Hardware :: How Time Capsule Stands With Upgrading Internal Drive
Sep 4, 2009
I'm thinking of buying a Time Capsule, but have some quick questions before I purchase that I hope someone can answer. When connecting a few external hard drives and printer to the unit via USB hub, can the external drives be used as backup drive for Time Machine, or is it the internal drive only? And finally, does anyone know how it stands with upgrading the internal drive? The 1TB model doesn't seem too expensive, but the 2TB model seems horrendous, if the only change is the drive. I have the technical skills to change it, but don't really want to if it means invalidating the warranty. Being able to use external drives may stop this though.
Alright I have a current rev Mini 1.83ghz, and want to upgrade the stock 80gb HD, wondering if this drive will work. [URL]. I want the 7200RPM, but wasn't sure 3.0GB would work on the intel controller, thinking it may only support 1.5GB. Also, when I reinstall leopard, does it allow me to format the drive to HFS+ or how would I do this?
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.
When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.
What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.
1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?
2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?
3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?
4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??
I have a 500GB Time Capsule, and very slowly my drive is filling up, and that's only with one Mac (I think there's about 25GB left - and no other stuff is on it except for the TM backup). I was wondering if there was a way to add an external drive into the Time Capsule via USB and extend the overall capacity, as I only seem to be able to choose it as a separate backup location. Obviously I don't want to have to buy a bigger USB HD when I'm running low on space. Also, I'm gonna be getting an iMac (As soon as Apple decides to announce new ones!)
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
I'm getting out of the time capsule game. My plan is to put the drive into a ReadyNAS, but I'd still like to use the TC as a base station. Has anyone ever booted a TC without a drive in it? Does it work?
I've seen several hard drives that all say that they are suitable to use with the Time Capsule feature on the iMac. Particularly I noticed a entire range of Seagate drives (Free agent Goflex Pro, etc). I am planning on getting one of the new iMacs with a built in 500 GB drive. Which TC drive would you guys recommend and what features are important?
Any recommendations for a hard drive that runs cool as possible for a reasonable price. 2TB (3TB would be awesome but those are so friggen expensive XD), and decent speed. But most important thing would be running cool and being reliable. WD Green caviar seems to be a popular one. Anything else?
I have my time capsule setup (green light and all). I can backup to it. I can access it and its folders from my new MBP. I can run the windows (and/or apple) Airport Utility and see and configure the TC within the utility but I cannot access it like a network drive on the XP box. I thought I saw somewhere to enter a workgroup name for PC networks but can't find it now.
I recently got myself a Time Capsule. There is just one issue. Once my macbook returns from sleep, time machine immediately looks for the time capsule drive. It gives up looking before my mac even finds the time capsule airport connection. Shortly after it gives up, my macbook finds the airport connection. The result: it delays the next backup for the next hour. Which is not very practical. When I get home from work, I want the time machine to back up immediately once I open it, and not having to use it for another hour or manually do the backup. If time machine just waited about 3 more seconds my macbook would have already established the airport connection and time machine would find the time capsule drive.
I'm looking to add a 1TB hard drive to my Time Capsule so I can have wireless access to the files for my iMac, MBA and Dell (XP). I use the TC hard drive for time machine for my two macs, so this hard drive would be exclusively for storing files that I don't want to keep on my computer. I have a new baby and a camcorder which means there are GBs of files added every day. I was wondering what other people are using for a network hard drive and if they are happy with them. Also, I'm assuming a USB HD to the Time Capsule USB port is a better option (faster and more stable) than a true network hard drive (ethernet port).
I have an older tme capsule and I'd like to use it as just a 1-tb extenal hard drive with my Mac Pro. I messed around with the Time Capsule configuration and finally have a green light, yay! BUT, I was hoping it would show up on my desktop like the other drives.The Time Capsule: Is connected directly to my Mac Pro via a cat 5 cable. It is showing a solid green light. I have wifi turned off. I have a time machine set up with a western digital 2TB external drive. I see it show up in my finder side bar as a shared device. When I right click it the TC icon in the side menu and select open, the window shpw "not connected" at the top. (Even thought the light is green)
I am using a Macbook Pro Retina with a 750GB SSD drive. I backup using Time Capsule.
I am planning to use an external USB drive to store all of my photos in RAW format. Is it possible for me to set up Time Machine so that I backup the MBP and my external USB drive to the Time Capsule?
I'm moving in about a week to London for the next 3-4 years. I'm wondering if I should haul my broken Time Capsule to London and have it replaced there instead of getting another one in the U.S.?The reason for the London switch would be that I'd get a proper plug-in. Also, I'm wondering if my U.S. device is approved for transmitting wirelessly in the U.K.?
I'm thinking of upgrading my Time Capsule 500GB to 1TB and I'd like some recommendations on replacement drives. I've heard Western Digital do a 'green' low-power drive, but I think they're only 5400 rpm. I'd like something that is quiet, reliable and low-powered, but I don't want it to be any slower than the one I already have. I'd prefer WD or Seagate because I've always found them to be the most reliable...
With either the latest Airport Extreme or Time Capsule, can I remote into the hard drive over the internet? (It would not be directly connected to any computer. Just an external hard drive, or built in for Time Capsule, plugged into the Airport)
I recently bought a MacBook Air (my first Mac) - love it. Also bought a time capsule and have backed up onto it. I can't however access the hard drive on the time capsule, no matter how I try. It doesn't even allow access to the sparsebundle file that I see people describe.
I recently had to erase the HD on my iMac and do a complete restore from my external Time Machine drive. Luckily everything,including programs, were restored to where they were during the last backup. This mishap underscored the importance of having everything backed-up and made me truly appreciate Time Machine. As a result I'm considering adding Time Capsule as a secondary Time Machine drive (in addition to the G-drive I have connected via firewire),to act as a back-up to the back-up. I was wondering if I'd be able to do that if I install TC using the "Bridge to an existing network" option during setup.
Would I be able to manage my backups by changing the volume in Time Machine's settings from TC to my G-Force HD, or vice versa? To be clear, i want two full back-up records on separate drives at any given time. I am accustomed to doing my back-ups manually as I don't want my back-up HD running continuously or every hour or so as is suggested by Apple. My feeling is that my external HD will last longer by not being powered-on 24/7. Another reason why I like TC over simply getting a second external HD is because of the networking capability of TC. I get a very weak signal as it is in my basement and I'm hopeful this will improve streaming to my ps3 and iPhone when I'm downstairs.
I purchased a new hard drive from WD. It's "My Book Essential Edition", with 640GB of storage.
Anyway, I plugged the hard drive onto the Time Capsule's USB slot, and having an issue. The issue is that when I click on Time Capsule from Finder, I see the new hard attached USB hard drive. But when I click on it, it creates an error. The situation seems to crash my Time Capsule as well, since it doesn't respond, can't get on internet, and also doesn't appear on Airport Utility.
I must have unplugged and plugged back in Time Capsule about ten times trying this out, but I'm afraid that this might cause problems. So before I do anymore damages, what do you think is the problem based on my issues?
If I had to narrow it down,
1) maybe something about the format. (Mac OS Extended or MS-DOS (FAT)). I plan to use Time Capsule and share files on both TC and the attached USB Hard drive with Mac and PC.I mean it worked right out of the box. I didn't have to format it or anything, as it just kinda worked, when I plugged it in.
2) Something about the USB cable. When I first opened the box, I was quite surprised to see that the USB cable that came with the drive was one of those mini USB cables.
3) wrong with the drive all together. Maybe a defect or incompatibility with the drive and TC. It does say on the box "Mac OS X 10.3+" on the box.
i have all my music on a external drive, and i want to copy it to my time capsule as a backup. but since my music is over 300gb. it will take a long time to copy, is it ok to leave the drive on overnight and let it copy all the music to the time capule?
I was copying some files onto my NTFS drive (i have ntfs-3g installed) earlier in the night, and a few hours later I decide to connect my drive and copy some more files and I get this Time Capsule/machine popup asking if I want the drive to be a a timecapsule drive, I select cancel and start to drag n drop my files. But now the drive just says "Drive "xxx" Cannot be Modified". I tried everything, uninstalled MacFuse, Uninstalled NTFS-3G, reinstalled it all, and I still get this error, Why? It copies fine to my other ntfs drives but not on this one.
I'd like to split my TC into a backup drive and an external hard drive. Apple support tells me they don't support this function, but it's possible. Anyone have any experience doing this?
I will be buying a new imac soon. I currently have the old fashioned, round airport which works fine. I'll need a new back up hard drive to do backups. Question: do people recommend the expensive time capsule for backups and for faster internet? Or is my old airport just fine and I should buy a cheaper hard drive for backups?
It has taken me a little bit to understand how this Time Capsule works. I don't mean the easy Time Machine, backup-only part. I mean that ideally, I'd like to repartition the 1TB hard drive that's inside of it and I'd also like to change the partition style from Apple's old(er) AFP which is mainly used in the PowerPC-based Mac's, to GUID, the current "default" style that every Intel-based Mac uses. Using the AirPort utility that came with the Time Capsule, I did configure every last part of the TC, including the hard drive sharing part, which I protected with a "disk password", one of the three choices given by the Manual Setup Guide. What I apparently can't wrap my mind around just yet is as to where exactly do I enter this password? How do I access the drive from a computer on the network? I apologize if some of these questions seem a bit n00b'ish, but I am officially still new to Mac's and I am most certainly brand new(!) to this Time Capsule! lol...I do love it, though. Some of the config settings are indeed very well thought out.
Just got the time capsule, going to use it for wireless time machine back ups of my laptop. I would also like to connect an external drive to the time capsule for movies and audio files that are too big for my laptop.
I notice if I connect my owc 7200 rpm external drive via the USB port to the time capsule, things are a bit sluggish when I access movie/audio files over the wireless...What if I purchased an external drive with an ethernet port? would it work if I plugged it into the time capsule? and if so would there be a speed increase?