MacBook Pro :: Cannot Open HTML File In TextEdit As Original For Editing?
Aug 31, 2014
I'm working on a school project in my intro to computer programming class on my new MacBook Pro. I'm using TextEdit, and I can't seem to create the right kind of file. When I save the file as an .html file I can open in a browser as text, but I can no longer open in TextEdit as the original code to edit it.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 2, 2014
I am trying to attach assignments for school onto my calendar on my mac. It seems like the attachment is saved to a separate folder, so if I edit it, it will not change the original file. Is there a way to make the calder attachment the same as the original file?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 1, 2009
If I open TextEdit, it seems to work ok. But if I open an existing file (RTF), TextEdit opens but is "not responding" (says the Activity Monitor), for about 2 minutes. Then the file I wanted to open suddenly appears and works fine.
How come? And how can I make TextEdit work normally again?
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Aug 23, 2009
ok trying not to get a panic attack here. I downloaded espionge to encrypt my valuable files and while it was encrypting (AES 128 bit i think) the program froze and I had to Force quit it. Now I try to open my file (that i was trying to encrypt) and it looks f*^&# up. I can't open it, and when I tried to unmount the partially encrypted file, espionage gave me errors that it couldnt recover the original file.
I had basically all my life's valuable accumulated data in that folder (it was 10 Gb+). I will praise anyone to the end of my days that can somehow tell me how to restore my file to its original state. Usefull info:
1) AM planning to pay gazillions for recovery software if need be, but free alternatives are always better.
2) I never secure delete if that helps
3) I still have the .sparseimage for the file created by espionage. (P.S. sparseimage's size looks really close to the orignal, also 10 Gb +).
4) Newest version of OSX, and have an IMac.
5) after incident I haven't done anything (no installations or downloads) apart from writing this.
6) the encrypted file was gonna be in HFS+ i think
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Jan 18, 2010
Hi everyone! I made the switch to Mac recently after my Dell laptop crashed, and I had just had enough of Vista. I'm LOVING it and getting accustomed to it, but one thing is driving me completely CRAZY and I hate it-
I run a website and on my PC, I would simply edit the coding myself, in notepad. They are PHP files, and uploaded perfectly, no problems.
I opened the file to update the site tonight and it opened in Opera, and didnt show my code. I selected to open it in textedit, and edited it fine, uploaded, etc. After awhile, I found something else that needed to be updated and opened in TextEdit again and now it only shows me a PREVIEW of that PHP file, and not the coding. How can I fix this-- or what else can I use that's going to strictly show me the code only and edit it?
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May 30, 2010
I must have deleted textedit - can't seem to find it. and I have no clue where my original disc that came with my iMac is. I am running 10.5.8 btw.
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Dec 1, 2010
I need some helping doing some (hopefully) simple HTML editing on my customized Google homepage. Basically, what I'm looking to do is shorten the width of the search bar as shown in the attached screenshot. As far as right-clicking "Inspect Element" on the search bar itself, I'm totally lost as to what to put in the editing window that appears and where/how to do it.
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Dec 15, 2009
What is the best app to edit HTML / CSS for your WordPress Blog? Should you just copy paste the code into your fav HTML editor?
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Mar 19, 2012
I had to move around data and now I have a ton of aliases to fix. I know you can fix an alias by doing "get info" and find original but the window that opens hides the original path and can't be moved. Further more I'd simply need to edit out the first part of the "original" location. I thought opening an alias in textedit would allow me to do that easily but it's unreadable. how I could fix these quickly instead of browsing deep in folder structure to find them again?
Mac OS X (10.6.7), 16GB RAM
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Aug 12, 2008
I am having some real "first" problems with my Mac Pro. The "repair" function is not able to do anything with it. Before I replace the disc, is there something I can do without replacing the disc? I have no idea what this malfunction is or how o understand it. This is my first Mac since the late '90's and I expected problems, it's a computer, and am not sure of the steps I need to analyze the problem or how to correct it. The only thing I need to back up are my clients photographs. The rest is replaceable. Perhaps I should also get advice on how to properly burn CD's for b/u of my wifes email. Well, my email also.
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Feb 13, 2012
Even though my permissions are set to read write, I can't save changes to a TextEdit file. The program keeps saying I don't have permission and asks me if I want to create a duplicate. How can I fix this?
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Feb 22, 2012
Pre-Lion the way to see the path of the file you are currently looking at (in any app, but for simplicity let's say TextEdit), was to select Save As... and it would default to the directory the file is open in. At least that's the way I did it...
So now in Lion (which I generally like) how do you see what directory your current file is located in??
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 28, 2012
When I make a start.command file on textedit, it says:The file “start copy.command” could not be executed because you do not have appropriate access privileges. I have pressed "Get Info" but do not know what to do once I am there.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 10, 2010
I have recently dipped a toe into the world of torrents (I know this is probably something that you cannot be seen to condone), some software packages contain exe files which previously my Macbook Pro, running Tiger, has been able to read and open but recently TextEdit has been set as the default application to open them. I'm not sure how this has happened, is there anyway around this without having to reboot the OS?
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Jun 27, 2012
I open a text file or image file and the LAST text file or pic I had open opens up with the one I want. Anyone know what's up with that?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a config file, /etc/my.cnf that has permissions set via the finder gui to have read/write for anyone that's an "admin". My user is an admin (turns out I'm the only user as well), but when I open this file (it's plain text) in text edit it gives me an error on save saying that I don't have permissions for the folder that it's in. I can, however, use nano via the terminal and modify the file without any issues. I don't want to set read/write permissions on /etc to everyone, so how do I make it so TextEdit (and thus other programs having the same problem) can write to that file?
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Nov 26, 2009
I have a group of students who want to use iWeb to create a website to show off some of their art work for university interviews. They have been creating the site and saving it before logging off a machine. They have been wanting to do more work on their websites, but have found no sign of the pages they created when they log into a machine and load up iWeb. Initially I thought it was because they were logging in on a machine different to the one that they had started creating the site on, so I got them to log onto the original machine, but still nothing. I then got them to export the files to HTML and then to re-open them in iWeb, but it won't let you do that. Any suggestions on how I may solve this problem? The students have network accounts, rather than stand-alone machines that they work on, so I know it's something to do with that.
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Feb 20, 2009
Is it possible to have a HTML file as a desktop picture? (on Mac)
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Jun 8, 2012
[URL]... download the HIREZ video from this link. I try and all I get is a small html file. Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2)OSX6.8 iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo12G AmazonMP3DownloaderPluginCitrix Online Web Deployment PluginDivX VOD Helper Plug-inDivX Web PlayerFlip4Mac Windows Media PluginGoogle Earth Plug-inJava Plug-In 2 for NPAPI BrowsersQuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6RealPlayer Plugin.pluginShockwave FlashSilverlight Plug-InUnity PlayerWacom Tablet Plug-InWacomTabletPluginWebKit built-in PDF Videos.safariextzExtensions.plistTranslate.safariextz
iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12gig RAM/27" screen
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Jan 31, 2008
I tried to open a HTML file in iWeb not thinking it wouldnt open it. It said no it couldnt do it then closed. However everytime i open iWeb it now says the same thing."The Document "index.html" could not be opened" (With the iWeb icon and a big yellow "!" triangle.)Then i get a second box just the iWeb logo now "Can't open file "~/desktop/index.html."Then closes its self. Ive done two reboots. Deleted the file and still the same thing happens. Ive opened the package but cant see any preferences or anyhting to delete. Though i have deleted the iLife preferences form a folder. If i run iweb from the package contents i get a terminal window
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Feb 1, 2009
does anybody know how to insert the file upload option into a html/cgi form? and get it working properly?
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Jun 10, 2010
I'm using QuarkXpress 8.3 to try to convert a print file for a magazine into an HTML version of the file. (We've been converting to PDF's but my boss wants to try HTML now.) When I try to convert the file to HTML, Quark crashes.
The file is 21 2-page-spreads. I've tried duplicating the layout and converting it to a web page in the process and I've tried just converting it to a web file. It crashes either way.
The work-around that I've come up with is to make 21 copies of the file and then delete all but one layer in each file so that each layer is held in a separate file. That keeps it from crashing but now nothing is connected. They aren't even in the same project now.
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Jun 19, 2012
I configured the web server correctly and got my site up and running correctly. Unfortunately, I tried to edit the index.html file and changed all of the CSS formatting so now my page just looks like a simple text page without any images. My HTML coding skills aren't excellent so I cannot reconfigure the file in the same format. Is there a way reset the index.html file?
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Apr 1, 2010
Whenever I open a pdf, adobe starts to open every pdf file on my computer. Does anyone know of any way to stop this? I couldn't really find anything on search. I am running OSX 10.6.3
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a ton of job applications to fill out and hopefully turn them all in tomorrow. I have so many job apps, but rather than filling them all out by hand I'd much rather type the info into the PDF file directly and then print them out, ready to go. What's the best way to do this? I started out downloading Adobe Reader, later realizing there is a difference between Reader and Adobe Acrobat. Then after searching for a while I noticed the trial version of Acrobat I downloaded from Adobe's site is for Windows only; discovering Acrobat for Mac only went up to version 8.
There are no free trial downloads of version 8 for mac out there. I'd really hate to have to print out over 70 sheets of paper and fill them out one by one, box by box. Will "Preview" allow me to edit and add text on each job application? I'll respond quickly, as i'm looking for a solid solution on the matter. The only thing I've found, though don't really like it is uploading the PDF file online to a specific website and editing it there, text box by text box...seems, a bit of a hassle.
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Dec 31, 2009
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
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Jun 11, 2012
For some reason, most (not all) of the songs in my iTunes have an exclamation mark beside them that says "The song [song title] could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"
1) I dropped my computer a week or so ago. At the time it seemed fine with the exception of a small clicking sound from inside the computer.
2) Somone told me that the clicking sound might be because of a harddrive failure (or from a problem with the fan or optical drive). SO I started using Google Drive to backup some of my files, so far however it's only backuped up some of my music (maybe this is why only some of my music works)
3) Whenever I restart my computer now, my trash can becomes full of "Recovered Files". I think I might have deleted these the first few times I saw them.
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Jun 27, 2014
When I try and edit my host file (terminal... sudo nano private/ect/host) there is nothing in there. But when I manually go to the folder, the file is there and there is info on it.
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Nov 17, 2008
I have a large library and just in the past day, many of my songs have become greeted with the following: The song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? I have not moved any files to another location since the last successful play and when I locate the file it is still in the original location. I have many different playlists and I cannot just delete my library or I will lose the content of those playlists...
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Apr 19, 2012
song could not be used because the original file could not be found?
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