy way to do this-- other than typing them? Otherwise, I've got a lot of typing to do.
Running OSX 10.9.2 on a MacPro (2x2.26 GHz QuadCore; 32 gig 1066 MHz). In the last few weeks TextEdit will open and work once, but when I go back to it later in the day it's spinning and I have to Force Quit it, reopen, to get it to work (again, only once). I can't find an update to it anywhere - what can I do? I use it a lot to reformat text.
View 1 Replies View Relatedim savein some .txt files on the mac an openin them on a pc, an they open weird on the pc, without the line breaks
is there a settin in texteditor so windows can see it like i see it on the mac?
By mistake I have deleted textEdit and found it in trash as folder named- Contents Can anyone tell me how to restore it from there
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi everyone! I made the switch to Mac recently after my Dell laptop crashed, and I had just had enough of Vista. I'm LOVING it and getting accustomed to it, but one thing is driving me completely CRAZY and I hate it-
I run a website and on my PC, I would simply edit the coding myself, in notepad. They are PHP files, and uploaded perfectly, no problems.
I opened the file to update the site tonight and it opened in Opera, and didnt show my code. I selected to open it in textedit, and edited it fine, uploaded, etc. After awhile, I found something else that needed to be updated and opened in TextEdit again and now it only shows me a PREVIEW of that PHP file, and not the coding. How can I fix this-- or what else can I use that's going to strictly show me the code only and edit it?
I have a situation in which TextEdit simply will not Quit. It is constantly loaded. Even after a system reboot TextEdit is always loaded and displays a blank text edit window. The blank text edit window can be closed by not TextEdit application itself. Somehow, perhaps some setting, configuration, or possible conflict with another program it is being forced to stay open. It is not causing any system problems to my knowledge, but it is an irritant.
View 5 Replies View RelatedTextEdit will not let me write to my own Read and Write document. When I try to make a selection by dragging my curser, I get a graphic line within a yellow square.
TextEdit, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My computer is set up with a network drive that does not allow for the new feature "versions" to function properly. I guess at some point a window popped up and asked if I wanted to save anyway and I clicked the "do not show message again" and cancel. Well it has remembered my choice to not show this message again but now it just permanently overwrites and saves text files when I close them without even hesitating. So 10 minutes ago I had a very important file open and accidentally modified it, I was done with the file but did not want to save it so instead of undoing I just closed the file. This new system has completely overwritten the file with this new version and when I reopen it there are no undo options or previous versions available to restore. How do I turn this stupid feature off?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI had to restore my whole iMac (OS 10.9.3, intel) from Time Machine backup and now is corrupted and cannot be restored. (Don't know what broke system. Virus scan says it is clean.)
I tried to individually restore TextEdit from Time Machine but a dialog box says "'' can't be modified or deleted because it's required by OS X." Interestingly, TextEdit worked fine just the day before but, according to Time Machine, it has been broken since January. I tried to restore it from the January backup, but the same dialog box pops up telling me it can't be done.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have been unable to save or save as in any of the programs, when I try and save which ever application I am in, crashes. I have not had this issue happen before. I have googled it and I get results relating to print spooling ( on pc). I would like to know how I can set print spooling on macs.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCannot save as or save new documents in Office:mac.
Office:mac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Since upgrading to Lion, I can't save changes or even save new documents in Pages on my laptop. When I try to save, I get the dialog box: "The document “Untitled 2” could not be saved as “Untitled 2”. Permission denied" I can't find anything in Pages preferences or in the System preferences where this setting can be changed if it is a setting.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you control the margins in TextEdit?
I am trying to create a manual which includes some screen snaps which fit on A4 paper, but TextEdit persistently has fat margins and won't print the images that are wider than width allowed by the margins.
The screen grabs appear on screen but when I print the document the wider images do not print although they leave a gap in the text equal to their height.
I have:
Adjusted the preferences:
� for window width which is in No of Characters (how wide is a character when you are using rtf?)
� checked Wrap to window which shows a page view but the margins don't change
� I have created an entire new page in Page Setup with fixed margins and selected it but nothing changes
Mac Help says the margins can be altered by dragging the page margin markers in the ruler, but they will not drag outside what seems to be the default margins, This wouldn't help with top and bottom margins anyway.
I have tried using Acrobat PDF as the printer but again I get no further options and nothing changes.
I am at my wits end. TextEdit is almost temptingly useful except for the weird UI.
I am having some real "first" problems with my Mac Pro. The "repair" function is not able to do anything with it. Before I replace the disc, is there something I can do without replacing the disc? I have no idea what this malfunction is or how o understand it. This is my first Mac since the late '90's and I expected problems, it's a computer, and am not sure of the steps I need to analyze the problem or how to correct it. The only thing I need to back up are my clients photographs. The rest is replaceable. Perhaps I should also get advice on how to properly burn CD's for b/u of my wifes email. Well, my email also.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I select a font in TextEdit, it doesn't show what the font looks like; they all appear with the same, generic font. It does this in a few other apps too. In the Mac version of MS Office this doesn't happen. Is there a simple way to fix this as I'm appalling at remembering what a font looks like with just the name of it in front of me!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI think i deleted it, how can i install it again?
View 4 Replies View Relatedtextclipping files are cool, but not as useful as they could be. I'd like to be able to open them in textedit (or similar) to select parts of the clipping, but that doesn't work.
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