MacBook :: PDF File Dropping Letters
Mar 20, 2012I have encountered a problem with some PDF files dropping a letter thru the entire document. Some documents it is an "a" and other is an "o".
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
I have encountered a problem with some PDF files dropping a letter thru the entire document. Some documents it is an "a" and other is an "o".
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
Yesterday, I bought a new 60W Macbook charger. Today, I charged my Macbook and when I turned it on, the keyboard was typing in foreign letters. Restarting didn't help.
My macbook pro is acting odd.I can't turn off the CAPITAL letters.So when I try to use my main password to login I can't get in. I'm stuck at the initial screen.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
My Macbook Air stands on uppercase letters, even though the capslock key not to, so i can not login?
MacBook Air
Why I cannot create with my keyboard letters?
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I have a problem with the non capitals of the letters N and P. When I press them normally nothing happens but when I hold down shift I get the capital. So it seems it is no hardware problem?
View 3 Replies View Relatedall of a sudden tonight my keyboard is missing out letters when i type and when i go back and hit the key again it wont work but if i wait a minute or 2 it works but it happens with all the keys not just one in particular and sometimes now they seem to stick so if i press the letter "a" it will come out as aaaaaaaaa
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I have found a previous conversation, see community converation titled: Label Y-Axis as letters, not numbers?
it describes how to do what I want. I understand this described process but I cannot figure out where to place the "lookup" formula for it to work. Do I select the whole table, one column, etc. I have tried to recreate the screen shot sample but get stumped at the formula placement. I need to graph reading levels from a-z with the y-axis being letters not numbers and this old conversation has created this. I have been searching the web for 4 hours and got no where until I found this discussion and now I am so close...
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My keyboard only types CAPITAL LETTERS. When I restart the computer it is taking ages to boot and words "Boot Safe" appears in red on the screen. Mail search is not working and nor is spotlight
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The keyboard of my macbook air 11´ is typing symbols instead of letters and so I´m not able to introduce my password. I tried to enter as a guest and to Change the Settings or the language but the Problem remains.
MacBook Air
my computer types the wrong letters
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy 2009 MacBook keyboard won't type letters. just the number keys and symbols work...any advise?. Is this a setting issue. No physical damage. Also the track pad acts like only secondary click works. When I tap or click it activates "secondary" function
View 2 Replies View RelatedA friend bought a MacBook Air in New York recently. The trouble is that we have 29 letters in our Norwegian alphabet, "æ ø å" in addition to the English ones. Is there any way to code the keyboard to write those Norwegian letters?
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which word processing software I should use for basic letters, etc.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI need to get the qwerty keyboard with both english and arabic letters.There are 3 options, i am not sure which one to choose :S
1.Arabic Keyboard
2.US keyboard
3.Int'l keyboard
How I format capital letters for new sentences/paras in mail?
The Arabic keyboard for the Mac book pro does it include also English letters.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook Pro would not boot this morning. Did a safe start and then everything worked except Safari. It quits immediately with a screen filled with letters and numbers. If you click on the Reopen it does the same thing. Tried the utilities / Disk Utility / Repair Disk permissions ... still doesn't work.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
Having been a mac owner for a few years now, I guess it actually shows the quality of the product that this is the first time I've had to post on this site.I've recently upgraded from my 2008 model MacBook to an early 2011 model MacBook Pro 17" with Lion. This machine was brand new when I purchased it, and is a very lovely bit of kit.
The problem comes from the sleep functionality. Approximately one time of three, when I resume from sleep, the keyboard will be malfunctioning. What I mean by this is that when I type letters, they come out as symbols instead. I haven't been sharp enough to get a direct mapping of A-Z yet (I will do next time), but these aren't the 'ALT' key symbols, they're more like this (which is what I typed into Notepad last time this happened)In order to resolve this, I need to restart the computer, which, thus far, has resolved the issue every time. That said, it's a bit of a pain, so would like to know what's going on and if there is any way to prevent it.
All the software on the mac is up to date at time of writing, there have been no expansions to the machine (yet), so it's exactly as shipped. It's the 2.2GHz i7 Quad Core device, and is the first one supporting the thunderbolt graphics connector. Could it be a hardware problem (if so, I want to return it asap to get it sorted).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My macbook is relatively new and, for some reason, the numbers and letters won't type. It seems like I've looked up every shortcut and I haven't found one that works. The track pad and mouse work perfectly, and when I startup my keys will type in my password, but after logging in they stop typing. The F keys and the command and control and option keys also work along with delete and the arrows but enter and neither shifts work.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAfter I installed Snow Leopard, I noticed that when I am writing into google translation box, some letters are not shown...This also happening when I open a rapidshare link, it shows me the link with most of the letters disappeared...(see attachments)
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo my 4 year old macbook has a logic board problem where it no longer detects the battery. The battery indicator just shows an "x". So basically it works fine but it has to be plugged in all the time. I've heard that if a Macbook does not have a battery in it and is just running off of AC power, it will cut the CPU speed in half in order to cut the power consumption. I want to see if this is true or not. I have ordered a new MBP but I was going to sell this computer for my friend for very cheap, but I need to make sure its not actually running at 1ghz, cause I'd feel bad about selling him something like that. The computer is perfect otherwise.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOften times, the signal gets weak.... and then dies. I know its not my router cause my iPod touch is able to connect to it fine. And then it took me 20-30mins to reconnect. At some points, it see the router, but then says "connection timeout" or it just doesn't connect and then my router disappears.
View 24 Replies View RelatedScientific formulas use a lot of symbols, including greek letters to represent units of measurement. How can I get a greek letter into an english Pages document?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've already tried basic methods of resolving this issue i.e. resetting and unplugging and replugging the keyboard and my keyboard still won't type letters or numbers. The only kind of response I get by typing the keys is the keyboard will performing shortcut commands like save and open, etc. without holding control or alt, it does it when I press the letter keys by themselves.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to the use of Mac (and to the "administration" of computers in general).
I need to run some program that uses the domain name for the license.
When I checked System Preferences > Sharing > Remote login on,
There is a message saying "To log in to this computer remotely type "ssh name@xxx.XXXXXX.XX".
Now, in order to my program to run, I need to change the characters in capital letters (from the domain name) to lowercase. ie. I would like to see a message of the sort "To log in to this computer remotely type
"ssh name@xxx.xxxxx.xx".
Is this possible? How can I change the domain name?
My keyboard is typing letters and numbers. It only happens on the first two rows, (i.e., q1, w2, etc.) I have checked the settings, they seem ok.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have had my MacBook sense Oct. 2006 and not until recently had any problems with the airport. Currently it will connect to any network as per usual and then with out notice just cut out for a few seconds and then come back on.
This isn't a huge pain if Im just browsing the net but if I am trying to hold a conversation using skype, IM, or downloading things it can get very very annoying. It cuts out about every 2 mins. It is not a problem with weak signal because when it is on it is showing full bars.
I have tried it under both my home network and my university network both resulting in the same thing. Is this a hardware issue (crossing fingers it isn't!)? Anybody having similar problems?
Is there something wrong with my computer?? Some special update that I don't know about?? this is so annoying!! I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 but this happened also on 10.5.7 and I am using an early macbook pro model - about 3 years old. I will be connected to the wireless fine all day then like right now it drops the signal and i have to hook my computer up to an ethernet cable. I can restart modem, router, and computer but I haven't found a solution except to try again in a couple of hours and it will work fine. I know it's a problem with the computer itself and my apple care just expired so i hope it's not a hardware issue. Anyone know anything? I've tried changing the password protection on the router but still same result. Just pissed off that my $3000 computer can't hold a wireless signal.
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhat's up with this? on 10.6.2 and applied the latest wifi update...
Anyone else? Maybe the Wireless connection I'm using is flaky, but I didn't think so....
EDIT: looked up the wireless connection through school, it's 802.11n.