OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic After Time Machine Migration After Clean Install Of 107.3
Apr 5, 2012
I had the hard drive replaced in in my mid 2009 17" MacBook pro. After the clean install of lion I migrated my data from time machine (lion) to the new clean partition.. Upon completion the machine is unresponsive. The progress wheel turning for 10 minutes. I force quit and restart to kernel panic. I have been through this 3 times same sequence of events same results.
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Feb 2, 2012
My computer broke down so I had a repaired and the original software was re-installed and it worked perfect. Whenever I restore from Time Machine, I get the kernel panic error. I have to reload the original software and it works perfect again. I tried using Migration Assistant, but it fails every time after 30 minutes of saying 1 minute left to transfer documents. I go in to Time Machine and view my external hard drive and all my stuff is still there, except I noticed my applications are crossed out. At least the non-default ones. That may just be because they're not currently loaded.Â
What can I do from here? I was using Lion before my computer went down. I'm now using the OSX install DVD. I also have the Snow Leopard, but haven't tried that, if it even makes a difference.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 1, 2008
Time Machine was doing its normal hourly backup when all of a sudden I got the multi-language gray shade of death. I restarted and tried to backup again, which resulted in another kernel panic. This time I tried entering Time Machine, and in the middle of "Connecting to Backup Volume," I get another kernel panic. This has never happened before I updated to 10.5.3, but I've had several backups since updating and this hasn't happened before just now, so I'm not sure it's a 10.5.3 issue.
[Log] ...
I have Time Machine pointed at a Time Capsule and I'm on the MacBook listed in my signature. I turned off Time Machine until I can figure this out.
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Jan 23, 2009
I just received my refurb 1.8/SSD Air and I'm excited about getting it up and running. I'm confused about one thing. If I do a reinstall to delete printer drivers and languages, and then do a time machine migration from my MBP, would all of the drivers and languages reappear from the migration?
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Nov 28, 2009
I just received a replacement computer for a defective machine. Its a brand new macbook pro. I transferred old files with time machine only to have the new machine resume a series of kernel panics that caused the replacement. The Genius Bar asked me to reload everything from scratch so as not to transfer corrupt files. I did so -- with the most up to date dmg files out there, and 4 days later had another kernel panic. I do not know what it means but have pasted it below.
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May 29, 2012
Over the weekend I tried to backup my MacBook Pro onto an external harddrive, and when about 23Gb out of 110Gb were completed, my mac went into a kernel panic ("You need to restart your computer. hold down the power button until it turns off, then press the power button again." in four languages). Previous backups went fine. So I did a reformat of the ext. hdd, same thing: after about 20 or so Gb of backup, the msg. pops. otherwise the mac runs without problems. Did a virus check, which came up negative.
Here is the panic log:
Interval Since Last Panic Report: -6 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 7254B2B2-A9E2-40B3-9A00-06A141425C7F
Mon May 28 06:53:53 2012
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2abf6a): Kernel trap at 0x00270ea8, type 14=page fault, registers: .....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 29, 2009
I'd like to try a clean install, but i also don't want to reinstall all my apps and settings, etc. But if i recover from a TM backup, won't it bring over all the crap to? I guess my question is, what exactly is on my TM backup? How would i do this?
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Oct 31, 2009
I'm going to reinstall Snow Leopard from scratch for the 6th time since I bought my MBP, which is a little over a month. Why? Constant freezes, lockups, beach balls (OMG I HATE THOSE DAMN THINGS). So I just want to start fresh... again again again again again again.
My question: if I restore from my Time Machine backup after I install Snow Leopard, what will happen? My SL DVD is 10.6. If I restore, will it go to 10.6.1? How is all of this going to work? I could just start completely clean and manually transfer my files from the Time Machine drive to where they usually are and be happy.
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Oct 1, 2010
So my hard-drive died. Luckily I have a Time Machine backup of my system. I bought a new HD and tried to restore from the backup. No-go. It complains that it can't restore certain file, so it snorts the restore. I tried an older backup, no help.
So I decided to do a fresh install instead. But once I have OS up & running again, can I restore files from my old Time Machine backup? How does the process work? I'm afraid if I point Time Machone to my old backup, it will overwrite it.
I do have my files backed up manually as well, so I can always copy them by hand. Bit that backup is not as recent as the TM backup.
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Aug 30, 2009
am thinking about doing a clean install of Snow Leopard, but was wondering about the use of Time Machine in the Migration Assistant after it's re-installed. I have a lot of music, documents,apps etc (probably around 70-80gb) on my Time Machine backup that I would need to re-install. When you choose Time Machine in the migration assistant, does it let you choose what to pull off the Time Machine, or does it just take everything?
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Dec 29, 2009
I need to do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my machine, but don't want to restore everything that is on my time machine. I have purchased much shareware software that I don't currently need and don't want hogging disk space.
Is it possible to do a partial restore of selected programs and their settings, or is it an all-or-nothing affair?
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Apr 27, 2010
Did a clean install the other day to see if that'd help out my system's performance. Seems like it might just have done that.
1. Since a clean install helped me out, I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to do a full Time Machine restore. Or can I safely do that (since that would kinda be the easiest thing to do)?
2. If not, how do I restore all my settings and stuff. What about the programs that aren't just DMG files but have installed some of their stuff in some other folders?
3. I'm especially concerned with my iTunes library - since I sync it with my iPhone. How do I easily and fully restore that?
4. After solving all of this, how do I get my Time Machine back up running - without it starting "all over", as if it was a new machine?
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Jul 4, 2010
I just got my new Seagate Momentus XT, which is going into a late 2007 MBP. I got it because I'm running out of hard drive space and wanted a performance boost. My question is: should I just restore from Time Machine, or would I get a bigger performance boost with a clean install of 10.6, and reinstalling only the apps I currently use?
I know back when I used XP a clean install was a big performance boost itself, but with a mac, is it necessary or worth the hassle?
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Jun 1, 2014
I decided to do a clean install of Mavericks to get rid of all the very old files hiding in my system folders. I made a start-up disk following online instructions, rebooted from the USB drive and wiped the drive and reinstalled Mavericks. Then I plugged in my Time machine backup drive and tried to recover particular folders from the latest backup. However, I am getting a permission error that prevents me from going into the old user folder from that backup. It has a red circle/line icon on the folder.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Aug 28, 2009
I ordered the $29 upgrade online. I was wondering if I could do a hard drive format and fresh install then restore my photos and documents and mp3s from my Time Capsule using Time Machine. This would probably free up even more HD space and make the OS cleaner and fresher, no? Would this be possible?
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Mar 26, 2010
I recently bought an intel x25 160gb for my uMPB. I have a time capsule backing up my system so I just swapped in the new SSD and hit "restore from time machine backup".
About an hour later, the install was finished and everything looked exactly how I left it.
I can't understate how impressive that feature is by the way. However, I wonder if it might be better to do a clean install to really get best performance here.
I say that because I also installed a clean copy of win7 via bootcamp and it actually seems faster than OSX. For example, every common app; firefox, chrome, microsoft office, etc. launches faster in win7 than it does in OSX.
My OSX installation is about 18 months old without any clean installs, and I'm wondering if anyone here has noticed significantly better system performance with a clean install rather than a time machine backup.
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Apr 11, 2009
I've had two of these in less than 24 hours on this new machine. I was able to work in Photoshop and Aperture fine, but the minute I started watching Hulu videos I started getting these. Oddly enough. I zapped PRAM and repaired permissions, and haven't had another one yet... but should I just take it back now while I'm still in my 14 days?
Here is the log:
Mac OS version: 9G3553
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.3: Tue Jan 20 18:26:40 PST 2009; root:xnu-1228.10.33~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacPro4,1 (Mac-F221BEC8)
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Nov 30, 2014
I have successfully transferred my account information from my '09 OSX10.7 MacBook to a 2014 OSX10,10,1 Power Book. Will Time Machine on the new Laptop immediately recognize the back-up data on the External Drive used with Time Machine on the old Laptop? If not, are there instructions on how to get Time Machine to access this data automatically (vs Manual file selection)?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Oct 15, 2009
Bought a new Macbook Pro 2.8 a few days ago (newest one with longer battery), it shipped with Snow Leopard. However, I believe the Hardware is still the same as before Snow Leopard was released, so it should work with Leopard 10.5.
If I try to use a Leopard disc it just doesn't boot, or it comes up with a kernel panic. I even installed Leopard on my 2.5" in my Mac Pro first, then tried booting it on the macbook pro. Same thing, kernel panic. Have they added some kind of lock to the hardware that stops Leopard from being loaded? I thought they would only do that when new hardware is released.
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Oct 19, 2010
I just did a clean install of Snow Leopard on my older macbook. I did not specifically back up my itunes purchases, however, I did do several Time Machine back ups as well as manually moving data via Finder (copy "Macintosh HD" and paste to folder on external), and finally a clone using CarbonCopyCloner. I wanted to start fresh, but I failed to think of my iTunes purchases, as well as iPhone app purchases/downloads. Is there some way I can specifically restore iTunes from the back up without having to restore from a TimeMachine backup?
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Jul 29, 2008
I have a 2.8 Octo Mac Pro, Early 2008 with the ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics, 6 GB Ram, 4 of which are from OWC. I have a Cintiq 20WSX hooked up to it doing animation with Adobe Flash CS3. Since I upgraded the software to 10.5.3, and now 10.5.4, I've been having some kernel panics. Some of the crashes where attributed to the Wacom Tablet Driver and I've been exchanging emails back and forth with Wacom Support and their latest release of the driver seems to solve some of the problems. Now, it's the intermittent kernel panics that's causing me issues. I would get the gray curtain of death every other day.
I have been doing some process of elimination by removing the Cintiq from the Mac Pro and hooking it up with my iMac. The Cintiq runs great on the iMac and I have yet to get a kernel panic. Which led me to suspect that maybe it's in the RAM of my Mac Pro that is causing the problem, or maybe something else I know not of. Other than the mouse, monitor and keyboard, I only have the Cintiq as the external peripheral hooked up to the Mac Pro when these kernel panics occur. Both Mac Pro and iMac are on 10.5.4. Both have Flash CS3 and the latest tablet driver installed.
Actually, other than Flash CS3 I do not have any other 3rd party up running on the Mac Pro. I've been running the Apple Hardware Test and have it on loop for 21 hours straight now, 14 passes so far. There's no report yet of anything. My question is, what should I do after should the Apple Hardware Test reveals nothing wrong? Is there any other way to find out what's been causing those intermittent kernel panics that I have been having with the MacPro and the Cintiq? Do I let it run (the Apple Hardware Test) a lot longer to see if anything will come up?
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Mar 17, 2012
I'm getting a new (late 2011) MacBook Pro next week and I'm wondering which is the best method to move files to the new computer - from a Time Machine backup or Migratiion Assistant (or whatever it's called). I have an "original" MBP circa February 2006 which is running Snow Leopard (most of you might know that my current model cannot use Lion). When I bought my current MBP, I had a PowerBook G4 and used Migration Assistant with no problems but now, with Time Machine, I'm wondering if I will get a 'better' migration of files.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 27, 2012
I had an issue with my hard disk on my imac in which I had to re-format and reinstall the OS. Since 10.7 is not available as a "rescue reinstall disk", I had to reinstall 10.6. When that finished, the install asked if I would like to transfer my stuff from Time Machine. I said "yes". Unfortunately, my time machine disk does not show up! Migration Assistant thinks my "macintosh HD" system disk is the only disk available as the time machine backup. So I skipped migration. I went ahead and did all of the OS upgrades to get back to 10.7.3. I re-connected all external disks (I have 4-the time machine disk included) and tried migration assistant again. The only disk migration assistant still thinks is available as the time machine backup is the macintosh HD system disk, not the one called "Time Machine Backup". Time machine backup is a western digital 2TB usb 2.0 disk.  I decided this morning to re-do everything again (since I still could not get my data back).the same thing is happening! Migration Assistant thinks that the macintosh HD is the time machine disk and does not see any others - even though the disk is there and mounted!Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac, iphone, ipod
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Mar 6, 2012
I'm moving from a MacBook Pro running 10.6.8 to a MBP running 10.7.5. I thought this would be pretty simple ... just attach my Snow Leopard Time Machine external drive to the Lion MBP and run Migration Assistant.Â
But when I go through the MA steps, MA does not see my TM drive. I've made sure I have the latest upgrades and have run Disk Utility's First Aid on the TM drive.Â
Ideas? I know I can try MA with other interfaces but using TM allows me to work on my old computer until my new one is ready.Â
The TM drive is a 500GB Iomega eGo drive.Â
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 23, 2012
I have an iBook G4 running 10.5.8 and a new iMac running Lion. Migration assistant will not accept Timemachine backups. I can't upgrade the OS on the iBook anymore. I only want to move my music, photos and documents. Can I do this by Firewire?
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Apr 13, 2012
I have an EMac 800mhz and I tried to install tiger on it but it said something like "kernel panic, we are hanging here."
eMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x), 800 Mhz Powerpc 640 MB ram 60 gb HD
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Sep 13, 2009
Every time I boot up, the computer goes immediately to this screen: In short, I was running leopard, and installed 10.6. Caused problems with Word and system fonts, so I called Applecare, who were of no help and basically told me to contact Microsoft to get the problem fixed. I decided just to do an Archive and Install of 10.5, so that I'd at least have my working system back and in order. Did that, and was going through and drag/dropping folders from the "Previous Systems" folder into my new one on the recently installed 10.5 setup, and the computer froze while some of the library files were transferring. I powered down, and it KP's after time I attempt to turn it back on.
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Sep 24, 2009
I've got a Powermac G5 desktop. I recently purchased a used keyboard for it off of Ebay. The computer was working fine with just a mouse. Shortly after the keyboard was plugged in, I got a kernel panic, and had to restart. I restarted, and immediately got a message saying "you need to restart your computer", and followed by another kernel panic.
Now, I get a kernel panic and "restart your computer" message, even if the keyboard is unplugged.
I was planning to do a clean install of OS X anyway, and figured that since the computer is completely useless at this point, now would be a pretty good time to go ahead and do it. So I tried to boot from the install CD by inserting the CD and holding down the 'C' key. No result -- it doesn't show me the "boot menu", and instead proceeds as usual, to it's "Restart your computer" message and subsequent kernel panic.
So I then tried rebooting and holding down the "Option" key, and managed to get to the boot menu. I selected "Mac OS X Install Disc 1" and clicked the "--->" button ... kernel panic again.
I'm at a complete loss for what to do next. Any help with this would be much appreciated. All I want to do is reinstall OS X.
How can there be a kernel panic from the boot CD? Apple didn't make it where it tries to use the kernel from disk during install did they?
I'm coming from a Linux background, and am not at all familiar with OS X, so forgive me if I've left information out that I should have included. Please let me know if this is the case, and I'll do what I can to provide it for you.
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Jan 17, 2009
I'm getting kernel panics every time I plug in an external drive. This is happening on a MacBook Pro as well as on a Mac Mini (G4). Both are running 10.5.6.
The drive is one of the Seagate Barracuda 1.5 TB drives that are having all sorts of other problems. I have it in a CoolMax USB 2.0 enclosure (this one: [URL] I've been using this setup for a couple of weeks and didn't have any problems until this morning when I consistently get this kernel panic.
Obviously I can't run Disk Utility on it, unless there's a way to plug it in without it automounting. I could boot my MBP to XP, but the drive has two partitions and both are HFS+. Ideally I would like to preserve the data on the drive. They're only backups, but I don't have access to the originals at the moment, as my main machine is out of commission. Lots of hardware problems lately.
Any ideas?
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Jul 5, 2009
I just experienced a kernel panic while connecting to the internet on dial up using Apple's USB Modem, this is the first time it has happened and I've had the modem for over a year. It happened right after I yanked out the cable right after I clicked the connect button because I realized that the phone was currently in use. Should I post the log at /Library/Logs/PanicReporter ?
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