OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Save Changes Or Even Save New Documents In Pages
May 18, 2012
Since upgrading to Lion, I can't save changes or even save new documents in Pages on my laptop. When I try to save, I get the dialog box: "The document “Untitled 2” could not be saved as “Untitled 2”. Permission denied" I can't find anything in Pages preferences or in the System preferences where this setting can be changed if it is a setting.
On my iMac and MacBookPro I cannot save .pages documents to iCloud iWork. They appear on the iWork screen, but I cannot retrieve them.
However, from my iPad it is no problem!. After editing in iPad and save the documents to iCloud back it is possible to download these on my iMac or MacBookPro without problem.
When I scan a document I have problems locating the file on the computer. Once I located the file I attempted to save in pages 09 but it didn't work. And I can't seem to even copy a scanned document to paste into pages. As an example I would like to scan all of my loose recipes and assemble in pages. But can't figure out how to do this.
I seem to have lost the ability to save to, or open documents from, iCloud (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote). When I try to open a file I get the following box: URL....There is no iCloud option. Same for when I am trying to save. I am signed into iCloud. I have checked Documents & Data and each iWork app. How do I get my iCloud stuff back?
I am unable to save documents created on Pages and Textedit on my main "Macintosh HD" after the first save. If I create a document, save it then edit it and try to save again it comes up with "This document "test" could not be saved" No extra info other than that message.
If I try to save onto my second drive, " Macintosh HD 2" (the non-boot drive) it works fine.
I have
1/ checked read and write permissions and my Macintosh HD and they are set for "read & write"
2/ I have repaired disk premissions using Disc Utilities to no avail
3/ booted using Cmd - R and used terminal and applied "reset home directory permissions and ACL's" to no avail.
If I do not use Time Machine, and open a new document in Pages, and type for ten minutes, and close the document, and click "Don't save" by mistake, is there any Auto Save or Versions of that document or just 100% out of luck? url...but I don't get any clear yes or no from it.
I have been retrieving PDF documents from Guru.com. In short: you get a link, you click on it, the document appears as PDF, you save it as PDF from Safari. After doing the update, now I can't save the PDF documents as I was able to do it before the update. I get the following message:
The document “english media kit.pdf” could not be exported as “english media kit”.
I'm not sure If i come to the right place, I met this problem somedays ago.When I copy some unicode or word from essay to the textedit and try to save it..However, A pop up Form tell me "the document could not be saved as "xxxx,RTF".I don't know which expansion name should i use and basically i use rich tsxt format.
How to save documents in iCloud? It is easy to save any page/number document in iWork but don't see any option to same in iCloud. iWork will be unavailable after July 2012.
Why won't my computer let me save anything (pictures/documents) from the internet. It tells me I need to save as a .webarchive and then says it cannot be exported. What can I do?
Can you save documents to iCloud simply as storage and to access from another PC, iPad or device that isn't your own? I want to access documents remotely but can't see how to do this without buying iWorks for my iPhone, which is not what I want. I previously stored a few important documents on iDisk and am trying to replicate this so I can access them when I am away from my MacBook.
I'm a new MAC user. Why can't I save files to sub-folders under Documents? Also why do I have to provide my password every time I update or move a file?
I have scanned in a document but cannot find any option to save it as a document or insert it ,move it, cut and paste or anything .It is there on my screen and I have previewed it but can't do anything with it .What am I missing ?
Is it possible to save documents from my mac to iCloud?And what documents can I save, only pages, numbers or is it possible to save Word documents too ?
id like to upgrade but am not sure if my MBP 17" 2.16 is capable. also, if it is, will i have to save all my documents/files/itunes/etc to an external hardrive before the upgrade? if so, is there an easy way to do this? that would take a lot of time and im pretty sure i probably wont even get all of it!
When I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
I´m running Lion, we´re getting better acquainted. However, with Safari I´m having problems when I try to save a web page as a PDF using the Print-Save PDF options. It tells me the file cannot be saved. I try duplicating, exporting, etc, and the only solution I´ve found is to email the document, which, when attatched to the email arrives as a PDF with no problem whatsoever. This is silly (close to dancing infront of my MacBook Pro with a black chicken spitting rum in all directions).
How do I save a Pages document in a fold on my computer with NO "save as" option. Also Duplicate doesn't work the way your Apple manual says. It duplicates but keeps the same name only puts copy behind it with no way of changing the name it seems. How would i do that too?
I thought that I was being smart by creating my son's graduation invite.I made it in pages and I need to save it to be a jpeg in order to print it. Does anyone know how to save a pages doc as a jpeg?
After the security update I can no longer save or save as in Adobe Illustrator. The program has become useless. I tried the Rosetta Fix to no avail. How can I fix this?
What version of word does Pages save to? Is it 03, 07, 2010?
I have both pages and word 08 for mac on my computer. All of my professors and the university use office 2007 for windows. My question is, should I save my documents in pages and export them as word docs to be compatible with word 07 for windows, or should i save them as word docs in word 08 for mac?