MacBook Air :: Unable To Re-Install OS/Migration?

Apr 2, 2008

Migration issues with MBA from welcome screen!!! Does not finish keeps searching for information. Apple tech support advised to load OS on again. MBA gets lost loading OS ??

w' issue for no prompt for disc two! This leaves you with partial OS!!! Apple knows it is an problem now. MBA not as tight and tested as my other Apple products.

Oh, how I wish they had fire wire option! I have returned and will wait for issue to settle down. Neat box too many potholes. Have a good time reaching the MBA tech team.

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MacBook :: Unable To Erase Disk / Volume For Migration

Apr 25, 2012

I'm unable to erase a disk/volume so that I can migrate. The only thing it's allowing me to do is erase free space. I am using MacBook 10.6.8 and migrating to a different MacBook using 10.6.8.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Unable To Use Migration Assistant?

Jul 24, 2009

Ive just got a Macbook Pro, late 2008 model, and i'm running into some difficulties transferring my settings/programs/files etc from my old macbook (purchased 2006).

Both are now running the latest version of migration assistant, and i've tried both ethernet and airport connectivity (I dont have a firewire cable).

Regardless of which method i use, both laptops just stay at the 'looking for other computers' phase. Ive had a quick google/search and cant find a solution, anyone help?

I use bootcamp if that makes a difference?

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MacBook Air :: Undo Migration With Migration Assistant?

Apr 9, 2012

I got a MacBook Air a few months ago and finally got around to migrating data from my MacBook Pro. I am seriously not happy with the results (all I really wanted was to move my iTunes and a limited few apps, and it seems that I got nothing that I wanted). I used a Time Machine backup from an external HD for the migration. Is there any way to undo the migration?

MacBook Air

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Mac Pro :: Migration - Password Not Working - Unable To Log In

Sep 23, 2008

I just completed a migration from a MacBook pro to a mac pro. When I try to log in my old acct on the mac pro my password is not working. When I try the same password on the macbook, works fine.

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OS X :: Unable To Use Migration From Imac G5 To New Mac Mini?

Mar 11, 2010

My Imac G5 stopped working. Bad power supply or logic board. I took out the hard drive put it in an enclosure and ordered a new Mac Mini.

When the mini arrived I used the migration assistant to move everything over. Here are some issues:

1) Microsoft Office is there but the applications will not start up. I get a pop up that says that "this application will not work on this type of mac".

The Icons are also greyed out with a stripe through them.

2) I Work '08. Same as above.

I did check to see if there were any trial versions of this software on the mini and there is not.

I've also tried to look into the Old Hard Drive and see if any files were not moved over.

When I access the old drive it will not let me get into certain folders because it says I do not have permission. They have little red yeild signs beside them.

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Hardware :: Unable To Know About Grey Screen/Migration?

May 9, 2010

What I can tell you is that a month ago, all appeared fine, and I was using Logic, then when I went to open MAIL I got a crash and ever since then, nothing has worked.

I have had Western Digital send me not one but two new hard drives as the first was DOA.

I tried Disk Warrior, Drive Genius 3 as well as Tech Tool 5 and not one can help. In fact, the closest I got was when I ran a /bsin/fkck -fy (or something like that), and it said minor problem, and fixed the issue or so I thought, got a blue screen for about 5 seconds, then it went to GREY again.

I have tried disconnecting all the peripherals, mouse, keyboard (external for a macbook pro) and same thing. I then tried SAFE boot, same thing.Verbose, yup same thing.

So now I do a fresh install and MIGRATION hangs at less than one minute left forever,I then did a new install then ran MA.

I made sure to use a different name then the one I wanted to import, updated from 10.5 to 10.5.8, then performed a migration assistant and kept getting a NEW HANGING where I would then get a message, something is wrong with your network, and the HD space never got smaller.

Continue or Cancel, those were my options.

There doesn't seem to be a way around this and I know it's something small like a silly display thing (example) as I have a 24: HDMI 1080P attached, but detached it when trying to boot.

Does anyone have an anwser for the GREY screen or the hanging migration both at the FRESH INSTALL LEVEL to the no MIGRATION, create dummy admin account, then it hanged at NETWORK ERROR.

Advice and better yet, a solution would be wonderful.

Like I said, all was fine until I launched mail and then that is when the problems started.

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IMac :: Unable To Use IPhoto/iTunes After Migration?

Sep 15, 2010

I got my new iMac last night and proceeded to migrate my MacBook to the iMac through the ethernet cable. Everything thing went smooth and as planned until i opened iTunes.

I open it and my music is not in there. I can click on the store and it operates properly, but when i go back to music, part of the image of the store is in the iTunes window.

ALSO, when i plugged in my iPad it didn't recognize it. it did nothing, actually.

iPhoto opened normally and appeared to be okay, until i started to click on the thumbnails, and it opened up a black screen.

this is happening for almost every photo in iPhoto except for two that happen to be recent ones and located on the desktop.

seems to me that iphoto is having trouble locating the original files, but i have no idea how to tell it where they are.

i should say that all the files (photos, music, movies, apps, iphone and ipda backups) are on the iMac. it seems like everything is there, but these two programs can't seem to locate the files.

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Connect PC Using The Migration Assistant?

Apr 9, 2012

The PC keeps saying "Waiting for your Mac to Connect" and the Mac keeps saying "Looking for Computer"  I have no clue what to do.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), "Waiting for Mac to Connect"

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Select Individual Files For Migration

Mar 17, 2012

When I try to select an individual file or folder I am unable to get below the "Documents" level in the directory.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Download The Windows Migration Assistant?

May 7, 2012

I am unable to download the windows migration assistant to my pc in order to gain from the apple mac book pro experience. Apparently my computer needs to have windows xp or some or system to download the windows migration assistant. I have Win 2007?

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic After Time Machine Migration After Clean Install Of 107.3

Apr 5, 2012

I had the hard drive replaced in in my mid 2009 17" MacBook pro. After the clean install of lion I migrated my data from time machine (lion) to the new clean partition.. Upon completion the machine is unresponsive. The progress wheel turning for 10 minutes. I force quit and restart to kernel panic. I have been through this 3 times same sequence of events same results.

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Applications ::using IPhoto To Aperture Migration Unable To Import Faces?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm migrating from iPhoto '09 to Aperture 3 and noticed it doesn't import learned faces! I have over 130 learned faces in iPhoto and DO NOT want to have to manually re teach Aperture who everyone is. Why didn't they set it up to migrate the faces library as well?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Login To FileVault-protected User Account After Network Migration From 10.6?

Jun 29, 2012

I just used Migration Assistant to move my files from my iMac to my new Macbook Pro. I didn't know about the Filevault problem so when I tried logging in, I got the error message and I am unable to login to my account (the only one on the computer). The support page says to make a root user, but how can I do that when I can't even log in to my account. I dont have a disc copy of Lion I can use to start up with, only a copy of 10.6.

MacBook Pro

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IMac :: Unable To Install Clean Snow Leopard / Instructions To Install On Internal Drive?

Dec 20, 2009

The internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.

Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).

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OS X :: Unable To Install Perl Modules For Aimsniff / Need To Install Dependencies?

Dec 20, 2009

I am trying to install Aim Sniff which runs through terminal. I am slowly figuring out how to use terminal to run .pl files but the readme files says I need to install these dependencies.

Requires Samba to perform SMB lookup features.

Requires the following perl modules:
NetPacket::Ethernet qw(:strip);
NetPacket::IP qw(:strip);
Unicode::String qw(utf8 latin1 utf16);

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Software :: Unable To Install Leopard / Cannot Install Osx On Computer

Nov 4, 2008

i have tried to re-install leopard into my macbook but it is just all a mess. i inserted leopard cd (original copy) into macbook to do a clean install to my new(to me) used macbook. the computer message after choosing language says "cannot install mac osx on this computer".

1. used disk utility to reapair disk...did no work
2. erased hd..still did not work.
3. made partition to install from external just made a total mess with computer.
4.i try to start computer from dvd drive with original leopard cd...still does not work. says cannot install mac osx to this computer...

i have macbook intel core duo 1 gig ram and enough memory.

please help i dont know what to do!!!!!

love my mac. buy i messed it up....

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MacBook :: Unable To Install OS X On The New HD

Nov 10, 2010

i bought a new HD because i couldn't get my old HD to boot up. the old HD has the annoying flashing folder with a question mark. With the new HD, I was unable to install the OS X it said something like can't installed on this computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Install Os X On New Hdd?

Jan 18, 2010

So we replaced our 15 inch macbook pro with a 500 gb hard drive.

We first tried to install snow leopard with no success as it would just load a blue screen then restart. Then we tried to install the original software that came on the mac this loaded up to where we could install it but it did not see a hard drive to install onto.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Install Programs

Nov 4, 2010

I'm trying to install programs, I get past the agreement page and as soon as i start putting my password in the spinny disc starts spinning... its looks like its installing, writes all the files and when it looks like its installed it says failed, contact manufacturer... I thought maybe it was just that program so I tried a different one and the same thing.

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MacBook Pro :: SSD Not Recognized - Unable To Install

Nov 13, 2010

I have a MBP mid 2009 ( 3.06 Ghz - 8GB Ram). Through work I managed to obtain a Lenovo 256GB ( Toshiba ) SSD. When I replace the current 500GB drive with the SSD and boot with the snow leopard (10.6.3) disc, the drive is not recognized. I go into disk utility and the only drive is the DVD drive. I put the SSD in a pc laptop and booted with a Ubuntu Usb drive and it found the SSD first go, no issue, so the drive works.

Info on drive sticker is
Lenovo PN: 45N8206
Lenovo FRU : 45N8207

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OS X :: Unable To Install PKG Files On MacBook

Jun 12, 2009

I am new to mac, I have a macbook on 10.4.11 OS. I am unable to install any .pkg files, I tried to install a driver for wacom tablet ( I get the file from wacom website, apple site directed me to there), my laptop cant open the file, it gives no error code neither, it gives no respond no reaction to my click, double click and try to use open with "installer" move. I did check, in my utility dir there is a installer, but I dont know why it cant install/pkg files for me. I also checked crash reporter under log, there is no crash report log for installer. Same story happens to canon printer driver .pkg file too. I also lose the disks went with laptop so I may have difficult to reinstall the system.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Boot From SL Install DVD?

May 31, 2012

Computer: Macbook Pro 15"   2.66GHz i7 / 4GB DDR3
Model #: A1286  (Mid 2010) 
OS: SL 10.6.8  

Having some issues with MBP (slow performance, Oulook issues, etc.), attempting to resolve by repairing disk permissions and repairing disk.  Disk Utility returns the following: Incorrect number of extended attributes(It should be 390460 instead of 390459) The volume Macintosh HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired. ...then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. Disk Utility stopped verifying "Macintosh HD" This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. So, I was unable to find my OE cd's.  I purchased the SL Replacement Install DVD from apple and attempted to boot from it.  Holding c or option during startup to attempt to boot from DVD were unfruitful. Computer hangs on Apple logo, allowed to sit for 20+ minutes with no progress.  DVD spins up and can hear it, then stops.  SuperDrive works fine when booted and can read DVD no problem.  Reset PRAM during startup successfully, hold c or option and no luck - still hangs.  What more can I do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Install On MacBook Pro

Jun 6, 2012

I have purchased Lion OS X, and the icon to install it was there in my applications. However, when I start it, it tells me that it will install, and the computer will restart. And when it restarts, the same old OS X 10.6.8 is there, no change.

Mac mini, Other OS, Lion OS X

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MacBook :: Unable To Install Any Updates?

Jun 26, 2012

Every time I try to update the software (when the Software Update" panel opens up), I can download the software but after downloading it says "Unable to install software" "An unexpected error occcured".....

I have plenty of HD space (100G available out of 320G), and I've tried repairing permissions, restarting etc but I still get the same error message. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Unable To Partition My Macbook To Install Windows?

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to partition my Macbook to install Windows and am having the following error

"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved.

-Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again."

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MacBook :: Unable To Boot Using OS X Install Disc?

Nov 18, 2010

I have an aluminum macbook, from made around January 09. The issue is I need to repair the hdd using the osx install disc. The problem is that when I try to do so, boot using the disc, it just restarts to the hdd, it will not boot from the disc. I try holding c and I have tried setting the disc as the startup disc and it just goes in this never ending circle of restarting and restarting. I've never seen this before.

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MacBook :: Unable To Boot From An Install Disc

Nov 27, 2010

My late-2007 Macbook's hdd got screwed and I bought a new one.

Now I try to install Snow Leopard but Macbook won't boot from the install disc.

It spins the disc a couple of seconds and then ejects it.

Key commands don't help. Startup manager won't show up if I keep pressing the option key during startup and same goes with pressing c for booting.

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MacBook :: Unable To Install Snow Leopard

Dec 11, 2010

Insecure Startup Item disabled. "/Library/Startupitem/M-Audio Firmware Loader" has not been started because it does not have the proper security settings. I tried to install the program and it looks like it partially installed But I have no idea. I am pretty technologically illiterate.

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MacBook :: Unable To Install OSX 10.5 Nor OSX 10.4 Restore Disc

Feb 10, 2009

I bought OSX 10.5 Leopard about 3weeks ago and still have not been able to install it onto my macbook. When I put the disc in for the first time I went through the standard procedure of clicking install OSX and then restart when it restarts however it goes to the Grey screen with the apple and the spinning loading symbol and just sits there forever.

I thought it was the disc so I took it back and ended up with the exact same problem. I then thought maybe I should just use my factory disc and wipe out everything on the hard drive. It gave me the same problem as trying to install Leopard.

Then I thought maybe it was my CD/DVD drive. Nope! It perfectly played a DVD and I was able to install Photoshop CS4 through the CD/DVD drive as well.

A Month later I am stock with a Macbook that won't budge. I am no longer under warranty so I am trying to see if there is a way that I can fix this problem first before taking it to the apple store where I know I will get charged...I love Apple but I must confess this task would be easier to complete on a PC.

I tried going to disk Utility and erasing the drive and that did not work either because it doesn't give me the ability to click the erase button when I click the Hard Drive. I got this computer from my friend's sister and apparently I am finding out that she had the computer's Hard Drive partitioned and running Windows XP on it on the TIGER OS.

I am not sure if this has anything to do with it but I think it may be a factor as to why the OS disc both Leopard and Tiger (factory disc) will not write to the hard drive. I'm thinking maybe there are some permissions or something not allowing it to write to the drive or something to that nature.

My idea is to wipe out the Hard Drive completely I don't need anything that is on it I already backed it all up. But how would I do this? Is there a program I can use? Can I take the hard drive out and take it to a computer repair store and they hook it up to something erases it all? or should I buy a $40 HD from eBay for the macbook?

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