OS X :: Unable To Install Perl Modules For Aimsniff / Need To Install Dependencies?
Dec 20, 2009
I am trying to install Aim Sniff which runs through terminal. I am slowly figuring out how to use terminal to run .pl files but the readme files says I need to install these dependencies.
Requires Samba to perform SMB lookup features.
Requires the following perl modules:
NetPacket::Ethernet qw(:strip);
NetPacket::IP qw(:strip);
Unicode::String qw(utf8 latin1 utf16);
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Dec 20, 2009
The internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.
Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).
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Nov 4, 2008
i have tried to re-install leopard into my macbook but it is just all a mess. i inserted leopard cd (original copy) into macbook to do a clean install to my new(to me) used macbook. the computer message after choosing language says "cannot install mac osx on this computer".
1. used disk utility to reapair disk...did no work
2. erased hd..still did not work.
3. made partition to install from external hd...now just made a total mess with computer.
4.i try to start computer from dvd drive with original leopard cd...still does not work. says cannot install mac osx to this computer...
i have macbook intel core duo 1 gig ram and enough memory.
please help i dont know what to do!!!!!
love my mac. buy i messed it up....
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Jul 16, 2010
I used fink to install ffmpeg so I could convert some flvs I have to MP3s. Wasted at least 2+ hours to compile all the dependencies only to run into some problem where ffmpeg to throw out an error about flv being an unsupported video codec. I know it should have worked as I have done this on *nix systems before. I after fighting with it for an hour or so I broke down and am now using Audacity to rip the audio out (works too).
So I go to uninstall ffmpeg from fink, expecting all the dependencies to go along with it. Except only ffmpeg is removed. dkpg and/or fink will automatically remove/uninstall the dependencies. ATM I am too frustrated to want to waste more time on this, so I come here asking for help. Is there something I am doing wrong for fink and dpkg not to auto-remove the dependencies?
I was able to output all the dependencies to a text file (yay redirect output). IF worse comes to worse, can anyone help me throw together a bash or perl script to go through the text file and "fink purge <dependency>" for me?
Again I normally wouldn't be asking for help without working on the problem myself, but after wasting all that time for the dependencies and ffmpeg to compile, I'm just too angry to think straight.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have set our new XServe and have PHP running fine. However, I want to use the PHP calendar module/extension. This is a standard PHP module and can be found in the standard downloads from PHP.net. I tried to take the Linux approach of recompliling PHP with --enable-calendar however, this doesn't work as there is no compiler on the system.
Any ideas on how i can get the calander module to work? The only compiled versions of PHP I can find for the Mac don't include calendar.I'm Running OS X 10.4.7, PHP 4.4.1, Apache 1.3.33
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Jul 31, 2010
I had to Archive and Install earlier today and now I'm trying to update to Mac OS X 10.6.4, however, when running Software Update, and downloading the update, an error message, "An error occurred during installation" popped up while it was trying to install the update.
I've tried to repair disk permissions and apply the update in Safe Mode.
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Nov 10, 2010
i bought a new HD because i couldn't get my old HD to boot up. the old HD has the annoying flashing folder with a question mark. With the new HD, I was unable to install the OS X it said something like can't installed on this computer?
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Jan 3, 2011
I recently purchased the Mac Box Set for my Mac Book. However, when I try to install it the disc spins and nothing shows up...I have rebouted the computer and updated the software. What should I do? Any advice? Let me know.
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Apr 8, 2009
I had downloaded photoshop elements 6 for mac and used the trial period. It ran up and my mother purchased the program on a disc. When I try to install it it starts the setup and then tells me that an error occurred and there is an incompatible payload or something along that line. What do I need to do to fix it. I know I should have just put in the s/n from the box instead of trying to install with the disc but I didn't think that much.
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Oct 6, 2009
I just downloaded adobe photoshop cs4 but the problem was every thing went fine but the main software says, licensing for this software has expired
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Jan 18, 2010
So we replaced our 15 inch macbook pro with a 500 gb hard drive.
We first tried to install snow leopard with no success as it would just load a blue screen then restart. Then we tried to install the original software that came on the mac this loaded up to where we could install it but it did not see a hard drive to install onto.
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Jun 7, 2010
A security update (from like March or something) and Safari 5 just simply won't install. They are both downloaded, but when I click install it either shows a spinning loading thing for a few seconds, or the install thing for a few seconds, but then it just restarts.
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Jul 5, 2010
I've noticed that all of a sudden my MacBook Pro stopped installing updates. Lately, the only one that was installed up to the end was an HP printer update. Updates from Apple or from Microsoft Office will not get to the end of the process. It doesn't matter if I try via Software Update or directly from the Apple site. What happens it that the process goes up to the point I click "install" (after choosing the volume - which is the main HD), then nothing happens - no dialog box, nothing. I can click "install" a hundred times (the button remains available). Then I have to quit the installation process.
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May 4, 2009
The system has a NewerTech 1.6Ghz CPU upgrade in it, 1.25Gb of RAM, and 30Gb free on a 80Gb HD. The system doesn't have an Internal DVD, so I attached an external Memorex DVD via Firewire. The system is already running 10.4.11 client and works just fine.
I am willing to either upgrade in place or do a clean load. What ever it takes to get this installed so I can play some...
Currently, when you put the DVD in the drive it shows up on the desktop and you can open it to the Installer.
Upon launching the Installer, you get the message "Mac OSX 10.5 cannot be installed on this machine.
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Jun 29, 2009
I have been trying to install Mac OS X in my laptop.I also have Windows XP installed in an NTFS partition and two FAT32 partitions for my data storage.
I formatted one of my FAT32 partitions and tried to install Mac OS X in this partition.The installation went smoothly until I found the error below The installer could not install some files in "/Volumes/Untitled".Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
I researched in the internet for a solution to this and I found out that Mac OS X is installed in a HFS + journaled partition.I reformatted my partition to HFS+ and tried to re-install the Mac OS X.During installation,the installation setup could only detect my NTFS and FAT32 partitions.The HFS partitions was not in the selection list.
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Nov 3, 2010
Does the VMware support mac operating system? i have a windows pc and i want to install MAC OS can I use the VMware to do that or any other virtual machine?
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Feb 12, 2012
I have had none stop issues since installing lion and I desperately need someone's help. Since the installation my imac constantly loses connection with my bluetooth keyboard and mouse, random horizontal lines appear in Safari, and computer freezes whenever I open more than 3 programs.
imac + macbook
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Apr 19, 2012
I'm trying to install MAC on my PC, but i can't I've been booting from a DVD, but when the apple with grey background appears my PC halted and need to restart. I'm using this DVD file "SnowOSX_Universal_10.6(432)GM_v3.5"... I would like to ask you which version do you recommend me to install along with where can i download it. My computer detail are as under,
Intel Core (TM) 2 CPU
6600 @ 2.40GHZ
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Apr 2, 2012
This is the first time i reinstalled(clean install) my snow leopard on my MBP. All went fine but then i inserted the disc for bundled application (which contains the ilife apps) but it keeps failing.
It says that "the installation failed. the installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. contact the software manufacturer for assistance".
I've also done my research on this matter. I've gone thru a few steps i tried as below without success:
1)normal install - fail
2)repair permission - fail
3)install in safe mode - fail
4) install using another admin acc - fail
5) made an image out of the disc and install - fail
6) used a similar disc(my dad's since we have identical version) - fai
7)updated my system and install - fail
8) reinstall the mac - fail
i cant think of any other solution as im a bit noob when it comes to mac. is there any other things i could try before taking it Apple?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 26, 2009
I've been trying to install and use BootCamp from Apple, so I can use Visual Basic for my classes. Obviously, I need Windows for this. Anyway, i downloaded BootCamp, installed it, and then Windows XP. After this I was told to insert my OSX disc to get the drivers. Well nothing happened at all. I suppose because this install of Leopard didn't include BC, it was a seperate download.I then read that BC Assistant should give me the option to burn a drivers disc. I looked at the provided screenshots, and right where the button should have been, there was nothing.
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Jan 5, 2011
My MBP was recently squished in a motorcycle accident and its hard drive and superdrive were destroyed. Is it possible to buy a new hard drive, put it in an external USB 2.0 enclosure, then install OS X on it using the discs that came with my destroyed MBP in a different Mac, then put the hard drive into the squished computer and have it use that hard drive as its startup disk? The motherboard on the squished computer is fine, I just can't install OS X on it because it has a broken superdrive.
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Apr 10, 2009
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?
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Jun 5, 2012
I jsut did a fresh install. wanted to use my SL DVD but the MBP i5 refused to star with it so I used the original DVD (10.5) and upgraded with the SL DVD to 10.6. However after the initial SL Installation, it tried from the SL DVD and this failed. I did a manual restart, starting from the HD and everything ran fine. however today I note there is a locked file on the HD named Mac OS X Install Data. It contains 181 .pkg files.Now I suppose this should have been moved or deleted as part of the install process. Can I move them to a file where they belong?
MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
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Oct 27, 2010
I have a dual 2ghz G5 that i wanted to clean off and start fresh. I wiped the drive with disk utility and tried to install os from tiger install dvd. G5 keeps hanging at install and also at disk utility. I've swapped both the osX install dvd disk and the entire dvd drive, but still hangs at os load or utility.
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Apr 28, 2010
I got tiger install discs for my emac but I cant get it to run the install. I tried putting the disc in and clicking the restart button on the screen that says "Welcome to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger", but when I click it it just restarts my computer and does nothing. I then tried the alternate install it did the same thing it did nothing but restarted my eMac. I then tried restarting my computer while holding c key nothing once again. Then I tried holding down apple, option, f , and o keys and then typed in cd boot and also tried cdrom boot nether of them worked so i restarted and tried dvd boot/dvdrom boot nothing worked on all the occasion i got a grey screen with a circle with a line through it. What do I need to do to get these install discs to work?
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an aluminum Macbook from late 2008, model A1278. I just had to replace the hard drive, and need to install an OS on the currently blank HDD. Problem is, my CD drive doesn't work, so I can't just install from a disc. I had installed Mountain Lion on my old hard drive, but the original OS was Snow Leopard. I haven't succeeded in getting any of my information off my old HDD. Is there another way to install either Snow Leopard or Lion onto my new hard drive?
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Apr 22, 2010
iMac G4 Flat-Panel, OS 10.4.11, MAMP: Installed MAMP ok but can't install Wordpress so I can setup a blog-page on my website. I do see "install.php" on desktop, it opens in Text Wrangler but I don't know what to do with it. I don't find the "5-minute easy install" so EZ; don't understand the 'language'.
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Mar 2, 2008
so this is me first ever post on this forum, so to get to the point.
i have installed virtual PC on my mac powerbook G4 and then tried to install XP Pro into virtual PC, I got to the point of agreeing to the terms, it says to press F8 to agree or ESC to cancel, arrows to page down but for some reason it will not work. so basically none of the entree bottons work. any ideas ???????
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Oct 20, 2010
when i try to install it, it says you are missing a critical security patch. please use software update to install security update 2010-005
so i installed it, and it still says that...what do i do?
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