MacBook Air :: It Stands On Uppercase Letters?
Jun 3, 2012My Macbook Air stands on uppercase letters, even though the capslock key not to, so i can not login?
MacBook Air
My Macbook Air stands on uppercase letters, even though the capslock key not to, so i can not login?
MacBook Air
My keyboard has suddenly started doing weird things, such as the left shift button types an uppercase 'r', the 'r' key will only type as uppercase, and the right shift key takes me to the overlay screen with post-it notes and the calculator. Any ideas besides taking it to the mac store? And any idea on how much they typically charge to fix things like this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust looking for something to keep my desk more organized. I really like the mStand [URL], but it would be great if someone knew of something similar for the MBA. Or, alternatively, how the MBA looks on that stand.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have installed Windows XP on my Macbook Pro with no issues, however on my iMac everything seems to work except for a few issues with the keyboard. For some reason, when I press the quote button I get the funny symbol of an uppercase E with a line above it instead. (ȩ The same thing happens with other symbols such as the question mark and square brackets.
Is this just a simple keyboard mapping problem or were some drivers not properly installedɍ
I'm looking for some stands exactly like these to put my dual monitors on. Anyone know where I can find these/similar?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm thinking of buying a Time Capsule, but have some quick questions before I purchase that I hope someone can answer. When connecting a few external hard drives and printer to the unit via USB hub, can the external drives be used as backup drive for Time Machine, or is it the internal drive only? And finally, does anyone know how it stands with upgrading the internal drive? The 1TB model doesn't seem too expensive, but the 2TB model seems horrendous, if the only change is the drive. I have the technical skills to change it, but don't really want to if it means invalidating the warranty. Being able to use external drives may stop this though.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOK, so I did something truly stupid. I managed to splash water on my macbook. I hit a small cup of water (about 2 oz) with the end of the computer with the CD drive. It immediately shut off. The next day, I set it outside to dry in the sun and by midday, all was well. It functioned just as it always had. This continued through last night. This morning, when powering on, all I got was a white screen (no tone). After doing powering up while holding command-alt-r-t (a sequence I found on a help board), it will now make the tone, but maintains the white screen. I am slowly accepting that I am an idiot and the computer is probably a loss. Multiple internet searches have suggested it is either the logic board or the hard drive (at the very least). Any ideas?
My dad is a computer programmer, but does not use macs. He looked at it and just shook his head. I am very non-computer savvy (I know how to turn it on). He did say if it is the logic board I should be able to retrieve all of my (non backed up) files on the hard drive. He said he really doesn't think that it is the hard drive.I also am learning that it will probably be cheaper to replace than to repair. However, I am willing to try anything which might help.
Yesterday, I bought a new 60W Macbook charger. Today, I charged my Macbook and when I turned it on, the keyboard was typing in foreign letters. Restarting didn't help.
I have encountered a problem with some PDF files dropping a letter thru the entire document. Some documents it is an "a" and other is an "o".
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
My macbook pro is acting odd.I can't turn off the CAPITAL letters.So when I try to use my main password to login I can't get in. I'm stuck at the initial screen.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
Why I cannot create with my keyboard letters?
MacBook Air
I have a problem with the non capitals of the letters N and P. When I press them normally nothing happens but when I hold down shift I get the capital. So it seems it is no hardware problem?
View 3 Replies View Relatedall of a sudden tonight my keyboard is missing out letters when i type and when i go back and hit the key again it wont work but if i wait a minute or 2 it works but it happens with all the keys not just one in particular and sometimes now they seem to stick so if i press the letter "a" it will come out as aaaaaaaaa
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I have found a previous conversation, see community converation titled: Label Y-Axis as letters, not numbers?
it describes how to do what I want. I understand this described process but I cannot figure out where to place the "lookup" formula for it to work. Do I select the whole table, one column, etc. I have tried to recreate the screen shot sample but get stumped at the formula placement. I need to graph reading levels from a-z with the y-axis being letters not numbers and this old conversation has created this. I have been searching the web for 4 hours and got no where until I found this discussion and now I am so close...
excel, charts, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My keyboard only types CAPITAL LETTERS. When I restart the computer it is taking ages to boot and words "Boot Safe" appears in red on the screen. Mail search is not working and nor is spotlight
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 actually
The keyboard of my macbook air 11´ is typing symbols instead of letters and so I´m not able to introduce my password. I tried to enter as a guest and to Change the Settings or the language but the Problem remains.
MacBook Air
my computer types the wrong letters
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View 2 Replies View RelatedA friend bought a MacBook Air in New York recently. The trouble is that we have 29 letters in our Norwegian alphabet, "æ ø å" in addition to the English ones. Is there any way to code the keyboard to write those Norwegian letters?
MacBook Air
which word processing software I should use for basic letters, etc.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI need to get the qwerty keyboard with both english and arabic letters.There are 3 options, i am not sure which one to choose :S
1.Arabic Keyboard
2.US keyboard
3.Int'l keyboard
How I format capital letters for new sentences/paras in mail?
The Arabic keyboard for the Mac book pro does it include also English letters.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook Pro would not boot this morning. Did a safe start and then everything worked except Safari. It quits immediately with a screen filled with letters and numbers. If you click on the Reopen it does the same thing. Tried the utilities / Disk Utility / Repair Disk permissions ... still doesn't work.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
Having been a mac owner for a few years now, I guess it actually shows the quality of the product that this is the first time I've had to post on this site.I've recently upgraded from my 2008 model MacBook to an early 2011 model MacBook Pro 17" with Lion. This machine was brand new when I purchased it, and is a very lovely bit of kit.
The problem comes from the sleep functionality. Approximately one time of three, when I resume from sleep, the keyboard will be malfunctioning. What I mean by this is that when I type letters, they come out as symbols instead. I haven't been sharp enough to get a direct mapping of A-Z yet (I will do next time), but these aren't the 'ALT' key symbols, they're more like this (which is what I typed into Notepad last time this happened)In order to resolve this, I need to restart the computer, which, thus far, has resolved the issue every time. That said, it's a bit of a pain, so would like to know what's going on and if there is any way to prevent it.
All the software on the mac is up to date at time of writing, there have been no expansions to the machine (yet), so it's exactly as shipped. It's the 2.2GHz i7 Quad Core device, and is the first one supporting the thunderbolt graphics connector. Could it be a hardware problem (if so, I want to return it asap to get it sorted).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My macbook is relatively new and, for some reason, the numbers and letters won't type. It seems like I've looked up every shortcut and I haven't found one that works. The track pad and mouse work perfectly, and when I startup my keys will type in my password, but after logging in they stop typing. The F keys and the command and control and option keys also work along with delete and the arrows but enter and neither shifts work.
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