Running OSX 10.9.2 on a MacPro (2x2.26 GHz QuadCore; 32 gig 1066 MHz). In the last few weeks TextEdit will open and work once, but when I go back to it later in the day it's spinning and I have to Force Quit it, reopen, to get it to work (again, only once). I can't find an update to it anywhere - what can I do? I use it a lot to reformat text.
Firefox has been prompting the spinning beach ball a lot lately and forcing me to use force quit, has anybody else noticed this and does anyone know why ?
Randomly i turned my computer on today and my macbook did some funny things and is slowing downing and hanging up on simple things. What are some things i could do to make sure everything is in working order and i'm running as fast as possible?
ps, i have 117 gb's free so that's definitely not the problem!
Safari 4.01 keeps on hanging,not crashing as such but wait for ages and may or may not come to life after that,reported the bug several times to Apple.
I replaced my 200gb 5400 hard drive in my 15" Macbook Pro, Early 2008 model, with a WD Scorpio Blue 500gb 5400 hard drive. I cloned the drive with Carbon Copy Cloner and everything seemed to go smoothly. But after I began using the Macbook in earnest, I noticed a delay in response at certain times. If I type in a word processing program, I will type five to six words, the cursor won't move, then I'll get the rainbow spinning wheel. After five to six seconds, the line will appear quickly, letter by letter, until it catches up. If I keep typing, everything is fine, but once I stop for 20 seconds or more, the same thing happens. Being more observant, I began to notice hiccups in other programs as well. I'll give a trackpad input and the spinning wheel appears, then the program catches up.
I then began to listen closely to the hard drive. After 20 seconds of activity, it sounds like it slows down, even going to sleep--although I'm not sure if that's truly what it's doing. It's only when the hard drive seems to slow/stop that this lag in input happens. If I keep giving inputs before the slowdown, everything is fine. Here is what I've done to troubleshoot. Perform a verify disk from disk utility. No issues detected. I've unchecked "put hard disk(s) to sleep when possible." Still have same problem. I've booted from the old 200gb HD which I encased in a disk enclosure and the lag time doesn't occur when using it. Is there something else I should have done with the BIOS or something else when installing? Also, I bought the HD from Amazon. If the HD is defective, does anyone have experience to know whether WD will send me a new HD or do I have to go back through Amazon to get a new one.
I have 2008 microsoft office running on my Macbook Pro. I was wondering why microsoft word keeps on hanging. I was guessing this is unreasonable and very strange because of the very small file I was working on, 20 pages of pure text only. When an error was encountered it says something like "Microsoft word encountered a problem and it needs to be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience." Also, sometimes it says something like "low memory". It was shocking coz how did this problem occur since I have 4GB MB.
My UbMBP 13 inch becomes completely non-functional from time to time - and won't work until I do a manual reboot by switching it off and turning it on by pressing the power button.
i am having problems with safari shutting down when using. it first started on my later model with snow leopard and i posted [URL] and did all the replies. it seemed to stop hanging up. now it is on my husbands older model the bubble computer ver. 10.4.11 (tiger)  i have tried doing everything suggested with the first computer but no luck. the one problem i had was when i moved the safari.plist out i could not get safari to open. it says no network connection. then i moved that same plist bsack and i got the connection with internet.Â
Info: imac, ibook, airport extreme, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
Recentlly I removed my OpticDrive and installed a Crucial m4 SSD. I activated TRIM for it and formated it into Mac OS X Plus (Journaled). Then I downloaded Lion from the App Store and proceeded to install it into the SSD. After al the process I booted from the SSD, selected that as my default boot drive, and waited for Spotlight to index all the files.
When it finished, I restarted. Then I ran software update and got everything updated; installed JRE and after that restarted again.The problem is that since I installed the OS, apps hang out all the time; the spinning beach ball appears as If I had a 5 years-old mac and 1Gb ram; I check Activity Monitor and it shows that from time to time the apps are hanging out and the they return to functionality; this happens with Safari, Mail, Finder, even Launch Pad and Spotlight.
When I check the disk usage, it shows that on those moments when apps hang, it stops showing read/write data. Then when apps stat to work it shows again the reading and writing. I have booted from my "main" Snow Leopard HDD, erased the SSD and repeated the process of installing and all the previous stuff, and the problem lasts. When I restart sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds, but in other cases it takes almost 60 seconds.
My wife has an oldish Mac laptop we bought about 7-8 years ago. Everytime we start is up it tries to open MSNMessenger and fails. This hasn't been a problem in the past but today the computer just hangs when trying to open. I get a couple of error messages that disappear almost too quickly to read. One says something about "DevDetectListner" and another something about "Shared library errors.. Carbon". I can't force quit MSNMessenger from the menu strip at the bottom. If I try to use the ctrl open apple esc command it just restarts and the same problem occurs. If I try to open other applications they quit and an error message appears.
Really lost here. Bought a used 10.7.4 equipped Mac Pro. QT either hangs or gives a -1712 error. Tried to find preferences to trash and I cannot find QT preferences or users Library. Have I been in the old Leopard world too long?
Today my iMac has started to hang while working in various programs. I have re-started the machine, closed programs, but nothing seems to help. This has happened in Chrome, Firefox, iMovie, PhotoShop, MS Word and Excel. Looking at other threads, I opened the Activity monitor and downloaded the temperature sensor, but not sure what I am looking at.Â
Hi everyone! I made the switch to Mac recently after my Dell laptop crashed, and I had just had enough of Vista. I'm LOVING it and getting accustomed to it, but one thing is driving me completely CRAZY and I hate it-
I run a website and on my PC, I would simply edit the coding myself, in notepad. They are PHP files, and uploaded perfectly, no problems.
I opened the file to update the site tonight and it opened in Opera, and didnt show my code. I selected to open it in textedit, and edited it fine, uploaded, etc. After awhile, I found something else that needed to be updated and opened in TextEdit again and now it only shows me a PREVIEW of that PHP file, and not the coding. How can I fix this-- or what else can I use that's going to strictly show me the code only and edit it?
I have a situation in which TextEdit simply will not Quit. It is constantly loaded. Even after a system reboot TextEdit is always loaded and displays a blank text edit window. The blank text edit window can be closed by not TextEdit application itself. Somehow, perhaps some setting, configuration, or possible conflict with another program it is being forced to stay open. It is not causing any system problems to my knowledge, but it is an irritant.
Apparently Apple has decided TextEdit does not need a permanent scrollbar, and that users won't mind going through two steps to make it appear temporarily.Â
I hate this and now will need to download a different simple text-editing program. A scrollbar is necessary for text writing. Shame on Apple.
TextEdit will not let me write to my own Read and Write document. When I try to make a selection by dragging my curser, I get a graphic line within a yellow square.
I updated from 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 last night. Now booting takes much longer - as if Finder is taking an extra 5 minutes to load. Then I tried to launch Preview and Textedit for work and neither will launch. They bounce in the dock for a couple of seconds then disappear. I've looked around the net and couldn't find anything that helps. Anyone got any idea how to fix this?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8 GB RAM
My computer is set up with a network drive that does not allow for the new feature "versions" to function properly. I guess at some point a window popped up and asked if I wanted to save anyway and I clicked the "do not show message again" and cancel. Well it has remembered my choice to not show this message again but now it just permanently overwrites and saves text files when I close them without even hesitating. So 10 minutes ago I had a very important file open and accidentally modified it, I was done with the file but did not want to save it so instead of undoing I just closed the file. This new system has completely overwritten the file with this new version and when I reopen it there are no undo options or previous versions available to restore. How do I turn this stupid feature off?
I had to restore my whole iMac (OS 10.9.3, intel) from Time Machine backup and now is corrupted and cannot be restored. (Don't know what broke system. Virus scan says it is clean.) Â
I tried to individually restore TextEdit from Time Machine but a dialog box says "'' can't be modified or deleted because it's required by OS X." Interestingly, TextEdit worked fine just the day before but, according to Time Machine, it has been broken since January. I tried to restore it from the January backup, but the same dialog box pops up telling me it can't be done.
The last days I've had some problem with my MacBook. The machine hung 3 times - it went to a gray screen with a light gray box about 5"X3" with a light colored power switch as a background, that says "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button" (then says it in French, German, and what looks like Chinese letters maybe?)
I've had constant trouble with Safari 5.0 not wanting to load a page or constantly hanging with what appears to be one or two items left to load from the page. Often, I have to stop Safari and then reload the page to get it to work. I noticed quite a few other people having the same type problem on Apple's support forums. So far nobody seems to have an answer. Anybody have any ideas as to what's going on here?
But other programs still running fine? On my OSX partition only 4 free gigs left. Could this be the problem? I miss firefox, but alas I'm stuck using chrome.
I mean, it really "hangs" as in NOT RESPONDING. And don't go into the "your running it on Win7 on the backside of your MacBook Pro". It typically hangs for 2-5 minutes then "connects" to the station.
I sent some fairly big files back on the 11th Aug via mac mail which uses sky mail. Ever since that sate this application just hangs now and it drains all my bandwidth (i don't appear to be getting any mail) so i have to shut it down. Is there any way of resetting it in effect.
My wife's iMac MC508 is 2 weeks old, I had to re-install it after 1 week because Safari kept hanging. It was working ok yesterday lunchtime when I used it but last night my wife switched it on and just got the white screen with logo, then a blank progress bar then the circle thing before it shut itself down. We have tried all the key combinations that we found online but no change. The only thing I have not done is put the install disk back in for fear of not being able to eject it. Has the hard drive packed up? Does this mean a trip to an Apple store?